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B Junior

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TASK 1:: Write the English alphabet.


TASK 2: Write the letter that comes after.

M ______ K____
____ H ______
P______ i____ V_______
C______ d____ S_______
F _____ w____ Y______

ΤΑSK 3: COMPLETE. Use a / e / i / o / u/

u .
1.p _ nk 2.r _d 3.gr _ _ n 4.bl _ _
5. y _ ll _ w 6. _ r_ng_ 7. wh _ t_ 8.p_rpl_ 9.bl_ck 10.br_wn

TASK 4:: Complete with the following words.

What’s * Hi. * I’m * name’s
Hello. ______ John. _______ your name?
- _______
______ . My _________ Kate.

TASK 5:: Write the numbers.

1.__________ 2.__________ 3.___________ 4._____________
5.__________ 6._________ 7.___________ 8._____________
9.__________ 10.__________

TASK 6: Complete with the missing letters.


Mo__ day T__ __ sday We__ n__s__ay T__ __ rsday

__ riday S__ t__ rday S__ nda__

TASK 7:: Answer the questions.

How are you? ________________________
What’s your name? ____________________
How old are you? _____________________

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TASK 8: Write the number.

1+ 9 = ten
12+8= .....................................
10+3 = .................................
8+8 = ................................. 6+6= ...................................
9+ 5= ................................
7+4= ................................. 10+5= ..................................

TASK 9: Match.

1.twenty __ 13
2.fifteen __ 18
3.twelve ___ 20
4.eighteen ___ 16
5.sixteen ___ 15
6.thirteen ___12

TASK 10:Write the noun in the correct column.

party * mouse* flower * dish * man* present * family * dress * potato * baby* biscuit*

-s -es -ies Irregular (ανώµαλα)

TASK 11:Write am, is, are.

1.We _______ happy children.

2.I ______ a big cat.
3.She ______ very beautiful.
4.Tom ____ my friend.
5.I _____ a pupil.
6.Paul and Nicky _____ at school.
7.The flowers _____ yellow.
8.You _____ in my class.
9.Mrs Green _____ a teacher.
10.They _____ best friends.

TASK 12:Write the short form.

1.I am tall. _________________________________________

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2.They are friends. __________________________________

3.It is Monday.______________________________________
4.You are a teacher. _________________________________
5.She is very beautiful. _______________________________

TASK 13:Answer
Answer the following questions.
1.What’s your name? __________________________________
2.How old are you? ___________________________________
3.What’s your favourite colour? ________________________________
4.What’s your friend’s name? ___________________________________
5.What’s your mum’s name? ____________________________________

TASK 14:Write are, aren’t, is, isn’t.


1.The sky _____ blue. It _______ green.

2.Costas ______ a boy. He ______ a girl.
3.The sand _______ blue. It _______ yellow or brown.
4.Elephants _______ small. They _______ big.
5.Aunts ______
____ women. They _______ men.

TASK 15.Write

birds / flies
They’re birds. They aren’t flies.

1. bicycle / car

2. nose/eye
____________________________________________________________ _____________________

3. clowns / children

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.Draw a relative of yours and describe him.

TASK 16:.Draw

He isn’t my dad. He is my grandad.

dad. His name is Ted. He is very funny!


TASK 17:Make questions.


It is a photo album. ________________________________________
2.She is my grandma. ________________________________________
3.They are sisters. _________________________________________
4.Your pet is cute. _________________________________________
5.My pens are blue. _________________________________________
6.His dog is ugly. ___________________________________________
7.Your friends are young. _____________________________________
8.He is from England. ________________________________________

TASK 18:Answer
Answer the questions.

Are the boys in the park? Yes, ____________________ .
2.Is tea hot? _____________________ .
3.Is your Grandpa old? ______________ .
4.Are sharks cute? _________________ .
5.Is your teacher a reporter? ___________________.
6.Are you from England? ______________________.
7.Are you old? ________________________.

TASK 19: Fill in am / is / are / am not / isn’t / aren’t.


1.______ Tommy in the park? Yes, he ______ .

2.Where ______ the biscuits?

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3.______ Mum and Dad in the park? No, they ________ .

4.It’ss my birthday. I ________ happy.
5.______ I late? Yes, you _______ .
6.Is Peter handsome? Yes, he ____ . He ______ ugly.
7._____ you Jane? No, I _________ .
8.______ there children in the classroom? Yes, there ______ boys and girls.

TASK 20: Write have gott / has got.

1.The house _____________ two doors.

2.She __________ blue eyes.
3.We __________ nice slippers.
4.The acrobats ____________ a rug.
5.Charlie and Tom __________ a horse.
6.My brother ____________ two news pencils.
7.The reporters ____________ an idea.
8.The monkey ___________ a banana.

TASK 21:: Write the short form.

I have got a bag. _______________________________________
2.They have got a teapot. ___________________________________
3.She has got slippers and a rug. ___________________________________
4.We have got pens and pencils. ____________________________________
5.He has got an idea. _________________________________________

TASK 22:: Write what you have in your schoolbag.


TASK 23:Write have got,, has got, haven’t got or hasn’t got.

Sonia __________ a cat. She __________ a dog.

It ____________ wings. It ____________ a tail (ουρά).


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They __________ a house. They __________ a tent.

You ___________ a canary. You __________ a goldfish.

TASK 24:Write a / an / the.

1.There isn’t _____bird in ____ tree.

2.There are waves in ______ sea. ______ waves are big.
3.That’s ______ funny hat!
4.There’s _____ elephant in the garden. _____ elephant is hungry.
5.______ sun isn’t purple. It’s yellow!
6.That isn’t ___ aeroplane. It’s _____ helicopter.
7.There’s ___ notebook on the chair. ___ notebook is small.
8.There is ___ apple in my bag. ___
_ apple is green!
9.Look! ___ spider! ___ spider is big and black.
10.There’s ___ man!! Is ____ man a teacher?

TASK 25. Write questions and negative sentences.

1.There are five friends.
2.There is a rabbit in the box.

TASK 26. Answer the

he questions with Yes, there is. / No, there isn’t.. / Yes, there
are. / No, there aren’t.

1.Is there a computer in the bedroom? _______________________________

2.Are there toys on the floor? _____________________________________
3.Is there a desk near
ar the chair? ___________________________________
4.Is there a big window? __________________________________________
5.Are there books and notebooks on the desk? __________________________

TASK 27.Write my, your, his, her, its, our, your, their.
1.We are twins. _______ names are Sally and Joanna.
2.I like flowers. _______ favourite flower is yellow.

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3.My cousins live in Crete. _______ house is near the sea.

4.That snail is pretty. _____ shell has got lots of colours.
5.Paul hasn’t got cold hands. _______ gloves are warm.
6.Mrs Green is our teacher. ______ lessons are fun!
7.You have got a dog. _____ dog is black and brown.

TASK 28.Circle.

1.The cats / cat’s eyes are green. 5.My friend / friend’s car is black.
2.My teacher’s / teachers bag is black. 6.Sam’s / Sam skateboard is green.
3.Cats / Cat’s like balls. 7.The dogs / dog’s eyes are small.
4.That girl’s/ girls dress is red. 8.Who / Whose coat is this?

TASK 29:Write the verbs adding –ing.

win _______________ take ____________________
watch _____________ freeze___________________
write _____________ have____________________
drink __________________ stop _________________
sit ____________________ cook _________________

TASK 30.Write the sentences in the Present Continuous.

1.We _______________ (play) computers games.
2.Mark and Betty ___________________ (throw) snowballs.
3.I __________________ (sit) in my tent.
4.My mum __________________ (cook) a yummy dinner.
5.Mary ________________ (wear) red clothes.

TASK 31:Circle.
1.The children aren’t / isn’t doing their homework.
2.Mum isn’t / aren’t playing a game.
3.The cat isn’t/aren’t climbing a tree.
4.I’m not/aren’t sleeping.

TASK 31:Write the verbs in the Present Continuous and match.

1,_Is___ he ___making__ (make) a fire? Yes, they are.
2._____ we ___________(eat) sausages? No, it isn’t.
3._____ it ____________ (sleep) in a bed? Yes, she is.
4.____ Mum ___________ (cook) dinner? Yes, I am.
5._____ you ___________ (have) fun? No, he isn’t.
6._____ Bob and Alice ____________ (walk)? Yes, we are.

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TASK 32:Answer.
1,Is Dad reading a book? (no) ______________________________
2.Is she opening the present? (yes) _________________________
3.Are they sitting in the classroom?(no) ______________________

TASK 33:Write must / mustn’t.

1.You ________ catch the ball. 6.You _______ jump high
2.You ________ throw the ball. 7.You _______ wear trainers.
3.You ________ kick the ball. 8.You _______ wear jeans.
4.You ________ be slow. 9.You _______ sleep.
5.You ________ run fast. 10.You ______ eat.

TASK 34:Put the words in the correct order.

1.ride / our / let’s / bikes
2.sleep / let’s / tent / in / a
3.cinema / go / to / the / let’s
4.a taxi / take / let’s
5.a present / buy / let’s
6.make / let’s / a pizza

TASK 35:Write some / any.

1.She hasn’t got _________ socks.
2.There isn’t __________ snow on the mountain.
3.He’s got ___________ oranges.
4.There’s _________ grass for the cow.
5.They’ve got ___________ sweets.

TASK 36:Write me / you / him / her / it (x2) / us / them.

1.She is scared. Don’t shout at ______________ .
2.John’s car is dirty. He must wash ___________ .
3.I have got bananas. I like ____________ .
4.John is playing with Vangelis and me. He is playing with ___________ .
5.George is singing. I can hear (ακούω) _______________ .
6.I am running. Look at ____________ .

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7.You look pretty. I want to take a picture of _________ .

8.Look at the cake. Let’s eat __________ .

TASK 37. Write the words in the correct column.

water * flower * sandwich * cheese * apple * milk * book * meat



TASK 38.Circle.( How many/How much προσοχή στο ουσιαστικό που ακολουθεί εάν είναι
στον πληθυντικο ή είναι µη-µετρήσιµο / some για κατάφαση, any για ερώτηση και άρνηση)
1.My cat is in the tree. Can you see us / me / it?
2.Your shoes are dirty. Please clean them / they / us.
3.This is a very good book. You must read he / she / it.
4.Mother is sleeping. Don’t wake (ξυπνάω) she / her / it.
5.My baby brother is crying. Mother is singing to him/her/it.
6.I like ice cream and Catherine likes ice cream. We / Us / Our are eating ice cream
7.I’ve got any / some / a books in my bag.
8.There isn’t a / some / any milk in the shop.
9.There are an / some / any animals on the farm.
10.How / How much / How many children are in the school?
11.How much / How many apple juice is in the glass?
12.How much / How many apples are in the kitchen?
13.How many / How much money have you got?

TASK 39.Write the numbers.

26 ___________________ 41__________________________
39___________________ 57__________________________
82___________________ 99__________________________
63___________________ 70__________________________
100__________________ 74__________________________

TASK 40.Write about you.

John is my friend. I like him.
I’ve got a sister. I play with her.
My dog is big. I take it to the park.
My grandma makes biscuits. I like them.

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TASK 41:Circle the correct answer.

1.I go / goes skiing in winter. 5.I watches / watch TV at three o’clock.
2.Mum take / takes lots of photos. 6.She dance / dances every day.
3.My sisters speak / speaks French. 7.I studies / study every day.
4.The doctor give / gives us biscuits. 8.He goes / gos swimming on Mondays.

TASK 42:. Write the verb in the correct column.

catch *cry * do * fly * go * play * say * speak * study * take * watch * worry

he/she/ it -s he/she/it -es he/she/it -ies


TASK 43:Write don’t / doesn’t.

1.Children ___________ have lessons every day.
2.The twins __________ like ice cream.
3.He ___________ have a bow and an arrow.
4.Fiona __________ play football.

TASK 44:Write Do / Does.

1.____ you eat spaghetti? 4._____ Sally watch TV?
2.____ John go to school? 5._____ they read comics?
3.____ Mary and Maria like ice cream? 6._____ a cat have a tail?

TASK 45.Write questions and negative sentences.

1.Mia wears hats. - Does Mia wear hats?-Mia doesn’t wear hats.
2.Tina eats ice cream.
3.They like orange juice.

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TASK 46. Answer the questions. (Απάντησε)

1.Do you watch TV in the evening? ________________________________
2.Does your mum work on Sundays? _______________________________
3.Does your teacher read comics? ________________________________
4.Does your dad have a car? ____________________________________

TASK 47.Circle.
1.I get up / gets up at 7 o’clock.
2.She ride / rides her bike to school every morning.
3.Our dog drink / drinks water every day.
4.My sister and I eat / eats fruit every afternoon.
5.He swim / swims in the sea on Sundays.
6.Jane and Mike walk / walks to town on Mondays

TASK 48.Fill the chart.


TASK 49.Fill in the superlative form of the adjective.

1.Jane is the ____prettiest_________ (pretty) girl in the class.
2.Terry is the ____________ (bad) football player at the park.
3.That is the _____________ (dirty) car on the road.
4.Let’s pick the ____________ (big) apple on the tree.
5.This cake is the ____________ (sweet) in the shop.
6.You are my ____________ (good) friend.

TASK 50.Write.

Grandpa is _____older____ than Dad but Grandpa is the ____oldest___. (old)

1.Dad is ______________ than Grandma but Mum is the _____________ . (young)

2.Leopards are _____________ than monkeys but elephants are the ____________
3.Greece is ______________ than England but Africa is the _____________ (sunny).

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4.Billy is ______________ than Helen but Patrick is the _____________ (tall).

TASK 51:Circle.

1.Tom is the tall / taller / tallest pupil in his school.

2.This picture is the big / bigger / biggest in the room.
3.The blue dress is prettier/prettiest than the pink dress.
4.Monday is the better / best day of the week.
5.An elephant is fatter/fattest than a snake.
6.You are my better/best friend.

Task 52:.Write a similar text about your friends

Ι’m Abby and these are my friends. Nell is taller than Pat but Polly is the tallest. I am
thin but Pat is thinner than me. My friends are the best.


TASK 53:Write the following verbs in the Past Simple and put them in the correct

chase * close* cry * pack * play * race * study * watch * worry

-d -ed -ied

TASK 54.Put the verbs in the Past Simple.

1.Tommy _____________ (climb) a tree.
2.Jen _______________ (play) basketball.
3.Martha ______________ (study) all night.
4.Pablo _________________ (cry) at school.
5.She __________________ (pack) three suitcases.
6.They _________________ (watch) a film.

TASK 55.Write the verbs in the Past Simple.

On Saturday, we _____________ (visit) the Natural History Museum. We

____________(arrive) in London by train. Then we _____________ (walk) through the

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park to the museum. At the museum, we ____________ (watch) a video about dinosaurs
and we _____________ (look) at all the old dinosaurs bones. After that, we
____________ (listen) to the noises that whales make in the sea. I ___________
(love) the museum. Best of all, I ___________(like) the dinosaurs.

TASK 56.Write these irregular verbs in the Past Simple.

1.Mary _____________ (go) to London with her family.

2.Dad ______________ (eat) my dinner last night!

3.Jim ______________ (catch) a fish last week.

4.I _______________ (see) Big Ben in London.

5.Sally ______________ (give) her mum some flowers.

6.Mum ______________ (buy) a lot of chocolate.

TASK 57.Write the negative form of Past Simple.

1.Brian ___didn’t go___________ (not/go) to school yesterday.

2.Sally _______________ (not / do) her homework on Monday.

3.Billy and Eva _______________ (not/visit) Japan last month.

4.Geroge ___________________ (not / fly) to England last week.

5.I _________________ (not /buy) a present for my friends.

TASK 58: Write the negative form of Past Simple.

Desperate Dan ________________ (not/have) a good day yesterday. He

_______________ (not/fly) to work because the plane _______________
(not/come). He ______________(not /go) home because he ______________
(not/find) his house keys in his pocket. He ________________ (not/help) the little girl
because he ________________ (not/remember) his superhero belt!!!

TASK 59: Complete with the verb in the PAST SIMPLE. Then write the sentences in the

1.Mary _____________ (go) to London with her family last week.


2.Dad ______________ (eat) my dinner last night!


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3.Jim ______________ (catch) a fish last week.


4.I _______________ (see) Big Ben in London.


5.Sally ______________ (give) her mum some flowers.


6.Mum ______________ (buy) a lot of chocolate.


TASK 60:Answer the questions

1.Did you go to school yesterday? _________________________

2.Did your friend visit you yesterday? ________________________

3.Did you eat pizza on Sunday? ______________________

4.Did it rain yesterday? _________________________

TASK 61: Put the verbs in the Future Simple.

1.They ___________________ (go) to Spain for their holiday next year.

2.John ___________________ (help) me carry the bags.
3.The teacher __________________ (talk) to Matt’s mother after school.
4.I ______________(wait) for you in the living room.
5.After the show they ______________(eat) in a restaurant.
6.Dad _______________ (wash) the car tonight.

TASK 62. Put the verbs in the Future Simple.

be buy go pack stay swim

1.On Friday, we _____will go____________ on holiday.

2.Mum _______________ our suitcases.
3.Dad _______________ the tickets for the plane.
4.We _______________ in the sea every morning.
5.It ________________ hot and sunny every day!
6.We _______________ in a hotel near the beach.

TASK 63:Write the negative form of the Future Simple.

1.In the summer it will be sunny. It _______________ (be) rainy.

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2.On Tuesday, I’ll go to the swimming pool. I _____________ (go) to the park.
3.On Thursday, I’ll visit Grandma. I _______________ (visit) my friends.
4.Dad will take his camera on holiday. He ______________ (take) his TV!

TASK 64. Write the verbs in the be going to form.

αm / is / are +going to + ρήµα

1.Greg ___is going to have_______________ (have) a party.

2.Mum ______________________________ (do) the shopping.
3.Tania and Billy ______________________________ (climb) Mount Fuji.
4.Dad ____________________________ (ride) his bicycle in a race.
5.I _______________________(get) a birthday present.
6.They ________________________ (play) computer games.

TASK 65.Write the negative form.

1.She is going to get up early.

2.They are going to visit Japan.
3.I’m going to swim in the sea.
4.We are going to write a story.

TASK 66.Put the words in the correct order and answers.

1. ? / going / he / is / swimming / to / go (ΝΟ)

_______Is he going to go swimming?_____ No, he isn’t.______________
2.? / he / to / is / going / baseball / play (NO)
3.? / meet / going / is / to / she / a pop star (YES)

4.? / to the party / going / to / is / he / go (YES)


TASK 67:Circle
1.Is she / Are she going to sleep in a tent tonight?

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2.”Are you going to walk to school? “Yes, am / I am.

3.Tommy isn’t going / not going to be an astronaut.
4.Is the postman going to / going come?
5.”Are we going to meet a pop star?” “No, you are / we aren’t.
6.Is / Is it going to be sunny tomorrow?
7.John and Diana aren’t going / isn’t going to go home.
8.Is he / Are they going to go swimming tomorrow? Yes, they are.


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