SWR-G&SR CM-68-4
SWR-G&SR CM-68-4
SWR-G&SR CM-68-4
With reference to the above, the following additional instructions are issued to SR.3.75 of South
Add the following additional instructions as SR.3.75 (7) duly inserting new page as 113A.
SR.3.75 (7) Intermediate Block Stop Signal protecting a level crossing gate: -
A legend board will be provided with legend "IBS signal protecting LC Gate, ensure its closure
before passing IBS signal at 'ON'.
'* a) Passing Intermediate Block Stop Signal protecting a level crossing gate at "ON" :-
i) When Loco Pilot finds such IBS signal at "ON', he shall bring his train to a stop in rear
of the signal, advise the Guard of the fact by sounding one long continuous Whistle at
distinct intervals and contact the Station Master of the block station in rear, on the
telephone provided for the purpose on the signal post.
ii) If the Station Master, on being contacted on telephone by the Loco Pilot, finds that the
signal is defective, Station Master shall treat the LC gate as non-interlocked and will
obtain private number from the Gateman personally, if under his control or through the
Station Master of station at the other end, as an assurance of the closure of LC gate,
Station Master shall authorize the Loco Pilot on the telephone to pass the Intermediate
Block Stop signal at "ON" and enter the block section ahead by issuing Private Number
under which he had received line clear from the station in advance and private number
of Gatemen. Loco Pilot will note both the Private Numbers in his Memo Book, sound
whistle in prescribed code (short-long-sirort), obtain all right signal from Guard and
proceed with normal speed.
iii) If, however, the telephone provided at such IBS signal is out of order and the Loco
Pilot is unable to contact the station in rear, he shall wait for 5 minutes at the signal and
if within this period the signal is not taken 'Off'the Loco Pilot shall take cognizance
- of the legend board provided at the IBS signal as mentioned above. He may, after
advising the Guard of this fact by sounding one lon! whistle which may be repeated as
necessary and after exchanging all right signals with him, pass the Intermediate Block
Stop Signal at "On" and proceed cautiously upto the level crossing, and if the gateman
is available and exhibiting hand signal, proceed further and pass the gate cautiously or
if the gateman is not available or is available but not exhibiting hand signal, he shall
stop short of the level crossing and after ascertaining that the Gates are closed against
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-the road traffic and on getting the hand signal from Gatemen, and in his absence from
Assistant Loco Pilot, the Loco Pilot shall sound prescribed code of whistle and
cautiously proceed into the block section ahead and be prepared to stop short of any
obstruction including at any level crossing gates available in the section. When such a
signal is passed in this manner, the speed of the train shall not exceed 15 KMPH if the
visibility is good, where, owing to any reason, the line ahead cannot be seen clearly,
the Loco Pilot shall proceed at avery slow speed, which shall under no circumstances
exceed 8 KMPH. Loco Pilot shall be extremely vigilant and continue to proceed
cautiously till he reaches the foot of next Stop Signal. Even if that signal is in "Off'
position the Loco Pilot shall continue to look out for any possible obstruction short of
the same and will act upon its indication only after he has reached it. After being
received at the block station ahead, the Loco Pilot shall report the failure of the
signal/the telephone, as the case may be, to the Station Master.
iv) However, if the Station Master of the block station immediately in rear of such an
Intermediate Block Stop Signal is aware that the said IBS signal is defective, gate
protected IBS signal shall be treated as non-interlocked and before dispatching a train
he shall obtain 'Line Clear' from the station in advance and also obtain private number
from gatemen personally, if under his control or from the Station Master at the other
end, as an assurance of closure of LC gate. Then he shall issue a written authority
T.369-3(b) to the Loco Pilot to pass the lntermediate Block Stop signal ahead at 'On'
without stopping at the signal by endorsing both private numbers.
Note: On those section, where due to gradients and other local conditions, the loco pilot
cannot leave the engine, he will sound two long and two short whistles distinctty for
the Guard to assist and come to engine. In such cases the duties of the Loco Pilot will
devolve upon the Guard.
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