Kesharvani 2019
Kesharvani 2019
Kesharvani 2019
Print ISSN: 2656-0097 | Online ISSN: 0975-1491 Vol 12, Issue 2, 2020
Original Article
1United Institute of Pharmacy, Naini, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India 211010
Received: 26 Jul 2019, Revised and Accepted: 16 Dec 2019
Objective: The main objective of this study was to develop and evaluate the eudragit and HPMC coated metformin hydrochloride floating
microspheres, in which HPMC helps in floating and eudragit as a coating material for a site-specific drug release in a controlled manner and the
active moiety metformin used as anti-hyperglycemic agent.
Methods: The floating microsphere was prepared by the solvent evaporation method incorporating metformin as a model drug. The prepared
floating microsphere were characterized for particle size, %yield, drug loading and entrapment efficiency, compatibility study, %buoyancy, surface
morphology and In vitro drug release and release kinetics.
Results: The result metformin loaded floating microsphere was successfully prepared and the particle size range from 397±23.22 to 595±15.82 µm,
the entrapment efficiency range from 83.49±1.33 to 60.02±1.65% and drug loading capacity range from 14.3±0.54 to 13.31±0.47% and %buoyancy
range from 85.67±0.58 to 80.67±1.15%. The FT-IR and X-RD analysis confirmed that no any interaction between drug and excipient, and surface
morphology confirmed those particles are sphere. The floating microsphere show maximum 96% drug release in pH 0.1N HCL and follow the
Korsmeyer peppas model of the super case-2 transport mechanism.
Conclusion: These results suggest that metformin loaded floating microspheres could be retain in stomach for long time and give site specific drug
release in controlled manner.
Keywords: Floating capability, Therapeutic Response, Eudragit and Metformin
© 2020 The Authors. Published by Innovare Academic Sciences Pvt Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
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INTRODUCTION porous hydrogel system [11], magnetic system, etc [12]. Here we are
developing lower density system that’s floating microsphere, is
Most preferred route for drug delivery is the oral route due to its prepared by solvent evaporation method incorporating metformin
patient compliance and easiness of ingestion and cost-effectiveness. as a model drug. The active moiety metformin is an anti-
Many different techniques have been developed like tablet capsule hyperglycemic agent that’s fast soluble in stomach pH so the drug
syrups etc for delivery of a significant amount of drug at a specific immediately released and not remains to specific site for long time.
site and time prearranged and systematic manner but this route has To overcome these problems, we prepare eudragit coated, HPMC
numerous physiological problems, like-easily bypass through GIT at and metformin hydrochloride loaded floating microspheres [13].
major absorption zone (stomach and upper part of intestine) due to The HPMC helps in floating that helps in long-time retention of
high density and low density retention time resulting incomplete microspheres into stomach and eudragit as a coating material to
drug release and low efficacy of drug unpredictable absorption due prevent the fast solubility of metformin hydrochloride in acidic pH
to degradation of drug by stomach acid and enzyme [1], hence the and give site specific drug release in a controlled manner. Then
site specific drug delivery for diabetic through oral route is also most metformin hydrochloride easily reduce the production from hepatic
challenging task for researchers. So these difficulties provoked the and glucose absorption from the intestine, and improved sensitivity
investigators to develop a DDS known as gastro retentive floating of insulin by increasing tangential uptake of glucose and its
microspheres which performs its actions i.e. its therapeutically utilization. In this process Metformin decreases blood glucose levels.
active plasma concentration of drug for prolonged period of time, by The recent study describes the various Gastro-retentive approaches
minimizing the dosing criteria and minimizing the fluctuations in which are newly developed into leading methodologies in the field of
plasma concentration of drug by the pharmacological effect of the site-specific orally controlled release drug delivery systems.
drug in a systemic and controlled way. After oral delivery of gastro
retentive floating microspheres, the drug reserved in to the stomach MATERIALS AND METHODS
and performs the action of drug release in a well-ordered manner, so
that the delivery of drug is continuous at its absorption sites in GIT Metformin hydrochloride was a gift sample from the Sun
(gastrointestinal tract) [2]. The floating systems are low-density Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., Vadodara, India. HPMC was
systems that have sufficient buoyancy to float over the gastric procured from the LOBA Cheme Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai and the
content and remain buoyant the stomach without affecting the eudragitS100 was procured from the Central Drug House Pvt. Ltd.,
gastric emptying rate for a prolonged period of time which causes New Delhi. All the chemicals and solvent used in the study were of
the inadequate release of drug at the absorption site [3]. Over the analytical grade.
last minority decades, several gastro-retentive drug delivery Preparation of floating microspheres
systems being intended, including high-density systems that is
retain in the lower part of the stomach [4], lower density which Floating microspheres were prepared by emulsification (o/w)
cause buoyancy in gastric-juice [5, 6], mucoadhesive systems that solvent evaporation method using a varying concentration of
cause a bio-adhesion to stomach mucosa [7, 8], unfoldable, polymers (HPMC, Eudragit S100). The polymer solution was
extendible, or swellable systems which can restriction of the prepared by dissolving polymers (HPMC, EudragitS100) in different
emptying dosage forms through the pyloric sphincter [9, 10], super- ratio of the mixture of solvents (ethanol, dichloromethane) with
Kesharvani et al.
Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 12, Issue 2, 74-82
vigorous shaking. The aqueous solution containing tween80 was microspheres. The formed microspheres were collected and washed
taken in another beaker. The polymer solution was then added with distilled water 2-3 times and air-dried for 24 h [14, 15]. The
manually dropwise into the aqueous solution through a syringe drug-loaded microspheres shown in fig. 1 were prepared by the
(needle size 22 gauges) under continuous stirring at 100 rpm. The solvent evaporation method according to the above-described
added droplets were kept dispersed in the aqueous solution for 30 method by varying concentration of polymers (HPMC, eudragit) and
min. to complete the reaction and to produce spherical rigid drug. The compositions of floating microsphere are given in table 1.
Table 1: Composition of the floating microsphere of each batch, HPMC-hydroxyl propyl methylcellulose, DCM-dichloromethane
Trial Formulation HPMC Eudragit S100 DCM+Ethanol Drug Aqueous phase containing 1% Tween 80
No. (mg) (mg) (ml)(1:3) (mg) (ml)
01 Formulation-1 400 100 20 0 150
02 Formulation-2 500 100 20 0 150
03 Formulation-3 600 100 20 0 150
04 Formulation-4 700 100 20 0 150
05 Formulation-5 800 100 20 0 150
06 Formulation-6 600 100 20 100 150
07 Formulation-7 700 100 20 100 150
08 Formulation-8 700 100 20 150 150
09 Formulation-9 700 100 20 175 150
10 Formulation10 700 100 20 200 150
Particle size floating nature and the precipitated particles are taken out and dried
and weight. Percentage buoyancy was determined by the following
Particle size of the blank and metformin hydrochloride loaded formula [18].
microsphere was determined by optical microscopy method using a
compound microscope (Olympus India) equipped with ocular and Percentage buoyancy = 100
calibrated stage micrometers. After the calibration of an ocular
micrometer by placing the ocular lens after that the focusing on the Where-wf= Weight of floating particles, ws= Weight of settled
object to be measured and determine the size in ocular units, then particles
placing the samples on the slide and measuring the size of microspheres
[16]. Determination of drug content of microspheres
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Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 12, Issue 2, 74-82
through a 0.45μm filter and the conc. of the metformin In vitro drug release study
hydrochloride present in the filtrate was evaluated
spectrophotometrically at 233 nm using UV-Visible The In vitro drug release studies were performed by USP dissolution
Spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, UV-1800, Japan) with respect to 0.1N Test Apparatus Type 1 (Basket Type) at 100 rpm in 900 ml of
HCL as blank [19]. dissolution medium and at a temperature of 37 °C±0.5 °C. An
accurately weighed amount of prepared microspheres (equivalent to
Weight of drud in microspheres 100 mg) were used for the study. The test performed in 0.1N HCl as
Drug entrapment efficiency = ×100
Weight of the fed drug
dissolution media. After a time interval of 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
Micromeritic properties of microspheres 12 and 24 h, 5 ml of sample was withdrawn from dissolution media
and replaced by 5 ml of the fresh medium. The sample was passed
Prepared microspheres were evaluated for their micrometric through W. F. P. and assayed spectrophotometrically at 233 nm using a
properties such as as bulk density, tapped density, compressibility UV-Visible spectrophotometer (Shimadzu, UV-1800, Japan) [25, 26].
index, and angle of repose.
In vitro drug release kinetics
• Bulk density
To investigate the drug release mechanism from the microspheres,
Bulk density of microspheres was evaluated by the ratio of the in vitro drug release data was fitted to various kinetic models like
untapped microsphere weight and its volume it’s obtained by this zero order, first order, Higuchi equation, and Korsmeyer-Peppas
formula [20]. equation. By comparing the r values obtained, the best fit model was
selected [27-30].
Bulk density =
• Zero-order kinetics
Where M = Weight of microsphere sample, V ° = Apparent volume of
the microsphere Dissolution of the drug from the dosage forms that do not
disaggregate and release the drug slowly can be represented by the
• Tapped density following equation.
The tapped density was calculated by mechanical tapping of a Qt = Q0+K0t
graduated measuring cylinder which consists of the microspheres. It
is the ratio of the initial microsphere volume with tapped volume of Where, Qt is the amount of drug dissolved in time t, Q0 is the
microsphere (after tapping) [21]. Initial amount of drug in the solution and K0 is the zero-order
release rate constant. To study the release kinetics, data
Weight of microspheres obtained from the in vitro drug release studies were plotted as %
Tapped density =
Final tapped volume of the microspheres
CDR vs. Time.
• Compressibility index • First-order kinetics
The compressibility index is a tendency of microspheres to be This model has been used to describe the absorption or elimination
compressed. It’s calculated by this formula. of drugs. The release of the drug which followed first-order kinetics
CI = × 100 can be expressed by the following equation.
LogC = logC0-
Where-TD = Tapped Density, BD = Bulk Density 2.303
• Angle of repose Where C is the amount of drug release in time t, C0 is the amount
of drug in the solution and K is the first-order release rate
This property was evaluated by the maximum angle possible constant. To study the release kinetic data obtained from the in
between the surface of the pile of the microspheres and the vitro drug release studies were plotted as log % drug unreleased
horizontal plane; it’s obtained by the funnel in a fixed position. vs. Time.
θ = tan-1(h/r) • Higuchi model
Drug polymer compatibility study This model used to describe the release of water-soluble and low
water-soluble drugs from the solid or semisolid matrix system.
Drug-polymer interaction studies were carried out by using FT-IR
Mathematical expressions were obtained for drug particles
and XRD analysis.
dispersed in uniform matrix behaving as the diffusion media. The
• FTIR study mathematical expression of Higuchi model is as follows:
The FT-IR study of blank and drug-loaded formulations was Qt = KH. t1/2
performed to find any possible drug-polymer interaction using
Whereas Qt is the amount of drug release in time t and KH is the
Fourier Transform Infra-red spectrometer (Bruker Alpha, Germany)
Higuchi dissolution constant. To study the release kinetics, data
in the frequency range of 4000-400 cm-1 [22].
obtained from the in vitro drug release were plotted as % CDR vs
• XRD analysis Square root of time.
The effect of crystallinity of drug and excipient on formulation was • Korsmeyer-peppas model
evaluated by using XRD analysis. The XRD patterns of blank and
This model used to describe the release of drugs from the polymeric
drug-loaded microspheres were recorded using X-ray
system when the release mechanism is not well known or more than
Diffractometer (Rigaku-Ultima IV, Japan), using Cu radiation, a
one type of release phenomena could be involved. The equation of
voltage of 40 kV and a current of 30 mA. The scanning speed
the Korsmeyer-Peppas model is as follows:
employed was 2 °/min over the range of 10 ° to 90° diffraction angle
[23]. = Ktn
Morphological characterization Mt
Where is the fraction of drug release, K is the release rate
The shape and size of the metformin hydrochloride-loaded constant, t is the release time and n is the release exponent
microsphere were assessed by SEM. The samples were prepared by
mounting the sample onto a metal stub with adhesive tape on both To study the release kinetics, data obtained from the in vitro drug
sides. Carbon coating was done in a high vacuum evaporator. Then release were plotted log % CDR vs. Time. Peppas used this n-value in
the process of scanning and taking images was done [24]. order to characterize different release mechanisms as given in table 2.
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Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 12, Issue 2, 74-82
Drug loading and drug entrapment entrapment efficacy of formulations were determined by the direct
extraction method and the results are shown in table 4.
The % Drug loading and % entrapment efficiency of the formulation
were found to be b/w 11.10 to17.04% and 60.02 to 95.30% Micromeritic properties
respectively. Out of the five drug-loaded formulations (F6-F10), the
formulation F8 was found to have a maximum % drug loading All the micrometric properties were found in an acceptable range. The
(17.04%) and maximum % entrapment efficiency (95.30%). The % compressibility index of the formulations (F6, F7, F8, and F10) was
drug loading and % entrapment efficiency were found to be found range between (7.04 to 20.00 %) have excellent flow-ability and
decreased with an increase in the amount of drug to be loaded the formulation F9, found to have fair flow-ability. The angle of repose
beyond 150 mg (F8) i.e. F9, F10 due to the saturation of the of all the formulations range from (18.147 to 27.47%) showed
microspheres with the drug [33, 34]. The Drug loading and excellent flow property [35]. The results are shown in table 4.
Table 4: Drug loading, entrapment efficiency and micromeritic properties of drug-loaded microspheres
S. No. %drug loading %entrapment Bulk density Tapped density Compressibility index Angle of repose
efficiency (g/ml) (g/ml) (ɵ)
F6 14.30±0.54 83.49±1.33 0.75±0.01 0.86±0.01 12.79 18.15
F7 11.10±0.75 87.43±1.97 0.73±0.04 0.84±0.01 13.10 24.26
F8 17.04±0.43 95.30±0.49 0.66±0.02 0.71±0.02 7.04 21.80
F9 15.58±0.62 68.43±1.29 0.76±0.01 0.95±0.02 20.00 27.47
10 13.31±0.47 60.02±1.65 0.71±0.03 0.81±0.01 12.35 25.91
Data are presented as mean±SD (n = 3)
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Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 12, Issue 2, 74-82
Optimization of formulation because drug was absent in blank, and drug-loaded microspheres
exhibited all the characteristics of absorption bands as that of drug
The formulation F8 was optimized based on % yield, buoyancy, % metformin hydrochloride without any prominent changes and the
drug loading, % entrapment efficiency and micrometric properties FT-IR spectra shows that the drug has not gone through any kind of
because formulation F8 shows the good % yield (86.8%), % buoyancy
interactions with the excipient as well as formulation [36]. The FTIR
(80.67%), % drug loading (17.04%), % entrapment efficiency
spectra of drug and other excipient shown in fig. 2.
(95.30%) as compare to other formulation. Further studies i.e. FTIR
study, SEM, X-RD and drug release were performed on the optimized X-RD study
formulation (F8) that was finally optimized by the above parameters.
The effect of the crystallinity of the optimized formulation was
Drug polymer compatibility study recorded by using an X-ray diffractometer. From the study, it was
observed that Metformin hydrochloride showed sharp crystalline
FTIR study
peaks clearly visible at the position between 15-18 ° (2θ) shown in
FT-IR spectra were recorded to assess the compatibility of the pure fig.3 which shows the crystalline nature of the drug. The polymer
drug with other excipients present in the formulation. The FT-IR gave the broad spectrum peak that showed the amorphous nature of
spectrum of optimized microspheres formulation F8 was recorded the polymer. The diffract gram of the metformin-loaded microsphere
separately and compared with the spectrum of pure drug, HPMC, formulation (F8) showed diminished intensities of peak indicating
eudragit, blank formulation to verify the possible interaction that the drug was molecularly disbursed in the polymeric matrix or
between the constituent and the characteristic peaks. The main peak might have undergone amorphization during the preparation of the
of Metformin hydrochloride bands was N-H(stretching)-3365.04 cm- microspheres. The compatibility study confirmed that Metformin
1, N-(CH ) -3140.87 cm-1, C-N-930.38 cm-1and N-H(bending)-1622.37
3 2 hydrochloride was compatible with other excipient and doesn’t get
cm-1 was present in drug spectra but absent in the blank formulation al. tered during formulation of microsphere, was the show in fig. 3.
Fig. 2: FT-IR spectrum of HPMC, EudragitS100, Metformin hydrochloride, blank floating microspheres and optimized drug-loaded
microspheres (F8)
Fig. 3: X-RD of HPMC, eudragit, metformin hydrochloride, blank floating microspheres and optimized drug-loaded microspheres (F8)
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Int J Pharm Pharm Sci, Vol 12, Issue 2, 74-82
SEM (scanning electron microscopy) was found spherical with a rough surface and the microspheres
were solid without any porous on the surface. The agglomeration of
The shape and surface characteristics of metformin-loaded microspheres was not seen because of the rigid nature of
microsphere optimized formulation (F8) were determined by microspheres [37]. The SEM photograph of microspheres is shown
scanning electron microscope (SEM). The shape of the microsphere in fig. 4.
In vitro drug release study formulations (F8) was performed by using USP Dissolution Test
Apparatus Type 1 (Basket Type) in the 0.1N HCl. The drug release
The in vitro drug release study demonstrated that metformin-loaded profile of optimized formulation (F8) was release the drug in a
microsphere optimized formulation (F8) showed maximum drug controlled manner for a long time that shows the formulation F8 was
release (96.48%) in the gastric pH 0.1N HCl up to 24 h and the work as a controlled drug delivery system and give high
sample was analyzed in triplicate. The in vitro study of optimized bioavailability [38]. The result of the release study is shown in fig. 5.
Fig. 5: Drug release graph of optimized formulation (F8) data points represented mean±SD (n=3)
In vitro drug release kinetics Korsmeyer-peppas model as the R2 value for the model was 0.971
which was very closer to 1, than the other R2 value of other models.
The data obtained from in vitro release study were fitted to various The drug release mechanism was of Super case II transport as the
kinetic equations to find out the mechanism of drug release from the release exponent, the drug get the release from the microsphere by
optimized drug loaded formulation (F8). The kinetic models used were erosion system, the ‘n’ value was found to be 1.490 which was greater
a zero-order equation, first-order equation, Higuchi model and than 1. The graphical representation of different kinetic models of in
Korsmeyer-Peppas model. Drug release kinetics was best fitted to the vitro drug release profile is shown in fig. 6 to 9 and table 5.
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