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1 author:
Brahadeesh Suresh
National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli
All content following this page was uploaded by Brahadeesh Suresh on 31 December 2021.
Brahadeesh Suresh
Abstract— This paper aims to con- Since then, continuous research has
ceive an engine using solenoid propulsion. been going on to implement this concept on a
The merits of electromagnets are used in large scale. In this research, we aspire to de-
tandem with mechanical parts of an IC en- velop an electromagnetic mover as a de-
gine to improve efficacy.The power source rivative of the electric motor and IC engine.
for the engine is supplied by a lead acid This propulsion system is designed based on
battery that is recharged by an alterna- the principle of electromagnetism and uses a
tor.This study presents, the details of the solenoid and Internal Combustion Engine
development of an electromagnet engine, (ICE) working mechanism and thus, this con-
design procedures and the power output of cept is known as Solenoidal Powered Engine
the engine.The entire engine has been cus- (SPE)
A. It does not require any fuel, so harmful Assuming that the magnetic moment of the
gases are not released and hence no pollu- magnetic piston material is m and a current i
tion. is flowing through the electromagnetic coil so
B. It is lighter than many IC Engines. as too produce an axial magnetic of intensity
C. It operates smooth and less noisy. B , which will be time variant. The force on
D. It has a compact design and requires min- the magnetic piston now is:
imal maintenance. F = ∇(m ⋅ B) where:- B = u.n.i
Since the magnetic moment of the piston is
Comparison with the Gas-powered vehi- always pointed towards the upward direction,
cles- we can simplify the above expression as:
Gas powered vehicles are also in use ∂B(y, t)
at many areas. Gases like LPG and CNG are F =m
cheaper than present fuels and comparatively The time and spatial variation of the current
easier to produce. But the total life of the en- in the solenoid will decide the transmitted
gine is about 3 to 4 years which is very low. force. This is then converted to torque through
But a Solenoid Powered Engine stays for the crank shaft using the relevant dimensions.
much longer period. It does not have any fluid
contained, so there is need to worry about 5. WORKING
When current is supplied through the coil,
Installation Cost – electromagnetism generates a magnetic field
Replacement cost for a normal motor around the coil. The rod inside gets repelled
Electric Vehicle is around 4 to 5 lakhs. But a or attracted based on the direction of the cur-
Solenoid powered Engine takes approximate- rent. To give movement from one plunger or
ly 1.5 to 2 lacs depending on the vehicle. This piston to another plunger, attraction can use a
saves 60 percentage of the cost for normal EV simple distributor rather than an arduino and
installation. micro controller. This functions similar to a
spark distributor on a combustion engine, ex-
Future Scope – cept it actually provides the power to actuate
According to a survey, India can save the solenoids instead of providing just an igni-
64% of anticipated passenger road-based mo- tion spark. By applying variable supply to the
bility-related energy demand and 37% of car- distributor, we can vary the speed of attraction
bon emissions in 2030 by pursuing a shared, of each plunger while the rotation speed
electric, and connected mobility future. varies. The spark distributor provides a jerk to
This would result in a reduction of 156 move the attraction of the coil from the first
mega toe in diesel and petrol consumption for coil to the third coil and vice versa so that it
that year. At USD 52/bbl of crude, this would rotates in a circular motion. The timing of the
imply a net savings of roughly Rs 3.9 lakh spark decides the efficiency of the engine into
crore (approximately 60 billion USD) in the spark distributor. The arrangement entirely
2030. These figures clearly indicate an urgent depends upon the configuration used in de-
requirement for replacement of conventional signing the electromagnetic engine.
vehicles with electric vehicles.
For the electromagnetic engine there 8. POWER GENERATION
are two different electromagnets, namely I bar
electromagnet and Air core electromagnet. An G. A solenoid holder is a conductor around
electric current flowing in a wire creates a which copper wires are wound and when
magnetic field around the wire and to concen- it is supplied with current, it generates a
trate the magnetic field, in an electromagnet magnetic field.
the wire is wound into a coil with many turns
of wire lying side by side. The magnetic field H. When current is passed through the so-
of all the turns of wire passes through the cen- lenoid wire, it produces magnetic flux,
tre of the coil, creating a strong magnetic field which attracts any metal put inside the
there. hollow pipe towards it.
provides power to actuate the solenoids 2. Power: 33.56 kW/ 45 bhp @6000 rpm
and control the movement. 3. Torque: 62 N.m @3000rpm
4. Top speed: 148 kmph
D. A rheostat is placed between the distribu- 5. Tyre size: 145/70 R12 6.
tor with number of studs and it works as 6. Gear ratio: 1st-3.545 , 2nd-1.904,3rd-1.280,
an accelerator. 4th-0.914, 5th-0.757 & Reverse 3.272
Final Drive Ratio 4.388
E. When the value of resistance is decreased, 7. Bore - 68.5 mm
more amount of current runs through the 8. stroke - 72mm
distributor and speed of movement in- 9.Obtained power = 30.917 kW
creases. Thus, the rheostat acts as a vari- 10.Obtained Torque = 61.3 Nm @ 5702
able resistor which can be used to control rpm 11.Weight - 10% increase
the current supply to the spark distributor.
10. POWER CONTROL (Alternative)
"Change is the only constant in life!"
Speed control is obtained via pulse Change is a part of our daily life, and most of
wave modulation. Pulse width modulation - the time, humans work together for a positive
PWM, or pulse-duration modulation change that can benefit our society—talking
(PDM), reduces the average power delivered about the automotive industry, one of the most
by an electrical signal by chopping it into dis- significant transformations that we have expe-
crete parts. The average output voltage (or rienced in recent times. Around 20 million
current) fed to load is controlled by turning a domestic cars were sold in the year 2020.
switch at a fast rate between supply and load, Moreover, 85% of the customers are middle-
on and off . The longer period the switch is on class people. By using a Solenoid Powered
compared to the off periods, the higher the Engine, a lot of money is saved, and pollution
total power supplied to the load. Maximum can be decreased. The model shows excellent
power point tracking - MPPT is one of the promise for the future where ingenious inno-
primary methods of reducing the battery's vations overcome limitations.
output.PWM is particularly suited for running
inertial loads, which are not as easily affected 13. REFERENCES
by this discrete switching because their inertia
causes them to react slowly.The PWM switch- 1. V8 solenoid engine
ing frequency has to be high enough not to design-analysis-and-manufacturing-of-a-
affect the load, which means that the resultant v8-solenoid-engine
waveform perceived by the load must be as 2.
smooth as possible.PWM is achieved timer 320263560_development_of_electromag-
IC555, operating in its astable mode.The fre- netic_engine_for_future_transport_appli-
quency can be varied using potentiometer and cations
capacitor value. 3.
• Number of turns, N
Calculations of Number of Turns of an
Electromagnet • Turn density = (n) = N/L = turns/m
• An Electromagnetic engine is designed for
power, P kW • Current,I A
• The Power is related to Torque as, P= • Mass of the piston, m = Volume (V) ×
(2πNT)/60 kW Density (ρ)
Thus, T=Torque= (P×60)/ (2πN) N-m, -5 3 Volume = Area of the piston × Length
• Force on the piston is calculated by using • Density of the piston, ρ =2700 kg/m3
torque as, • Mass of the piston, m
Crank efforts, Fr =T/r, where r=Crank ra-
dius • Weight of the piston, W =m × g N
• Force on piston, Fp= Fc/cos (Ø) • Force When the Piston Moves Down-
Fp=Fc/cos (20°) wards
• But Force on Piston is also given by, Fp =
(B2A)/(2µ0) • When the piston is moving downwards,
force F1= Fp +W F1 N
• Thus Magnetic field required to move pis-
ton B= √(Fp×(2µ0)/A) Tesla • Force on connecting rod, Fc1= F1 ×
• cos(Ø) N
• And the Magnetic field produced by an
electromagnet is given by, B=µIn • Crank efforts Fr1= Fc1 × cos [90-
(θ+Ø)] Fr1= Fc1×sin (θ+Ø) N
• Turn density, n=B/µI turns/m
• Torque (T1) = Fr1 × r N-m, (where r =
• Hence, number of turns, N =n×L turns crank radius)
Calculation of Power :
• The power of engine when piston moving
downwards, P1 rpm.