Geopolymer Bricks
Geopolymer Bricks
Geopolymer Bricks
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)
Priyanka Kamtekar1, Komal Bane2, Archana Kharpade3, Sujit Chothe4
(Department of Civil Engineering, Mumbai Univertisity, INDIA)
Abstract : Bricks square measure wide used as a construction and artefact because of its properties. Recent
years have seen a good development in new kinds of inorganic building material binders known as ‘‘geopolymeric
cement’’ round the world. This prompted its use in bricks, that improves the greenness of normal bricks. The event
of fly ash-based geopolymer light-weight bricks is comparatively new within the field of construction materials.
This report reviews the uses of ash as a raw materials and addition of foaming agent to the geopolymer mixture
to provide light-weight bricks. Most factory-made bricks with incorporation of foaming agent have shown positive
effects by manufacturing light-weight bricks, increased consistency and improved the thermal conductivities of
fly ash-based geopolymer bricks. This report presents an economic analysis of manufacturing geopolymer bricks
for use in the construction sector.
Brick is that the most typically used artifact in Republic of India for over one thousand years. Laid-off clay Bricks
square measure most typically utilized in Republic of India. However today ash bricks are enormously getting
used because of the reduction in price further as its light-weight weight. Geopolymer bricks square measure the
newest Innovation within the brick trade that carries with it supplementary building material materials like ash Or
GGBS activated by AN alkalic activator. The applying of geopolymer technology gained Importance because of
the reduction of the carbon dioxide emissions by utilizing the supplementary building material Materials in situ
of cement. It’s been noted that geopolymer bricks created with flyash needs Higher solidifying temperature to
attain higher compressive strength and lower absorption. The OPC concrete bricks that made from OPC and
aggregates conjointly use high energy and releases important quantity of greenhouse gases throughout production
of OPC. Production of one weight unit of OPC consumes or so one.5 kWh of energy and releases regarding one
weight unit of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere. Worldwide, production of OPC is to blame for regarding seven-
membered of all carbon dioxide generated. Thus, new ways and technology ought to be created to unravel this
drawback. In 1978, Prof. Joseph Davidovits has developed a brand new technique referred to as “geopolymer”.
The geopolymers depend upon thermally activated natural materials like Metakaolinite or industrial byproducts
like ash to supply a supply of semiconductor (Si) and Al (Al). These semiconductor And Al square measure
dissolved in an alkalic resolution (mixture of hydroxide and metallic element Silicate) and later on polymerizes
into 3 dimensional molecular chains and become as a binder. The chemical composition of geopolymer material
is analogous to natural zeolitic materials, however the microstructure is amorphous.The source of geopolymers
was depend upon the many factors like accessibility, cost, and sort of application. Foaming agent is such chemical
that square measure extremely utilized in the sphere of construction for creating bricks.
● To develop and study salient properties of geopolymer brick.
● To compare properties with conventional brick.
● To determine strength and workability by adding waste materials
● To introduce substantial light weighted bricks in the field of construction.
VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)
2. Properties of geopolymer bricks made with flyash and GGBS. (Year – 2020)
Lavanya B, Preet D Kuriya Suganesh S, Indrajith R
Acid resistance increased with respect to the increase in GGBS content in the mix proportion. The water
absorption of geopolymer bricks show water absorption up to 6% whereas the normal clay bricks it will
be around 20%. The strength increased with respect to the increase in the GGBS content.
Fly ash, alkaline liquid, GGBS and quarry dust area unit manually fed into a pan mixer wherever water is
additional within the required proportion for intimate combining. The proportion of the material is usually within
the magnitude relation 20% of flyash, 40% Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Silicate ,40% Ground Granulated
Blast Furnace Slag and quarry mud depending upon the quality of raw materials. The materials area unit mixed
in pan mixture. Once combining, the mixture is sent through Belt conveyor to the hydraulic/mechanical presses.
The homogenized mortar taken out of Roller mixer is place into the mould boxes. Betting on the sort of machine,
the merchandise is compacted beneath vibration / hydraulic compression etc. The inexperienced bricks area unit
dried up beneath sun from twenty four to forty eight hours, relying whether or not lime route or cement route; the
dried up bricks area unit stacked and subjected for water spray hardening once or doubly each day, for 7-28 days,
betting on atmosphere. The work size of a standard brick is 190 mm x 90 mm x 90 mm
VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)
2.2.6 Water
Clean portable water free from suspended particles was used both for mixing and curing the brick specimen. And
also there is no IS provision for taking water amount.
VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)
VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)
structure with none lumps. If a brick is born from a few height of 1m on a tough ground or on another brick, it
shouldn’t break.
VIVA-Tech International Journal for Research and Innovation Volume 1, Issue 4 (2022)
ISSN(Online): 2581-7280
VIVA Institute of Technology
9th National Conference on Role of Engineers in Nation Building – 2022 (NCRENB-2022)
● The geopolymer bricks square measure sensible sound absorbent, thence geopolymer is employed in
these bricks. So, these bricks may be utilized in auditoriums.
● The strength of the brick on top of the traditional brick.
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