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Detailed Lesson Plan

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A. Content standard: The learners should demonstrate an understanding of the one-way flow
of energy and cycling of materials in an ecosystem.

B. Performance standard: The learners should be able to make a poster comparing food
choices based on the trophic levels.

C. Learning Competencies: The learners should be able to describe the transfer of energy
through the trophic levels.

At the end of 60-minute session, 75% of the students should be able to achieve 75% proficiency to be
able to:
a. Identify the components of a food chain;
b. Determine the process of energy transfer in trophic levels;
c. Construct their own food chain;
d. Differentiate food chain from food web; and
e. Analyze the importance of every organism in the food chain and food web.
f. The learners should be able to describe the transfer of energy through the trophic levels;
g. The students perform skit about food chain and food web.


A. Topic: Food chain and Food web
B. Sub-topic: Transfer of energy in trophic levels
C. Materials: Pictures of animals, cartolina, marker, laptop, projector
D. Reference(s):Biological Science, Science 8 Learner’s Module
E. Values:
F. Strategies: Food chain rock-paper-scissors, Song analysis, Integrative Approach, Picture Analysis,
Collaborative Thinking, Differentiate Learning
Good morning, class! Good morning ma’am!

Before you take your seats, please arrange your chairs The students arrange their chairs and pick up the
and pick up the pieces of papers around you. pieces of papers.

Who are absent todays? The class secretary reports the day’s attendance

Our last topic was about the difference of high

What was our previous topic? and low biodiversity, where in high biodiversity is
the presence of lots of varied living organisms in
an ecosystem like that of the rain forests, while
low biodiversity has only few living organisms
present in an area, like in deserts.
Very good, that is correct.
Today we are going to have a new topic but before that,
we are going to play a game. Please move your chairs on
the sides so that we can start our activity.

We will have grass, snake, rabbit and hawk. Grasses

need to put their hands above their heads. Rabbit will
hop around. Snake will form their arms like a snake while
hawks will move their hands like a wings.
Everybody will play “rock-paper-scissors” and the winner
will become the next organism while the loser remains
the same. You can only play “rock-paper-scissors” with
the organism the same with you. The goal of everyone is
to become the final organism, the hawk.
Are the instructions clear? Yes, ma’am.

Okay, very well, everyone. Settle down. Arrange your

chairs now.

What did you observe in the game we played? There is a series of organisms in the game, which
are dependent on the next by being a food

Can anyone elaborate that? The grass is a food source for rabbits. Snakes eat
rabbits and snakes are eaten by hawks.

And this sequence of organisms is called? Food chain ma’am.

Very good.
Our lesson for today will be about food chain. To easily
remember what food chain is, let us listen to a short Who eats what, what eats who?
song and analyze its lyrics. Who eats me, and what eats you?
I got some news, it’s not a game.
We’re all just links in the food chain!
(We’re all just links in the food chain)

Where do get our energy?

By eating food we catch and see
Plants and meat, they both contain
Energy for the food chain!
(Energy for the food chain!)

Based on the game earlier and the song we listened to, Food chain is the series of organism all eating the
how can we define food chain? organisms before them.

Very good.
Food chain is the sequence of organisms all related to
one another as prey and predator, or what we call food
source. Hence, the name.

All the energy used by living things come ultimately from

the sun. Solar energy is then absorbed by plants where Photosynthesis ma’am.
in it is converted to stored chemical energy.
This process is called what?

Very good! All plants are producers. What do we mean Producers are autotrophic organisms. They can
by producers? make or produce their own food using sunlight or

Plants,trees, grains and fruits.

That’s right. In the game earlier, the producer is the
Plant –like protest like algae.
grass. Can you give other examples of producers? Phytoplanktons and zooplanktons.

Very good. Producers are being eaten by consumers, Herbivores feed directly on plants,
Carnivores feed on meat of other animals
where in the chemical energy is being passed to every
Omnivores feed on both plants and meat of
consumer. There are different types of consumers based animals.
in their food source. What are they?

That’s right. Since herbivores take their food directly

Aside from the rabbits, farm animals like goats,
from the producer level, we refer to them as primary sheeps, cows and carabaos are herbivores.
Nectar-feeding and nut-and-grain eating birds
consumers. The primary consumer in the food chain
like hummingbirds also herbivores.
illustrated in the game is the rabbit. Can you give
examples of herbivores?

Correct. Carnivores are secondary or tertiary consumers.

In the food chain in the game, snake is the secondary
consumer while the hawk is the tertiary consumer. Both
are carnivores.

What are the other examples of carnivores?

Carnivores are lions, tigers, hyena, leopard and
wolves and fox.
Other examples are prey-hunting birds like
falcons, owls, and eagles.
Sharks and crocodiles are also carnivores.

Omnivores, or the plant and meat-eating organisms may

be found in any of thr consumer trophic level. Can you
Humans are omnivores
give examples of omnivores?
Hens, ostrich and crows are omnivores.
Bears and pigs also eat both plants and meat.
The third component of a food chain is the decomposer.
What do you think decomposers do?
Decomposers help “decompose” materials. These
are organisms that recycle nutrients from
decaying organic matter. It helps break down
nonliving organic matter into inorganic matter
later needed by other producers.
Can you give examples of decomposers?

Examples of decomposers are fungi, bacteria,

I have here pictures of a food chain, and a food web. invertebrates such as worms and insects.
How are these two different from each other?
Food chain is a single sequence of organisms
passing on nutrients and energy. Food web is the
complex, interconnected feeding relationship
Very good.
between organisms in an ecosystem.

To better understand food chain and food web, let us

watch this video.
Video will be played.

What questions do you have?

Let us have another activity.
Go to your groups and form a circle. I will give each
group a set of pictures which you will use to construct
your own organism interaction. After 5 minutes, I will
need a representative from each group to present their
works in terms of the trophic level and energy flow.

Do you understand?
Yes ma’am
I will grade you according to the following criteria:
Cooperation of the group ---5 pts
Voice of the presenter -------5 pts
Eye contact --------5 pts
Gestures -------5 pts
For the total of 20 points.

You may now start.

( all groups presents their work in front)

Is everything clear now? Yes ma’am.

What is food chain? A food chain is the sequence of feeding
relationships of organisms.

What are the components of a food chain? Producers, usually plants which can make their
own food.
Consumers which pass on the energy.
Decomposers which break down materials to be
used by other producers.

What is food web? Food web is the complex, interlocking network of

food chains.

Are the components of a food chain important? Yes ma’am.

On the ¼ sheet of pad paper, match column A with B. Write only the letter of your correct answers in
each number.

1. food chain a. autotrophic organisms
2. food web b. consumer that eats plants and meat
3. omnivore c. series of feeding relationships of organisms
4. producers d. consumer that feeds on plants only
5. decomposers e. break down organic materials
f. complex interlocking feeding relationships of

In 1 whole sheet of paper.

1. Explain the relation of 1st and 2nd law of thermodynamics in the transfer of energy in trophic levels.
2. Draw and explain the following ecological pyramids.
a. Pyramid of numbers
b. Pyramid of biomass
c. Pyramid of productivity

Prepared by: Jessa Mae B. Cariaga

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