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Operating Instructions Maintenance Instructions: Catalogue Number

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The document provides detailed technical specifications and operating instructions for a BOMAG machine. It includes dimensions, weights, engine details, electrical equipment, and other specifications.

Some of the main technical specifications included are the operating weight, axle loads, travel speed and gradability, engine details like manufacturer and model, rated power and speed, and more.

Safety regulations that should be followed include only using the machine as intended, having trained personnel operate it, not modifying it in an unprofessional way, and observing all applicable safety, traffic and country-specific regulations.

Operating instructions

Maintenance instructions

S/N 101 580 35 1199 >


Catalogue number
1 Technical Data

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 7


Fig. 4

Dimensions in A B D H2 H K L O1 O2 S W
BW 212 D-3 2868 2250 1500 2970 2268 490 5610 60 60 35 2130
BW 212 PD-3 2868 2250 1480 2970 2268 490 5610 60 60 25 2130

* BW 212 D-3 BW 212 PD-3

Operating weight (CECE) kg 11080 11480
with ROPS and cabin
Axle load, drum (CECE) kg 6680 7080
Rear axle load (CECE) kg 4400 4400
Static linear load kg/cm 31,4 -

Travel characteristics
Travel speed (1) km/h 0 ... 5,4 0 ... 5,4
Travel speed (2) km/h 0 ... 10 0 ... 10
Max. gradability (depend- % 43 43
ing on soil)

Engine manufacturer Deutz Deutz
Type BF6M 1012E BF6M 1012E
Cooling Water Water
Number of cylinders 6 6
Rated power DIN ISO kW 90 90
Rated speed rpm 2300 2300
Fuel Diesel Diesel

8 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


BW 212 D-3 BW 212 PD-3
Electrical equipment V 12 12
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Driven axles 2 2

Service brake hydrostatic hydrostatic
Parking brake hydr.-mech. hydr.-mech.

Type of steering Oscill.-articul. Oscill.-articul.
Steering operation hydrostatic hydrostatic

Vibrating drum 1 1
Drive system hydrostatic hydrostatic
Frequency Hz 30/36 30/36
Amplitude mm 1,8/0,9 1,64/0,82

Tire size Goodyear 23.1/18-26TL- Goodyear 23.1/18-26/TL-
8PR-AWT, Dyna Torque 10PR
Air pressure bar 1,0 1,1

Filling capacities
Engine Litres 17,5 17,5
Fuel Litres 340 340
Hydraulic oil Litres 60 60
Coolant Litres 20 20
* The right for technical modifications remains reserved

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 9


10 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3

2 Safety regulations

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 11


General Unintended use

This BOMAG machine is built in accordance Dangers may, however, arise from the machine if
with the latest technical standard and the valid it is used by untrained personnel in an unprofes-
technical rules and regulations. There is, how- sional way or if it is used for purposes other than
ever, a risk of danger for persons and property those mentioned in these instructions.
if: Do not work with vibration on hard concrete, on a
cured concrete layer or heavily frozen ground.
● the machine is used for purposes other than
those it is intended for Starting and operation of the machine in an explo-
sive environment is prohibited.
● the machine is operated by untrained person-
Who is allowed to work with the ma-
● the machine is modified or converted in an un-
professional way
The machine must only be operated by trained
● the applicable safety regulations are not ob-
and authorized persons which are at least 18
years of age. The responsibilities for the operation
Each person involved in operation, mainte- of the machine must be clearly specified and com-
nance and repair of the machine must there- plied with.
fore read and apply these safety regulations. Persons under the influence of alcohol, medica-
This should be confirmed by obtaining the sig- tion or drugs must not operate, service or repair
natures of the customer, if necessary. the machine.
Furthermore the following regulations and instruc- Maintenance and repair tasks require specific
tions are obviously also valid: knowledge and must therefore only be carried out
● applicable accident prevention instructions by trained and qualified personnel.

● generally acknowledged safety and road traffic

regulations Conversions and alterations to the ma-
● country specific safety regulations. It is the
duty of the operator to know and observe Unauthorized conversions to the machine are pro-
these regulations. This applies also for local hibited for safety reasons.
regulations and the regulations for various Original parts and accessories have been special-
types of manual work. If the recommendations ly designed for this machine. We wish to make ex-
in this manual differ from the regulations valid pressly clear that we have not tested or authorized
in your country, you must strictly observe the any original parts or special equipment not sup-
regulations in your country. plied by us. The installation and/or use of such
products can impair the active and/or passive driv-
Intended use ing safety. The manufacturer expressly excludes
any liability for damage resulting from the use of
This machine must only be used for:
non-original parts or accessories.
● compaction of bituminous materials, e.g. road
surface layers. (AC and AD machines only) Safety notes in the operating and main-
● medium and heavy compaction tasks in earth tenance instructions:
work (road sub-bases)
● This machine must only be operated with fully  Danger
functional safety equipment.
Sections marked like this point out possible
● The machine should be checked by an expert dangers for persons.
once every year.

12 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3



Towing the machine
Sections marked like this point out possible You should generally use a tow bar.
dangers for the machine or for parts of the ma- Max. towing speed 1 km/h (1.6 mph), max. towing
chine. distance 500 m (1640 ft.).
Before releasing the multi-disc brakes secure the
L Note machine properly against unintended rolling.
Sections marked like this provide technical infor-
mation concerning the optimal economical use of Checking the Roll Over Protection
the machine. Structure (ROPS)

Environment L Note
Sections marked like this highlight activities On machines with cabin the ROPS is an integral
for the safe and environmental disposal of fu- part of the cabin.
els and lubricants as well as replaced parts.
The machine frame must not be distorted, bent or
Observe all environment protection regula- cracked in the area of the ROPS fastening points.
The ROPS must not show any signs of corrosion,
damage, hairline cracks or open fractures.
Information and safety stickers/decals
The ROPS must not rattle about during driving.
on the machine This would mean that it is not properly fastened.
Keep stickers/decals complete (see spare parts All bolted connections must be in accordance with
catalogue) and fully legible and observe their the prescribed specifications and correctly tight-
meaning. ened (observe the tightening torque values).
Replace damaged or illegible stickers/decals im- Screws and nuts must not be damaged, bent or
mediately. deformed.
With the cabin installed check also the condition of
Loading the machine the cabin mounts (rubber elements and screws).
Use only strong and stable loading ramps. The Neither must any additional parts be welded or
ramp inclination must be lower than the gradability bolted on, nor must any holes be drilled without the
of the machine. permission of the manufacturer, since this may im-
pair the strength of the structure.
Secure the machine against turning over or slip-
ping off.
Starting the machine
Secure the machine on the transport vehicle
against rolling off, slipping and turning over. Before starting
Persons are highly endangered if Operation of the machine is only permitted when
● they step or stand under loads being lifted sitting in the operator’s seat.

● they remain in the drive range of the machine Use only machines which have been properly
during a demonstration or during loading. serviced at regular intervals.
Become acquainted with the equipment, the con-
The machine must not swing about when lifted off
trol elements, the working mode of the machine
the ground.
and the area you will be working in.
Use only safe lifting gear of sufficient load bearing
Use your personal protective outfit (hard hat, safe-
ty boots etc.).
Attach the lifting gear only to the specified lifting
Check before mounting the machine if:
● there are persons or obstructions beside or
under the machine

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 13


● the machine is free of any oily and combustible Driving the machine
Persons in the endangered area
● all handrails, steps and platforms are free of
grease, oils, fuels, dirt, snow and ice If the machine has turned over and the cabin door
is jammed, use the right hand cabin window as an
● the engine compartment hood is closed and emergency exit.
Before starting or resuming work and especially
To climb onto the machine use steps and hand- when driving backwards, check that there are no
rails. persons or obstructions in the endangered area.
Check before starting, whether: If necessary give warning signals. Stop work im-
● the machine shows any obvious defects mediately if persons remain in the danger area de-
spite the warning.
● all protective devices are properly secured in
their place Do not step or stand into the articulation area of
the machine while the engine is running. Danger of
● steering, brakes, control elements, lighting squashing!
and warning horn are in order
● the seat is correctly adjusted
In events of emergency actuate the emergency
● the mirrors (if available) are clean and correct-
stop switch immediately. Do not use the emergen-
ly adjusted.
cy stop push button as service brake.
Do not start the machine if any gauges, control Restart the machine only after the danger, that has
lights or controls are defective. caused the actuation of the emergency stop, has
Do not take any loose objects with you or fasten been eliminated.
them to the machine.
If the machine has come in contact with high-volt-
On machines with ROPS you should always wear age power lines:
your seat belt!
● do not leave the operator’s stand
Starting ● warn others from coming too close to the ma-
Start and operate the machine only from the oper- chine or touching it
ator’s seat ● if possible drive the machine out of the danger
For starting set all control levers to "neutral posi- zone
tion". ● have the power shut off.
Do not use any starting aids such as Start Pilot or
Operate the machine only from the operator’s
After starting check all gauges.
Keep the cabin doors closed.
Starting with jump leads Do not adjust the seat while driving.
Connect plus with plus and minus with minus Do not climb onto or off the machine while driving.
(ground cable) - always connect the ground cable
Change the travel direction only while the machine
last and disconnect it first! Wrong connections
is standing.
may cause severe damage in the electric system.
Do not use the machine to transport persons.
Never start the engine by bridging the electrical
connections on the starter, because the machine Stop the machine if you notice unusual noises or
would probably start to move immediately. the development of smoke. Investigate the cause
and have the fault corrected.
Starting in closed rooms
Keep a sufficient distance to excavations and em-
Exhaust gases are toxic! Always ensure an ade- bankments and make sure that you work does not
quate supply of fresh air when starting in closed impair the stability of the machine.

14 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Do not work with vibration on hard concrete, on a Parking on slopes and gradients
cured concrete layer or heavily frozen ground. Secure the machine against rolling, place metal
When passing under flyovers, bridges, tunnels, chocks in front of and behind the drums.
electric power lines etc. keep a sufficient distance.

Driving on slopes and gradients Filling the fuel tank

Do not drive up and down gradients, which exceed Do not inhale fuel fumes.
the max. gradability of the machine. Refuel only after shutting the engine and the aux-
On lopes always drive directly up or down. Change iliary heater down.
to the lower speed range before approaching the Do not refuel in closed rooms.
slope. No open fire, do not smoke.
Wet and loose soils reduce the ground adhesion of Do not spill any fuel. Catch running out fuel, do not
the machine and inclinations and slopes consider- let it seep into the ground.
ably. Higher risk of accident!
Wipe off spilled fuel. Keep fuel free of dirt and wa-
Behaviour in traffic ter.
Match the speed of the machine to the working Leaking fuel tanks can cause explosions. Ensure
conditions. tight fit of the fuel tank filling cover, replace it if nec-
Always allow loaded transport vehicles to pass. essary.

Switch the lights on when the visibility is poor. Fire protection measures
Keep clear of edges and embankments. Make yourself acquainted with the location and the
operation of fire extinguishers. Observe fire warn-
Check the effect of vibration ing and fire fighting installations.
When compacting with vibration check the effect
of the vibration on nearby buildings and under- Maintenance
ground supply lines (gas, water, sewage, electric
power supply), stop vibratory compaction if neces- Observe the maintenance tasks described in the
sary. operating and maintenance instructions, including
the exchange of parts.
Do not work with vibration on hard (frozen, con-
crete) ground. Risk of bearing damage! For service and repair work in the engine compart-
ment support the engine compartment hood.
Parking the machine Maintenance work must only be carried out by
qualified and authorized personnel.
Park the machine on level and firm ground.
When performing maintenance work above body
Before leaving the machine: height use the access steps on the machine or any
● straighten the articulated joint to allow easy other safe ladders and working platforms. Do not
access to and from the machine. use machine parts as access steps.
● return the travel lever to neutral position Keep unauthorized persons away from the ma-
● apply the parking brake
Do not perform maintenance work with the ma-
● shut the engine down and pull the ignition key chine driving or the engine running.
Park the machine on horizontal, level and stable
● lock the cabin ground.
● secure the machine against unauthorized use. Pull the key out of the ignition switch.
Do not jump off the machine, use access steps Lock the articulated joint with the articulation lock.
and hand rails.
Always secure parked machines, which could be
in the way, with appropriate measures.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 15


Working on hydraulic lines ● Do not mix up hoses by mistake.

Always relieve the pressure in the hydraulic circuit ● damage or deformation of the fitting, which im-
before working on hydraulic lines. Hydraulic oil es- pairs the function and strength of the hose/
caping under pressure may penetrate through the hose connection.
skin and cause severe injury. In case of being in-
Only genuine BOMAG hydraulic hoses ensure
jured by hydraulic oil you should immediately seek
that the correct type of hose (pressure range) is
medical advice, as otherwise this may lead to se-
used at the right place.
rious infections.
When adjusting the hydraulic system do not stand Working on the engine
behind or in front of the drum/wheels. Shut the engine down before opening the engine
Do not change the setting of high pressure relief compartment hood.
valves. Drain the engine oil at operating temperature -
Drain hydraulic oil at operating temperature - dan- danger of scalding!
ger of scalding! Wipe off spilled oil, catch running out oil and dis-
Catch running out hydraulic oil and dispose of en- pose of environmentally.
vironmentally. Store used filters and other oily materials in a sep-
Always catch and dispose of biological hydraulic arate, specially marked container and dispose of
oils separately. environmentally.
Do not start the engine after draining off the hy- Do not leave any tools or other objects, which
draulic oil. could cause damage, in the engine compartment.
Once all work is completed (with the system de- Working on electrical equipment
pressurized!) check all connections and fittings for
Before working on electrical equipment disconnect
tight and leak-free fit.
the battery and cover it with insulating material.
Changing hydraulic hoses Do ot use any fuses with higher ampere ratings or
All hydraulic hoses must be inspected visually at repair a fuse with a piece of wire. Fire hazard!
regular intervals. Always disconnect the battery before starting to
Hydraulic hoses must be changed immediately if: weld on the machine.
● the outer layer is worn down to the metal lining Working on the battery
(e.g. chafing, cuts, cracks)
When working on the battery do not use open fire,
● embrittlement of the outer layer (development do not smoke!
of cracks in the hose material) Do not let acid come in contact with skin and
● deformation under pressurized and depressu- clothes. If being injured by acid flush off with clear
rized condition, which are not in accordance water and seek for medical advice.
with the normal shape of the hydraulic hose Metal objects (e.g. tools, rings, wrist watches)
● deformation in bends, e.g, squeezes, kinks, must not contact the battery poles - danger of
layer separation, formation of blisters short circuit and burns!
● leakages. When recharging maintenance free batteries re-
move the plugs to avoid the accumulation of explo-
● non-observance of the installation require- sive gases.
When using an external battery to start the ma-
● separation of the hydraulic hose from the fit- chine follow the respective instructions.
Dispose of old batteries environmentally.
● corrosion of the fitting, which impairs the func-
Switch the charging current off before removing
tion and the strength.
the charge clamps.
Ensure good ventilation, especially when charging
the battery in a closed room.

16 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Working on the fuel system Exhaust gases are highly dangerous! Always en-
Do not inhale fuel fumes. sure an adequate supply of fresh air when starting
in closed rooms!
No open fire, do not smoke, do not spill any fuel.
Catch running out fuel, do not let it seep into the Test
ground and dispose of environmentally. Depending on the type of application and the op-
erating conditions vibratory equipment has to be
Working on wheels and tires examined by a specialist whenever required, but
Explosion like bursting of tires and parts of rims at least once every year.
and tires can cause severe or even deadly injuries.
Assemble tires only with the appropriate knowl-
edge and tools. If necessary have the tires assem-
bled in a special workshop.
Ensure correct tire pressure and do not exceed the
highest specified pressure.
Check wheels and tires every day for specified
pressure, cuts, bulges, damaged wheel rims,
missing wheel studs and nuts. Do not drive with
damaged tires or wheels.
Anti-stick emulsions for tires must only be mixed
using water and concentrated anti-stick agent ac-
cording to the specifications of the manufacturer of
the anti-stick agent. Observe the regulations for
the protection of the environment.

Do not clean the machine while the engine is run-
Do not use gasoline or other combustible sub-
stances for cleaning purposes.
When using steam cleaning equipment do not
subject electrical components and insulating ma-
terials to the direct water jet, but cover them be-
● Do not guide the water jet into the exhaust or
into the air filter.

After maintenance work

Reinstall all protective devices after completing
the maintenance work.

Attach a warning tag to the steering wheel if the
machine is defective.
Repairs must only be performed by qualified per-
sons who have been instructed for this purpose.
Use our repair instructions.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 17


18 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3

3 Indicators and Controls

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 19


3.1 General notes 3.2 Description of indicators

and control elements
Please read this section thoroughly before operat-
ing this machine if you are not yet conversant with
the indicators and control elements. All functions
are described in detail hereunder.
Paragraph 4 Operation contains only concise de-
scriptions of the individual operating steps.

Fig. 5
Nr. 1 = Fuse box

Fuse box "a"

(1), 30A = (F05) socket
(2), 30A = (F11) head lights, StVZO
(3), 30A = (F13) starting
(4), 30A = (F19) working head lights, front, left
(5), 30A = (F22) working head lights, rear
(6), 30A = (F21) dash board light

Fuse box "b"

(1), 25A = (F40) cabin heater
(2), 30A = (F37) water sprinkling system, pump
(3), 30A = (F07) hazard light
(4), 30A = (F09) parking tail light, left
(5), 30A = (F10) parking tail light, right
(6) = not used

Fuse box "c"

(1), 30A = (F14) engine solenoid
(2), 30A = (F26) controls, speed ranges
(3), 30A = (F24) monitoring board
(4), 30A = (F25) solenoid valve braking/driving
(5), 30A = (F03) vibration
(6), 30A = (F23) warning horn

20 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Fuse box "d"

(1), 30A = (F51) solenoid valve, speed range
selection, anti spin control
(2), 30A = (F18) working head lights, front
(3), 10A = (F63) joystick steering
(4), 30A = (F60) Speed-Control
(5), 30A = (F06) water sprinkling system
(6), 30A = (F08) direction indicator

Fire hazard!
Fig. 7
Do not use fuses with a higher Ampere rating Nr. 3 = Fuel gauge
and do not bridge fuses.
shows the fuel level in the fuel tank.

Fig. 6
Fig. 8
Nr. 2 = Operating hour meter
Nr. 4 = Rotary switch for hazard light sys-
counts the operating hours while the engine is run-
Position "left" = hazard light switched off, the
All service work must be carried out according to
control lights go out.
the reading of the operating hour meter.
Position "right" = hazard light switched on, con-
trol light 7 on fault monitoring
board lights up.

* Option

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 21


Fig. 9 Fig. 11
Nr. 5 = Push button for warning horn Nr. 7 = Rotary switch speed ranges (D and
PD machines)
Position "turtle" = working speed
Position "rab-
bit" = transport speed

Fig. 10
Nr. 6 = Rotary switch, vibration
Position "mid-
dle" = vibration off
Position "left" = low amplitude, high frequency Fig. 12

Position "right" = high amplitude, low frequency Nr. 8 = Tachometer*

shows the travel speed of the machine.
black scale = km/h
red scale = M.P.H.

* Option

22 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Fig. 13 Fig. 15

Nr. 9 = Omega-meter* Nr. 11 = Emergency stop switch

a compaction measuring instrument, which contin- The engine will be shut down and the brake will
ually shows the load bearing values during the close.
compaction pass.

Omega value Danger

Danger of accident!
increase = higher load bearing capacity
constant = end of compaction Operate only in emergency situations during
operation, do not use as a service brake.
1 digit = 20 Omega values
The machine should only be started again after
the danger, that caused the actuation of the
emergency stop switch, has been removed.
operate = push the button completely
down, it will automatically lock
in end position.
unlock = turn the button clockwise and
release it.
to drive = move the travel lever first to
braking position, then start the
engine and choose the travel
For safety reasons the travel system of the ma-
Fig. 14 chine will only be enabled after the travel lever has
been shifted back to braking position.
Nr. 10 = RPM-meter for vibrator shaft**
shows the vibrator shaft speed when the vibration
is switched on.
Scale value x 100 = revolutions per minute

* Option
** Option

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 23


Fig. 16 Fig. 18

Nr. 12 = Rotary switch, lighting (StVZO) * Nr. 14 = Rotary switch for direction indicators
Position "left" = light off left / right**

Position "mid- Position "mid-

dle" = fender lights on, with the igni- dle" = direction indicator off
tion switch in position "I" or "P" Position "left or
Position "right" = travel lights on, with ignition right" = front and rear direction indica-
switch in position "I". tors on the respective side light
up, the control light in the
switch flashes

Fig. 17
Nr. 13 = Rotary switch working lights*
Fig. 19
Position "left" = light off Nr. 15 = Fault monitoring board
Position "right" = working lights on, with ignition
switch in position "I".
L Note
After switching the ignition on all lamps on the fault
L Note monitoring board light up for self-testing.
If the machine is fitted with fender lights, the work-
The display will also show functions, which are
ing head lights can only be switched on together
only preassembled as options but not really in-
with these fender lights 12 (middle position).
Replace a defective fault monitoring board imme-

* Option ** Option

24 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


The control and warning lights on the fault

monitoring board flash:
No. 1 = Air filter cartridge dirty. Clean,
change the cartridge.

L Note
If the air filter service indicator lights up work may
still be continued until the end of the day.
No. 2 = engine oil pressure too low, the warn-
ing buzzer sound too and the engine
shuts down after 10 seconds. Check
the engine oil level, if necessary have
the engine repaired. Fig. 20

No. 3 = hydraulic oil filter dirty, the warning Nr. 16 = Push button for vibration
buzzer will sound and the engine will ● Pre-select or activate the frequency with the
be shut down after 2 minutes. vibration selection switch
Change the filter element, check the
● Press the switch to switch the vibration on and
hydraulic system if the indicator lights
up too early.
No. 4 = battery not being charged, check the
V-belt, have the generator repaired if
No. 5 = brake applied or travel lever in "neu-
tral"-position with the engine running
No. 6 = direction indicators switched on
No. 7 = hazard light switched on
No. 8 = coolant temperature too high, the
warning buzzer sounds too and the
engine shuts down after 2 minutes.
Clean the radiator.
No. 9 = malfunction of the "ASC"* anti-spin-
Fig. 21
Nr. 17 = Travel lever

Note Position "mid-

dle" = brake position for service
Further trouble shooting via the flash code on the brake
ASC control unit in the electric installation box.
Position "middle,
Operation of the machine may be continued, but right" = parking brake, to start the en-
the service departtment should be informed. gine
No. 10 = Coolant too low, the warning buzzer Position "I" = forward travel
will also sound and the engine will be
Position "II" = reverse travel
shut down after 10 seconds.

L Note
If the engine speed is forced down when driving up
steep inclines, move the travel lever slightly back.
This reduces the load on hydraulic system and
diesel engine.
* Option

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 25


moment. The lighting can be

switched on.

L Note
The engine can only be started when the travel le-
ver is in braking position.
The ignition switch is provided with a lock against
repetitive starting. To repeat the starting proce-
dure you must first turn the ignition switch back to
Position "II" = turn further against spring
pressure, the engine starts, re-
Fig. 22 turn the ignition key to position
Nr. 18 = Throttle lever "I" when the engine starts
Position "I" = full load position, operating po-
sition for driving and vibration  Caution
Position "II" = idling speed position Run the engine warm for a short while before
starting to work. Do not let the engine run at
 Caution idling speed for longer than 10 minutes.
Always drive and vibrate with max. engine Do not shut the engine down all of a sudden
speed! Use the travel lever the regulate the from full speed, but let it idle for a while for
travel speed! temperature equalization.
Nr. 19 = Locking plate for throttle lever
pull = the throttle lever can be moved
to position "II"
release = the throttle lever locks in posi-
tion "I".

Fig. 24

Nr. 21 = Shut-off valve for cabin heater*

L Note
The heat exchanger of the cabin heater receives
Fig. 23 the heat energy from the engine coolant circuit.
Nr. 20 = Ignition switch Position "I" = cabin heater off
Position "P"/"0" = ignition off, the key can be Position "II" = cabin heater full power
pulled out, engine not running.
Position "I" = ignition on, all control and
warning lights on the fault
monitoring board light up for a * Option

26 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


switch off = turn lamp glass counter-clock-

Nr. 29 = Vent for fresh air intake
to operate the slide loosen the adjustment button.
slide to the left = air circulation position
slide to the right = fresh air position
Switch on the auxiliary hot air blower

Fig. 25

Nr. 22 = Air circulation nozzle for heater*

adjust direction = turn outside of nozzle
regulate air flow = adjust and open or close by tilt-
ing the flap
Nr. 23 = Fuse box, cabin**
(1) - = not used
(2) 7,5A = cabin light Fig. 26
(3) 7,5A = windscreen wiper/washer, rear Nr. 30 = Steering lever******
(4) 7,5A = windscreen wiper/washer, lever to the left = machine drives to the left
lever to the
(5) 7,5A = flashing beacon right = machine drives to the right
(6) 7,5A = heating blower, radio

Fire hazard!
Do not use fuses with a higher Ampere rating
and do not bridge fuses.
Nr. 24 = Toggle switch, heating blower
Nr. 25 = Toggle switch, flashing beacon***
Nr. 26 = Toggle switch, windscreen wiper/
washer, front****
Nr. 27 = Toggle switch, windscreen wiper/
washer, rear***** Fig. 27
Nr. 28 = Cabin light Nr. 31 = Main fuse for battery
switch on = turn lamp glass clockwise 120A = (F00)

L Note
* Option The main fuse is located in the battery compart-
** Option
*** Option
ment under the operator’s seat.
**** Option
*****Option ******Option

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 27


Fig. 28

Nr. 32 = Rpm-meter for diesel engine*

shows the speed of the diesel engine.
Scale value x 100 = revolutions per minute

* Option

28 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3

4 Operation

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 29


4.1 General notes 4.2 Tests before starting to op-

Please read section 3 Indicators and Control Ele-
ments thoroughly before operating the machine if The following tests must be performed before
you are not yet fully familiar with the indicators and each work day or before a longer work period.
control elements of the machine.
All indicators and control elements are described
in detail in this chapter. Danger

Danger of accident!
Please observe strictly the safety regulations
in chapter 2 of these operating and mainte-
nance instructions!
● Park the machine on level ground.

● Fuel tank and fuel lines for leaks
● Bolted connections for tight fit
● Function of the steering
● Machine for cleanliness, damage
● Availability of the appropriate operating and
maintenance instructions,
● Check if the machine has been properly serv-

L Note
For a description of the following work refer to the
section "maintenance every 10 operating hours"
● Engine oil level

L Note
Hydraulic systems, which are filled with Panolin
HLP Synth. 46, the same oil must be used for fill-
ing up. In case of any other ester based oil consult
the lubrication service department of the respec-
tive oil manufacturer.
● Hydraulic oil level, top up if necessary.
● Coolant level, top up if necessary.


Fire hazard!
Do not refuel in closed rooms
● Fuel level, top up if necessary.
● Water separator for fuel system, drain if nec-

30 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


● Scrapers, adjust if necessary.

4.3 Starting the engine
● Tire pressure. Pressure see technical data.


Ensure equal pressure in both tires. Danger of accident!

Always wear your seat belt.

L Note
The diesel engine is fitted with a cold starting de-
vise, which allows starting under low tempera-
The combustion air is warmed up by a glowing spi-
ral in the air intake tube.

Fig. 29

● Wear your seat belt (Fig. 29).

Fig. 30

● Check, whether the travel lever (Fig. 30) is

locked to the right in braking position.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 31


Fig. 31 Fig. 34

● Turn the rotary vibration selector switch (Fig. ● Turn the ignition switch (Fig. 34) to position "I".
31) to position "0", vibration off.

Fig. 35
Fig. 32 All control and warning lights (Fig. 35) on the fault
● Check, whether the emergency stop switch monitoring board light for a short moment.
(Fig. 32) is unlocked. The warning lights for battery (4), engine oil pres-
sure (2) and brake (5) light up.


Do not start for longer than 20 seconds at

once, but interrupt the starting procedure for
one minute.
If the engine has not started after 2 tries, detect
the cause.

Fig. 33

● Shift the throttle lever (Fig. 33) to approx. 1/2

full speed position and hold it.

32 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


4.4 Starting with jump leads

Wrong connection will cause severe damage
to the electrical system.

Fig. 36

● Turn the ignition key (Fig. 36) to position "II",

the starter will crank the engine.
● As soon as the engine ignites turn the ignition
key back to position "I".
● Once the engine runs properly, reduce the en-
gine speed.
Fig. 37

 Caution ● When starting with an external battery connect

both plus poles (Fig. 37) first and both minus
Run the engine warm for a short while, do not
poles (earth cable) after.
run at idling speed for more than 10 minutes.
● Perform all steps as described in the previous
● After starting disconnect the minus poles
(earth cable) first and the plus poles after.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 33


4.5 Driving the machine


Danger of accident!
Wet and loose soils reduce the ground adhe-
sion of the machine on gradients considerably.
Soil conditions and weather influences impair
the gradability of the machine.
Do not drive up or down inclinations which ex-
ceed the maximum gradability of the machine
(see technical data). Fig. 39

Always allow loaded transport vehicles to ● Select the desired travel speed range (Fig.
pass! 39).
Before setting off make sure that the travel
area is save to drive.

Always keep the cabin door closed while driv-
ing. If the door is open and the machine is ar-
ticulated, extreme oscillation between front
and rear frama may damage the door.

Fig. 40

● Shift the throttle lever to position "I" (Fig. 40),

full load, and lock it.

Fig. 38

● Close the cabin door (Fig. 38).

Fig. 41

● Unlock the travel lever (Fig. 41) by shifting it to

the left out of the braking position and move it
slowly to the desired travel direction.

34 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


L Note
4.6 Emergency exit
Move the travel lever slowly out of "0"-position for-
wards or backwards, the machine will drive to the
If the machine should turn over and the cabin door
chosen direction at a speed, which is directly relat-
is closed, the right hand side cabin window can be
ed to the distance the travel lever has been moved
used as an emergency exit.
out of "0"-position.
When returning the travel lever the machine will
decelerate and come to a halt when the travel le-
ver is in "0"-position.

Danger of accident!
To stop on inclinations lock the travel lever in
braking position by pushing it to the right.

Important notes on travel operation

When reversing the travel direction hold the
travel lever for a moment in "0"-position until
the machine has come to a halt, then shift the
travel lever to the new direction.
Do not operate jerkily!
Do not use the throttle control lever to regulate
the travel speed! Regulate the travel speed
only with the travel lever. During operation the
throttle lever must always remain in full speed
When driving on gradients or to brake the ma-
chine move the travel lever slowly back to-
wards "0"-position.
If the engine speed drops considerably when
driving up steep inclinations, move the travel
lever slightly back, change to the lower travel
speed range if necessary.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 35


4.7 Operating the parking 4.8 Shutting the engine down

brake, stopping the ma-
chine  Caution
Straighten the articulated joint to allow easy
access from and to the cabin.

Fig. 42

● Move the travel lever (Fig. 42) slowly to "neu-

Fig. 43
tral"-position and lock it to the right in braking
position. ● Move the travel lever (Fig. 43) slowly to "neu-
tral"-position and lock it to the right in braking
The machine will decelerate automatically, the
parking brake will close.

L Note
The parking brake will also close automatically
when shutting the engine down.

Fig. 44

● Pull the locking plate 19 (Fig. 44) up and set

the throttle lever (18) to position "II" (idling

L Note
Do not shut the engine suddenly down from full
speed, but let it idle for a while for temperature

36 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


4.9 Switching the vibration on

and off


Risk of damage!
When compacting with vibration check the ef-
fect of the vibration on buildings in the vicinity
and on underground supply lines (gas, water,
sewage, electricity), stop compaction work if
Fig. 45 Do not use the vibration on hard (frozen, con-
● Turn the ignition switch (Fig. 45) to position "0" crete) ground. Risk of bearing damage!
or "P" and pull the ignition key out. The parking
brake closes automatically after shutting the
engine down.
When using the machine on asphalt (AD-ver-

Vibration at standstill creates transverse dents

Danger of accident!
in the asphalt, therefore:
Secure the machine properly against unau- ● only switch the vibration on after shifting the
thorized use, pull the ignition key out, lock the travel lever to the desired direction.
cabin door.
● Switch the vibration off before stopping the

Selecting the vibration

Fig. 46

● Choose the amplitude/frequency with the rota-

ry switch (Fig. 46).

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 37


Switching the vibration on

4.10 Adjusting the steering

Fig. 47

● Set the throttle lever (Fig. 47) to full speed po-

sition "I".
Fig. 49

● To adjust the height of the steering wheel pull

the lever (Fig. 49) up and adjust the steering
Only switch the vibration on when the engine wheel to the desired height.
is running at full speed.
● To adjust the inclination of the steering wheel
press the lever down and adjust the inclination
of the steering wheel.


Danger of accident!
After adjusting the steering wheel make sure
that it is properly locked.

Fig. 48

● Actuate the push button (Fig. 48) in the travel

lever during operation, the drum will vibrate.

Switching the vibration off

● Actuate the push button again and turn the ro-
tary vibration switch back to "0"-position after

* Option

38 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


4.11 Adjusting the seat 4.12 Moving the hood to mainte-

nance position/closing the
For some service jobs the hood must be opened
hydraulically to highest position. For this purpose
the machine is equipped with a manually operated

Moving the hood to maintenance posi-

● Open the hood.
The hood will automatically move to middle posi-
Fig. 50

● To adjust the seat in longitudinal direction ● Push the hood up against the end stop.
press the lever a (Fig. 50) out.
● To adjust the weight turn the lever (b) and read
the weight in the window (c).
● Operate the lever (d) to adjust the inclination of
the backrest.

Fig. 51

● Turn the valve lever (Fig. 51) to "open" posi-

● Take the hand lever out of the bracket in the
hood and insert it.
● Pump the hood up to highest position.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 39


Closing the hood

4.13 Towing in case of an engine


Secure the machine with wheel chocks against

unintentional rolling.

Danger of accident!
When using towing ropes tow the machine
only uphill.
Fig. 52 When towing downhill you must use a rigid
● Turn the valve lever (Fig. 52) to position towing device.
"close", insert the hand lever and operate the
pump, until the lift cylinder is completely re- Caution

Towing speed 1 km/h, max. towing distance
Pumping any further is not possible. 500 m.
● Remove the hand lever from the pump and ● Open the tailgate.
lock it in its bracket.
● Pull the hood down by hand against the stop.

Fig. 54

● Slacken both high pressure relief valves (Fig.

Fig. 53 54) on the travel pump for approx. one turn.
● Push the lever up (Fig. 53) to unlock it and
press the hood slightly down at the same time. Caution

The cylinder disengages. Do not turn the valves out completely.

● Now pull the hood totally down and lock it.

40 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


● Turn the threaded spindles on the axle back

out to the end stop and tighten the counter
● Remove the brake releasing device from the
drum drive motor and screw the plug back in.

Fig. 55

● Slacken the counter nut (Fig. 55), turn the

threaded spindles (2 pieces opposite each
other) on each side of the axle evenly in, until
the brake is released.
● Repeat this measure on the opposite side.

Fig. 56

● Remove plug 1(Fig. 56).

● Place an U-section (5) across the brake hous-
ing (2) and turn the screw (4) into the tapped
bore (3), until it bottoms.
● Turn the nut (6) down and tighten it approx.
one revolution. The drum must rotate freely.

After towing

Before detaching the tow bar block the ma-
chine with chocks to prevent unintended roll-
● Turn the high pressure relief valve cartridges
tightly back in.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 41


4.14 Transport 

Do not tighten the lashing gear too much, to

avoid overstressing of the rubber buffers.

Danger of accident!
Use only strong and stable loading ramps.
Make sure that no persons are endangered if
the machine should turn over or slip off.
Lash the machine down so that it is properly
secured against rolling off, slipping and turn-
ing over.
Do not step or stand under loads being lifted.
Always use shackles on the lashing points to
load, lash or lift the machine.

Fig. 59

● To lift the machine attach the lifting gear to the

four lifting eyes (Fig. 59).

Weights: see technical data.

● After the transport remove the articulation lock
and fasten it in its receptacle.

Fig. 57

● Attach the articulation lock (Fig. 57).

Fig. 58

● Lash the machine to the transport vehicle (Fig.

58), attach the lashing gear to the lashing eyes
on the front and the rear frame.

42 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3

5 Maintenance

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 43


● Do not let the suction hose disturb the sludge

5.1 General notes on mainte- on the bottom of the drum.
nance ● Do not draw off fuel from near the bottom of
the fuel drum.
When servicing the machine pay careful attention ● Fuel left in the fuel drum is not suitable for the
to all applicable safety instructions. engine and should only be used for cleaning
Thorough maintenance of the machine ensures purposes.
maximum reliability and prolongs the lifetime of im-
portant components. The necessary effort can by Notes on the engine performance
no means be compared with the problems and
malfunctions that could occur if this is not ob- Combustion air and fuel injection rates of the die-
served. sel engine have been carefully adjusted and deter-
mine the engine’s performance and temperature
The terms left/right are always related to travel di- level as well as the quality of the exhaust gas.
rection forward.
If your machine has to operate permanently in
● Clean machine and engine thoroughly before "thin air" (at high altitudes) and with full power, you
starting maintenance work. should consult the after sales service of BOMAG
● For maintenance work park the machine on or the service department of the engine manufac-
level ground. turer.
● Maintenance work must generally be carried
out with the engine shut down. Notes on the hydraulic system
● Depressurize hydraulic lines before working During maintenance work in the hydraulic system
on them. cleanliness is of utmost importance. Make sure
that no dirt or other impurities can enter into the
● Disconnect the battery and cover it with insu- system. Small particles can flute valves, cause
lation material before starting to work on elec- pumps to seize and block restrictors and pilot
trical components. bores, thereby causing costly repairs.
● Always attach the articulation lock (transport ● If during the daily oil level check the oil level is
lock) before starting to work in the articulation found to have dropped, check all lines, hoses
area of the machine. and components for leakages.
● Seal external leaks immediately. If necessary
Environment inform the responsible service department.
Catch running out oils, coolant and fuel and do ● Do not store drums with hydraulic oil outside,
not let them seep into the ground or into the or at least keep them under a cover. During
sewage system. Dispose of oils, coolant and weather changes water may penetrate
fuels environmentally. through the bunghole.
● Always fill the hydraulic system using the filling
Notes on the fuel system and filtering unit (BOMAG part-no.
The lifetime of the diesel engine is decisively de- 007 610 01). This unit is equipped with a fine
pending on the cleanliness of the fuel. filter, which filters the hydraulic oil and pro-
● Keep the engine free of dirt and water as this longs the lifetime of the system filter.
could damage the injection elements of the en- ● Clean fittings, filler caps and their immediate
gine. surrounding area before removing them, so
● Zinc lined drums are not suitable for storing fu- that no dirt can fall in.
el. ● Do not leave the tank opening unnecessarily
● The fuel drum should rest for a longer period open, cover it so that no dirt can fall in.
of time before drawing off fuel.

44 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Notes on the cooling system

5.2 Fuels and lubricants
On water cooled engines the preparation and
monitoring of the coolant is of utmost importance,
as otherwise engine failures caused by corrosion, Engine oil
caviation and freezing may occur.
To ensure perfect cold starting it is important to
The coolant is a mixture of water and a cooling
choose the viscosity (SAE grade) of the engine oil
system protection agent.
with respect to the ambient temperature.
The cooling system must be permanently moni-
The oil change intervals must be halved when
tored. Apart from the coolant level inspection this
working at temperatures below -10°C.
includes also the inspection of the concentration of
cooling system protection agent.
The concentration of the cooling system protection
agent can be checked with commercially available
test instruments (glycomat).

Health hazard!
The mixing of nitride based cooling system
protection agents with amine based agents will
cause the generation of highly toxic nitro-

Cooling system protection agents must be dis-
posed of environmentally.

Fig. 60
Lubrication oil with a too high viscosity index will
cause starting difficulties. The temperature when
starting the engine is therefore decisive for select-
ing the correct viscosity for winter operation.

Oil viscosity
Since the viscosity of the lubrication oil changes
with the temperature, the ambient temperature at
the engine's operating location determines the vis-
cosity class (SAE-grade) to be chosen (see dia-
Although cold stating abilities may be impaired if
the temperature occasionally drops below the limit
(e.g. use of SAE 15W/40 down to -15°C), this will
not cause any damage to the engine.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 45


Having to change the lubrication oil due to chang- Fuels

es in temperature can be avoided by using multi-
grade oils. The oil change intervals given below Quality
are also valid for multigrade oils. Use only commercially available brand diesel fuels
with a sulphur content of less than 0,5% and pay
Regular lubrication oil changes attention to cleanliness when filling in fuel. Higher
sulphur contents will effect the engine oil change
The longest period of time that lubrication oil
intervals. Use only winter-grade diesel fuel at low
should remain in the engine is one year. If the oil
ambient temperatures. The fuel level should al-
change intervals specified below are not reached
ways be topped up in due time so that the fuel tank
during one year, the lubrication oil must be
will not run dry, as otherwise the filter and the in-
changed at least once every year, irrespective of
jection lines will have to be bled.
the operating hours.
The following fuel specifications are permitted:
DIN/EN 590; DIN 51 601; Nato Codes: F-54, F-75;
Oil quality
BS 2869: A1 and A2; ASTM D 975-78: 1-D and 2-
Lubrication oils are differentiated according to D.
their performance and quality class. The common-
ly used specifications are those according to API
Winter fuel
(American Petroleum Institute) and CCMC (Com-
mittee of Common Market Automobile Construc- During the winter period use only winter-grade die-
tors). sel fuel to avoid clogging caused by paraffin sepa-
ration. Disturbing paraffin separation can also be
Permitted API-oils expected under extremely cold condition, even
Turbo- when using winter-grade diesel fuel.
charged In most cases it is also possible to mix in fuel ad-
engines = CD / CF, CE / CF4 ditives to improve the flow properties. Consult the
engine manufacturer for details.
Permitted CCMC-oils
Hydraulic oil
engines = D4 / D5 (SHPD) The hydraulic system is operated with hydraulic oil
HV 46 (ISO) with a kinematic viscosity of
46 mm2/s at 40 °C (104 °F). For topping up or
Lubrication oil change intervals
changing the hydraulic oil use only quality hydrau-
lic oil of type HVLP according to DIN 51524, part
 Caution 3, or hydraulic oils type HV according to ISO
These intervals are only valid when using die- 6743/3. The viscosity index (VI) should be at least
sel fuel with a sulphur content of max. 0,5 % by 150 (refer to the specifications of the manufactur-
weight and at ambient temperatures higher er).
than -10 °C.
Biodegradable hydraulic oil
D5 On request the hydraulic system can also be filled
(SHPD) = 500 operating hours with ester based biodegradable hydraulic oil (Pan-
olin HLP Synth. 46). This biodegradable hydraulic
oil meets the requirements of a mineral oil based
SE bzw.
hydraulic oil according to DIN 51524.
CD/SF = 500 operating hours
Always use the same oil for topping up if the sys-
When using fuels with a sulphur content of more
tem is filled with Panolin HLP Synth. 46. When
than 0,5% to 1% or at ambient temperatures below
changing from a mineral oil based hydraulic oil to
-10 °C the oil change intervals must be halved.
ester based biodegradable hydraulic oil, consult
When using fuels with a sulphur content of more the lubrication oil service department of the re-
than 1% consult your next service station. spective oil manufacturer.

46 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Check the filter more frequently after changing to

the new oil.

Oil for drive axle

For the axle use only multi-purpose gear oil of API-
Class GL5 SL of viscosity class SAE 90.
The additives in this oil ensure low wear lubrication
under all operating conditions.

Lubrication grease
Use an EP-high pressure grease, lithium saponi-
fied (penetration 2), for lubrication purposes.

For the coolant mixture use only soft tap water
(drinking water) with a hardness of 3 to 12 °dGH.
The water must not contain more than 100 mg/dm
chlorine and sulphate. The ph-value must be be-
tween 6,5 and 8,5.
Anti-feeze agents must be used under any climatic
conditions as a protection against freezing, corro-
sion and boiling.
The concentration of cooling system protection
agent in the water must be between min. 35% and
max. 45%.

Do not mix different coolants and additives.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 47


5.3 Table of fuels and lubri-


Assembly Fuel or lubricant Quantity approx.

Summer Winter Attention

Observe the level marks

Engine Engine oil CCMC-D4/D5 (SHPD) or without oil filter change

API: CD/CE/CF approx. 17,5 litres

SAE 15W/40

(-20 °C to +40 °C)

SAE 30 SAE 10W

(+5 °C to +30 °C) (-5 °C to -30 °C)


Diesel Winter diesel fuel approx. 340 litres

Hydraulic system Hydraulic oil (ISO), HV46, kinem. viscosity approx. 60 litres

46 mm2/s at 40 °C

Vibration bearings Engine oil SAE 15W/40 approx. 0,8 litre per side

Planetary drive Gear oil SAE 90, API GL5 approx. 1,8 litre per side

Drive axle Gear oil SAE 90, API GL5 approx. 12,5 litres

Coolant Cooling system protection agent approx. 20 litres

48 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


5.4 Running-in instructions

When taking new machines into operation or

when starting up overhauled engines, the fol-
lowing maintenance work must be carried out:

Up to approx. 250 operating hours check the
engine oil level twice every day.
Depending on the engine load the oil con-
sumption will drop to its normal level after ap-
prox. 100 to 250 operating hours.

After a running time of 30 minutes

● Tighten the V-belt

After 50 operating hours

● Change the engine oil filter.
● Change the engine oil.
● Check the valve clearance, adjust if neces-
● Tighten all screw connections on intake and
exhaust manifold, oil sump and engine
● Tighten the screw connections on the ma-
● Tighten the fastening screws for the wheels
with the specified torque.
● Change the oil in the drive axle.
● Change the oil in the reduction gear for the ax-

After 500 operating hours

● Change the oil in the vibration bearing

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 49


5.5 Maintenance chart

With all maintenance intervals perform also

the work for shorter preceding service inter-

No. Designation Note

Every 10 operating hours

5.6 Check the engine oil level Dipstick mark
5.7 Checking the water separator
5.8 Check the fuel level approx. 340 l
5.9 Check the hydraulic oil level Inspection glass
5.10 Check the coolant level
5.11 Checking the dust separator on the oil bath air filter
Every 50 operating hours
5.12 Checking the tire pressure
5.13 Adjust the scrapers
Every 250 operating hours
5.14 Checking condition and tension of V-belt, replacing
the V-belt
5.15 Cleaning the cooling fins on engine and hydraulic oil
5.16 Checking the oil level in the drive axle
5.17 Checking the oil level in the planetary gears
5.18 Checking the oil level in the vibration bearings
Every 500 operating hours
5.19 Changing the engine oil* min. 1x per year
5.20 Changing the engine oil filter cartridge
5.21 Drain the sludge from the fuel tank
5.22 Servicing the battery Pole grease

50 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


No. Designation Note

Every 1000 operating hours

5.23 Changing the oil in the drive axle
5.24 Change the oil in the planetary gears
5.25 Check, adjust the valve clearance Intake = 0.3 mm, exhaust = 0.5 mm, on cold
5.26 Changing the fuel pre-filter cartridge
5.27 Changing the fuel filter cartridge
5.28 Changing the oil in the vibration bearings min. 1x per year
5.29 Check the engine mounts
5.30 Checking, replacing leak fuel return line at least every 2 years
5.31 Checking the fastening of the axle on the frame
5.32 Tightening the wheel nuts
5.33 Checking the ROPS
5.34 Cleaning the oil bath air filter
Every 2000 operating hours
5.35 Changing hydraulic oil and breather filter** at least every 2 years
5.36 Changing the hydraulic oil filter* at least every 2 years
5.37 Change the coolant at least every 2 years
As required
5.38 Cleaning, changing the dry air filter cartridge min. 1x every year, safety cartridge at least
every 2 years
5.39 Adjusting the parking brake
5.40 Changing the tires
5.41 Changing the fresh air filter in the cabin
5.42 Tightening torques
5.43 Engine conservation

*When using diesel fuel with a sulphur content of

more than 0,5 % by weight the engine oil change
intervals must be halved.
**Also in case of repairs in the hydraulic system.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 51


Every 10 oper ating hours

5.6 Checking the engine oil lev- 5.7 Checking, cleaning the wa-
el ter separator

L Note L Note
Park the machine on level ground, shut the engine The service intervals for the water separator de-
down and wait for about 15 minutes to allow the oil pend on the water contents in the fuel and can
to run back into the oil sump. therefore not be determined precisely. After taking
the engine into operation you should therefore at
the beginning check every day if signs of water
can be found in the filter bowl.

Catch running out fuel and dispose of environ-

Fig. 61

● Pull the oil dipstick (Fig. 61) out, wipe it clean

with a lint-free cloth and reinsert it until it bot-
● Pull the oil dipstick out again.
● The oil level must be between the two marks
"L" and "H".
Fig. 62
● Top up oil immediately if the oil level is too low.
● Loosen the drain screw (Fig. 62) for a few
● If the oil level is too high detect the cause and turns and catch running out fuel / water.
drain the oil off.
● Tighten the drain screw again and check for
leaks, use a new sealing ring if necessary.
Before a longer work period fill the oil up to the
Top up quantity from the "L" to the "H" mark:
approx. 2 litres

For quality and quantity of oil refer to the table

of fuels and lubricants.

52 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


5.8 Checking the fuel level 

Dirty fuel can cause engine failures or even

damage to the engine.
 If necessary fill in fuel through a screen filter.
Fire hazard! ● If necessary top up fuel (diesel or winter die-
When working on the fuel system do not use sel).
open fire, do not smoke, do not refuel in closed For quality of fuel refer to the table of fuels and
rooms, do not inhale any fuel fumes. lubricants.

Fig. 63

● Check the fuel level on the fuel gauge (Fig.


L Note
Never drive the fuel tank empty, because this
would required bleeding of the entire fuel system.
● Clean the area around the filler opening.

Fig. 64

● Open the fuel tank cover (Fig. 64).

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 53


5.9 Checking the hydraulic oil 5.10 Checking the coolant level

Caution Danger of scalding!

In mit Panolin HLP Synth. 46, the same oil must Top up coolant only when the engine is cold.
be used for filling up. In case of any other ester
based oil consult the lubrication service de-
partment of the respective oil manufacturer.

Fig. 66

● Check the coolant level (Fig. 66).

Fig. 65

● Check the oil level in the inspection glass (Fig.  Caution

65) on the hydraulic oil tank. If during the daily coolant level check the cool-
ant level is found to have dropped, check all
Normal level lines, hoses and engine for leakages.
approx. 3 cm below the upper edge of the inspec- ● To top up unscrew the lid and fill in coolant up
tion glass. to the MAX-mark.
Minimum level For quality of coolant refer to the table of fuels
middle of inspection glass. and lubricants in chapter 5.2.

If during the daily oil check the oil level is
found to have dropped, check all lines, hoses
and components for leakages.
● If necessary fill in hydraulic oil through the filler

For quality and quantity of oil refer to the table

of fuels and lubricants.

54 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


5.11 Checking the dust separa-

tor on the oil bath air filter*

Fig. 67

● If the dust reaches the mark loosen the clamp

(Fig. 67), take the cover off and clean the bowl.

* $$sonder%%

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 55


Every 50 oper ating hours

5.12 Checking the tire pressure 5.13 Adjusting the scrapers


smooth drum only
Always close the valves with the dust caps.

Fig. 69

Fig. 68 ● Check the condition and adjustment of the

front and rear scrapers, adjust or replace the
● Check the tire pressure with a pressure gauge
scraper rubber if necessary.
and the tire inflation valve 1 (Fig. 68) in top po-
sition. ● To adjust the scrapers 1 (Fig. 69) loosen the
fastening screws (2) in the slots and push the
Nominal value see technical data scraper bracket towards the drum until the
scraper touches.
L Note ● Retighten the fastening screws.
Ensure even pressure in all tires.
● Screw the valve caps back on. padfoot drum only

Fig. 70

● Check condition and adjustment of scrapers 2

(Fig. 70), adjust or replace the teeth if neces-
● To adjust the scrapers (2) slacken the fasten-
ing screws (1) in the slots and move the scrap-

56 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


er towards the drum, leaving a gap of approx.

25 mm.
● Retighten the fastening screws.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 57


Tightening the generator V-belt

Every 250 operating h ours

5.14 Checking the condition, ten-

sion of the V-belt, changing
the V-belt


Danger of accident!
This work must only be performed with the en-
gine shut down!

Checking the V-bel

Fig. 72

● Slacken the fastening screws 1, 2 and 3 (Fig.

● Push the generator in direction of arrow until
the correct V-belt tension is obtained.
● Retighten all fastening screws.

Changing the generator V-belt

● Slacken the fastening screws 1, 2 and 3.
● Push the generator against the direction of the
arrow completely against the engine.
Fig. 71
● Take the old V-belt off.
● Examine the entire circumference of the V-belt
(Fig. 71) for damage and cracks. Replace a ● Place the new V-belt on the V-belt pulleys.
damaged or cracked V-belt. ● Tension the V-belt as described before.
● Check by thumb pressure that the V-belt can-
not be depressed for for than 10 - 15 mm be-
tween the V-belt pulleys, tighten it if
necessary. Check the V-belt tension after a running time of
30 minutes.

Tensioning the coolant/fuel pump V-



Danger of accident!
This work must only be performed with the en-
gine shut down.

58 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Fig. 73 Fig. 74

● Slacken the fastening screws 1 and 2 (Fig. ● Slacken the fastening screws 1 and 2 (Fig.
73). 74).
● Push the idler pulley in direction of the arrow ● Push the idler pulley in direction of the arrow
until the correct V-belt tension is obtained. until the correct V-belt tension is obtained.
● Retighten all fastening screws. ● Retighten all fastening screws.

Changing the coolant/fuel pump V-belt Changing the blower V-belt

● Take the blower- and generator V-belt off, see
suitable section.
● Slacken the fastening screws 1 and 2.
● Push the idler pulley against the direction of
the arrow completely against the engine.
● Take the old V-belt off.
● Place the new V-belt on the V-belt pulleys.
● Tension the V-belt as described before.
● Reinstall the blower- and generator V-belt.


Fig. 75
Check the V-belt tension after a running time of
30 minutes. ● Unscrew the fastening screws (Fig. 75) and
push the blower forward.
Tensioning the blower V-belt

Danger of accident!
This work must only be performed with the en-
gine shut down.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 59


● Push the compressor in direction of the arrow

until the correct V-belt tension is obtained.
● Retighten all fastening screws.

Changing the V-belt, climatecompres-

sor **
● Take the blower- and generator V-belt off, see
suitable section.
● Slacken the fastening screws 1, 2 and 3.
● Push the compressor against the direction of
the arrow completely against the engine.
Fig. 76
● Take the old V-belt off.
● Slacken the fastening screws 1 and 2 (Fig.
76). ● Place the new V-belt on the V-belt pulleys.

● Push the idler pulley against the direction of ● Tension the V-belt as described before.
the arrow completely against the engine. ● Reinstall the blower- and generator V-belt.
● Take the old V-belt off.
● Place the new V-belt on the V-belt pulleys. Caution

Check the V-belt tension after a running time of

● Tension the V-belt as described before.
30 minutes.


Check the V-belt tension after a running time of

30 minutes.

Tensioning the V-belt, climatecom-

pressor *

Fig. 77

● Slacken the fastening screws 1, 2 and 3 (Fig.


* Option ** Option

60 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Cleaning with cold cleansing agent

5.15 Cleaning the cooling fins on
radiator and hydraulic oil  Caution
cooler Protect electrical equipment such as genera-
tor, regulator and starter against the direct wa-
ter jet.

● Spray the engine with a suitable cleansing
Danger of injury! agent, e.g. cold cleansing agent and wash it
Cleaning work should only be carried out with off with a strong water jet after a sufficient
the engine stopped and cooled down. soaking time.
● Run the engine warm for a short time to avoid

Take care to avoid deformation of the radiator
cooling fins.

L Note
Dirt on blower blades and oil cooler reduce the
cooling effect. Oil and fuel on such surfaces sup-
port the accumulation of dirt. You should therefore
seal any leaks in the area of the cooling blower or
the oil cooler immediately and clean the cooling
surfaces after.

Cleaning with pressure air

Fig. 78

L Note
Start to blow out from the air discharge side.
● Blow the radiator out with pressure air (Fig.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 61


5.16 Checking the oil level in the 5.17 Checking the oil level in the
drive axle planetary drives

Fig. 79 Fig. 80

● Unscrew oil level inspection plug 2 (Fig. 79) ● Move the drive wheel until the oil level mark on
and check the oil level. the plugs (Fig. 80) is in horizontal position.
● The oil level must reach the bottom edge of the ● Unscrew the plug.
level bore.
The oil level must reach the lower edge of the
● If necessary fill in oil, unscrew filler plug (1) for bore.
this purpose. ● If necessary if necessary.
For quality of oil refer to the table of fuels and
For quality of oil refer to the table of fuels and
● Retighten the filler and level inspection plug.
● Screw the plug back in.
● Repeat the same procedure on the opposite

62 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


5.18 Checking the oil level in the

vibration bearing housings

L Note
Check the oil level only at operating temperature
after running the vibration for about 1/2 hour.

Fig. 81

● Move the drum so that the oil level control plug

(Fig. 81) on the left hand side is in lowest posi-
● Unscrew the control plug (1).
Some oil should drip out of the level bore
● If necessary unscrew the oil filler plug (2) and
fill in some oil through the filler bore (2), until it
starts to run out from the level inspection bore.

For quality of oil refer to the table of fuels and

● Screw the oil filler (2) and control plug (1) back
● Repeat this procedure on the opposite side.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 63


Every 500 operating h ours

5.19 Changing the engine oil

The oil change at 500 operating hours applies
when using fuel with a sulphur content of less
than 0,5 %.
When using fuel with a sulphur content of
more than 0,5 % the oil change intervals must
be halved (see section 5.2, fuels and lubri-
Drain the engine oil only when the engine is Fig. 83
● Fill in new engine oil (Fig. 83).

For quality and quantity of oil refer to the table

of fuels and lubricants.
Danger of scalding!
● Screw the lid back on the oil filler neck.
When draining hot oil.
● Check the oil level on the dipstick after a short
Do not let old oil seep into the ground. test run, top up to the upper dipstick mark if
● Unscrew the lid from the oil filler neck on the necessary.

Fig. 82

● Unscrew the drain plug (Fig. 82) and catch

running out oil.
● Change the engine oil (see following section).
● Screw the drain plug back in.

64 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


5.20 Changing the engine oil fil-

ter cartridge


Danger of scalding!
There is a danger of scalding by hot oil when
unscrewing the filter.

Catch running out oil and dispose of environ- Fig. 85
mentally together with the engine oil filter car-
tridge. ● Apply some oil to the rubber seal of the new fil-
ter cartridge (Fig. 85).
● Fill the filter cartridge with clean engine oil.
● Screw the new filter cartridge on by hand until
the seal contacts the filter head.
● Tighten the filter cartridge for another half turn.
● After a short test run examine the filter car-
tridge for tight fit and check the oil level, if nec-
essary top up oil to the MAX-mark.

Fig. 84

● Unscrew the filter cartridge 1 (Fig. 84) using a

suitable filter wrench.
● Clean the sealing faces on the filter carrier
from all dirt.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 65


5.21 Draining the fuel tank 5.22 Servicing the battery



Danger of cauterization!
Fire hazard! When working on the battery do not use open
fire, do not smoke!
When working on the fuel system do not use
open fire, do not smoke. Do not let skin and clothes come in contact
with acid!
Do not spill any fuel.
Catch running out fuel, do not let it seep into Wear your protective outfit!
the ground. Do not lay any tools on the battery!
Do not inhale any fuel fumes. Before recharging the battery remove all plugs
to avoid the accumulation of highly explosive

Dispose of used batteries environmentally.

Fig. 86

● Unscrew the drain plug 1 (Fig. 86) from the

bottom of the fuel tank and drain off approx. 5
litres of fuel.
● Screw the drain plug back in with a new seal-
ing ring. Fig. 87

● Unscrew the fastening screws (Fig. 87) and

fold the operator’s seat to the front.
● Remove the batteries and clean the battery
● Clean the batteries from the outside.
● Clean the battery poles and pole clamps and
cover them with acid free grease (vaseline).
● Check the fastening of the batteries.

66 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Every 1000 operating hours

5.23 Changing the oil in the drive 5.24 Changing the oil in the plan-
axle etary drive

L Note Caution

On other axle versions drain and level plugs are Drain the oil only at operating temperature.
slightly different. Perform the oil change accord-
Change the oil on both sides of the axle.


Catch the old oil and dispose of environmen-
Drain the oil only at operating temperature.

Catch the old oil and dispose of environmen-

Fig. 89

● Move the drive wheel until the plug (Fig. 89) is

in lowest position.
● Clean the plug and screw it out.
Fig. 88

● Clean the filler plug 1 (Fig. 88) and screw it out. ● Drain the oil off and catch it.

● Clean the drain plug (2) and screw it out.

● Clean the control plug (3) and screw it out.
● Drain the oil off and catch it.
● Screw the drain plug tightly back in.
● Fill in oil through the filler bore until it reaches
the lower edge of the level bore (3).

For quality and quantity of oil refer to the table

of fuels and lubricants.
● Screw the filler and control plug in again.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 67


5.25 Checking, adjusting the

valve clearance


Before checking the valve clearance let the en-

gine cool down for at least 30 minutes. The en-
gine temperature should be lower than
80 °C.
After a short test run check the engine for
Fig. 90

● Move the drive wheel until the plug (Fig. 90) in Valve adjustment diagram
the housing is in horizontal position.
● Fill in oil, until it reaches the lower edge of the

For quality and quantity of oil refer to the table

of fuels and lubricants.
● Screw the plug back in.

Fig. 91
Valve 1 (Fig. 91) white = not adjustable
Valve (2) black = adjustable

68 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Checking the valve clearance

● Loosen the ventilation valve on the crankcase
and swing it to the side.

Fig. 92

Crankshaft adjustment 1 (Fig. 92) (6 - cylinder

● Crank the engine with a suitable spanner on Fig. 94
the V-belt pulley until the valves on cylinder 1
are "overlapping". ● Unscrew the fastening screws 1 (Fig. 94) for
the air filter bracket.
Overlapping means: the outlet valve is not yet
completely closed, the inlet valve starts to open. ● Remove the cylinder head cover (2).

● Adjust the valves by following the adjustment ● Crankshaft adjustment according to "valve ad-
schematic for crankshaft adjustment 1, justment diagram".
marked black.
● For control purposes mark the respective rock-
er lever with chalk.

Fig. 95

● Check the valve clearance 2 (Fig. 95) between

the rocker arm (1) and the valve (3) with a feel-
Fig. 93 er gauge.
Inlet valve = 0,3 mm
Crankshaft adjustment 2 (Fig. 93) (6 - cylinder
engine) Outlet valve = 0,5 mm
● Turn the crankshaft one revolution further The feeler gauge must fit through the gap with only
(360). little resistance.

● Adjust the valves by following the adjustment ● If the gap is too narrow or too wide for the feel-
schematic crankshaft adjustment 2, marked er gauge the valve clearance must be adjust-
black. ed.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 69


Adjusting the valve clearance

5.26 Changing the fuel filter car-


Fire hazard!
When working on the fuel system do not use
open fire, do not smoke, do not spill any fuel.
Catch running out fuel, do not let it seep into
the ground.
Do not inhale any fuel fumes.

Fig. 96

● Slacken the counter nut. Regulate the adjust-

ment screw with a screwdriver 7 (Fig. 96), so
that the feeler gauge (6) fits through the gap
with only resistance after tighteneing the coun-
ter nut.
● Check and adjust all adjustable valves.
● Check the gasket for the cylinder head cover,
replace if necessary.
● Reinstall the cylinder head cover.
● Swing the ventilation valve back into position
and fasten it. Fig. 97

● Fasten the air filter and ensure correct fit of ● Unscrew the fuel filter cartridge (Fig. 97) with a
combustion air hoses and hose clamps. suitable filter wrench.
● Clean the sealing faces on the filter carrier
from all dirt.
● Unscrew the water separator from the filter

70 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


5.27 Changing the fuel filter car-



Fire hazard!
When working on the fuel system do not use
open fire, do not smoke, do not spill any fuel.
Catch running out fuel, do not let it seep into
the ground.

Fig. 98
Do not inhale any fuel fumes.

● Cover the rubber seal on the water separator

1 (Fig. 98) slightly with oil.
● Screw the water separator on by hand (2) until
the seal touches.
● Tighten the water separator for another half
turn (3).
● Fill the new filter cartridge with clean diesel
fuel (4).
● Cover the rubber seal on the filter element (5)
slightly with oil and tighten it by hand until the
seal touches.
● Tighten the filter element for another half turn Fig. 99
● Loosen and unscrew the fuel filter cartridge
● After a short test run check the filter cartridge (Fig. 99) using a suitable filter wrench.
for tight fit.
● Clean the sealing faces on the filter carrier
from all dirt.

Fig. 100

● Apply some oil to the rubber seal (Fig. 100) of

the new filter cartridge.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 71


● Fill the new filter cartridge with clean diesel fu-

el. 5.28 Changing the oil for the vi-
● Screw the new filter cartridge on by hand until bration bearings
the seal contacts the filter head.
● Tighten the filter cartridge for another half turn.
● After a short test run check the filter cartridge
Change the oil at operating temperature. For
for tight fit.
this purpose run the machine approx. half an
hour with vibration.

Catch running out oil and dispose of environ-

Fig. 101

● Move the drum until the drain plug 1 (Fig. 101)

is in lowest position.
● Unscrew the drain plug, drain all oil off and
catch it.
● Once the oil has run out clean the drain plug
and screw it tightly back in.

72 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


5.29 Checking the fastening ele-

ments on the engine

Fig. 102

● Unscrew the level plug at the bottom of the

drum 1 (Fig. 102) and fill in oil through the filler
bore, until it starts to run out through the level
bore (2).
Fig. 103
For quality and quantity of oil refer to the table ● Tighten the fastening of intake and exhaust
of fuels and lubricants. tubes (Fig. 103) on the cylinder heads.
● Screw the oil filler (2) and control plug (1) back ● Check sockets and clamps between air filter,
in. exhaust gas turbo charger and charge air line
● Repeat the oil change on the opposite side. as well as lubrication oil lines for tight fit and
● Check the oil level again at operating temper-
ature (after running the vibration for approx. ● Tighten the fastening screws for the oil sump
0.5 hours). and the engine mounts.

Overfilling causes overheating of the vibration

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 73


5.30 Checking, changing the 5.31 Tightening the fastening of

fuelreturn lines the axle to the frame

Fig. 104 Fig. 105

● Remove the cylinder head cover 1 (Fig. 104). ● Check all fastening nuts for the axle retaining
bolts (Fig. 105) for tight fit.
● Check all rubber hoses of the leakage return
line (2), replace them if necessary, but at the
latest after 2 years.
● Check all lines and connections for leaks after
a test run.

74 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


5.32 Tightening the wheel nuts 5.33 Checking the ROPS

L Note
With the cabin assembled the ROPS (Roll Over
Protection Structure) is integrated in the cabin.
Please observe also the respective section in the
safety regulations in this manual.

Fig. 106

● Tighten the wheel nuts (Fig. 106) in a cross-

type pattern.

Tightening torque: 430 Nm (316 ft-lb)

Fig. 107

● Check the cabin, especially the ROPS (Fig.

107) for cracks, corrosion, damage and miss-
ing fastening elements.

L Note
Unusual movements and noises (vibrations) dur-
ing operation indicate damage or loose fastening
● Check the fastening screws for the cabin
(ROPS) to the operator’s platform for tight fit.
● Check the suspension buffers for the opera-
tor’s stand for tight fit.
● Check the condition and the fastening of the
seat belt.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 75


5.34 Cleaning the oil bath air fil-

ter *

Fig. 108

● Loosen the quick locks (Fig. 108), take the fil-

ter bowl off and empty it.
● Clean the filter mesh by repetitive dipping into
diesel fuel.
● Clean the filter bowl with diesel fuel and fill in
engine oil up to the level mark.
● reinstall the filter bowl.

* $$sonder%%

76 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Every 2000 operating hours

5.35 Changing the hydraulic oil

and the breather filter

L Note
See also section 5.1 "Notes on the Hydraulic Sys-


Apart from the normal oil change intervals the

hydraulic oil must also be changed after major
repairs in the hydraulic system. Fig. 109

Change the hydraulic oil only at operating tem- ● Unscrew the plug (Fig. 109) and drain the hy-
perature. draulic oil off.

Clean the area around the hydraulic oil tank, ● Check the sealing ring (1), replace if neces-
the filler opening and the breather filter. sary and screw the plug tightly back in.
Do not use any detergents to clean the system.
Do not start the engine after draining the hy-
draulic oil.
Change the hydraulic oil filter element with
every hydraulic oil change.


Danger of scalding!
Danger of scalding by hot oil.

Catch running out oil and dispose of environ- Fig. 110
mentally. ● Take the filler cap (Fig. 110) off.
● Fill in hydraulic oil through the screen.
L Note
The hydraulic oil filter element should only be Note
changed after the test run.
We recommend to fill the hydraulic system with the
filling and filtering unit (BOMAG part-no.
079 930 35) with fine filter. This filters the hydraulic
oil and prolongs the utilization time of the hydraulic
oil filter and protects the hydraulic system.
● Check the oil level in the inspection glass.

Nominal value:
approx. 3 cm below the upper edge of the inspec-
tion glass

For quality and quantity of oil refer to the table

of fuels and lubricants.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 77


L Note
5.36 Changing the hydraulic oil
The breather filter for the hydraulic tank is located
in the filler cap and must therefore be replaced filter
with the filler cap.
● Close the tank with the new filler cap.

Danger of scalding!
There is a danger of scalding by hot oil when
unscrewing the filter.

If the filter has to be changed together with the
hydraulic oil, the filter should in any case be
changed after the oil change and the test run.
Do not use the oil in the filter bowl.

Catch running out oil, dispose of oil and filter
element environmentally.

L Note
The filter element must be changed with every hy-
draulic oil change and after major repairs in the hy-
draulic system.

Fig. 111

● Unscrew the cap nut 4 (Fig. 111) and take the

filter bowl (5) with the filter element (3) off.
● Examine the sealing face on the filter element
thoroughly for any visible dirt.

Visible contamination may be an early indica-
tor for the possible failures of system compo-

78 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


nents and may indicate a possible malfunction

of components. In such a case you should ex- 5.37 Changing the coolant
amine the system to detect the cause and re-
place or repair damaged components. Non-
observance can lead to the destruction of the Danger

complete hydraulic system. Danger of scalding!

Do not clean or reuse the filter element. Change the coolant only when the engine is
● Take the old filter element (3) out and clean cold.
the filter bowl and the thread.
● Reinstall the filter bowl with the new filter ele- Environment
ment, check the condition of the O-rings (1) Catch running out coolant and dispose of envi-
and (2), replace if necessary. ronmentally.
● After a test run check the filter for leaks.

Fig. 112

● Set the cock valve for the cabin heater to posi-

tion "warm".

Fig. 113

● Unscrew the plug, let the coolant run out and

catch it.
● Screw the plug back in once all coolant has run

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 79


Fig. 114

● Unscrew the cap and fill in coolant up to the


For quality of coolant refer to the chapter 5.2,

fuels and lubricants.
● Start the diesel engine and run it warm to op-
erating temperature.
● Let the engine cool down and check the cool-
ant level again, top up if necessary.

80 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


Removing the main filter element

As r equired

5.38 Cleaning, changing the dry

air filter cartridge


Cleaning, service and repair work must only be

performed with the engine shut down. Do not
start the engine after removing the filter ele-

Fig. 116

● Pull both clamps (Fig. 116) on the housing

cover towards the outside and take the cover

Fig. 115
The air filter needs to be serviced when the control
light 1 (Fig. 115) on the fault monitoring board is
permanently on while the engine is running, but at
the latest after 2 years.

L Note
If the air filter service indicator lights up work may
still be continued until the end of the day. Fig. 117

● Pull the main filter element (Fig. 117) off while

turning it lightly.

Cleaning the main filter element

If necessary the main filter element may be
cleaned up to five times. It should, however, be
replaced after having reached the max. utiliza-
tion period of two years.
The number of cleaning processes of the main
filter element should be marked with a ball pen
or a felt pen on the safety element.
In case of a sooty deposit cleaning of the main
filter element is useless. Use a new filter car-

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 81


Incorrectly handled filter elements may be inef- Cleaning the dust bowl
fective because of faults (e.g. cracks) and
cause engine damage.
If the main filter element is defective, you
should also change the safety element!
Intermediate cleaning procedures between
two service intervals indicated by the service
indicator are not necessary.

Fig. 119

● Pull the inner part (Fig. 119) out and remove all
dust from the cover.
● Reinsert the inner part.


Fig. 118 During the assembly of the inner part make

sure that the notch in the cover mates with the
Note opening in the inner part.
To clean the filter fit a tube to the air gun (Fig.
118), the end of which is bent by approx. 90. Installing the main filter element
It must reach down to the bottom of the cartridge. ● Push the main filter element carefully into the
● Blow the cartridge out with dry pressure air
(max. 5 bar) by moving the tube up and down Closing the housing cover will automatically posi-
the inside of the cartridge until all dust has tion the main filter element correctly.
been blown out.
Changing the safety element
● Examine the filter cartridge with a torch for any
cracks and holes in the paper.
 Caution The safety element must never be cleaned and
must never be used again after it has been re-
Under no circumstances must a damaged
main filter element be used again. If in doubt
install a new main filter element. Open the seal only to replace the safety ele-
The safety element must be replaced:
if the main filter element is defective,
after five times cleaning of the filter cartridge,
at the latest after 2 years,

82 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


if the warning light still lights after serviving

the main filter cartridge. 5.39 Adjusting the parking brake
● Take the housing cover off and pull the main
filter element off.
Adjustment work on the brake must only be
performed by a specialist. Always adjust both
● Place wedges in front of the drum and jack the
rear of the machine up until the wheels can ro-
tate freely.

Fig. 120

● Puncture the seal of the safety element from

inside to outside with a suitable tool (Fig. 120)
and pull both ears up.
● Hold the safety element by both ears and pull
it out while turning it lightly.
● Push the new safety element in. Fig. 121
● Reinstall the main filter element and the cover. ● Run the diesel engine and pull the travel lever
(Fig. 121) to the left out of the detent (parking

brake released).
Make sure that the cover clamps are properly

Fig. 122

● Unscrew the caps 3 (Fig. 122) from both cylin-

ders, take off springs (1) and seal rings (2).
● Turn the nuts (4) in both brake cylinders until
the wheels are blocked.
● Loosen the nuts again for two turns and check
if the wheels are free again.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 83


● Insert the springs, screw the caps with seal

rings on and tighten them. 5.40 Changing the tires
● Perform a braking test.


Danger of accident!
Observe all safety notes for the lifting of loads.
● Place a jack (min. 5 t bearing capacity) under
the rear frame and jack the machine up so that
the wheel can turn freely.
● Unscrew the wheel nuts and take the wheel

Fig. 123

● Attach the new wheel (Fig. 123) and tighten

the wheel nuts crosswise with a torque of 430
Nm (316 ft. lb.)anziehen.
● Check the tire pressure, see technical data.

84 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


5.41 Checking the fresh air filter 5.42 Tightening torques

for the cabin

Fig. 125
* Strength classes for screws with untreated, non-
lubricated surface. The designation of the screw
Fig. 124 quality is stamped on the screw heads.
● Unscrew the fastening screws for the filter 8.8 = 8G
holders (Fig. 124) and take the filters out.
10.9 = 10K
● Insert the new filter and reassemble the filter
12.9 = 12K
● Axle - frame
M 24 = 880 Nm
The values result in a 90% utilization of the screws
yielding point at a coefficient of friction of tot. =
0,14. The tightening torques are not valid when us-
ing MOS2 lubricants.

L Note
Self locking nuts must always be replaced after
they have been unscrewed.

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 85


5.43 Engine conservation

If the engine is to be shut down for a longer period
of time (e.g. over winter), we recommend to apply
the following conserving measures to avoid corro-
● Clean the engine, including the cooling sys-
tem: With cold cleansing agent and a water jet
or, even better, with a steam cleaner.
● Run the engine warm and shut it down.
● Drain off the still hot engine oil and fill in anti-
corrosion engine oil.
● Drain off the coolant and fill in system protec-
tion agent.
● Drain the fuel from the tank, mix it well with
10% anti-corrosion oil and fill it back in.
● Run the engine for 10 minutes until all lines, fil-
ters, pumps and nozzles with this conserving
mixture and the new engine oil has been dis-
tributed to all parts.
● Now crank the engine several times (without
ignition) to spray the combustion chambers.
● Take the V-belts off and spray the grooves of
the V-belts with anti-corrosion oil. Remove the
anti-corrosion oil before resuming operation.
● Close intake and exhaust openings tightly.

L Note
Depending on the weather conditions these con-
serving measures will provide protection for ap-
prox. 6 to 12 months.
Before taking the engine back into operation all
conserving oil must be drained off and replaced by
regular engine oil, see chapter "Fuels and Lubri-
cants" according to the API-(MIL)-classification.
Anti-corrosion oils are those that comply with
the specification MIL-L-21260 B or TL 9150-
037/2 or Nato Code C 640/642.

A machine with a conserved engine must be

marked by attaching a clearly visible warning

86 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3

6 Trouble shooting

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 87


6.1 General notes

The following work must only be carried out by

qualified and trained personnel or by the
BOMAG sales service.

Please observe strictly the safety regulations

in chapter 2 of these operating and mainte-
nance instructions.
Faults occur frequently due to the fact, that the
machine has not been properly operated or serv-
iced. Therefore, whenever a fault occurs, read
through these instructions on correct operation
and maintenance. If you cannot locate the cause
of the fault or eliminate it yourself by following the
trouble shooting charts, you should contact our
customer service departments at our branch office
or dealers.

Danger of injury!
Keep away from rotating parts of the engine.
All modules in the electric installation box can
be bridged to be able to operate the machine in
events of emergency.
● Inclination module*
● Vibration module
● Generator module

L Note
You will find all wiring and hydraulic diagrams at
the end of the spare parts catalogue.

* Option

88 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


6.2 Engine

Faults Possible cause Remedy

The engine Starter defective or pinion not engaging Have examined by a specialist
does not start
Fuel tank empty Fill and bleed the tank

Temperature below starting limit Use winter fuel and engine oil acc. to the
ambient temperature.

Fuel filter clogged, in winter due to paraf- Change the filter. use winter fuel
fin separation.

Fuel lines leaking Check all line connections for leakages

and tighten the fittings.

Battery discharged or not connected Tighten the pole clamps, check the cable

Injection valves or injection pump defec- Have examined by a specialist


The engine Battery power too low, battery clamps Have the battery checked, clean the ter-
starts poorly and loose or oxidized, causing the starter to minal clamps, tighten them and cover
works irregularly turn too slowly them with acid free grease
with poor power
Especially during winter: the use of too Use engine oil suitable for the ambient
viscous engine oil temperature

Fuel supply restricted, in winter fuel sys- Change the fuel filter Check the line con-
tem clogged due to paraffin separation nections for leaks and tighten the fittings.
Use winter fuel in the cold season.

Incorrect valve clearance Adjust the valve clearance

Injection valve defective Have examined by a specialist

Injection lines leaking Check the lines for leakages

Turbo charger defective Have examined by a specialist

Dry air filter dirty clean, replace if necessary

Excessive play in the throttle cable Adjust the throttle cable, change it if nec-

BW 212 D-3/PD-3 %20$ * 89


Faults Possible cause Remedy

Excessive ex- Engine oil level too high Drain the oil to the upper dipstick mark
haust smoke
Dry air filter dirty Clean, replace if necessary

Exhaust gas turbo-charger defective Have examined by a specialist

Poor compression due to burned or bro- Have compression rings and pistons ex-
ken compression rings or incorrect valve amined by a specialist, adjust the valve
clearance clearance

Incorrect valve clearance Adjust the valve clearance

Engine over- Cooling fins on radiator extremely soiled Clean the cooling fins
heats, shut (the warning light "engine oil temperature"
down immedi- lights)
Injection valve defective Have examined by a specialist

Engine oil level too lowy Top up engine oil to the upper dipstick

Filling capacity of the injection pump not Have adjusted by a specialist

correctly adjusted

Cooling air flow restricted Clean the cooling air duct

V-belt loose or broken Tension or replace the V-belt

Poor engine Engine oil level too high Drain the engine oil down to the upper dip-
power stick mark

Dry air filter dirty Clean, change if necessary

Exhaust gas turbo-charger defective Have examined by a specialist

Charge air hose leaking Check fastening and connections

Incorrect valve clearance Adjust the valve clearance

Injection valve defective Have examined by a specialist

Engine oil pres- Engine oil level too low (control light "en- Top up oil
sure too low gine oil pressure" lights, the warning
buzzer sounds)

Leakages in the lubrication system Shut the engine down immediately, check
fittings on oil lines, lubrication oil filter and
oil cooler for leaks, if necessary tighten
the fittings.

The charge con- Generator speed too low Check the V-.belt tension, replace the V-
trol light lights belt if necessary
during opera-
tion, the warning The generator does not charge the bat- Have examined by a specialist
buzzer sounds tery, because generator or regulator is de-

90 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3


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92 %20$ * BW 212 D-3/PD-3

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