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--- Readme File --Protel for Windows Advanced Schematic Version 1.

0 -- 12/13/92 Congratulations on your purchase of Advanced Schematic. We're sure that you will find the many breakthrough features of this product exciting. As you gain familiarity with Advanced Schematic, we're equally confident that you will find this system a sat isfying and productive design environment. Many key features of Advanced Schematic had not been completed at the time the U ser Guide, Schematic Editor Reference and Library Editor Reference were printed. A special topic, "New Features" has been included in the comprehensive On-line Help systems, cove ring these new or expanded features. Separate On-line Help files are provided for the Schem atic Editor application and the Library Editor application. To access On-line help at any ti me while using the software simply press F1. Installation The following files may have been installed onto your destination drive and dire ctories depending upon the options that were selected during installation. Advanced Schematic applications and support files - 3.7Mb SCH.EXE SCH.HLP LIBEDIT.EXE LIBEDIT.HLP BWCC.DLL IMAGEMAN.DLL IMGBMP.DIL IMGPCX.DIL IMGTIFF.DIL IMGGIF.DIL IMGEPSF.DIL IMGWMF.DIL DEMOPRJ.SCH MEMORY.SCH SERIAL.SCH BAUDCLK.SCH PPI.SCH CPUCLK.SCH POWER.SCH CPU.SCH DEMO.LIB PROTEL.LIB README.TXT Schematic Editor application Schematic Editor On-line Help file Library Editor Application Library Editor On-line Help file Auxillary file (copied to your Windows directory) Auxillary file (copied to your Windows directory) Auxillary file (copied to your Windows directory) Auxillary file (copied to your Windows directory) Auxillary file (copied to your Windows directory) Auxillary file (copied to your Windows directory) Auxillary file (copied to your Windows directory) Auxillary file (copied to your Windows directory) Demo Project File Demo Sheet (16K RAM, 6K ROM) Demo Sheet (Serial IO) Demo Sheet (Serial Baud Clock) Demo Sheet (Parallel IO) Demo Sheet (CPU Clock) Demo Sheet (Power Supply) Demo Sheet (CPU Section) Demonstration library for demo sheet files Protel (DOS version) Schematic Vector conversion library This text file

General libraries - 1.4Mb


AMD PAL Device Data Book 1988 AMD Memory Products Data Book 1989/1990 - Device Library Intel Memory Products Intel Microprocessors, Volume I 1992 Intel Microprocessors, Volume II 1992 Intel Embedded Microcontrollers and Processors, Volume I 1992 Intel Embedded Microcontrollers and Processors, Volume II 1992 Intel Peripheral Components 1991 Motorola CMOS Logic 1991 Motorola FACT Data 1990 Motorola ECLinPS Data 1991 Motorola Linear and Interface Integrated Circuit 1988 Motorola Memory Data 1991 Motorola Single Chip Microprocessors 1984 Motorola M68000 Family Reference 1990 NEC Microcomputer Products 1984 National Semi F100k ECL Logic Databook and Design Guide 1989 National Semi Interface Databook 1990 National Data Acquisition Linear Device 1989 National Semi Special Purpose Linear Devices 1989 National Semi General Purpose Linear Devices Databook 1989 National Semi Programmable Logic Devices and Design Guide 1990 Texas Instruments Interface Circuits Data Book 1990 Texas Instruments Linear Circuits Data Book Vol 1 1989 Texas Instruments Linear Circuits Data Book Vol 2 1989 Texas Instruments Linear Circuits Data Book Vol 3 1989 Texas Instruments MOS Memory Data Book 1991 Western Digital Data Communications Products Handbook 1984 Western Digital Storage Management Products Handbook 1984 ZiLOG Z8 Family Design Handbook 1989 ZiLOG Z8000 Family Data Book 1988

Commercial TTL (74 series) libraries - 3.4Mb M01-C.LIB M03-C.LIB NS01-C.LIB NS02-C.LIB NS03-C.LIB NS05-C.LIB NS06-C.LIB TI01-C.LIB TI02-C.LIB TI03-C.LIB TI04-C.LIB TI05-C.LIB TI06-C.LIB Motorola Fast and LS TTL Data 1989 (Commercial) Motorola High Speed CMOS Logic 1989 (Commercial) National Semi LS/S/TTL Logic 1989 (Commercial) National Semi ALS/AS 1990 (Commercial) National Semi CMOS Logic Databook 1988 (Commercial) National Semi FAST Advanced Schottky TTL Logic 1990 (Commercial) National Semi FACT Advanced CMOS Logic 1990 (Commercial) Texas Instrument TTL Logic 1988 (Commercial) Texas Instrument High-Speed CMOS Logic 1989 (Commercial) Texas Instruments ALS/AS Logic Data Book 1986 (Commercial) Texas Instruments Advanced CMOS Logic (Commercial) Texas Instruments LSI Logic Data Book 1986 (Commercial) Texas Instruments F Logic Data Book (Commercial)

Military TTL (54 series) libraries - 4.4Mb M01-M.LIB M03-M.LIB NS01-M.LIB NS02-M.LIB NS03-M.LIB NS05-M.LIB NS06-M.LIB Motorola Motorola National National National National National Fast High Semi Semi Semi Semi Semi and LS TTL Data 1989 (Military) Speed CMOS Logic 1989 (Military) LS/S/TTL Logic 1989 (Military) ALS/AS 1990 (Military) CMOS Logic Databook 1988 (Military) FAST Advanced Schottky TTL Logic 1990 (Military) FACT Advanced CMOS Logic 1990 (Military)


Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas Texas

Instrument TTL Logic 1988 (Military) Instrument High-Speed CMOS Logic 1989 (Military) Instruments ALS/AS Logic Data Book 1986 (Military) Instruments Advanced CMOS Logic (Military) Instruments LSI Logic Data Book 1986 (Military) Instruments F Logic Data Book (Military)

Schematic 3 (DOS) compatable libraries - 750Kb D_ADCDAC.LIB D_CMOS.LIB D_COMPAR.LIB D_DEVICE.LIB D_INTEL.LIB D_LINEAR.LIB D_MEM.LIB D_MOTO.LIB D_NEC.LIB D_OPAMPS.LIB D_SYNTEK.LIB D_TTL.LIB D_VOLTRE.LIB D_WESTDG.LIB D_ZILOG.LIB Protel Protel Protel Protel Protel Protel Protel Protel Protel Protel Protel Protel Protel Protel Protel DOS DOS DOS DOS DOS DOS DOS DOS DOS DOS DOS DOS DOS DOS DOS Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Schematic Analog digital Library 4000 CMOS Library Comparators Library Device Library Intel Library Linear Library Memory Devices Library Motorola Library NEC Library Operational Amplifiers Library Synertek Library TTL Library Voltage Regulators Library Western Digital Library Zilog Library

ADDITIONS, CHANGES, TIPS and HINTS The following information covers additions and changes to Advanced Schematic tha t have been made since the printed User Guide and reference manuals were printed. It also in cludes additional coverage of some important concepts of the Advance Schematic system. This information is also available in the On-Line Help system. In particular, we reco mmend that you see the help topic "New Features for this Release" which covers new features and additional topics not covered in this file. To access on-line help, simply press the F1 key, at any time while using Advanced Schematic. Part Designators (labels) When placing parts on the sheet, the user can either name the part designators ( by pressing the TAB key) during placement, or leave parts undesignated and use the ReAnnotat e feature to automatically designate the entire sheet, at a later time. To enable "on the fly " designation: 1. Place a component part on the sheet; 2. Double-click on the part to open the Change Part dialog box; 3. Supply a designator, for example changing "U?" to U1 or U1A (no delimiter i s used between the number and subpart). From this point, as you place parts with the default designator "U?" Advanced Sc

hematic will sequentially number the designator. Defaults for primitives Advanced Schematic does not have a separate menu or dialog box for defining the current wiresize, junction size, text size, etc. Rather, the system remembers the last s ize, etc. selected by the user and holds this value until a new value is defined. This als o works for items like rectangles or arcs, whose size and shape is retained during placement . If the Options Preferences Save Defaults option is enabled, these defaults will be reta ined between editing sessions, not just during the current session. PROTEL.LIB Library When Protel 3 (DOS) files are loaded, Advanced Schematic substitutes vector vers ions of standard bitmap components using the PROTEL.LIB library. This library is install ed into the same directory as the .EXE files, so it can be found when loading any DOS schema tic files. If the user moves this file, it must be in the Path or the Windows directory. As DOS schematic files are loaded, each bitmap component is scanned, yielding a unique numeric value, used to identify the bitmap pattern. This is called the Bitmap ID #. In the PROTEL.LIB file, components are named using these Bitmap ID#s, which represent t he original (bitmap) shapes of the vector version. For example "-32645" etc. When loading sh eets, the bitmap ID#s for each scanned component is matched with the bitmap ID#s in the PR OTEL.LIB. If there is no exact match, the part, including its Bitmap ID#, is listed in a r eport file. A raster-to-vector conversion is performed for the new bitmap placed in the sheet. The user can add new components to PROTEL.LIB, retaining the Bitmap ID# as the c omponent name. When the user loads the file (or other files with the same bitmap components) th e component will be matched and replaced with the new (vectorized) version. If the original component is a relatively simple pattern, the automatic vectorization may be ade quate. However, the user can use the Schematic Library Editor to edit the component fur ther, if desired. SPICE netlist generation

The SPICE netlist option has some unique options, compared to other netlist form ats. These options allow the user to extract the necessary information to generate a SPICE netlist file directly from the schematic. If you have a text frame with the word "Spice" as the first line, then all the i nformation stored in that text frame will be dumped directly at the beginning of the Spice netlist file. So, the format is: Spice xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx You can have any number of these Spice text frames, anywhere in the schematic pr oject and all will be included at the beginning of the Spice netlist file, so things like mode l information for components, etc. will be placed here along with directives to the Spice comp ile, such as probe. The Spice keyword is not added to the netlist. Additionally, Power Ports can be used to pass information about power inputs to the Spice netlist. If the string "AC" or "DC" appears in a power object, then a special co nversion is done on the string net power object and it is written to the Spice netlist in a special format. For example, if you have a power object and the string in the power obje ct is "VCC DC 12" then one of the nets that is created as VCC, will have the attribute DC 12 attached to it in Spice format. In addition, in the MAP file, that same informat ion will be written out as the net name VCC DC 12. Map files: The Spice format creates two MAP files in addition to the netlist fil es. A list of the node numbers, cross referenced to the net names is placed in the first MA P file because the netnames in the Spice file are numbers starting at 10000 and increme nting sequentially, because many Spice systems can't handle alphanumeric net names. Al so, it's important to use the Spice library, because Spice systems can only support numer ic node numbers (or pin names). So, for example, if you have a transistor, you have to c onvert E,B and C to 1,2 and 3, etc. Protel will add a library called SPICE which will h ave components in those formats. Users should either restrict component use to the S pice library, or modify their transistor libraries, etc.to support those conventions. Sheet Numbers on "Local" nets

Local nets (defined in the Scope of Net Identifiers when generating a netlist or running Electrical Rules Checks) are nets in multi-sheet projects that apply LOCALLY onl y - that is they apply to one sheet, not to other project sheets. This means that the use r can label a net "D1" on more than one sheet. To avoid confusion later, Advanced Schematic automatically adds the sheet number to these local nets in the netlist, using the format "D1_S HEET01" (or whatever sheetname) etc. This is also performed automatically on projects wh en using the ReAnnotate command. Down Hierarchy command The down arrow or this command prompts you for either a sheet symbol or a sheet part, if you click on the sheet symbol or sheet part, you will descend to that sheet file . Additionally, if you click on the sheet entry, you will descend to the sheet and zoom into the corresponding port for that part. This makes navigation of complex hierarchi es much easier. Up Hierarchy command The up arrow or this command prompts you to click on a target port inside the current sheet. If you click on a port, you will ascend to the sheet entry on the parent sheet. Update All Parts (Library menu) This command looks through the current Library List to see if there is a compone nt available to replace one in the current sheet. If no match is found, the sheet version is left alone. Information Select Pins (Info menu) This command provides a list of selected pins, plus sheet entries and ports. If you click on any listed items and press OK, the workspace will zoom to display that item. If you double-click on a listed pin, it will zoom to display the pin, which will be hig hlighted to make it easier to see. Select Net and Select Connection (Edit menu) These commands highlight all the connected elements, except for component pins. The difference between Select Net and Select Connection is somewhat different fr om the way

these features work in PfW PCB. In Select Connection, only physically connected items highlight (except pins). Select Net highlights all objects associated by net lab el or power ports on the same sheet. Communication with other Applications The Protel for Windows system allows the user to launch more than one "instance" of an application or document. For example, you can have two instances of the Schemati c Editor running, each dedicated to a different project. When launching another applicati on from the Schematic (sheet) editor, for example, choosing the Run Library Editor command, the outcome is influenced by the number of active instances of the application. If you have a single instance of the Library Editor running, the focus will simply switch to that ins tance, which then becomes the "active" window. If no instances are running, the program will be both launched and made active. If you have multiple instances running, the applicatio n will warn the user that more than one instance of the application is running and no a ction will occur. Similarly, the Edit button in the Component Browser will display a warnin g, if more than one instance of the Schematic Editor is running, because the system cannot choose between open applications. Rebuild button (Project Manager) If you add sheet symbols to connect to other sheets, delete sheet symbols, chang e the file name in sheet symbols or choose File Save As to change a sheet file name, pressi ng Rebuild will re-construct the hierarchy in the navigator to reflect these changes. For e xample, if you delete a sheet from the middle of a hierarchical project, this will effectiv ely "split" the project in two pieces and the rebuild command will reflect this change in pr oject structure. When opening or closing files, the navigator is updated automatically . Search for Net command This command searches for a net, power port, sheet entry on a sheet symbol or a port. It will also support the use of wildcards, for example typing "D*" will search f or D0, D1, etc. All tests using wildcards are case-insensitive. If you type in a string in with no wildcards, a case sensitive search is performed first, then a case-insensitive s earch.

Placing Bezier Curves It takes four points to make a curve segment, (two control points and two end po ints). Therefore, if you add two points to an existing curve, you will not get a full s egment. Component Manager In Schematic Capture Application Some additional productivity features for the component manager panel. Double Clicking on a designator or Error Marker String is the same as pressing t he Jump Button. Holding down the Shift or Control Key and double click is the same as the change button. Double clicking on a library component name is the same as pressing the place bu tton. Double click and Shift or Control is same as the edit button. The status bar is now also used to display the full string of the focussed item in the currently focussed list box. (end)

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