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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V
Schools Division of Sorsogon


“Kalikasan at Kalusugan: Kayamanan”
Implementation Year: S.Y. 2020-2021


The school strongly supports the national implementation of Gulayan sa

Paaralan Program (GPP) and Nestlé Wellness Campus Program of the Department of
Education by virtue of the policies through Deped Orders and Memoranda
encouraging all public elementary and secondary schools to actively engage in the
production of healthy and safe vegetables and promote healthy lifestyle among
learners, families and communities in partnership with the Department of Agriculture
(DA) and Nestlé Philippines Inc. (NPI). This also targets the objectives of the following
DepEd Orders and Programs:

1. Youth for Environment in Schools (YES) Program

2. Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction (CCADRR)
3. Responding to the Threats of Climate Change and Global Warming through
Massive, Intensive, and Sustained Tree-Planting, Tree-Growing, and Tree-
Caring Program,
4. Be A Garden Steward (BAGS) of SDO Sorsogon – SGOD,
5. 4H Club of the Philippines Organization.

Due to COVID-19 Pandemic, implementation of the above-mentioned programs

was affected, thus, the school proposes an integrative and inclusive implementation
that would help the department in implementing and achieving its enabling objectives.

GPP aims to (1) strengthen the implementation of the Gulayan sa Paaralan

Program for public elementary and secondary schools nationwide to address
malnutrition; (2) promote vegetable production/consumption among school children
and; (3) ensure continuous supply of vegetables for the school-based feeding program.
Furthermore, research studies present positive impact on the learners’ physical,
emotional, intellectual, and interpersonal aspect.

On the other hand, Nestlé Wellness Campus Program aims to (1) to educate
Grades 1 – 10 public school students on nutrition, health and wellness through the
Nestlé Wellness Campus Program with the uses of the Nestlé modules based on the
Most Essential Learning Competencies; (2) to develop healthier eating, drinking and
lifestyle habits through the promotion of seven (7) healthy habits namely:
1. Choose Nutritious and Varied Options
2. Manage Portions
3. Choose to Drink Water and Milk
4. Enjoy Meals Together
5. Play Actively
6. Care for the Planet
7. Keep Good Hygiene;

(3) to support public school leaders through the Nestlé Wellness Campus Facebook
group which serves as a platform where they can share, learn, and apply the best
practices to effectively promote the seven healthy habits among learners and parents.
In response to this most challenging situation, Pili National High School proposes
this implementation program entitled: G-Well Program believes that Kalikasan at
Kalusugan ay Kayaman. This integrative and inclusive action targets to reach out
learners and their families and engage their communities for a greener and healthier
communities bringing out the best in them and by utilizing available resources through
partnership and collaboration. On top of the learning continuity amidst pandemic,
health and nutrition are set priorities.

This eco-friendly, productive, and sustainable agri-oriented school strongly

promotes healthy lifestyle which will be concretely implemented thru this G-Well
Program to be carried out this SY 2020-2021 and beyond. Empowering the young
through school-gardening and strengthening partnership among stakeholders is the top
priority of the program. Collaboration and partnership will be the highlight of the
program implementation. Subject integration and intensive laboratory for TLE students
specializing agriculture will also be utilized in realizing this program. The presence of 4H
Club of the Philippines is an assurance of wide campaign on Gulayan sa Paaralan
through young farmers advocacy.


This integrative program implementation generally aims the following:

a) support implementation of the enabling objectives of the existing programs;

Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP) and the Nestlé Wellnes Campus
Program at the school-level and other relevant programs and advocacies.
b) revitalize the school Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP) at the school-level.
c) provide technical assistance to every feeder barangays in establishing
“Gulayan sa Pamayanan at Tahanan” and,
d) integrates nutrition education through modules for learners and parents
provided by the Nestlé Wellness Campus Program;
e) serves as intervention activity for learners specializing in agriculture under
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) for JHS and Technical-Vocational
and Livelihood (TVL)of SHS,
f) conduct monitoring and evaluation of the program at the school-level.


1. Bio-Intensive Gardening Approach – is a biological (as opposed to chemical)

form of agriculture in which a small area of land is intensively cultivated using
nature’s own ingredients to rebuild and then maintain the soil’s productivity.
2. Crop Museum – is a decentralized facility where teachers, students and
community members can view a diverse range of nutrionally relevant and hardy
vegetable varieties. It is also serves as nurseries (source of planting materials) for
surrounding schools and communities, since the mother plants are preserved in
crop museums through the entire year.
3. Compost – organic residues, or a mixture of organic residues and soil, that have
been mixed, piled and moistened, with or without addition of inorganic fertilizer
and generally allowed to undergo biological decomposition until the original
organic materials have been substantially altered or decomposed.
4. Organic Fertilizers - naturally occurring organic materials that contain sufficient
plant nutrients to be of value as fertilizers, (e.g. manure, green manure, worm
casting, seaweed, etc.) or naturally occurring mineral deposits.
5. Inorganic Fertilizers – ferilizers composed of synthetic chemicals and/or minerals.
6. Urban Gardening – is a condition where most schools and houses have limited
space, vegetables are grown in containers such as pots, cans, and boxes.
7. Multiple Cropping –growing of several crops on the same land, it is used to
increase diversity of product and stability of annual haverst/output.
8. Microbe – an extremely small living thing that can only be seen with a
microscope, a germ, microorganism in the soil.
9. Indigenous – produced, growing, living, or occurring naturally in a particular
region or environment.
10. Nutrition Education –


Capacity Building

Monitoring and
Maintenance, and

Advocacy Nutrition
Campaign Education

Utilization of
Garden Yields

Implementation process


Teachers, students, and stakeholders’ representative attend training

orientation in school from technical team of the Local Government Unit –
Municipal Agriculture Office and other resource persons. However, due to
COVID19, trainings will be conducted at their respective Community Learning
Center (CLC). Minimum health standards and protocols will be highly
implemented to lower the risk of contracting the virus.

The school coordinates with the LGU-MAO in the conduct of trainings. The
training covers the following topics: organic vegetable production,
urban/container gardening, and backyard gardening, produce organic
concoctions, extracts, and fertilizers, and seed production and storage.

With the presence and support of agriculture teachers in school, learners

and parents are given hands-on activity as part of the curriculum integration
and stakeholders’ affair. Parents are encouraged to adopt technologies that
were given in G-Well Program. The capacity building will be conducted in school
and within the community, thus, minimum health standards must be observed.

The school has an area of 500 sq m and a space for rural-urban garden
model. Crop museum technology approved by the International Institute for
Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) is also adopted that promotes crop diversification and
improve sufficiency on the supply of seeds and seedlings.

Primarily, vegetables seeds to be planted are nutrient sufficient that will

address malnutrition problems in school and of the community such as follows:

• Sources of protein – leguminous vegetables such as beans, mongo, peas

and the like.
• Sources of calorie/energy – root crops such as gabi, camote, cassava
and the like.
• Sources of Vitamin A and iron – leafy green vegetables such as tops of
gabi, malunggay, saluyot, alugbati, kangkong, sili, kulitis, pechay and the

The school promotes partnership that manifests success. The school

gardens will continually be maintained and sustained thru the establishment
of school nurseries, seed bank, material recovery facility, compost pits and
heaps, fences and other facilities that will help in strengthening the production
of vegetables in school.

Pili National High School recognizes the vital role of stakeholders in

implementing, sustaining, and developing the program. Thus, Parents and other
Stakeholders of the feeder barangay were assigned to a monthly
“BAYANIHAN” where gardening activities were conducted aside from
monitoring their students’ performance, progress, and development.
Attached in the annex is the schedule on bayanihan.

The school will seek partnership between school and Sangguniang

Barangay and other private individuals in establishing of Gulayan sa Pamayanan
at Tahanan. Inclusive participatory and adult learning approach will be adapted
to ensure relevance and inclusivity of the program implementation.

Upon crafting the result of monitoring and evaluation, scaling up and

sustainability schemes will be established. On the planning, scaling up strategies
and its sustainability scheme will be discussed.


This is an integral part of the implementation for only when person

involved has the appropriate knowledge and fully aware and own its purpose,
benefits and opportunities and took part on the process from planning,
implementation and evaluation, paradigm shift happens. Learning modules for
learners and parents from the Nestlé Wellness Campus Program will be utilized.
The following instructional, educational and communications (IECs) materials will
be provided:

1. Printed Modules for Learners and Parents

2. Leaflets of the seven (7) healthy habits for learners and parents
3. Video materials at the Community Learning Centers (CLCs)
4. Tarpaulins and posters of the (7) healthy habits
5. Booklets and leaflets relevant to program
A structured orientation, lectures and discussion will also be delivered by the
school focal person and other resource facilitators to back up its advocacy and


As stated on the DepEd Memo No. 223, s.2016, garden produce shall be
used primarily for feeding. However, excess vegetables may be sold for
generating income to buy other ingredients for feeding and other planting

In the case of our school, first cycle of produced vegetables is given to

students assigned in the areas. Secondary schools are not mandated to conduct
feeding program, however, if need arises, garden produced vegetables are
readily available. Moreover, seedlings and vegetables are sold to teachers and
other who wishes to utilize the product.

Furthermore, the school is planning to officially engage to market partners

for wider network and utilization of the product. The amount raised from the
market would become part of the GPP fund for material expenses and in
conducting trainings and seminars related to GPP.


The school integrates the lessons of the Wellness Campus Program –

Pinggang Pinoy and Organic Agriculture in appropriate subject areas such as
Health, TLE and Science. As part of the campaign to increase vegetable
production and consumption. The school together with our partners, provides IEC
materials through print, video clips and other media.

To increase awareness among learners and other stakeholders, contests

such as poster-making, slogan writing, cooking contest and the like are also
conducted at the school level during the Nutrition Month and other school
celebrations related to science and health.

Posters, signage, and other information materials were established to

support the program. Gulayan sa Paaralan Program and Nestlé Wellness
Campus Program is always discussed to parents and students during Parent-
Teachers Association (PTA) and Student Leader’s Meeting.


Due to scarcity of resources, this program strongly recommends utilization

of indigenous materials that are very much available in the community for the
establishment of Home & Community Garden. However, production of IEC
materials, video and travel allowances is charge to local fund by the usual

The following are the allotted fund for Gulayan sa Paaralan:

Source of Fund Amount

MOOE 12, 000.00
Supplemental Fund from DO from
the recent Search for Best
50, 000.00
Implementer of Gulayan sa
Paaralan Program (GPP)
On top of the local funds, donations, and other supplemental materials
such as planting materials are provided by the stakeholders such as the
Department of Agriculture (DA) Provincial Office, Local Government Unit (LGU)
of Magallanes thru Municipal Agriculture Office (MAO), NGOs and other
Seeds from School Seedbank and School Nursery will be distributed to
students, and their families for the establishment of their home garden. Used
seedling trays and available information materials provided by the DA as
supplemental materials for school GPP of the previous year will be distributed to
support implementation.

The following are expenses for the program implementation:

Expenses Quantity/Pax Amount

Bond papers (A4) 20 reams Php 1,160.00
Printer Ink 2 sets
Tarpaulins (‘3x’4) 7 sets Php 2, 800.00
20 cans Php 13, 000.00
Transportation 7 pax
Tokens &
100 pcs Php 3, 500.00
Trophy 10 pcs Php, 2,000.00


Operational Framework of the G-Well Program

The operational framework of G-Well Program focuses on the inclusive and

Integrative program implementation of DepEd existing programs, Gulayan sa Paaralan
and Nestlé Wellness Campus Program which are complementary. Bringing the school
garden to communities and homes accompanied by nutritional education thru
partnership between schools and stakeholders will be the highlight of this program.
Learners and parents will engage to actual farming which will be backed up by
lectures, discussion, and IEC materials distribution relevant to nutrition and organic
farming. It is parents’ responsibility to ensure proper health and nutrition for their
children, thus, this program helps them to increase awareness and consciousness of
benefit of gardening and integrating health and nutrition education.

Stakeholders plays a vital role in the implementation of the G-Well Program for
they will become essential partners in achieving program objectives and will ensure
that this program will directly benefits the learners and their parents. Partnership and
collaboration will be at the core of this implementation.

G-WELL Program Implementation Process

Planning Monitoring and
Conference Evaluation

Advocay Campaign
MOA Signing Nutrition Education
and Scaling Up

Establishment of
Orientation and Gulayan sa Sustainability
Capacity Building Pamayanan at Acitivities


1. Planning Conference

2. MOA Signing G-Well Team

School Multipurpose
April 2021 Facilitators &
3. Orientation and Capacity Community Leaders

4. Establishment of Gulayan sa
May 2021
Pamayanan at Tahanan

5. Nutrition Education June 2021

G-Well Team Community
Facilitators, Guest Learning Center
June – July
6. Post-Processing/Value Adding Facilitators, Students, (CLC) & Gulayan sa
Parents, Teachers, & Pamayanan at
Stakeholders Tahanan Farm Sites
7. Monitoring and Evaluation July 2021

8. Advocacy Campaign and

Scaling Up
September –
9. Sustainability Activities December


School Principal Barangay Captains (6 barangays)
G-Well Program Facilitators Councilor in-charge on agriculture (6)
G-Well Program Focal Person Councilor in-charge on health (6)
Wellness Campus Program Coordinator BHW Chairman/Coordinator (6)
Gulayan sa Paaralan Program
4Ps Parent Leaders
TLE Teachers (AFA) Students enrolled in school
4H Club of the Philippines Coordinator Parents of students enrolled in school
LGU Municipal Agriculture Office
Municipal Health and Nutrition Office
NGOs representatives


Using all available relevant documents, data from interviews and direct
observations will be utilized in assessing its implementation. Along with the enabling
objectives, indicators of success will be crafted during the planning. It will be backed
up by related literature, studies and policies along with the complementary programs,
Gulayan sa Paaralan and Wellness Campus Program.


DepEd Memorandum No. 2913, s.2007. Gulayan sa Paaralan. July 27, 2007

DepEd Memorandum No. 191, s.2013. Implementation of Health and Nutrition

Center (HNC) Funded – Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP) assisted by
the Department of Agriculture – Bureau of Plant and Industry (DA-BPI).
October 14, 2013

DepEd Order No. 5, s.2014. Implementing Guidelines on the Integration of

Gulayan Sa Paaralan, Solid Waste Management and Tree Planting under
the National Greening Program. February 7, 2014

DepEd Memorandum No. 89, s.2015. Implementation of the Department of

Education (DEPED) Funded Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP) for the
School Year 2015-2016. August 19, 2015

DepEd Memorandum No. 223, s. 2016. Strengthening the Implementation of the

Gulayan sa Paaralan Program in Public Elementary and Secondary
Schools Nationwide. December 14, 2016

DepEd Memorandum No. 095, s. Sustaining the Implementation of the Gulayan

sa Paaralan Program in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools
Nationwide. May 29, 2018

School Coordinator
Gulayan sa Paaralan Program (GPP)

Recommending Approval:

Principal I

Asst. Schools Division Superintendent



Schools Division Superintendent

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