Material Specification: Specification: B-1 Revision Date: 09/06/2016 Revision Level: AE
Material Specification: Specification: B-1 Revision Date: 09/06/2016 Revision Level: AE
Material Specification: Specification: B-1 Revision Date: 09/06/2016 Revision Level: AE
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
2.4 Certain residual elements may be present in steel which
are not specified or required. Unless directly called
out, the maximum acceptable limits for residual
elements are listed in Table 1.
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
Table 2. Aluminum Content Limits
Aluminum Weight Percent
Total 0.015-0.050
Total “Aim” 0.020-0.040
Acid Soluble* 0.015 min.
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
decarburization depth of 0.008 in. (0.2 mm) for bar
diameters 0.500 in. (12.70 mm) and smaller or 1.6% of
the diameter on sizes over 0.500 in. The existing
decarburization shall at least meet SAE J419-198312,
Type 1 requirements. Bars that have undergone surface
removal shall meet SAE J419-1983 (12), Type 3
Mn Cr Mo V Ni Cu
C.E. C
6 5 15
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
3.2 STRAND AND BLOOM: The "as cast" product must exhibit, after
proper etching (ASTM E 381-01(2006)) or sulfur printing,
three zones of solidification; chill, columnar and equiaxed
(from surface to center). Mill checks will be made on the
"as cast" or semi finished billet product and must conform
to criteria below.
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
3.4 Rhomboidity of strand or bloom shall be limited to 5%
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
TABLE 4. Approved reduction ratios for forged parts produced from
continuously cast steel.**
Axle Centers 3.0:1
Axle Shafts 11.0:1
Drive Line Shafts 10.0:1
Steering Knuckles 3.0:1
Steering Knuckle Cap & Pin - off highway 2.4:1
Steering Arms and Cross Tube Arms 9.0:1
Anchor Pins 10.0:1
Differential Case Flange Half 1.0:1
Differential Case Plain Half 2.5:1
Drive Axle Spindles – (Linehaul) 2.5:1
Drive Axle Spindles (Forged at the
Meritor Morristown Plant) 2.5:1
Integral Spindle Trailer Axles 14.0:1
Weld Yokes 3.0:1
End Yokes 3.0:1
Wing Bearing Caps 3.0:1
Shifter Forks 5.0:1
Forged Ferrous Trailer Hubs 1.5:1
Trailer Brake Spider 7.0:1
Brake Cams 10.0:1
Steering Knuckle-Cap & Pin (Drive Axle) 2.7:1
Hydraulic Disc Brake Pistons 5.0:1
Differential Pinions-Precision Forged 4.0:1
(Mack Prec. Forged Diff Pinion & Gear) 11.9:1
Side Gears-Precision Forged 4.2:1
(Mack Prec. Forged Side Gear) 10.0:1
Drive Pinions 4.2:1
Drive Gears 4.3:1
Cut tooth gear (Bar stock) 10.0:1
(AxleTech Products) 7.0:1
Forged Planetary Ring Gear Hub 3.6:1
Stabilizer Bars 15.0:1
Hollow Stabilizer Bars 15.0:1
Helical Springs 15.0:1
Torsion Bars 15.0:1
** Approvals listed in this table apply only to parts manufactured
for Meritor. Approval for application to non-Meritor parts must be
received from the customer through the supplying Meritor plant.
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
Date Change
09/06/2016 Level Section 1.”pre-qaulified “ was “Approved”
AE PR-04821 Added SBQ requirement paragraph in Section 1.
Added Section 3.2.7 on grade approval sampling
requirements. Editorial changes in referencing
the proper tables.
Editorial changes in Section 6.
03/15/2016 Level Updated section 2.5. Specified prior austenite
AD grain size as grain size to be measured. Added
PR-03567 an alternate rating method if the prior
austenite grain size is coarser than ASTM 5.
10/23/2014 Level Updated header and reformatted specification.
AC Re-numbered sections and tables. Added Reference
Request 30272-173 Specification section.
07/16/2012 Level Changed Section 2F hardenability revised SAE
AB J406 appendix B, to reflect most current
Request 32847-1 specification (now appendix A).
Re-formatted 2G into Table 1
Reformatted Table 2 (was formerly Table 1).
Added reference specifications section 6.
08/05/2011 Level Added section 2n – carbon equivalent equation
Request 32495-4
11/05/2010 Level Z Added “resulphurized and rephosphorized….
Request 30272-145 inherently coarse grain…Group” to section 2-E
for clarification. Changed higher to finer in 2-
E for clarification. Added apostrophe in 2-E
(grammar). Clarified approval in 2-E and
reporting in 4A.
Corrected mis-understanding for machined from
bar stock reduction ratio requirements in
4/05/2008 Level Y section 3F. Moved “Exceptions to this rule are
Request 30272-17 listed in Table 1” from after the machined
section to after the forged section. Added the
word “Forged” to heading in Table 1.
12/05/2007 Level X Added “The “applications” section…part drawing”
Request 30276-1 paragraph to the Scope
5/17/2007 Level W Added exception for plate products in Paragraph
Request 26356-5 2E. Modified Change box for Request 26956-4
Section 2E was “aluminum content must be
5/05/2007 Level V reported as total aluminum, not soluble”.
Request 26956-4 Clarified the aluminum content for aluminum
grain refined steel.
Proprietary and Confidential
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
-Reworded section 3F from " and is determined by
12/05/2006 Level U
the ratio of the original strand size to the
Request 25807-4
finished size of the bar or forging.”
6/05/2006 Level T Added maximum vanadium residual of <0.01% for
Request 25807-3 bar stock and plate
4/05/2006 Level S Added section 2M. Changed allowable amount of
Request 25807-2 residual lead to 0.01% for both bar stock and
flat rolled material
2/05/2006 Level R -Added maximum lead residual of 0.001% for bar
Request 25807-1 stock and 0.005% for plate
-Listed all maximum residuals in section 2D in
table format
10/5/2005 Level Q In section 2E, added the following sentence:
Request 25434-3 “The aluminum content for all metallic materials
must be reported as total aluminum, not soluble
9/5/2005 Level P Corrected the date on the header and change box.
Request 25434-2
8/5/2005 Level N Added statement - (NOTE: For sheet and plate,
Request 25434-1 the level of microcleanliness must not adversely
affect manufacturing or part performance) to
paragraph 2G.
7/15/2003 Level M Added provision for Mack Truck steel reduction
Request 23362-1 ratio requirements of 11.9 and 10.0:1
1/15/2002 Level L Added reduction ratio of 7.0:1 for Cut tooth
Request 21627-1 gear (bar stock) for Off-Highway Products in
Table I.
4/15/2001 Level K Tin content in Section D was 0.04% max.
Request 20291-1 Added 0.01% max. for Arsenic, 0.01% max. for
Antimony, with the sum of Sn, As, and Sb not to
exceed 0.03%.
4/15/2000 Level J Table 1 previously stated Drive Axle Spindles –
Request 19837-1 on highway. Added Drive Axle Spindles forged at
the Meritor-Morristown plant.
10/15/98 Editorial change in section 2E: rephrased “fine
Level H grain” to “grain refined”
9/26/97 Major revisions: Para.2E: Clarified provision
Level G for qualification of non-aluminum grain refined
steel. Para. 2G:Excluded sheet & plate steels
from cleanliness requirements. para. 3A2 Deleted
ladle addition requirements, this will be
emphasized in the Steel Approval Procedure.
Para.6 Deleted this is covered in QA policy.
Table 1: Added Forged Planetary Ring Gear Hubs
with 3.6:1 reduction ratio.
6/15/97 Level F Added “Bar stock” in Table 1 (Gears).
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
2/1/97 Sect. 3: ASTM plate was 3.,Sect. 3B2: Added
Level E Drive Gear 4.3:1
4/15/96 Added reduction ratio for steering knuckle cap &
Level D pin & Hydraulic Brake piston. Editorial changes
in Section 3. In 2H, replaced E45 paragraph 12
with 11, plate 3 added.. All reduction ratios
increased to one place significant decimal.
6/15/94 Removed narrow band requirement sect. #7.
Level C Removed steel mill sources from Table 1.
Consolidated 2F hardenability and 7 narrow band
requirements into 2F Section 2H added. Added
“optional grain ...” at 2E. Ni/Cu was Cu/Ni at
2D. Added Vanadium requirement in Sect. 2E.
4/15/93 Deleted in section 3.E2 forged part examples,
Level B and axle center from sec. 7 - narrow band table.
12/15/92 Changed Anchor Pin Reduction from 14:1. Added
Level A SAE Grade 8822H Steel.
4/15/92 Changed reduction ratio for drive pinion from
12/15/91 Deleted approved suppliers list.
12/15/90 Added approved suppliers to the list.
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Material Specification
Specification: B-1
2135 West Maple Road Revision Date: 09/06/2016
Troy, MI 48084-7121
Revision Level: AE
1 Halfway Cracks
2 Pinholes
3 Diagonal Cracks
4 Hinge Cracks - Inboard of chill zone
5 Center Looseness
6 Linear rupture
7 Centerline segregation (Black Hole)
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