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GenChem 1.4

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Ateneo de Manila Senior High School Phases of Water

School Year 2018-2019 - Solid: x < 0ºC

- Liquid: 0ºC < x < 100ºC
General Chemistry 1 | Long Test I Reviewer - Gas: x > 100ºC
INTRODUCTION TO CHEMISTRY - higher temperature particles have higher
kinetic energy to move around freely
What is Matter? Anything that: - particles stop moving completely at
1. has mass absolute zero
2. takes up space
Mass Fourth State of Matter: Plasma
- a measure of the amount of “stuff” or - formed at high temperatures
material the object contains - ionized phase of matter as found in our sun
- don’t mistake it for weight, which is a and other stars
measure of gravity - particles are “excited”
- measured in grams or kilograms (SI unit) - plasma tv
- measure of space occupied by the object PROPERTIES OF MATTER
- “impenetrability”: matter cannot occupy
the same space at the same time Physical vs. Chemical
Phases / States of Matter - observed and measured without changed
Solid: Molecules in a fixed lattice (crystal) the material’s composition
- particles are compact - examples: color, hardness, melting point,
- no spaces between particles boiling point
Liquid: Molecules are free to move around
- small spaces between particles Property Description
- can move freely
Gas: Large spacing between molecules Brittleness ability to shatter into tiny pieces
- can be easily compressed Hardness ability to resist scratching
- spaces are larger than the particles
themselves Elasticity ability of a material to return to
its original shape after stress

Solid Liquid Gas Viscosity resistance to flow

definite definite compressible Solubility ability of a solid or gas to mix in

volume volume a liquid solvent

definite shape takes shape of takes shape of Miscibility ability of a liquid to mix in a
container container liquid solvent

small large large Luster shininess of a metal

expansion with expansion with expansion with
Conductivity ability to transfer energy (heat to
increase in increase in increase in
temperature temperature temperature
Density measure of how tightly matter is

Melting point temperature at which a solid

turns to liquid

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Boiling point temperature at which a liquid
boils to become a gas at a given

Malleability ability to be hammered or

beaten into thin sheets

Ductility ability to be drawn into a thin


- only observed by changing the composition
of the material
- examples: ability to burn, decompose,
ferment, rusting, tarnishing, taste Phase Diagram of Water
Triple Point: Three phases of water can
Extrinsic vs. Intrinsic co-exist here
Extrinsic / Extensive Critical Point: cannot distinguish between the
- dependent on the amount go matter in the liquid and gaseous phase
- examples: mass, volume, calories
Intrinsic / Intensive
- depends on the type of matter, no the
amount present
- examples: density, hardness, melting and
boiling point
- also for different concentrations like with a
salt solution

Physical vs. Chemical Change

Physical Change
- will change physical appearance, without
changing the composition
- examples: boil, melt, cut, bend, split, crack
- can be reversible or irreversible
- phase change: may be due to the Sample Heating Curve

introduction of heat (kinetic energy) or a

sudden change in pressure in a system

Kinetic Molecular Model of Water

- below 0ºC, water solidifies
- in a solid state, water molecules are held
together in a rigid structure with larger
spaces than in liquid form (density

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- a new form of matter is formed
- examples: rust, burn, decompose, ferment
- change in which one or more substances
are converted into different substances

Recognizing Chemical Change

1. Absorption or release of energy
- usually in the form of heat
- exothermic: heat is released
endothermic: heat is absorbed
2. Change in color
- when a new substance is formed, it
expected to have new properties
3. Production of gas
- bubbling, fizzing, odor change or smoke
- not always the case Element: Identity of the material
- examples: acids “eating away” metal Atom: physical manifestation
2N + 2HCl → 2NCl2 + H2 (gas)
4. Precipitation Elements
- solid that separated from the solution 1. Monoatomic
(insoluble) - elements that can exist as one atom
5. Irreversible - examples: Fe, Hg, Ag, Mg, He
- not easily reversed 2. Diatomic
- cannot be done using physical separation - unstable in their monoatomic form
- examples: H2, O2, Cl2, Br2, F2, I2, N2
Law of Conservation of Mass
- The mass of the starting materials (or Mixtures
reactants) is always equal to the mass of the - two or more substances that are not
resulting products chemically combined
- there is no change in the quantity of matter - No constant boiling point and melting point
during a chemical / physical change (based on how much of the substance)
- matter cannot be created nor destroyed, - variable composition
only transformed from one form to another - components retain their characteristic
Note: - separated into pure substances by physical
- This law is not completely true: E = mc2 methods
- What is actually constant : total amount of - mixtures of different compositions may have
mass and energy; however, the change is widely different properties
mass is very negligible

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Separating Mixtures 5. Chromatography
- differences in physical properties are used - chroma means “color”
to separate mixtures - stationary phase: paper
- mobile phase: solvent (usually alcohol)
Separation Technique Property
- Liquid chromatography: a column
becomes the stationary phase instead of
Physical means (picking color and size the paper
apart, etc.) 6. Liquid-liquid Extraction
Magnetic separation magnetism - aqueous solvent and organic solvent
- two immiscible liquids (polar and non-
Sieving and Filtration particle size polar) are layered on top of each other
Decantation weight - stirred/shaken
- mixture is left to stand, particles will
Evaporation boiling point of a liquid separate and partition (dissolve) into the
and solid
preferred solvent
Distillation boiling point of two 7. Centrifugation
liquids - misnomer: called centripetal force
- can go up to 80,000 rpm (ultra
Chromatography weights/affinity to the
- denser particles with settle at the bottom
Liquid-liquid extraction weight - larger particles, greater velocities
Centrifugation densities
- used with blood, DNA

Separation Techniques PROPERTIES OF GASES

1. Magnetic Separation
- involves magnets - they have mass
- used for powdered ore - easy to compress
2. Sieving/Filtration - take the shape of their container
- sieve or screen - occupy the whole container
- mesh appropriate size is used - they diffuse or move through each other
- separation of sand and gravel - they exert pressure, which is dependent on
- filtration is the same as sieving except it temperature
is done with solid and liquid mixtures
3. Decantation P = ∑ force of collisions / total surface area
- solid + liquid mixture
- liquid is allowed to settle at the bottom Kinetic Molecular Theory of Gases
- when you wash rice 1. gases consist of small particles, each with
4. Distillation mass
- boiling points must be at least 10ºC apart 2. particles move in constance, rapid, and
- liquid + liquid solutions/mixtures random motion
- can be done with up to 2-3 types of 3. distance between gas particles is large;
liquids conversely, the volume of gas particles are
- used with fruit and flower extracts negligible or close to zero
(essential oils) 4. collisions between gas particles and the
- Fractional distillation: when boiling walls of the container are perfectly elastic
points are close together; evaporate and (no momentum is lost, same kinetic
condense in a column energy)

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5. the average kinetic energy of gas particles GAS LAWS
is a manifestation of temperature
6. no attractive forces between gas particles Gas Law Constant Formula
(only for certain conditions)
Boyle’s law T PV=k
Variables that Describe Gas
Charles’s Law P V/T=k
1. Amount of gas (n)
- number of moles Gay Lussac’s Law V P/T=k
- n = mass / molecular weight
Avogadros P, T n/V=k
2. Volume (V)
- Liters or m3 Combined Gas n P1V1/T1=P2V2/T2
- 1m3 =1,000 L Law
3. Temperature (T)
- Celcius or Kelvin Ideal Gas Law R PV=nRT

- do not forget to convert! Dalton’s Law of V, T Ptotal = P1 + P2 +

- C + 273 = K Partial Pressures P3
4. Pressure (P)
- atmospheres, Torr, mmHg, bar, psi, Pascal Graham’s Law T VA / VB =
- conversions
1 atm = 760 Torr Remarks:
1 atm = 760 mmHg Universal Gas Constant: 0.0821 g∙mol/L∙atm
1 atm = 101, 325 Pa Ideal Gas: high temperatures, low pressure
1 atm = 101.325 KPa Real Gas: low temperature, high pressure
1 atm = 1.10325 bar Diffusion and Effusion:
1 atm = 14.7 psi - both refer to the rate of travel of a gas
- diffusion is the spread over an area
- effusion is the rate of escape through a
small opening

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