Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
Lesson Plan 1
At the end of the lesson, the pupils must be able to:
a. visualize integers in their order on a number line;
b. appreciate the use of the number line in understanding/visualizing
integers; and
c. write integers correctly.
III. Procedures
A. Preparatory Activities
1. Drill
Good Morning, class! How are you Good Morning, teacher. We are doing fine
doing? today. How about you?
2. Review
Very good!
B. Developmental Activities
1. Motivation
Teacher’s Instructions:
- Move 2 steps forward.
- Move 1 step backward.
- Move 1 step forward.
- Move 2 steps forward.
- Move 4 steps backward.
Okay, very Good! Thank you for
participating pupils. Give them a round of
Four of them are following your
Now, what have you observed? instructions.
When you say to step backward or
forward within the line you drew they did
78 8 0 38
45 10 10 -8
1 81 15 4
32 2 72 63
2. Presentation
Very Good!
3. Setting of Standards
4. Discussion
Is it number line?
1 2
Yes, correct!
5. Generalization
6. Application