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Jazan University

Faculty of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department


Electrical Machines Report

Group (3207)

Dr. Sultan Saheli

No. Name ID

1 Abdulkhaliq Mohammed Awaf 201911506

2 Abdulaziz Ali Tomihy 201912695

3 Hassan Nasser Hassan Komait 201906672

After we finished studying this project and writing this report,
we would like to express our gratitude and thanks to Dr. Sultan
Sahli for his assistance in this course and project. We thank
you, dear reader, for giving the report your time and reading it,
and we hope that it will obtain your satisfaction and be at the
scientific level that we aspire to.


❖ Abstract………………………………………………………………..….……4
❖ Objective of experiment………………………………………..………5
❖ Theoretical background……………………………………….………..5
❖ Apparatus Required ………………………………………….………….6
❖ Applications……………………………………………………………..…...9
❖ Connection Diagram and procedure………………….……..…10
❖ Results …………………………………………………………………………14
❖ Discussion ……………………………………………………………………17
❖ Conclusion……………………………………………………………………17


This report details the objective of the experiment, providing an

overview of the synchronization generator and an explanation

of the devices used in the experiment, the operation of the

Open Circuit, Short Circuit and Loading experiment, displaying

the results in the form of graphs, and some applications of the

.synchronization generator

❖ Objective of experiment

➢ investigate the relationship between field current and

armature voltage under no load condition.

➢ investigate the relationship between field current and

armature current under short circuit test.

➢ Determine the reactance of stator (Xs) through operating

a synchronous in two different tests, which are open and

short circuit test.

➢ investigate the load variation effect on a synchronous


❖ Theoretical Background

A single phase transformer is a transformer that uses only

one phase of power. A transformer is a passive electrical device

that uses electromagnetic induction to transmit electrical

energy from one circuit to another. It's most typically used to

'step up' or 'step down' voltage levels between circuits.

Figure 1: Transformer

There are two types of transformers: three-phase

transformers and single-phase transformers, depending

on the electrical network where the transformer is


The AC voltage source injects the AC current via the

transformer primary winding, which is how a single-phase

transformer works.

The alternating electromagnetic field is created by the AC

current. The transformer secondary circuit is made up of

magnetic field lines that flow through the iron

transformer core.

❖ Apparatus Required

Device Purpose

A variable AC power source is a

controlled, yet variable, voltage
Variable source solution. Variable AC power
AC sources are commonly used in
conjunction with test
equipment to simulate extreme
variations of voltage condition.

for measuring the electric active
power (or the average of the rate
of flow of electrical energy) in
watts of any given circuit

Single phase used for power distribution and

transformer voltage reduction for residential
and commercial applications.

Variable used to test the effect of Load

resistive load resistance on the power
consumed by the circuit and
several other parameters.

Variable Variable capacitors are often used

capacitive load in L/C circuits to set the
resonance frequency.

Variable An inductive in used to convert
inductive load load current into a magnetic field.

Multimeter used to measure two or more

electrical values.

Wire Its objective is to transport energy

from one location to another
while preserving its power.

The basic Dimmer stat is meant

for operation of a nominal voltage
Single phase of 240V A.C. and can give output
dimmer stat voltage anywhere between 0 to
240V or up to 270V by a simple
transformer action.

Used for monitoring electrical
installations. A Multifunction
Multi-function energy meter monitors and
meter measures all the electrical
parameters such as voltage,
active power, apparent power,
current, power factor, reactive
power, Active energy, phase

❖ Applications

1) Electric Utility Generators — Speed is easily controlled

and therefore the frequency.

2) Backup or Standby Generators—Because modern

standby generators mimic the power produced by the

electric utility, they supply electric power during an

outage to homes, businesses, Industry, and institutions.

3) Portable Generators—The most common type of portable

generator produces current similar to that from the

utility. The quality of the current varies from poor to

excellent depending on the intended use. Portable

generators are powered by internal combustion engines

designed to run on gaseous fuel such as propane or

gasoline, or on diesel.
4) Automotive Alternator—In the past, a simple DC generator was
used to charge the battery and operate the vehicle. The silicon

diode rectifier made the application of a three-phase synchronous
alternator practical
5) Wind Turbines—Some home applications utilize a multi-phase
synchronous generator to produce AC current which is rectified to
DC to charge batteries. The DC current is usually inverted to 60 or
50 (North America or Europe) hertz AC for use in the home.

❖ Connecting diagram and Procedure

1) Open Circuit Test:

Figure 2: Open circuit connecting

1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure (6).

2. Keep the autotransformer at its minimum output voltage


3. Switch on the power supply and adjust the

autotransformer to get the rated supply voltage.

| P a g e 10
4. Now note down the current and power shown by the

ammeter and wattmeter respectively. Let these are Io

and Wo.

Figure 3: Open Circuit Experiment

2) Short Circuit Test:

Figure 4: Short circuit connecting

| P a g e 11
1. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure (8).
2. Keep the auto transformer output at its minimum voltage position
and switch on the AC supply.
3. Increase the applied voltage very slowly, and adjust it to get the
current equal to the rated value of the winding. Do not increase the
applied voltage further.
4. Note down the watt meter, voltmeter and ammeter readings. Let
these are Wsc, Vsc and Isc.

Figure 5: Short Circuit Experiment

3) Load Circuit Test:

. Figure 6: Load circuit connecting

| P a g e 12
1. Set up the experiment circuit in accordance with Figure (10).
2. For first reading, keep the secondary side open or not loaded. Next,
turn on the AC power and note the no-load secondary voltage of
the transformer with the voltmeter V2. Note this value as E2.
3. Now connect the load and increase the load in steps until the load
current reaches the full load value.
4. At each step, note the value of V1, I1 and W1 from the primary side
and V2, I2 and W2 from the secondary side.
5. At each step,3 the input voltage of the primary winding remains
constant, and a single-phase variable is used to make the input
voltage constant.
6. After all the steps, switch the load and turn off the AC power.

Figure 7: Load Circuit Experiment

| P a g e 13
❖ Results

1) Open circuit:

If (A) 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6

(V) Ea 6.67 52.6 127.6 189.2 233 265.8 284.8

Table 1: Open circuit test reading

Figure 8: Open circuit graph

| P a g e 14
2) Short circuit:

If (A) 0.01 0.02 0.06 0.11 0.17 0.24

Ia (A) 0.06 0.17 0.33 0.63 0.99 1.47
Table 2: Short circuit test reading

Short Circuit Curve



Ia (A)





0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3

If (A)
Figure 9: Short circuit graph

| P a g e 15
3) Load circuit:

R (%) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40

Va (V) 135 134 133 132 131 139 129

Ia (A) 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.17 0.20 0.22 0.25

Table 3: Load circuit test reading

R (%) Load Circuit Test



Ia (A)




128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136

Va (V)

Figure 10: Load circuit graph

| P a g e 16
❖ Discussion

1) Open and short circuit:

The results of the experiments corroborate what has been discovered in

theory. We believe so. The field current and armature current were changing

in lockstep, as we could observe. It was also possible to see that when the

field current grew, the terminal voltage increased as well, but this variation

became negligible beyond a certain point due to saturation. When both the

single-phase and three-phase transformers are loaded. The phase voltage

remains almost constant despite the continual DC excitation, but the terminal

voltage varies and the armature current increases. This is due to the internal

impedance of the transformer. Finally, a transform's single-phase transformer

reattendance is always enormous. However, if additional equipment of

various sizes is utilized, the results may vary.

2) Load circuit:

We can see in the load experiment that the larger the capacitive

load, the higher the current and voltage, implying that the link is direct.

When it comes to resistance, the current falls as the voltage rises. In a

capacitor, the current reduces in a proportion less than the resistance

as the voltage increases.

❖ Conclusion
The features of (single-phase) transformers, including the nonlinear nature

of alternating current excitation and linear models, were investigated in this

lab in a basic manner. When the single-phase transformer is loaded, the

terminal voltage changes and the armature current increases, even though

the DC excitation remains constant. This is due to the internal impedance of a

single-phase transformer.

| P a g e 17

❖ Abstract………………………………………………………………..……….18
❖ Objective of experiment……………………………………….……….19
❖ Theoretical background…………………………………………………19
❖ Apparatus Required ……………………………………………………..22
❖ Applications……………………………………………………………..……23
❖ Connection Diagram and procedure………………………….….24
❖ Results ………………………………………………………………………….27
❖ Discussion …………………………………………………………………….27
❖ Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….28


we will learn about Synchronization of Generators. Often

electrical generators are removed from the service and

connected back to the power system during variations of the

load, emergency outages, maintenance, etc. Every time before

reconnecting the generator to the system, it must be

synchronized with parameters of the power system network.

| P a g e 18
❖ Objective of experiment

We will Investigate the capability of connection synchronous

generator in the lab with grid.

❖ Theoretical background

Figure .1

The process of matching parameters such as voltage,

frequency, phase angle, phase sequence and waveform of

alternator (generator) or other source with a healthy or running

power system is called Synchronization of Generators. A

Generator cannot deliver power to electric power system

unless its voltage, frequency and other parameters are exactly

matched with the network. Synchronization is accomplished by

controlling the exciter current and the engine speed of the

generator. The need for synchronization arrives, particularly

| P a g e 19
when two or more alternators are working together to supply

the power to the load. This is because electrical loads are not

constant and they vary with time (depending on the load) and

hence it is necessary to interconnect two or more alternators

operating in parallel to supply larger loads.Synchronization

matches various parameters of one alternator (or generator) to

another alternator or to the bus bar.

Figure .2

The process of synchronization is also called as Paralleling of

Alternators or Generators. In most commercial power plants,

several small units supply the power rather than single large

unit. This is called as Parallel Operation of Generators. The

reasons for preferring this practice are enumerated below. The

| P a g e 20
load requirements in the central station changes continuously.

During light-load periods, only one or two generators are

operated to supply the load demands. During peak-load

demands, additional alternators are connected in parallel to

meet the demand. Generators run most efficiently when they

are loaded at their rated values. Due to the operation of few

generators at light-loads and more generators at high peak

loads efficiently loads the generators. As the demand for

electric power is increasing continuously, utility companies

have been increasing the physical size of the generating plants

by adding more alternators. So, these alternators have to be

connected in parallel with the existing generator equipment.

| P a g e 21
There are certain requirements that must be met for successful

paralleling of alternators. The following conditions must be met

in order to synchronize a generator to the grid or with other

generators. The phase sequence of the three phases of the

alternator which is being connected to the power system bus

must have the same phase sequence as that of the three

phases of the bus bar (or electric grid). This problem comes

mainly in the event of initial installation or after maintenance.


❖ Apparatus Required

- AC – machine ( M/G)
- Prime Mover
- Frequency drive 3 PH speed

| P a g e 22
❖ Applications


As every field of life becomes more dependent on electric

power to operate and grow, backup power systems, like

generators, are playing a progressively vital role in

guaranteeing uninterrupted supply of power. Generator

selection greatly depends on the amount of backup power

needed for a specific application. An application may need

minimal supply of backup power to ensure uninterrupted

functioning or it may need full power of the backup system. It is

hard to find a generator that matches the application

requirement exactly. This is one area where parallel generators

can shine.

| P a g e 23
❖ Procedure for Connecting in Parallel

The actual process of synchronization or paralleling generators

includes the following steps.


• Consider that alternator-1 is supplying power to the bus

bars at rated voltage and frequency.

• Now, an incoming alternator-2 is to be connected in

parallel with alternator-1 for the first time. By increasing

the speed of the alternator, its frequency is varied and

hence the speed is adjusted till it matches with bus bar

frequency (or the frequency of alternator-1). Also, by

varying the field rheostat, the voltage of the alternator-2

is varied and hence it is adjusted till the voltage matches

with bus bar voltage.

• The three voltages generated by the alternator-2 must be

in phase with the respective voltages of the bus bar (or

| P a g e 24
alternator-1). This is achieved by maintaining the same

phase sequence and frequency of alternator-2 with bus

bar or alternator-1. For achieving these relationships,

synchronizing lamps technique is used.



Step 1: Ensure that the AC-machine (M/G), two meters, Prime

Mover and the frequency drive 3 PH speed are all present at

your workbench.

Step 2: Set up the experiment circuit in accordance with the


Step 3: Turn On AC Power Supply in the lab

Step 4: Turn On the switch

Step 5; Check v and f N on the screen are they at nominal

values (400V and 60 Hz )

| P a g e 25
Step 6: Connect the thermal wire protection. This is importance

since frequency drive 3 PH speed will prevent AC Machine from

working under very high temperature

Step 7: press and hold the black button as same time turn on

the switch. Keep you hands hold on these buttons until the red

light turn off SEAL

Step 8; set up the mode at Speed control This will help you to

change speed value

Step 9; increase speed to the rated value 1800 rpm

Step 10: Increase V, slowly until you achieve Vs-

UN at 400 V and fsc

Step 11: Again check Vgc= VN at 400 V and fsc = fv at 60 Hz

Step 12: Check the light condition (is it on or off). In case the

lights is off, be sure you are in right direction

Step 13: check the condition of phase sequence (grid and SG

rotate in same direction. They must show the same light colour

either red or Green.

Step 14: Turn on the black switch at the time phase angle is

zero (The light must be green)

Step 15: Turn the switch off

Step 16: Press the Red button

| P a g e 26
Step 17: Decrease V, to zero

Step 18: Turn the switch off

Step 19: Turn Off AC Power Supply in the lab

❖ Results

Figure 7: Parallel operation of synchronous generator

❖ Discussion

Synchronous generators with permanent super magnets are an

important alternative to the usage of synchronous machines in

the construction of low and medium wind power stations for

producing electricity. The advantages of using the synchronous

generators with permanent super magnets compared to the

usage of synchronous generators with excitation winding are:

the lack of rotor losses due to the usage of permanent super

magnets, generation of a rotary field of high value by the

| P a g e 27
permanent super magnets, approximately linear running

characteristics and higher effectiveness. In perspective,

synchronous generators with permanent super magnets may

be built, with smaller armature gap, in order to increase the

generator power for the same overall dimensions

❖ Conclusion

the concept of Synchronization of Generators, the need

for synchronization or paralleling of alternators (or

generators), conditions to be met for proper

synchronization, different techniques of synchronization

along with their advantages and disadvantages.

| P a g e 28

❖ Abstract………………………………………………………………..……….29
❖ Objective of experiment……………………………………….……….30
❖ Theoretical background…………………………………………………30
❖ Apparatus Required ……………………………………………………..34
❖ Applications……………………………………………………………..……36
❖ Connection Diagram and procedure………………………….….38
❖ Results ………………………………………………………………………….40
❖ Discussion …………………………………………………………………….42
❖ Conclusion…………………………………………………………………….43


This report details the operation, modelling and characteristics

of a three-phase induction machine. It attempts to provide a

concise overview of the enitre experiment. Where the results of

the experiments conducted are presented in graphical form,

the raw data and the necessary calculations to produce the

graphs can be found in the log book. The logbook also contains

the derivation and evaluation for the equations cited.

| P a g e 29
❖ Objective of experiment

We will investigate the operation of a three-phase induction

machine. Further experiment will attempt to characterise the

machine in the form of quantities that can be applied to a

mathematical model of the machine. It will then be possible to

compare the characteristics exhibited by the model with the

characteristics observed in the actual machine.

❖ Theoretical background

The simplest form of motor is a single phase electrical machine.

This works by rotating a single coil of wire in a magnetic field, or

by rotating a magnetic field inside a coil of wire. If a sinusoidal

current is applied to the wire a varying magnetic field is

produced. The magnet inside the coil will continuouly flip round

in order to keep itself pointing in the opposite direction to the

field produced by the wire. The momentum

that the magnet has as it flips will cause the resulting motion to

be circular: the motor will spin. A three-phase induction

machine improves on this crude method of producing

mechanical motion. The flux produced by each phase of the

induction machine combine under vector addition to produce a

flux that rotates rather than ”flips”. This means that the

resulting motion of the rotating part of the machine (rotor) is

| P a g e 30
much smoother compared to a single phase machine. Any

number of phases, greater than one, can be used in this

manner to produce a rotating flux. However, it is common to

use three phases because it uses the same number of

conductors as a two phase machine and is 95% efficient as

opposed to 90% efficient. As the number of phases increases

so does the number of conductors, and therefore the

complexity, of the machine increases and the gain in efficiency

becomes less and less substantial. Three phase machines are

considered to be the best compromise between cost and


Figure 1.

The acceptability of a motor for a particular application may

usually be assessed by predicting its load characteristics from

an equivalent circuit model. Values for the equivalent circuit

parameters may be derived from a set of tests made with the

motor at standstill, or rotating without and with load. These are

| P a g e 31
the tests which will be undertaken in the experiment. A three

phase wound rotor induction motor is coupled to a dc

generator that acts as the motor load. The induction motor is

provided by an external variable three phase resistor in the

rotor circuits and a brush-lifting short circuiting device. The

stator is connected to the supply, through a three phase

induction regulator, to obtain variable voltages.

Type of rotors Rotor is of two different types.

1. Squirrel cage rotor

2. Wound rotor


Wound Rotor In the wound rotor, an insulated 3-phase winding

similar to the stator winding wound for the same number of

poles as stator, is placed in the rotor slots. The ends of the star-

connected rotor winding are brought to three slip rings on the

| P a g e 32
shaft so that a connection can be made to it for starting or

speed control. It is usually for large 3 phase induction motors.

Rotor has a winding the same as stator and the end of each

phase is connected to a slip ring. Compared to squirrel cage

rotors, wound rotor motors are expensive and require

maintenance of the slip rings and brushes, so it is not so

common in industry applications.

Figure 3.

| P a g e 33
❖ Apparatus Required

| P a g e 34
| P a g e 35
❖ Applications

• Pumps

• Blowers

• Centrifuges

• Spa Bath Pumps

• Floor Cleaners and Vacuums

• Paint Sprayers

• Hand Dryers

• Air Compressors

• Lawn and Garden Products

• Power Tools

| P a g e 36
• High Volume Industrial Products

• Starter Motors

• String Trimmers

❖ Connection Diagram and procedure

Figure 4: Connecting

| P a g e 37
❖ Procedure

Start the motor and let it run at no-load. Measure the stator

voltage, current, input power and slip (or speed) for a stator

voltage varying between 25-100% of its rated value:

Figure 4.

1. Decouple the induction motor and the DC machine.

2. Determine the effective turns ratio (stator to rotor).

3. Apply a variable three-phase voltage using an auto-

transformer to the induction motor stator terminals as shown

4. Record input power, line current and voltage for a voltage

range of about 30 % to 110% of the rated value.

| P a g e 38
5. Start the machine at rated voltage then increase applied

voltage to 110% of rated value. As the voltage is reduced to

about 30%, do not allow the machine to stall.

Figure 5.

Note: 1. In the two wattmeter method, if one of the wattmeters

shows a negative deflection, switch-off and flip its current coil

connection. That wattmeter reading is treated as negative and

subtracted from the positive wattmeter reading.

2. The induction motor starter box inserts additional resistance

in the rotor circuit in order to limit the rotor current at starting.

The knob has to be at position 0 (i.e. maximum resistance

inserted in the rotor circuit) to start the machine. Once the

motor picks up speed the additional resistance in the rotor

circuit can be brought back to a zero value by moving the knob

to position 10.

| P a g e 39
❖ Results

Nm (r/min) 1796 1793 1790 1787 1784 1781 1778 1775 1772

Vph (V) 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399 399

Ia (A) 1.36 1.37 1.4 1.41 1.42 1.43 1.46 1.49 1.51

Pph (W) 157 211 260 309 345 406 446 497 538

Cos ɵ 0.18 0.23 0.29 0.34 0.37 0.42 0.46 0.5 0.53

T(N.m) 0.44 0.16 0.09 0.63 0.61 0.71 1.05 1.3 1.48

Table 1: Reading

Ia - T Curve


Nm (r/min)




1.52 1.5 1.48 1.46 1.44 1.42 1.4 1.38 1.36 1.34

Figure 6: Graph

| P a g e 40
Nm - T Curve



Nm (r/min)



1.6 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0

Figure 7: Graph

Figure 8: Induction machine experiment

| P a g e 41
❖ Discussion

this lab has shown that induction machine have such a

robust and straightforward construction. In addition, from

stating its principle of operation, it have been clear why it called

induction and asynchronous machine. Third

Section has shown us different forms powers and torques in

the induction motor and

how to calculate them. However, there was some assumption

to facilitate calculations.

The results of this study indicate that the speed control

methods of induction motors

vary depending on the aimed rang of mechanical speed

variation, cost, validity and the

type of rotor. Therefore, the findings of this study showed that

Great efforts are needed

to overcome the drawbacks in these methods and improve it

more. The induction motor rotates at a speed less than the

synchronous speed and also called asynchronous motor. A

general expression for torque has been derived, which is used

to plot the torque-slip characteristics of the motor. Various

methods of starting and speed control are also discussed. The

working principle and types of single phase induction motors

have also been discussed.

| P a g e 42
❖ Conclusion

A three phase arrangement can be up to high efficient and

provides a good balance between cost and effeciency. This is

especially true when compared to single phase systems which

are only around 60% efficient. • The simplified equivalence

circuit that was used to model the induction machine was

found to give results that closely match the characteristics

exhibited by the actual machine. • The accuracy of

measurements taken from the machine leaves a large amount

of room for improvement although this may be difficult with

the equipment provided. It has been shown that the induction

machine is a useful and efficient method of converting

electrical energy into mechanical energy, or viceversa. It is also

easy to model and manipulate which makes it easy to adapt to

various different situations in which it could be used.

| P a g e 43

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