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Ravindra College of Engineering For Women::Kurnool Microwave Engineering - R15-Midi Question Bank

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1. Give the applications of microwaves

2. What is an Attenuator? Give its types
3. Define the Coupling Factor and Directivity of a 2-hole Directional Coupler
4. Define wavelength
5. What is faradays rotation
6 . List band designations of microwaves.
7. Give the applications of magic tee junction
8. Define cut-off frequency of waveguide
9. Define dominant mode
10. Draw the symbol of gyrator
11. Sketch the dominant mode of rectangular waveguide
12. Define phase and group velocities with equations.
13. What is a cavity resonator
14. Define phase velocity
15. Draw the symbol of isolator
16. What are waveguide posts? Draw their equivalent circuits
17. What are the uses of Attenuator?
18. What is the range of microwaves? Give the band designations.
19. Define group velocity
20. The directivity of a 10dB coupler is 20 db. Find it isolation.
21. Give the characteristics of Ferrite
22. Give the range of frequencies of K and Ku bands
23. Write the equation of guide wavelength
24. What are TE and TM modes
25. Write Maxwell’s equation in differential form
26. Write the equations of cut-off frequencies for rectangular & cavity resonator
27. What are degenerate modes?
28. Give the equation for power transmission of a rectangular waveguide
29. Define wave impedance of a rectangular waveguide and give equations for impedance in
TE and TM mode
30. Define Q of a cavity resonator
31. Give the equation for phase constant of rectangular waveguide
32. Give the equations for field components of rectangular wave guide
33. Sketch TE11 and TM11 modes of rectangular waveguide
34. What is TEM mode?
35. Give the solution of TEmnp and TMmnp of rectangular cavity resonator
36. What is coupling coefficient of cavity resonator? What are its types?
37. Give the boundary conditions of rectangular waveguide in TM mode
38. List any two non-reciprocal devices.
39. What are waveguide junctions? Give its types

40. Define coupling factor and isolation of a 4-port directional coupler

41. Give the phenomenon of faraday rotation.
42. What is a directional coupler? Give it’s types


1. Explain in detail about Q factor of a cavity resonator with equivalent circuit
2. Draw the diagram of dielectric phase shifter and explain the operation
3. Derive the relation for λo, λc and λg
4. What are the types of directional couplers? Explain the operation of 2-hole DC with
neat diagram.
5. Discuss briefly about faraday rotation based gyrator with neat diagram
6. An air field rectangular cavity resonator has a=d=2cm and b=1cm is operated in
dominant mode. Calculate it resonant frequency
7. Solve the wave equations for field components of TE wave in a rectangular
8. Express the three cases which determine the propagation constant in rectangular
9. Rectangular waveguide with dimensions 3X2 cm operates in TM11 at 10 GHz
.Determine the characteristic wave impedance
10. Illustrate the working principle of resistive card variable attenuator with neat sketch
11. Explain about coupling probe and coupling loop with neat sketch
12. Discuss briefly about faraday rotation based isolator with neat diagram
13. The incident power is 500 mW for a directional coupler. If the coupling factor is 20
dB, calculate the power in the main and auxiliary arm
14. Solve the transvers wave equations for rectangular waveguide
15. Solve the wave equations for field components of TM wave in a rectangular
16. Briefly explain the applications of microwaves
17. An air field rectangular waveguide has dimensions a=6cm and b=4 cm. The signal
frequency is 3GHZ.compute the following TE10,TE01,TE11 modes.(i)cutoff
frequency(ii) wavelength in waveguide(iii) phase velocity and phase constant in
waveguide (iv) group velocity and wave impedance in waveguide
18. Show the operation of E plane tee and H plane tee with neat diagrams
19. Discuss briefly about faraday rotation based circulator with neat diagram
20. The incident power is 100W for a directional coupler. It has a coupling factor of 25
dB and directivity of 40 dB.Find coupled and isolated port powers.
21. Solve the Wave equations for power transmission of rectangular waveguide for both
TE and TM mode
22. Enumerate the basic advantages of microwaves
23. List all the frequency ranges involved in microwave bands
24. Rectangular waveguide has a cross section area of 2.29X1.45cm And the operating
frequency is 10 GHZ . Calculate the following
(a) Free space wavelength
(b) Cutoff wavelength
(c) Cutoff wavelength
(d) Angle of incidence
(e) Guided wavelength
(f) Phase velocity
(g) phase shift constant
(h) wave impedance for TE and TM mode
25. explain the operation & advantages of magic tee with neat diagrams
26. Show that the product of group velocity and phase velocity gives square of velocity of
27. Explain briefly about matched loads with neat diagram
28. A Microstrip line is made of copper conductor its dimensions are as follows: that is
0.362mm in width on a G-10 fiber glass-epoxy board which is 0.3mm in height. The
relative dielectric constant  r of the board material measured at 30 GHz is 5.2. The
microstrip line of 0.028mm thickness is used for 15 GHz. Assume the conductivity of
Copper is5.96X10  / cm .Determine the parameters given
below: (a) Characteristic impedance Z0 microstrip line
(b) Surface resistivity Rs of the copper conductor
(c) Conductor attenuation constant  c
(d) Quality factor Qc
29. A rectangular waveguide with dimensions 3X2 cm, operates in TM11 mode at
10GHz.Determine the characteristic wave impedance.
30. Explain the working of Bothe hole directional coupler with a neat diagram.
31. A rectangular waveguide of 5X2 cm is used to propagate TM11
mode at 9GHz. Determine the cut-off wavelength and wave
32. What is a discontinuity in a waveguide? Explain different types of windows and their
equivalent circuits.
33. Prove that waveguide acts as HPF. Derive the cut-off frequency of rectangular
34. What are the different power losses in a rectangular waveguide? Derive expressions
for them.
35. When a dominant mode is propagated in an air filled rectangular waveguide, guide
wavelength for 9GHz is 4cm.Calculate breadth of waveguide.
36. Give the coupling mechanisms of waveguide. Explain how power is coupled to
and from waveguide with the help of a probe.
37. Explain the Telecommunication and RADAR applications of microwaves
38. An air filled waveguide of 6X4cm operates at 3GHz.Find fc and λg for TE10 and
39. If the power fed at port1 of a directional coupler is 1mW then find the powers at
remaining ports if coupling factor and isolation are 8dB and 40dB
40. Prove that TEM mode is not possible in waveguide.
41. Explain the application of magic tee as measurement of unknown impedance
42. Derive fc of a rectangular waveguide
43. An air filled cavity of 5X3X10cmoperates in TE101. Find resonant frequency and
cut-off wave number
44. Show that TM10 and TM01 modes does not exist in rectangular waveguide
45. Determine the fc of rectangular waveguide of 7X3.5cm filled with dielectric of €r =9
operating in TE10 mode
46. What are waveguide attenuators? Explain about fixed attenuators.


1. The microwave bench in the lab is designed to work in the band [ A ]

(A) X band (B) L band (C) S band (D) C band

2. The mode used in the laboratory is [ A ]

(A) Dominant mode (B) degenerate mode (C) any one of the above two (D) none

3. The cutoff wavelength of the bench is [ A ]

(A) Dominant mode (B) degenerate mode (C) any one of the above two (D) none

4. The method used to measure high VSWR is [ B ]

(A) Slotted line method (B) double minimum method (C) both (D) none

5. Low VSWR Method can be used to measure VSWR up to [ A ]

(A) ten (B) five (C) three (D) none

6. Range of VSWR in dB indicated in the VSWR meter is [ B ]

(A) 0-2dB (B) 0-10dB (C) 0-5dB (D)0-100dB

7. The temperature coefficient of the thermistor is [ B ]

(A) Positive (B) negative (C) zero (D) none

8. Baretters have [ A ]

(A) Positive (B) negative (C) zero (D) none

9. Impedance of the line to the left of voltage minimum is [ A ]

(A) Inductive (B) capacitive (C) high resistance (D) low resistance

10. Impedance of the line to the left of voltage minimum is [ B ]

(A) Inductive (B) capacitive (C) high resistance (D) low resistance

11. The bolometer that has a negative temperature coefficient of resistivity is called [ C ]

(A) Barretter (B) varistor (C) thermistors (D) calorimeter

12. For impedance measurement the following oscillator is used [ D ]

(A) Reflex Klystron tube (B) Gunn oscillator (C) A & B (D) A or B

13. When the co-planar arm lengths are not the same, then output in the H- plane tee can be[ C ]

(A) In phase (B) out of phase (C) with phase difference (D) either

14. When the co-planar arm lengths are not the same, then output in the E- plane tee can be[ C ]

(A) In phase (B) out of phase (C) with phase difference (D) either

15. The outputs of directional coupler have a phase difference of [ A ]

0 0 0
(A) 90 (B) 45 (C) 180 (D) none

16. Coplanar arm ports in 3-port junctions can be [ A ]

(A) Matched to junction (B) mismatched (C) either (D) none

17. For its S Matrix to be unitary, the circuits should be [ B ]

(A) Reciprocal (B) lossless (C) both (D) none

18. Chain S parameters are similar to [ C ]

(A) ABCD parameters (B) transmission-line parameters (C) both (D) none

19. An E-plane tee is [ B ]

(A) A voltage junction (B) a series junction (C) both (D) none

20. An E-plane tee is [ B ]

(A) A voltage junction (B) a shunt junction (C) both (D) none

21. No, of cavities in reflex klystron is [ A ]

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

22. No, of cavities in reflex klystron is [ A ]

(A) 1 (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4

23. IEC is affected due to [ A ]

(A) Capacitor (B) inductor (C) both (D) none

24. Lead inductance effected due to [ B ]

(A) Capacitor (B) inductor (C) both (D) none

25. Gain bandwidth product is achieved at frequency [ C ]

(A) Higher (B) low (C) particular (D) none

26. Commonly used re-entrant cavity is [ D ]

(A) Tunable (B) radial (C) toroidal (D) coaxial

27. Linear beam tube is also called as [ B ]

(A) M type (B) O type (C) both (D) none

28. RF input for 2 cavity klystron is [ A ]

(A) Buncher (B) catcher (C) both (D) none

29. RF output for 2 cavity klystron is [ C ]

(A) Buncher (B) catcher (C) both (D) none

30. Electron buncher consists of [ D ]

(A) Late electron (B) earlier electron (C) reference electron (D) all the above

31. DC beam voltage for 2 cavity klystron is [ A ]

(A) 300V (B) 200V (C) 100V (D) 50V

32. Reflex klystron provides Variable frequency from [ C ]

(A) 1GHZ-200GHZ (B) 2GHZ-300GHZ (C) 4GHZ-200GHZ (D) 3GHZ-300GHZ

33. Reflex klystron generates low power from [ D ]

(A) 2mW-2.5mW (B) 3mW-4.5mW (C) 4mW-4.5mW (D) 1mW-2.5mW

34. Reflex klystron provides an practical efficiency of [ A ]

(A) 22.78% (B) 33.78% (C) 44.78% (D) 55.78%

35. Reflex klystron provides an theoretical efficiency of [ B ]

(A) 10%-20% (B) 20%-30% (C) 30%-40% (D) 40%-50%

36. Microwave bench set up is used to find [ D ]

(A) Frequency (B) power (C) attenuation (D) all the above

37. Microwave bench set up is operated in which band [ D ]

(A) K band (B) Ku band (C) L band (D) X band

38. Frequency of X band ranges from [ A ]

(A) 8GHZ-12GHZ (B) 2GHZ-300GHZ (C) 4GHZ-200GHZ (D) 3GHZ-300GHZ

39. Microwave source generates a frequency of [ B ]

(A) 4 KHZ (B)1 KHZ (C) 2 KHZ (D) 3 KHZ

40. Isolator is a device [ A ]

(A) Uni directional (B) bi directional (C) both (D) none

41. Maximum attenuation occurs in isolator from [ B ]

(A) Port 1 to port 2 (B) port 2 to port 1 (C) both (D) none

42. Minimum attenuation occurs in isolator from [ A ]

(A) Port 1 to port 2 (B) port 2 to port 1 (C) both (D) none

43. Variable attenuator is used to reduce [ C ]

(A) Power (B) amplitude (C) both (D) none

44. Slotted line is used to measure [ C ]

(A) Power (B) amplitude (C) VSWR (D) none

45. Matched termination is used to absorb [ B ]

(A) Incident wave (B) reflecting wave (C) both (D) none

46. Bolometer technique provides the power ranging from [ C ]

(A) 10mW-1W (B) 1W-10W (C) 0.10mW-10mW (D) 1W-20W

47. Calorimetric technique provides the power ranging from [ A ]

(A) 10mW-1W (B) 1W-10W (C) 0.10mW-10mW (D) 1W-20W

48. Calorimetric watt technique provides the power ranging from [ B ]

(A) 10mW-1W (B) 1W-10W (C) 0.10mW-10mW (D) 1W-20W

49. Bolometer technique measures [ A ]

(A) Lower power (B) medium power (C) high power (D) none
50. Calorimetric technique measures [ B ]

(A) Lower power (B) medium power (C) high power (D) none

51 calorimetric watt technique measures [ C ]

(A) Lower power (B) medium power (C) high power (D) none

52 in barretters technique as temperature increases , resistivity [ B ]

(A) Decreases (B) increases (C) constant (D) none

53 in thermistors technique as temperature increases , resistivity [ A ]

(A) Decreases (B) increases (C) constant (D) none

54. Attenuation in dB=

55. Electronic technique f=

56. VSWR=

57. For measurement of low VSWR, S should be [ A ]

(A) <10 (B) >10 (C) =10 (D) none

58. For measurement of high VSWR, S should be [ B ]

(A) <10 (B) >10 (C) =10 (D) none

59. Quality factor Q=

60. Impedance measurement oppose the flow of current [ B ]

(A) DC (B) AC (C) both (D) none

61. Impedance measurement Z=

62. S matrix is used to measure [ C ]

(A) Voltage (B) current (C) both (D) none

63. Condition for perfectly matched is [ A ]

(A) Sii=0 (B) Sij=0 (C) Sji=0 (D) none

64. Condition for symmetric matrix is [ C ]

(A) Sii=0 (B) Sij=0 (C) Sij= Sji (D) none

65. For E-plane tee [ B ]

(A) S23= S13 (B) S23=- S13 (C) both (D) none

66. For H-plane tee [ A ]

(A) S23= S13 (B) S23=- S13 (C) both (D) none

67. For magic tee [ C ]

(A) S24= S14 (B) S23=- S13 (C) both (D) none

68. For clock wise circulator [ C ]

(A) S13= S21=S32=1 (B) S31= S12=S23=0 (C) both (D) none

69. For anti-clock wise circulator [ C ]

(A) S13= S21=S32=0 (B) S31= S12=S23=1 (C) both (D) none

71. Write the finalized S matrix for E-plane tee

72. Write the finalized S matrix for H-plane tee

73. Write the finalized S matrix for magic tee

74. Write the finalized S matrix for directional coupler

75. Write the finalized S matrix for clock wise circulator

76. Write the finalized S matrix for anti-clock wise circulator

77. Write the finalized S matrix for isolator (if port1 is input)

78. Write the finalized S matrix for isolator (if port2 is input)
79. If the phase difference between voltage and current in a device is 180 , such device is [ D ]

(A) an inductor (B) a capacitor (C) a positive resistance device (D) a negative resistance device
80. If the phase difference between voltage and current in a device is 0 , such device is [ C ]

(A) an inductor (B) a capacitor (C) a positive resistance device (D) a negative resistance device

81. Which of the following is a TED [ A ]


82. Which of the following is/are unipolar device? [ C ]

(A) MESFETs (B) HEMTs (C) both A & B (D) none

83. Which of the following is/are diodes? [ D ]

(A) TEDs (B) ATDs (C) VARICAPS (D) all the above

84. GUNN diode operating frequency ranges from [ A ]

(A) 1-100GHZ (B) 2-200GHZ(C) 3-300GHZ (D) 4-400GHZ

85. Abbreviate RWH

86. The time taken by the electron to travel into the repeller space and back to the gap in a reflex
klystron is referred to as [ C ]

(A) Transit time, T = n+1/4 (B) bunching time, T = n+1/4

(C) Transit time, T = n+3/4 (D) bunching time, T = n+3/4

87. Write the equation for cut-off magnetic field Bc=

88. Write hull cut-off voltage equation Vc=

89. Write hartree condition equation VH=

90. The main advantage of TWT over a multi-cavity klystron is: [ C ]

(A) To make-sure broadband operation (B) to minimize the noise figure

(C) To minimize the RF field’s (D) none

91. The purpose of attenuator in a travelling wave tube is [ C ]

(A) To prevent saturation (B) to increase gain

(C) To prevent oscillation (D) to help bunching

92. The following is not used as a TWT slow-wave structure [ D ]

(A) Coupled cavity (B) helix (C) ring bars (D) periodic permanent magnet

93. A backward- wave oscillator is based on [ C ]

(A) Cross field amplifier (B) coaxial magnetron (C) TWT (D) rising sun magnetron

94. Which one of the following can be used for amplification of microwave energy[ C ]

(A) Reflex klystron (B) magnetron (C) TWT (D) Gunn diode
95. Strapping is used in magnetrons to [ A ]

(A) Prevent mode jumping (B) ensure bunching

(C) Improve the phase focusing effect (D) prevent cathode back heating

96. The purpose of the slow-wave structure used in TWT amplifiers is [ C ]

(A) To increase wave velocity (B) to reduce spurious oscillations

(C) To reduce wave velocity so that the electron beam and the signal wave can interact

(D) None of the above



1. Define Applegate diagram for 2 cavity klystron

2. Write the finalized S matrix for magic tee

3. Why are S parameters used in a microwave network analysis?

4. What is negative resistance phenomenon?

5. What are the limitations of conventional tubes?

6. What is bunching process?

7. Write the finalized S matrix for H-plane tee

8. Define transit time?

9. Write the finalized S matrix for isolator (if port2 is input)

10. Draw the symbol of varactor Diode

11. List the applications of two cavity klystron amplifier

12. What is the significance of s matrix?

13. Write the finalized S matrix for E-plane tee

14. Write down the S matrix of a 2 port network

15 Write the finalized S matrix for isolator (if port1 is input)

16. Discuss the condition for oscillation in reflex klystron

17. List the properties of scattering Matrix for a lossless Junction

18. What is the purpose of microwave solid state devices?

19. What is the purpose of Avalanche Transit time devices

20. Name some avalanche transit time devices

21. Define Hull cut-off

22. What are the different blocks that frame the microwave test bench?
23. Express the characteristics of VSWR meter

24. List the applications of reflex klystron

25. Name the element that exhibits Gunn Effect

26. List out the types of magnetrons in M-type tubes

27. Outline the advantages of TWT

28. What is meant by strapping?


1. Derive the S matrix for magic tee

2. What are the properties of S matrix

3. Explain in detail about the microwave power measurements using power meter with neat

4. Explain the description on microwave bench setup with neat diagram

5. List out the errors and precautions of microwave measurements

6. Illustrate with neat sketch, the cross sectional view of magnetron tube and explain how
bunching occurs with equations of electron trajectory and derive the expression for Hull cut-off

7. Discuss the working principle of Gunn diode as a transferred electron device with two valley
model. Also draw the structure, equivalent circuit and V-I characteristics of Gunn diode.

8. What is a scattering matrix? Derive the scattering matrix for 2 port network

9. Derive the S matrix for E-plan tee

10. Draw the block diagram and describe the principle of measurement of impedance of a
unknown load using slotted section waveguide method

11. Explain the low microwave power measurement with neat diagram

12. List out the applications of microwave solid state devices

13. Explain briefly about limitations and losses of conventional tubes at microwave

14. Summarize the slotted line method of VSWR measurement and explain how to measure low
values of VSWR

15. Derive the S matrix for directional coupler

16. What are the bulk properties of Gunn diode that give rise to a negative resistance?

17. Explain the double minimum method of measuring VSWR

18. Explain output power and efficiency in reflex klystron

19. With the help of block diagram, explain the steps involved for the power ratio method and
RF substation method of attenuation measurement.

20. Derive the S matrix for circulator coupler

21. Summarize the power output mode cure/frequency characteristics of reflex klystron

22. Give the measurement procedure for Q factor of a resonant cavity and attenuation constant at
microwave frequencies

23. Draw and explain the microwave bench setup for impedance measurement using slotted line

24. Write the classifications of Microwave tubes-O type and M type

25. Explain briefly about RWH theory with neat sketch

26. Describe the mechanism of operation of two cavity klystron amplifier with Applegate

27. With neat sketch, illustrate the concept of Hartee condition in magnetron

28. Using Manley-Rowe power relation, demonstrate the concepts of parametric amplifier and
state its applications.

29. Why pi-mode operation is preferred in cylindrical type magnetron? Give its working
principle with neat sketches.

30. Explain briefly about Gunn diode oscillating modes with neat sketch

31. Explain the construction and equivalent circuit details of VARACTOR diode

32. Explain about LSA mode with Gunn diode with its equivalent circuit.

33. Compare O-type & M-type tubes

34. Write the output characteristics of M-type tubes

35. Explain briefly about separation of pi-mode using strapping of magnetrons with a neat sketch

36. With a neat sketch, explain the structure and principle of operation of TWT amplifier.

37. Compare TWT and klystron

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