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Sprint Reflection

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Design Sprint 2021 – Sprint Reflection

Assessment Task 4 CP2408 – Individual Submission

Task and purpose: Write a report about your experiences during the Design Sprint. Use this report to
contemplate the value of collaborative design, teamwork and your role during the design sprint from
your individual point of view. By reflecting on the design sprint, you will better understand how to
apply design thinking principles and practices in the future.

Reflective thinking focuses on the process of making judgments and viewpoints about what happened
during an activity. A good reflection describes implications and insights you have about your own
future learning aspirations and self-development.

There are various models of reflective thinking, but we focus on Gibbs’ reflective cycle1. For each
experience you have during an activity, it encourages you to think systematically about it.

What happened?

Action Plan Feelings

When this situation happens What were you thinking
again what will you do? and feeling?

Conclusion Evaluation
What else could you What was good and bad
have done? about the experience?

What sense can you make
about the experience?


• Collect and review your individual experiences during the design sprint
• Collect and review the prototypes your team produced from your own individual point of view
• Review Gibbs’ reflective cycle to help you reflect on the sprint

Submission details

• Submit a single PDF document to the CP2408 LearnJCU assessment DropBox

• Your Sprint reflection is expected to follow the report template below

Sprint Reflection Report

Learning to be succinct is an important communication skill. Hence, the word count of this report is
expected to be approximately 900 words. The report may also include images that represent evidence
of your personal contributions (e.g. your 8-up sketches). Such images can be used as evidence to
support your discussion points.

This report consists of five sections (see below). It’s more sophisticated than the report you did for
CP1403. Each section answers a number of questions with respect to different aspects of the design
sprint. Questions marked with an asterisk should be answered by applying Gibbs’ reflective cycle.

1. Introduction (~25 words)

• State the purpose of this report.

2. Empathy/Define/Ideate stages reflection (~250 words)

• Discuss at most two fulfilling2 experiences you had during these stages*.
• Discuss at most two displeasing experiences you had during these stages*.
• What can you say to summarise these experiences?

3. Prototyping/Testing stage reflection (~300 words)

• Do you think the clickable prototype your team developed is meaningful? *
• How did user testing feedback from the SME influence prototype development? *
• Discuss one other fulfilling or displeasing prototyping/testing experience you had
during the sprint*.
• What can you say to summarise these experiences?

4. Teamwork/Mentorship reflection (~250 words)

• Discuss at most two fulfilling teamwork or mentorship experiences*.
• Discuss at most two displeasing teamwork or mentorship experience*.
• What can you say to summarise your approach to teamwork and mentorship?

5. Conclusion (~25 words)

• State the overall insights you discovered by making this report.

By “fulfilling” we mean a positive experience you had during the sprint.
Sprint Reflection Rubric

Criteria Exemplary Good Satisfactory Limited Very limited

9-10 7-8 5-6 2-4 0-1
This section explains the purpose This section explains the purpose The introduction is missing or very
Introduction section
of the report very clearly. of the report, but some aspect is poorly written. It does not convey
(half marks)
unclear. the purpose of this report.
This section discuss how specific This section discusses how This section is missing or very
empathy/define/ideate stage empathy/define/ideate stage poorly written. It does not provide
activities were used during the activities were used, but some a reflection about
design sprint in a very clear and aspect of the discussion is unclear empathy/define/ideate stage
reflection section
insightful way using Gibbs’ and/or off topic. Gibbs’ reflective experiences.
reflective cycle. cycle could have been used
Prototype/Test This section discusses how This section discusses how This section is missing or very
reflection section prototyping/testing activities prototype/test activities were poorly written. It does not provide
were applied during the design used, but some aspect of the a reflection about prototype/test
sprint in a very clear and discussion is unclear and/or off stage experiences.
insightful way using Gibbs’ topic. Gibbs’ reflective cycle could
reflective cycle. have been used better.
This section discusses how This section discusses how This section is missing or very
teamwork activities were used teamwork activities were used, Exhibits poorly written. It does not provide
aspects of
(from an individual’s point of but some aspect of the discussion aspects of a reflection about teamwork
Teamwork/Mentorship view) during the design sprint in a is unclear and/or off topic. Gibbs’ satisfactory experiences. Mentorship is not
(left) and
reflection section very clear and insightful way using reflective cycle could have been (left) and very discussed well enough.
Gibbs’ reflective cycle. used better. Mentorship could be limited (right)
Mentorship is also insightfully discussed better.
This section provides a This section provides a summary The conclusion is missing or very
meaningful summary of the of the design sprint overall, but poorly written. It does not
Conclusion section
design sprint overall in terms of some aspect of this discussion is summarize this report very well.
(half marks)
the discussion points made in the unclear and/or doesn’t relate to
previous sections. previous sections.
The grammar and spelling in this The grammar and spelling in this There are too many grammatical
report is consistently at a very report is mostly clear, but there is and/or spelling mistakes in this
high level. The word limit is room for improvement. report. The word count is
adhered to. The images provided insufficient or excessive. There are
as evidence are of an excellent And/or the report word count is few/no meaningful supporting
Report quality
quality and also very meaningful. somewhat under/over the limit. images provided as evidence for
discussion points.
And/or the provided images are
useful but could be better quality
or more meaningful.

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