Curriculum Map Math 10-2022-2023
Curriculum Map Math 10-2022-2023
Curriculum Map Math 10-2022-2023
School Year 2022-2023
Vision Statement: A Relevant, Transformative Catholic School Community in Joyful Mission with Home and Parish.
Theme: SNCS@34: Synodos: Journeying together as one in faith, Hope, and love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Scaffolds 2:
Investigate and
make a report
Scaffolds 3:
Make a proposal
Task 2 Individual
T2. Plan a personal Activity
Saving Scheme
using arithmetic
sequence and series. Constructed PPT
Response work text and
Individual worksheets
A8. Performs Activity Online Apps
division of
polynomials using
long division and
synthetic division Guided Journal Writing
Generalization Guided Writing
M1. Proves the Generalization Generalization
remainder theorem,
rational root theorem
and the factor Proving Online
theorem Seatwork Manipulatives
A9. Factors work text and
polynomials worksheets
Constructed PPT
Response Individual work text and
Activity worksheets
A10. Illustrate Seatwork
polynomial Recitation
equations Online Apps
Individual PPT
Activity work text and
A11. Understand, Seatwork
Describe and worksheets
Interpret the graphs
of polynomial Constructed
functions. Response Journal Writing
A12. Solve Generalization
problems involving
polynomials and
Performance Standard: The learner is able to formulate and solve problems involving sequences, polynomials and polynomial equations in different disciplines through appropriate
and accurate representations.
Transfer Goal: The learners on their own will be able to apply the key concepts of sequences in finding solutions and making decisions for certain real-life problems.
Performance Task: Photo Exhibit: Identify objects or situations in real life where patterns are present.
Rubric on Photo Exhibit depicting Patterns in Nature (Laudato Si: The 2nd Encyclical of Pope Francis)
Components Outstanding Satisfactory Developing Beginning
(4) (3) (2) (1)
Sequence Concept and Justification Justification is clear, convincing Justification is clear, and Justification is not so clear. Not Justification is ambiguous. Only
and professionally delivered. The convincingly delivered. The all concepts learned on Patterns in few concepts learned on Patterns
concepts learned on Patterns in concepts learned on Patterns Nature are evident. in Nature are evident.
Nature are evident. in Nature are evident.
Appropriateness All of the photos are correct and All of the photos are correct One of the photos is not a correct Most of the photos are not models
unique models of some Patterns in models of some Patterns in model of some Patterns in Nature. of some Patterns in Nature.
Nature that calls to take good care Nature.
of our environment.
Visual Impact Overall visual impact is very Overall visual impact is Overall visual impact is Overall visual impact is limited.
effective. effective. somewhat effective.
Sto. Niño Catholic School
Sampaloc St., Zone 1, Signal Village, Taguig City
Mathematics 10
School Year 2022-2023
Vision Statement: A Relevant, Transformative Catholic School Community in Joyful Mission with Home and Parish.
Theme: SNCS@34: Synodos: Journeying together as one in faith, Hope, and love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)
(NO): CONTENT Content Standard Performance SKILLS (MELC) CORE VALUES
MONTH Standard
SECOND Geometry The learner The learner is able The learners will be
QUARTER demonstrates to formulate and able to:
understanding of find solutions to
November Circular the key concepts of challenging M1. Derives Guided Individual Pre-Recorded Core Value:
to Functions factors of circles situations inductively the Generalization Activity Video Lessons Excellence
December and involving relations among Online Online Apps.
coordinate circles and other chords, arcs, central Activities PPT Graduate
geometry. related terms in angles, and inscribed various pictures Attributes:
different angles. work text Competent
disciplines Modules Critical Thinker
through M2. Proves Proving
theorems related to Breakout group
appropriate and activity
accurate chords, arcs, central Formation
angles, and inscribed work text and Standards:
angles. worksheets Performs and
Constructed accomplishes
Group Activity PPT
A4. Illustrates Response assigned tasks
secants, tangents, Online Apps properly and on
segments, and time.
sectors of a circle. Has the ability
Proving Individual to solve
M3. Proves Activity problems that
Online Apps
theorems on secants, one encounters
tangents, and in real life.
Constructed Individual work text and
A5. Solves problems Response Activity worksheets
on circles.
Integration The portfolio elegantly integrates At least 3 concepts from the Each design is connected to at There is no explicit use of concept
more than 3 concepts from the circle theorems are used. least 1 concept from the circle on circle theorems.
circle theorems. theorems.
Effort & Creativity A wealth of time and creativity Time and care have been Some time and creativity have Very little time and creativity have
have been invested; excellent invested; many creative ideas been invested in the portfolio. been invested in the portfolio.
attention to details. are present.
Sto. Niño Catholic School
Sampaloc St., Zone 1, Signal Village, Taguig City
Mathematics 10
School Year 2022-2023
Vision Statement: A Relevant, Transformative Catholic School Community in Joyful Mission with Home and Parish.
Theme: SNCS@34: Synodos: Journeying together as one in faith, Hope, and love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Scaffolds 2:
Identify 2 PPT
examples of work text and
game of chance worksheets
in foreign and
local televisions Journal Writing
Scaffolds 3: Generalization
Make a proposal
Mathematics 10
School Year 2022-2023
Vision Statement: A Relevant, Transformative Catholic School Community in Joyful Mission with Home and Parish.
Theme: SNCS@34: Synodos: Journeying together as one in faith, Hope, and love. (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Scaffolds 2:
Investigate and
make a report
Scaffolds 3:
Video analysis
on different
modalities of
learning in
Goal: To analyze data taken from a survey / questionnaire from a certain research.
Role: Researcher / Statistician
Audience: Teachers with MA and PhD
Situation: Challenges in Education brought about by the Pandemic. The effect of online distance learning.
Product: Mini Research: Collection of Data, Table Analysis, and Constructing Box and Whisker Plot
Standard: Measures of position concept, content and organization – data / results
Content Speaker provides an accurate For the most part, Explanations of concepts are Content is not
and complete explanation of explanations of concepts are inaccurate or clear; presentation
key concepts. Level of accurate and incomplete. There is a great deal consistently is too elementary
presentation is appropriate complete. Level of of information that is or too sophisticated for the
for the audience. presentation is generally not connected to the presentation audience
appropriate. ; portions of presentation
are too elementary or too
sophisticated for audience.
Organization Professional looking and Accurate representation of the Accurate representation of the Data are not shown, are
– Data / accurate representation of data in tables and/or graphs. data in written form, but no inaccurate or are so
Results the data in tables and/or Graphs and tables are labeled graphs or tables are presented. disorganized the reader can’t
graphs. Graphs and tables and titled. make sense of them.
are labeled and titled.