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1 (a) Enumerate the merits and demerits of a feedback control system.

(b) Briefly explain the following terms associated with basic closed-loop control systems:
i) Demand signal ii) Controlled variable iii) Comparator iv) Feedback
transducer v) Error signal
Indicate these elements on a neatly-drawn block diagram showing a system being
2 (a) In order to analyze a complex system, the system components need to be identified
and put in the form amendable to analysis, design and evaluation” Enumerate the
step-by-step approach to be followed.
(b) Obtain, using the Laplace transformation technique, a complete time domain solution
of the dynamic equation of a second order feedback system: given that
// ¿
y +2 y + y=te
−t y ( 0 )=1 ¿
( 0)
where =−2 ; y
3 (a) The equations governing the behavior of linear systems are often expressed in the
linear differential or integral differential equations specified in the time domain.
Enumerate the operations involved while employing the Laplace transformation
technique to obtain a complete time domain response for such systems.
(b) A second order closed loop control system is described by the following dynamic
( D2 −D−2 ) x=20 sin 2 t (0 ) x =−1
1( 0)
x =2
where ,
Obtain a complete solution of the equation in the time domain using Laplace
transformation technique.
4 (a) Define the term” Disturbance Signal” as used in control systems engineering. Give
two examples only of its occurrence in systems,
(b) Figure 1 shows the block diagram of a feedback control system with disturbance
signals, U(s), V(s) and W(s). Obtain an expression for the overall output response of
the system.

Figure 1: Control system block diagram with disturbance signals V and W

5 (a) By means of Routh-Hurwitz criterion, determine the stability of the systems whose
characteristic equation is given below and obtain the number of roots (if any) lying in
the right half of the complex s-plane.
6 5 4 3 2
(i) s + 2 s +8 s +12 s +20 s +16 s+16=0
(ii) s ( s 2 + s+1 ) ( s+ 4 ) + K =0
6 (a) A second order closed-loop system is described by the modeling equation as
θ0 (t ) ( 3 D 2 +8 D+27 ) =θ I ( t ) 54 determine the system’s i) Undamped angular
ii) Damped factor, iii) Resonance angular frequency, iv) 5% settling time, v)
Maximum overshoot
(b) Using block diagram reduction technique, determine the closed-loop transfer function
of the system whose block diagram is given in Figure 2.

Figure 2: Closed loop diagram to be reduced to its canonical form

7 (a) Enumerate the merits and demerits of a feedback control system.

(b) Describe by means of suitable block diagram(s), the various elements of a basic
closed loop control system.

8. A second order closed loop control system is described by the following dynamic
d2 y dy
−7 +10 y=e 2t +20
dt 2 dt
Using Laplace transformation technique obtain a complete solution of the equation in the
¿ 1
y ( 0 )=−
time domain, assuming initial conditions are y ( 0 )=0 ; 3
9. (a) State and explain two principles a model must comply with in ascertaining its
(b) Obtain, using the Laplace transformation technique, a complete time domain
solution of the dynamic equation of a second order feedback system: given that
d x dx
4 −3 +5=e−3 t sinh 4 t x 0=1, x 1=−3 ;
i) dt 2 dt where
// ¿ −t y =1 ¿
ii) y +2 y + y=te
( 0)
where ( 0 ) ; y =−2
10. The following data pertain to a torque sensing transducer connected to the shaft of an
electric motor which drives a load; input torque = sinusoidal with frequency varying at1.95
rad/s; Maximum permissible error = ± 8%; Moment of inertia of load, J = 0.14 kgm 2;
Torsional constant of the shaft, q = 1.22 Nm/rad. Calculate the following:(i) Natural
frequency.(ii)Damping ratio (iii)Damped natural frequency.(iv)Time constant of the

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