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Performance Tasks

Expectations Knowledge Skills Values

Provide a sufficient Share and improve my Work with ethical

College Supervisor understanding to communication skill by behaviors including
students, do research, using activities that I’ve being respectful attitude,
and cite reliable sources learned in my school conducting a
to be shared to students. previously. professional manner and
doing the work with

Cooperating Share what I’ve instill on Build a strong Let the knowledge and
Principal/School head/ my mind to my student relationship to teachers the skill aligned with the
Master Teacher (basic lessons), in order and students for a values. Respect the
for them to acquire the harmonious working views of individual.
learnings step by step. relationship

Cooperating Teacher Apply all the learnings, Make a priority to listen Get into the habit of
provide essential and understand the trying to explore new
questions before the views of students on things and lessons rather
activity in order to know how they react a certain than getting and staying
their prior knowledge. topics. in a routine.
Performance Tasks

Performance Task 2.

Title of Law/CHED Policy/ Cite one (1) important provision How will you apply this in your
Department Order professions

If an incident of bullying or
R A 10627 Anti Bullying Act of relation involves students from By providing a program that
2013 more than one school first promotes and support anti-
informed of the bullying or bullying in order for them
relation shall promptly notify the (teachers & students) to be
appropriate administrator of the aware that everyone should be
other school so the both may and deserved to be respected.
take the appropriate action.

R A 7877 Anti Sexual Harassment The head of office is required by Through raising an awareness
Act of 1995 the law to prevent the like every year, educating
occurrence of sexual harassment students together with teachers,
act and provide the procedures and giving words out on what
for the resolution, settlement or should do and shouldn’t.
prosecution of sexual
Reiterates a zero tolerance policy
Dep Ed 40 s 2012 Child for any act of child abuse, By letting students get involved
Protection Policy violence, exploitation, with all the programs regardless
discrimination, bullying and with their diversity and educate
other forms of abuse. them on their rights and
Reference: https://www.officialgazette.gov.ph
Performance Tasks

Performance Task 3.

From among the five phases of Teaching Internship, which seem to be difficult?

For me, among the five phases of Teaching Internship, #3 which is on site tasks is quite
difficult, for the reason that it challenge me the most handling different types of learners,
doing on the spot PowerPoint presentations.


How can I enjoy my Teaching Internship to the fullest?

As I entered the room, I saw the beautiful smiles of every student. I enjoyed every moment,
discussion and learning that we’ve shared to each other. I didn’t feel being exhausted every
time I spent so much of my time applying and sharing my knowledge to them. Through
interacting and knowing their backgrounds, I realized that teaching is not boring as what
others says and I enjoyed it very much. Through this Teaching Internship, I appreciate the
efforts that my cooperating teacher exerted as well as the energy of the students when it
comes to a discussions and activities.

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