Program Outcomes (Pos) Electronics and Communication Engineering Graduates Will Be Able To
Program Outcomes (Pos) Electronics and Communication Engineering Graduates Will Be Able To
Program Outcomes (Pos) Electronics and Communication Engineering Graduates Will Be Able To
Apply knowledge related to core and specialized fields like Electronic Circuits,
PSO 1 Embedded and Communication Systems to solve complex Engineering/Societal
Able to expose their programming skills using latest tools to arrive cost effective and
appropriate solutions..
Apply the contextual knowledge with professional ethics to manage different projects
in multi disciplinary environment.
After completing the course, Students are able to
1. Read articles of a general kind in magazines and newspapers.
2. Participate effectively in informal conversations; introduce themselves and their friends and express
opinions in English.
3. Comprehend conversations and short talks delivered in English
4. Write short essays of a general kind and personal letters and emails in English.
After completing the course, Students are able to
1. Explain the VI characteristics of semiconductor diode.
2. Describe the equivalent circuit of transistors.
3. Explain the construction of electronic devices like FET and MOSFET.
4. Demonstrate the special semiconductor devices.
5. Explain the power devices and display devices.
After completing the course, Students are able to
1. Understand and evaluate the A.C and D.C circuits
2. Apply the circuit theorems in real time.
3. Design and analyse the tuned circuits.
4. Obtain knowledge in the response of transient circuit with different type of excitations.
5. Learnt various parameters in the two port networks
After completing the course, Students are able to
1. Design AM communication systems.
2. Design Angle modulated communication systems
3. Apply the concepts of Random Process to the design of Communication systems.
4. Analyze the noise performance of AM and FM systems.
5. Gain knowledge in sampling and quantization.
After completing the course, Students are able to
1. Understand the concept of vector algebra in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate
2. Display an understanding of fundamental electromagnetic laws and concepts.
3. Analyze the magnetic circuits and materials.
4. Write Maxwell's equations in integral, differential and phasor forms and explain their physical
5. Explain electromagnetic wave propagation in lossy and in lossless media.
Semester VI
Professional Elective II
EC8004 – Wireless Networks
After completing the course, Students are able to
1. Explain the various protocols and standards of wireless LAN.
2. Describe the protocols for mobile network layer and routing in the mobile ad-hoc network.
3. Illustrate the TCP for mobile transport layer.
4. Discuss about the different wireless WAN architectures.
5. Explain the 4G technologies and its applications.
Semester VII
Professional Elective –III
GE8071 – Disaster Management
After completing the course, Students are able to
1. To provide students an exposure to disasters, their significance and types.
2. To ensure that students begin to understand the relationship between vulnerability, disasters,
disaster prevention and risk reduction.
3. To gain a preliminary understanding of approaches of Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR)
4. To enhance awareness of institutional processes in the country.
5. To develop rudimentary ability to respond to their surroundings with potential disaster response
in areas where they live, with due sensitivity
Semester VIII
Professional Elective IV
GE8076 – Professional Ethics in Engineering
Semester VIII
Professional Elective V
EC8094 – Satellite Communication
After completing the course, Students are able to
1. Understand the basics of satellite orbits
2. Understand the satellite segment and earth segment
3. Analyze the various methods of satellite access
4. Understand the applications of satellites
5. Understand the basics of satellite Networks
Semester V
Open Elective I
OMD551 – Basic of Biomedical Instrumentation
After completing the course, Students are able to
1. Learn the different bio potential and its propagation.
2. Get Familiarize the different electrode placement for various physiological recording
3. Design bio amplifier for various physiological recording
4. Understand the various technique non electrical physiological measurements
5. Understand the different biochemical measurements
Semester VII
Open Elective - II
OIE751 – Robotics
After completing the course, Students are able to