Dsa 00490524
Dsa 00490524
Dsa 00490524
TC83230-0021, JTC83230-0021S: Single-Chip CMOS LSI for Calculators with Printers
(applicable printer heads: M-42V/42TV/41TAV/48T manufactured by EPSON)
Operational Features
Weight: 1.52 g (typ.)
• Print: 14 digits (numerical value) + 1 digit (decimal point)
+ 2 digits (symbol) + 1 digit (minus) + 4 digits (commas)
• Display: 10, 12 or 14 digits (numerical value) + 1 digit (sign)
with commas for separating thousand, million, billion and trillion units.
• Decimal output: Floating point (F), specified decimal point (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6), add mode (A)
• Key-input buffer: 14 words
• Operation methods: Addition and subtraction: By ARITHMETIC operation
Multiplication and division: By algebraic operation
• Function: Four function, repeat multiplication and division, mixed calculation, square calculation,
percentage calculation, percent discount and add-on calculation, memory calculation, delta
percent calculation, add-mode calculation, mark-up/down calculation, total calculation, constant
calculation, tax calculation, rate conversion.
Two-key rollover
• Leading zero suppression
(1) When an error occurs, only the following key inputs are valid: [C], [C/CE], [Feed], [OFF], [ON], [→],
and [P/NP].
(2) Key chatter protection (at f = 4 MHz)
At key read-in: 15 ms
At key off: 40 ms
Auto-Clear at Power On
Auto-clear functions by connecting a capacitor to the RESET pin.
• Conditions for printing in red
(1) When keys except [−] and [M−] are pressed with print data which is signed negative.
(2) When the [−] or [M−] key is pressed with print data which is signed positive.
(3) When the intermediate operation result for MU/D or delta% is negative.
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Pin Assignment (top view)
2 2003-03-24
System Block Diagram
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Connection of LCD
4 2003-03-24
(2) 10 or 12 digits of LCD
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Key Connection (10, 12 or 14 digits M40 series)
Touch Key
Lock Key
ON Key
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Specification of Calculator
Key Name CAL Mode
Time Set
Mode switch [CAL] lock key is on [TIME] lock key is on
Cancels set mode and
C Operates as clear key Unused
clears input data
CE Operates as clear entry key Unused Unused
Cancels set mode and
C/CE Operates as clear or clear entry key Unused
clears input data
OFF Operates as off key Unused Unused
Numeral Numeral Key-inputs numerals Inputs numerals Unused
・ Key-inputs decimal points Unused Unused
Operates as total or sub-total key Unused Unused
+, −
Operates as four-function key Unused Unused
×, ÷
= Operates as = key Unused Unused
GT Operates as GT key Unused Unused
P/NP Switches print or non-print Unused Unused
RND Switches round-off and round-up Unused Unused
DEC Switches decimal points Unused Unused
% Operates as % key Unused Unused
∆% Operates as delta percentage calculation key Unused Unused
MU/D Operates as mark-up/down key Unused Unused
IC Operates as item count key Unused Unused
Operates as non-add-print key for left-justified Prints current date and
#/P Unused
printing time
→ Operates as right-shift key Unused Unused
+/− Operates as sign change key Unused Unused
M+, M−
M*, M◊ Operates as memory function key Unused Unused
Moves to TIME SET
TM・S Unused Sets time and date
RT・S Sets rate Unused Unused
> Switches between time
Rate conversion or rate call Moves cursor to right
A→B and date display
< Switches between time
Rate conversion or rate call Moves cursor to left
B→A and date display
Note 2: CLOCK mode is only available with jumper select of [ CLOCK ] lock key off.
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(2) Explanation of keys
[0~9]..................... Keys in numbers from 0 to 9, 00, and 000. If the number of display digits exceeds
[00, 000] 10, 12 or 14, key entry is invalid.
[・] ......................... If this key is pressed after a key operation except data entry, the display is cleared
and entry of [・] is stored in memory. The decimal point is shifted for subsequent
data entry. If the [・] key is pressed during data entry, display does not change.
[+, −] ..................... Add or subtract operation data and display the result. The decimal point is floating
except when A mode is specified. Addition or subtraction can be performed
If these key are pressed in multiplication/division mode or in constant calculation
mode, add or subtract display data to addition/subtraction registers, then display
the result. At this time, in the operation mode multiplicand or divisor do not
These keys increment or decrement the item counter. In the following operation
mode, the operations are executed, and the results are printed and displayed. At
that time, addition or subtraction using the addition/subtraction register is not
[◊] ......................... Prints and displays the intermediate result in addition/subtraction register. In
item count mode, prints the contents of the item counter before the calculation
result printing.
Contents of data register or stored arithmetic instruction are not changed.
[*] ......................... Prints and displays the result in addition/subtraction register. Automatically feeds
paper one line. In item count mode, the contents of the item counter are printed
before the calculation result printing.
After this key operation, the contents of the addition/subtraction register are
cleared. The contents of the item counter are cleared at the first
addition/subtraction in next step. The contents of the data register or stored
arithmetic instruction are not changed. When GT mode is specified, the result of
addition/subtraction is added to the GT memory.
[M+, M−] ............ If the arithmetic instruction is not stored or if the mode is constant calculation
mode, first prints the display contents after rounding to the specified number of
decimal places, performs addition/subtraction using the data in memory, then
stores the result in memory. If the multiplication/division instruction is stored,
executes the arithmetic instruction, rounds the result to the specified number of
decimal places, prints and display the result, adds/subtracts with the data in
memory, then stores the result to memory.
At that time, the multiplicand or divisor is stored together with the mode, constant
calculation mode. When this key is pressed immediately after the [×] or [M+, M−]
key, operation is the same as that for the [=] key; that is, adds/subtracts using data
in memory. This key operation increments or decrements the item counter for
[M◊]...................... Prints or displays the intermediate result of memory calculation. In item count
mode, prints the contents of the item counter for memory before the calculation
result printing. Contents of the data register or stored arithmetic instruction are
not changed.
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[M*]...................... Prints and displays the result of memory calculation and automatically feeds
paper one line. In item count mode, prints the contents of the item counter for
memory before the calculation result printing. After the [M*] key operation, the
contents of memory and the contents of the item counter for memory are cleared.
Contents of the data register or stored arithmetic instruction are not changed.
[M*◊] .................... Operates both [M◊] and [M*] key operations. Pressing this key once is equivalent
to pressing the [M◊] key; pressing the key twice is the same as pressing the [M*]
[×, ÷] ..................... If the multiplication or division instruction is stored in memory, prints the
operators, performs the operations and displays the results while simultaneously
storing a new arithmetic instruction in memory. The decimal point for the result is
floating. If the [×] or [÷] key is pressed in constant calculation mode, prints the
displayed numeric value without performing an operation and stores a new
multiplication/division instruction in memory.
[=] ......................... Executes a stored multiplication/division instruction, rounds the result to the
specified number of decimal places, prints and displays the result, then
automatically feeds the paper one line. Stores the multiplicand or divisor together
with constant calculation mode in memory. If an instruction is not stored in
memory, no operation is performed and the previous state is held. Pressing the [=]
key immediately after the [×] or [÷] key performs the following operation.
a × = ...... aa
a ÷ = ...... 1
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[∆%]...................... If a multiplication/division instruction is memorized, cancels the data.
∆%key operation example:
a∆% b = ..................... b − a
(b − a)/a (prints difference)
c = ..................... c − a (change delta percent)
(c − a)/a (prints difference)
a∆% b +/− = ............... −(b + a) (change delta percent)
−(b + a)/a (prints difference)
c +/− = ............... −(c + a) (change delta percent)
−(c + a)/a (prints difference)
[→] ....................... Shifts the contents of the display to the right by one digit at key entry. For an
estimation calculation error, cancels the error.
[IC] ....................... Calls the contents of the item counter. Does not change current state.
[GT]...................... Calls the contents of GT memory. If the key is pressed once, calls the contents of
GT memory, but does not change current state. If the key is pressed twice, calls
the contents of GT memory and clears them.
[C] ........................ Cancels all arithmetic instructions and errors, clears the contents of all the
registers except the memory register, and prints 0.C.
[CE]...................... If pressed at key entry, clears only the contents of the display; does not change the
stored arithmetic instruction or the contents of the data register. Invalid if pressed
after one of the following keys: [C] [×] [÷] [+] [−] [=] [%] [∆%] [M+] [M−] [M◊] [M*]
[M*◊] [MU/D] [IC].
The result of pressing the [CE] key after the [#/P] key depends on the state before
the keys were pressed.
[C/CE] .................. If pressed at key entry, operates same as the [CE] key.
If pressed after one of the following keys, operates same as the [C] key: [C/CE] [×]
[÷] [+] [−] [=] [%] [∆%] [M+] [M−] [M◊] [M*] [M*◊] [MU/D] [IC].
The result of pressing the [C/CE] key after the [+/−] or the [#/P] key depends on the
state before the keys were pressed.
[#/P]...................... If pressed after the numerical key entry, prints the contents of the key entry data
register together with the # symbol, but does not change the current state. If the
key is pressed after a key except the numerical keys or [+/−] key, does not change
the contents of the displays or the current state. If the key is pressed in clock
mode, automatically prints the displayed date and time.
[ON (1)]............... If pressed in HOLD mode, cancels HOLD. At that time, cancels all arithmetic
instructions and errors. The contents of the memory register and the TAX RATE
before HOLD mode are retained; all other registers are cleared. While the [ON (1)]
key is pressed, the [OFF] key is invalid.
[ON (2)]............... If pressed in lower frequency (32.768 KHz for CLOCK) operation mode, drives
higher frequency (4 MHz) operation mode (normal calculation mode). At the same
time, cancels all arithmetic instructions and errors. The contents of memory
register and TAX are retained before [OFF] key; all other registers are cleared.
While the [ON (2)] key is invalid.
[OFF] .................. Forcibly enters HOLD mode or lower frequency (32.768 kHz for CLOCK) mode.
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[P/NP] .................. Switches between PRINT and NON-PRINT mode. At reset, NON-PRINT mode is
set. Switches mode in each time when the [P/NP] key is pressed:
P → NP → P → NP. In PRINT mode, displays “print mode”. Valid only when the
[ T/ L ] lock key is set to T.
[RND]................... Switches between round-up, round-off and half-adjust. At reset, half-adjust is set.
Switches the mode in each time when the [RND] key is pressed:
5/4 → ↓ → ↑ → 5/4 → ↓ → ↑. Displays round-up/round-off. Valid only when the
[ T/ L ] lock key is set to T.
[DEC] ................... Switches the decimal point. At reset, floating point (F) is set. Switches the mode in
each time when the [DEC] key is pressed as follows:
F → 0 → 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 6 → A → F → 0 → 1. Displays the specified decimal
point or add mode. Valid only when the [ T/ L ] lock key is set to T.
[TM・S] ................. Sets time and date. Pressing the [TM・S] key in clock/date display mode sets time
setting mode. Valid only when the [TIME] lock key is set.
[RT・S] .................. If pressed after key entry, sets the conversion rate.
[A → B] ................ When the [TIME] key is on, moves the cursor to the right as the [>] key.
When the [CAL] key is on, executes rate conversion as the [A → B] key.
Example of [A → B] key operation when rate value is 130:
a [A → B] .................. a130
Pressing the < [A → B] key after clearing display calls the rate value.
[B → A] ................ When the [TIME] key is on, moves the cursor to the left as the [<] key.
When the [CAL] key is on, executes rate conversion as [B → A] key.
Example of [B → A] key operation when rate value is 130:
a [B → A] .................. a/130
Pressing the < [B → A] key after clearing display calls the rate value.
11 2003-03-24
(3) Explanation of lock keys
[0, 1, 2, 3] ............. Sets the specified decimal point. If no specification, floating is set.
[4, 6, A] When processing floating point data, the operation result is zero-shifted.
When A mode is specified, key-entered data are multiplied by 1/100 only when the
key-entered numerical value is used for addition/subtraction or memory
addition/subtraction. If the [・] key is pressed during data entry, A mode is invalid.
The operation result is treated the same as the specified decimal point, 2.
[CUT, UP]............ Rounds-off in CUT mode; rounds-up in UP mode; when no specification is made,
half-adjusts. When a decimal point is specified, the digit (s) in the subsequent
decimal place is (are) half-adjusted, rounded-off, or rounded-up (??). If floating
point is specified, the value of the least significant digits which cannot be displayed
is rounded off.
[NP]...................... Switches between print and non print mode. In non-print mode, disables all
printing except [↑] or [#/P] key.
When mode changes from non-print to print, feeds the paper one line.
[Σ]......................... If an operation is performed by the [=] or [%] key in auto accumulation calculation
mode, adds the operation result to the addition/subtraction register and
increments the item counter.
[GT]...................... In grand total mode, adds the total register to the GT register by the [*] key.
[ B/ R ] ................... Prints in single color when selecting B on is specified for the printer (M-42V); in
two colors, when selecting R off is specified (M-42TV, M-41TAV, M-48T).
[TIME] ................. When the [TIME] lock key is on, displays the time.
[ T/ L ] ................... When the [ T/ L ] lock key is on, the [P/NP], [RND], and [DEC] keys are valid.
When the [ T/ L ] key is off, the [NP], [CUT], [UP], and [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, A] lock keys
are valid. In 14-digit mode in display, the [ T/ L ] lock key is invalid.
The [P/NP], [RND], and [DEC] keys cannot be used.
[TMR]................... When the [TMR] lock key is on, auto power-off functions. (after approx. 10
[14] ....................... Valid when the [ 10/12 ] lock key is off; selects [14] digits display and (M-48T)
printer when the [14] lock key is on.
[ 10/12 ] ................. Valid when the [14] lock key is off; selects 10 digits display and printer when the
[ 10/12 ] lock key is on; selects 12 digits display and printer when the [ 10/12 ] lock
key is off.
[ CLOCK ] ............ When [ CLOCK ] lock key is off, CLOCK function is operatable. In this case, [ON
(2)] and [OFF] keys are available for ON/OFF function.
When [ CLOCK ] lock key is on, CLOCK function is not operatable. In this case,
[ON (1)] and [OFF] keys are available for ON/OFF function.
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Explanation of Functions
(1) Auto power-off function
When the [TMR] lock key is on and there is no key input for 10 minutes, automatically enters
HOLD state. The [ON] key is used to cancel HOLD mode or to drive higher frequency (4 MHz) mode.
When power is turned on by the [ON] key, cancels all arithmetic instructions and errors, stores states
before power off in memory and GT memory, and clears all other contents in the RAM. If any key is
pressed within 10 minutes, the automatic power-off timer is cleared and resumes counting. Auto
power-off functions even though a lock key is kept being pressed (under off-chatter).
a) Enter clock display mode using the [TIME] key. (the current time is displayed.)
b) Press the [TM・S] key to set to clock/date setting mode. (year and data setting when the
[TM・S] key is pressed the first time.) At that time, the cursor blinks at the year. In
clock/date setting mode, the display is not zero-suppressed.
c) Move the cursor using the cursor keys to the position where the data are to be changed.
Input the year, month, day, hour, or minute to be changed using numeric data keys. After
a numeral is input, the cursor automatically moves to the next position.
d) After inputting the year and date, pressing the [TM・S] key a second time ends date setting
and clock setting mode is entered. Input numerals for time the same way as year or date.
e) Pressing the [TM・S] key a third time sets the hours and minutes, then returns to clock
display mode.
13 2003-03-24
5) Setting example 1: to set data, 15: 34 July 10’93,
c) Press the [9], [3], [0], [7], [1], and [0] keys.
9 3 0 7 - 1 0
0 0 - 0 0
1 5 - 3 4
1 5 - 3 4
9 3 7 - 1 0
9 3 0 7 - 1 0
1 5 - 3 4
0 4 - 0 9
14 2003-03-24
Setting example 3: to change from July 10 set in setting example 1 to December 10.
9 3 0 7 - 1 0
9 3 0 7 - 1 0
9 3 1 3 - 1 0
9 3 1 2 - 1 0
0 4 - 0 9
b) Pressing the [RT・S] key sets the input numeric value as the rate value.
c) To call the set rate, press the [A → B] or [B → A] key after clear (display data: 0).
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Display Examples
Calculation Mode (12 digits)
16 2003-03-24
Operation Example
(the following table shows a example of using 14-digit display and M48T printer.)
Underline is displayed in red print.
Power·ON 1·LINE·FEED···········
0. C
[C] 0. 0··C
1·LINE·FEED···········[#/P] 0.7809049955· #0·78·09·04·9955·······
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18 2003-03-24
2[∆%] 2. 2·∆·
3[=] 3··=
50. 50·∆%
11111111111111[+/-] -··11,111,111,111,111.
[#/P] -··11,111,111,111,111. #11111111111111·······
2[×] 2. 2···×
3[%] 3···%
0.06· 0·06··*
[-] 1.94· 1·94·-%
5[×] 5. 5···×
[=] 5···=
25. 25···*
[+TAX] 25···◊
25.75· 25·75··*
2[+] 2. 2···+
3[+] 5. 3···+
[*]·(GT·MODE) 5. 5··G+
[GT] 5. 5··G◊
[GT] 5. 5··G*
.1234567890991[+] 0.1234567890991· 0·1234567890991··+
[*] 001····················
0.1234567890991· 0·1234567890991··*
2[-] -2. 2···-
5[-] -7. 5···-
IC·(IC+·=ON) 2. 2····
130. 130··×%
20[A→B] 20···◊
2,600. 2,600··×*
[C/CE] 0. 0···C
[A→B] 130. 130··×%
13000[B→A] 13,000···◊
100. 100··×%
19 2003-03-24
Maximum Ratings (VSS = 0 V)
Electrical Characteristics
Recommended Operating Conditions (VSS = 0 V, Topr = 0~40°C)
Characteristics Symbol Test Condition Min Max Unit
Operating temperature Topr 0 40 °C
Supply voltage VDD SLOW 5.5 V
HOLD 2.0
High-level input voltage VDD ×
(non-schmitt circuit) 0.7
= 4.5 V
High-level input voltage VDD ×
(schmitt circuit) 0.75
High-level input voltage VIH3 VDD < 4.5 V VDD V
Low-level input voltage VDD ×
VIL1 0 V
(non-schmitt circuit) 0.3
= 4.5 V
Low-level input voltage VDD ×
VIL2 0 V
(schmitt circuit) 0.25
Low-level input voltage VIL3 VDD < 4.5 V 0 V
20 2003-03-24
DC Electrical Characteristics (VSS = 0 V, VDD = 2.7~6.0 V, Topr = 0~40°C)
Characteristics Symbol Terminal Test Condition Min Typ. Max Unit
Hysteresis voltage
VHS Hysteresis Input 0.7 V
(schmitt circuit)
KO port, TEST,
Input current ±2 µA
Open Drain R port, P VIN = 5.5/0 V
KO port TEST with
RIN1 VDD = 5.5 V 30 70 150
Input resistance Input Resistor kΩ
VIN = 5.5/0 V
RIN2 RESET , HOLD 100 220 450
VDD = 5.5 V
ILO1 Sink Open Drain R port 2
VOUT = 5.5 V
Output leakage current µA
Source Open Drain R VDD = 5.5 V
ILO2 −2
port, P port VOUT = −1.5 V
Note 7: VO1/2: Shows 1/2 level output voltage at which 1/2 duty or static LCD drive.
Note 8: VO1/3: Shows 1/3 level output voltage at which 1/4 or 1/3 duty LCD drive.
Should be under that KO port is open and R port voltage level is valid.
21 2003-03-24
Oscillation Circuit (Topr = 0~40°C, VDD = 2.7~6.0 V)
C = 20 pF
4.0 MHz
X’tal (or ceramic) = 4 MHz
VDD = 5.0 V
C = 100 pF 2.4 4.0 5.6 MHz
R = 1 kΩ ± 2%
C = 10 pF (XIN), 22 pF (XOUT)
32.768 kHz
X’tal = 32.768 kHz
22 2003-03-24
Waveforms for Display
23 2003-03-24
Pad Location Table (µm)
24 2003-03-24
Chip Layout
Pad Layout
Active Element
25 2003-03-24
Example of Calculator Figure
12 digits Touch key Mode/Rate mode with clock function and 12-digit display.
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Package Dimensions
27 2003-03-24
• TOSHIBA is continually working to improve the quality and reliability of its products. Nevertheless, semiconductor
devices in general can malfunction or fail due to their inherent electrical sensitivity and vulnerability to physical
stress. It is the responsibility of the buyer, when utilizing TOSHIBA products, to comply with the standards of
safety in making a safe design for the entire system, and to avoid situations in which a malfunction or failure of
such TOSHIBA products could cause loss of human life, bodily injury or damage to property.
In developing your designs, please ensure that TOSHIBA products are used within specified operating ranges as
set forth in the most recent TOSHIBA products specifications. Also, please keep in mind the precautions and
conditions set forth in the “Handling Guide for Semiconductor Devices,” or “TOSHIBA Semiconductor Reliability
Handbook” etc..
• The TOSHIBA products listed in this document are intended for usage in general electronics applications
(computer, personal equipment, office equipment, measuring equipment, industrial robotics, domestic appliances,
etc.). These TOSHIBA products are neither intended nor warranted for usage in equipment that requires
extraordinarily high quality and/or reliability or a malfunction or failure of which may cause loss of human life or
bodily injury (“Unintended Usage”). Unintended Usage include atomic energy control instruments, airplane or
spaceship instruments, transportation instruments, traffic signal instruments, combustion control instruments,
medical instruments, all types of safety devices, etc.. Unintended Usage of TOSHIBA products listed in this
document shall be made at the customer’s own risk.
• The products described in this document are subject to the foreign exchange and foreign trade laws.
• The information contained herein is presented only as a guide for the applications of our products. No
responsibility is assumed by TOSHIBA CORPORATION for any infringements of intellectual property or other
rights of the third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under
any intellectual property or other rights of TOSHIBA CORPORATION or others.
28 2003-03-24