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Ipcrf Dev. Plan

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Action Plan
Strengths Development Needs Timeline Resources Needed
Learning Objectives Intervention
A. Functional Competencies (RPMS-PPST Objectives from Part II of e-SAT)
Applied knowledge and Ensured the positive use To apply positive use of -Seek assistance from September 2021 Internet
content within and across of ICT to facilitate the ICT to facilitate the ICT expert through to June 2022 Laptop, cellphone
curriculum teaching areas. teaching and learning teaching and learning mentoring and Personal Funds
(PPST Indicator 1.1.2) process. (PPST Indicator process. coaching.
1.3 .2) -Actively participate
training, LAC, webinars
on how to use ICT to
facilitate the teaching
and learning process
-Research through
internet and download
videos related this topic
-Self learning by video
tutorial from you tube.

Established a learner- Applied a range of To apply a range of -Seek technical September 2021 Internet
centered culture by using teaching strategies to teaching strategies to assistance from to June 2022 Laptop, cellphone
teaching strategies that develop critical and develop critical and school head, MT’s, Personal Funds
respond to their linguistic, creative thinking, as creative thinking, as and colleagues.
cultural, socio-economic well as other higher well as other higher -Self-learning
and religious backgrounds. order thinking skills. order thinking skills. -Participate in LAC
(PPST Indicator 3.2.2) (PPST Indicator 1.5.2) Session
-Attend webinars
related to different
teaching strategies to
enhance critical and
creative thinking.
Planned and delivered Used strategies for Being able to use -Constant monitoring September 2021 Internet
teaching strategies that providing timely, strategies for providing to the progress of the to June 2022 Laptop, cellphone
are responsive to the accurate and timely, accurate and learners specially in Personal Funds
special educational constructive feedback to constructive feedback to this time of pandemic
needs of learners in improve learner improve learner -Benchmark on
difficult circumstances, performance. (PPST performance colleagues’ best
including geographic Indicator 5.3.2 practices.
isolation; chronic illness; -Seek technical
displacement due to assistance from
armed conflict, urban school head, MT’s,
resettlement or disasters; and colleagues.
child abuse and child -Employ zip grade
labor practices. (PPST application in
Indicator 3.4.2) checking multiple
choice test

Set achievable and Selected, developed, and To select, develop, and Seek technical September 2021 Internet
appropriate learning used appropriate teaching used appropriate assistance from to June 2022 Laptop, cellphone
outcomes that are aligned and learning resources, teaching and learning school head, MT’s, Personal Funds
competencies. (PPST including ICT, to address resources, including ICT, and colleagues.
Indicator 5.3.2 learning goals. (PPST to address learning - Attend webinars,
Indicator 4.5.2) goals. seminars, workshops,
and LAC session on
how to select, develop
and used appropriate
teaching and learning
Built relationships with Participated in To participate in -Join facebook, other September 2021
parents/ guardians and professional networks professional networks media platforms, to June 2022 Internet connection
the wider school to share knowledge and to share knowledge academic or
community to facilitate to enhance practice. and to enhance professional groups. Laptop, cellphone
involvement in the (PPST Indicator 7.3.2) practice. -Continue master’s Personal Funds
educative process. (PPST degree.
Indicator 6.2.2) -Attend webinars. Scholarship for post
graduate studies.

B. Core Behavioral Competencies (from Part III of e-SAT)

Self -Management Results-Focus To plan a specific September 2021 Internet
outcome to produce very -Make checklist, to June 2022 Laptop, cellphone
satisfactory quality work Gantt charts, Personal Funds
planner to achieve
goals on time.

-Seek advice from


Professionalism and Innovation To examine the root Seek assistance from September 2021 Internet
Ethics cause of problems and School Head/ MTs to June 2022 Laptop, cellphone
suggests effective -Collaboration of ideas Personal Funds
solutions. Foster new thru INSET/SLAC
ideas, processes and sessions.
suggest better ways to -Benchmark on
do things (cost and other colleagues’ best
operational efficiency) practices.


Service Orientation




This shall be accomplished/updated during: i) Phase I: Performance Planning and Commitment, based on the results of e-SAT; ii) Phase II: Performance
Monitoring and Coaching, based on the agreements on the Performance Monitoring and Coaching Form and Mid-year Review Form; and iii) Phase IV:
Performance Rewarding and Development Planning, based on the actual results of IPCRF.

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