Isa-77.60.04 (1996)
Isa-77.60.04 (1996)
Isa-77.60.04 (1996)
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ISA–The Instrumentation,
Systems, and
Automation Society
ISA–TR77.60.04–1996, Fossil Fuel Power Plant Human-Machine Interface – CRT Displays
ISBN: 1-55617-609-0
Copyright 1996 by the Instrument Society of America. All rights reserved. Printed in the United
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67 Alexander Drive
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This preface, as well as all footnotes and annexes, is included for informational purposes only and
is not part of ISA-TR77.60.04-1996. The purpose of this Technical Report is to provide advice and
guidance in the development of CRT Displays for use in conjunction with real-time Distributed Control
Systems used in utility fossil-fired power plants with boilers of 200,000 lb/hr or greater capacity.
This Technical Report has been prepared as part of the service of ISA, the international society for
measurement and control, toward a goal of uniformity in the field of instrumentation. To be of real
value, this document should not be static but should be subject to periodic review. Toward this
end, the Society welcomes all comments and criticisms and asks that they be addressed to the
Secretary, Standards and Practices Board; ISA; 67 Alexander Drive; P.O. Box 12277; Research
Triangle Park, NC 27709; Telephone (919) 549-8411; Fax (919) 549-8288; e-mail: stan-
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est extent possible. The Metric Practice Guide, which has been published by the Institute of Elec-
trical and Electronics Engineers as ANSI/IEEE Std. 268-1992, and future revisions will be the
reference guide for definitions, symbols, abbreviations, and conversion factors. SI (metric) conver-
sions in this Technical Report are given only to the precision intended in selecting the original
numerical value.
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The following people served as members of ISA Subcommittee SP77.60, which created this Tech-
nical Report:
D. Tennant, Chairman Consultant
R. Hubby, Co-Chairman Max Control Systems, Inc.
S. Alvarez Compania de Inspeccion Mexicana
D. Bernfeld Niagara Mohawk Power Corporation
T. Broyles Stone & Webster, Inc.
J. Brummer Metropolitan Edison
D. Crow TU Electric
G. Davis Duke Power Company
C. Fernandez Comision Federal de Electricidad
H. Foreman Brown & Root Power
D. Frey Computer & Control Consultants
N. Gordeuk MMI Environments, Inc.
D. Hamme Gilbert Commonwealth, Inc.
H. Hopkins Utility Products of Arizona
D. Lee Bailey Controls Company
N. Lyche Chevron Overseas Petroleum Technology Company
S. Mattix Duke Power Company
G. McFarland Honeywell Industrial Automation & Controls, Inc.
G. Mead Honeywell, Inc.
R. Papilla Southern California Edison
R. Paul Southern Company Services
A. Radice ENEL
L. Schroeder Axiom Technology Corporation
G. Schulte Detroit Edison Company
M. Skoncey Duquesne Light Company
S. Stultz Baltimore Gas & Electric Company
P. Toigo Burns & McDonnell
T. Toms Carolina Power & Light Company
R. Waters U.S. Department of Energy
R. Johnson, Chairman Sargent & Lundy
T. Russell, Co-Chairman Honeywell, Inc.
E. Adamson Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation
L. Altcheh Israel Electric Company
S. Alvarez Compania de Inspeccion Mexicana
J. Batug Pennsylvania Power & Light Company
*W. Blazier Sargent & Lundy
L. Broeker Cinergy
J. Cartwright Ohmart Corporation
*Q. Chou Ontario Hydro
D. Christopher Houston Lighting & Power Company
F. Cunningham Swagelok Company
G. Davis Duke Power Company
C. Fernandez Comision Federal de Electricidad
D. Foreman Brown & Root Power
R. Forman Process Auto Technologies
M. Fryman Illinois Power Company
K. Gabel Centerior Energy
A. Gile Potomac Electric Company
R. Hicks Black & Veatch
W. Holland Southern Company Services, Inc.
H. Hopkins Utility Products of Arizona
R. Hubby Max Control Systems, Inc.
*J. Kennard Ontario Hydro
J. Kling Black & Veatch
D. Lee Bailey Controls Company
W. Matz Forney Corporation
G. McFarland Honeywell Industrial Automation and Controls, Inc.
G. Mookerjee Detroit Edison Company
J. Moskal ABB Combustion Engineering Systems
*J. Murphy E. I. du Pont
T. New Leeds & Northrop (Alabama)
*N. Obleton Honeywell, Inc.
R. Papilla Southern California Edison
*M. Perakis EPRI
*J. Pickle E. I. du Pont
G. Ramachandran Cytec Industries, Inc.
L. Rawlings II Babcock & Wilcox Company
D. Roney Raytheon Engineers & Constructors, Inc.
R. Roop Hoosier Energy, Inc.
J. Rutledge Jacksonville Electric Authority
A. Schager Consultant
C. Skidmore Florida Power & Light Company
J. Smith Westinghouse Electric Corporation
T. Stevenson Baltimore Gas & Electric
*C. Taft EPRI I&C Center
D. Tennant Consultant
B. Traylor Sandwell, Inc.
*J. Weiss Electric Power Research Institute
J. Wiley Public Service of Colorado
B. Zasowski Schlumberger Industries
T. Zikas Parker-Hannifin Corporation
T. Zuvlis Woodward Governor Company
This Technical Report was approved for publication by the ISA Standards and Practices Board on
May 24, 1996.
M. Widmeyer, Vice President Washington Public Power Supply System
H. Baumann H. D. Baumann, Inc.
D. Bishop Chevron USA Production Company
P. Brett Honeywell, Inc.
W. Calder III Calder Enterprises
H. Dammeyer Phoenix Industries, Inc.
R. Dieck Pratt & Whitney
W. Holland Southern Company Services, Inc.
A. Iverson Lyondell Petrochemical Company
K. Lindner Endress + Hauser GmbH + Company
T. McAvinew Metro Wastewater Reclamation District
A. McCauley, Jr. Chagrin Valley Controls, Inc.
G. McFarland Honeywell Industrial Automation & Controls, Inc.
E. Montgomery Fluor Daniel, Inc.
D. Rapley Rapley Engineering Services
R. Reimer Rockwell Automation A-B
J. Rennie Factory Mutual Research Corporation
R. Webb Pacific Gas & Electric Company
W. Weidman Consultant
J. Weiss Electric Power Research Institute
J. Whetstone National Institute of Standards & Technology
H. Wiegle Canus Corporation
C. Williams Eastman Kodak Company
G. Wood Graeme Wood Consulting
M. Zielinksi Fisher•Rosemount
This report recognizes the substantial volumes of technical information already in existence on the
topic of CRT display development. The intention of this Report is to provide a practical summary
overview of the important considerations that apply to the development of effective CRT displays.
It is hoped to be a handy reference to those design engineers and power-plant operators who are
directly involved in display development.
Key words
Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) displays, coding conventions, color coding, CRT alarm management,
CRT control applications, CRT display development, CRT display elements, CRT display organiza-
tion, CRT display status, CRT display structure, CRT display types, CRT replacement guidelines,
display access, Distributed Control Systems (DCS), format standards, fossil fuel power plant,
human-machine interface, navigation designs (standard), operator entry techniques, real-time
DCS, shape coding, size coding, typical color conventions for black background, work station ergo-
Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 7
Key words............................................................................................................................ 7
1 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 11
2 Purpose ......................................................................................................................... 12
3 Display structure .......................................................................................................... 12
4 Display access .............................................................................................................. 13
5 Display types................................................................................................................. 14
6 Format standards ......................................................................................................... 15
7 Display organization .................................................................................................... 16
8 Coding conventions ..................................................................................................... 18
8.1 General coding principles........................................................................................18
8.2 Color coding ............................................................................................................18
8.3 Size coding..............................................................................................................20
8.4 Shape coding ..........................................................................................................20
8.5 Highlighting..............................................................................................................21
8.6 Location coding .......................................................................................................21
8.7 Alphanumeric codes and abbreviations..................................................................21
9 Display elements .......................................................................................................... 22
10 Operator entry techniques ........................................................................................ 24
11 Control applications................................................................................................... 26
12 Alarm management .................................................................................................... 28
13 Work station ergonomics .......................................................................................... 29
14 CRT replacement guidelines..................................................................................... 29
A — References ................................................................................................................ 31
B — Typical color conventions for black background ................................................. 33
1 Scope
This technical report is provided for the benefit of design engineers and ultimately fossil-power-
plant operators. By following this technical report, the developer of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) dis-
plays will
a) provide clear and efficient communication between the user and the distributed
control system;
b) accomplish display design based on the user's needs that are based on an
assessment of planned control-operator functions to be performed; and
c) provide a display design to obtain timely access to required information and con-
trols in a logical structure convenient to the user.
The display structure and organization, including access time to make appropriate control adjust-
ments, should provide for operator response comparable to that of non-display-based, human-
machine interface systems. To meet this requirement, the display structure must be developed
Input from plant operating personnel in all phases of CRT display development is critical to the
development of effective displays. It is even recommended to have plant operating personnel build
many of the graphics to ensure a sense of ownership by operations personnel.
This technical report will address the following issues relating to CRT display development:
Recognizing the substantial volumes of technical reports on the topic of CRT display development,
the intent of this report is to provide a summary/overview of the important considerations that
apply in the development of effective CRT displays. For additional detailed guidance, please refer
to Annex A — References.
2 Purpose
The purpose of this technical report is to provide advice and guidance in the development of CRT
Displays for use in conjunction with real-time Distributed Control Systems (DCS) used in utility fos-
sil-fired power plants with boilers of 200,000 lb/hr or greater capacity.
3 Display structure
Display structure establishes the relationship among displays and should reflect the relationships
between functions and tasks to be performed through the CRT displays. A function/task analysis
and goal assessment based on plant operating procedures is recommended to determine the
goals and tasks to be accomplished.
Display structure provided with real-time distributed control systems is most commonly organized
in a hierarchical structure. Displays are grouped according to levels of detail where each display
serves as a menu to information above or below its level.
Using windowing techniques superimposes a sequential structure within the hierarchical structure,
enabling the operator to access the requisite level of detail necessary to perform the required con-
trol functions (e.g., survey equipment status, get control help, select a transmitter, or call up a con-
trol face plate).
Three levels are typical of many fossil-plant CRT display structures as applied to the boiler/turbine
and result in the following hierarchy:
Unit Control: Unit overview. Unit master control provides the highest level mon-
itoring and control of major process-control functions.
System Overview/
System Control: Fuel, air, feedwater, condensate, etc. — the main controls for
each supporting process
Equipment Control: Mills, induced draft and forced draft fans, boiler feed, or conden-
sate pumps, and associated control valves — the lowest level of
control on specific equipment
Two additional CRT display structure organizing approaches are:
a) sequential structure, where movement from one display to the next is governed
by a sequence. This technique is useful for procedural management of a plant
such as a startup/shutdown sequence and is well applied when using pop-ups in a
windowing environment; and
b) spatial structure, where the CRT display structure matches a mental map of the
physical layout of the system/plant that the user has.
These techniques may be embedded as appropriate into a hierarchical display structure for the
plant tasks to be managed.
4 Display access
Display access provides the means by which the user navigates through the display structure.
Ease of navigation is critical to the effectiveness of CRT display structure. CRT display planning
and design must take full advantage of operating system features for linking displays, including
application software that enhances those features to provide a complete system of links and intelli-
gent selection of targets. Some principle requirements for display access design are as follows:
b) Information called up for each selection must be obvious to the user based on
clear and consistent labeling and/or coding. Care must be taken to prevent label-
ing or graphics from overshadowing the pertinent process data.
4.1 Standard navigation designs
Various standard navigation designs for display access are available for displaying user options
and defining user actions for display call-up. These methods are discussed as follows in accor-
dance with their suitability for real-time system operation:
a) Display targets (Hot spots) provide immediate access to any form of pop-up that,
in turn, can include menu selections or appropriate control face plates for operator
actions. Because of its fast response system, this approach is very suitable for
the real-time user.
Prior to the widespread use and acceptance of touch screen and/or mouse-selected targets, com-
mand language, paging keys, and dedicated and variable function keys (in hardware) were com-
monly used as display access navigation aids. These approaches are less desirable today
because they require the user to focus attention away from the CRT display.
5 Display types
Many display types are used in large data monitoring and/or control systems for power plant con-
trol, dispatch, or other applications. These display types may include overviews, system summa-
ries, process systems (mimics), controls, component status, menus and submenus, control
sequencing status, historical and trend information, alarms, diagnostics, line safety and tieline flow
summaries, energy costs, database point details, maintenance and red-tag (out of service) func-
tions, and help windows.
Display content and display organization are the two major elements that determine the display
type. User functions (task analysis) should determine display content. Display organization must
be logical to the intended user. Users with different responsibilities may need the same content to
be organized according to the specific responsibility to be fulfilled. The display types provided
should offer enough flexibility so that, when used in conjunction with the display system capabili-
ties, a user's needs can be comfortably accommodated. For example, some operators may prefer
to operate from process mimics, where others may prefer to work the control station face plates.
The amount of detail on the screen at any moment in time should be at the discretion of the user.
Windowing capability provides a powerful means for obtaining selected details and support infor-
mation on the main CRT screen without losing that main CRT screen information. Windowing
capability provides the capability for emphasizing the important control process information while
de-emphasizing the less relevant support data, which is always available upon request.
In planning the CRT display types, it is important to consider various techniques to expedite dis-
play recognition that include
c) using display element standards such as symbols, colors, names, and abbrevia-
tions for all displays, as applicable, even if display content and organization varies
according to the intended function.
6 Format standards
Consistency in the organization of each display type will enhance information recognition and will
allow the system to perform in a generally predictable manner.
Each display must have a well-defined objective that is developed by considering (1) what will be
done with the display (task analysis); (2) who will do it; and (3) when the display will be used. Sim-
ilarly, the general format for the group of displays in a display type must have well-defined general
objectives to guide its content and organization.
Standard display elements should be shown in a consistent location on all displays. These can
include such things as display title, unit identification, time, date, and standard targets for hot spots/
The display title is most important since it helps the user recognize the display objective quickly
and, thus, should be immediately visible to the user. Using human factors principles will help to
assure visibility.
When standard format and, especially, standard layout are used, displays will tend to look alike. To
avoid confusion and errors, it is equally important to make displays and layouts distinguishable
from each other by using unique titling and possibly other coding techniques. For example, if multi-
ple units can be accessed from a common console, the unit number must be clearly displayed
along with the distinguishable color and/or shape coding; clearly evident format (symbol and color)
and display background difference may also be used to differentiate between similar units on a
common CRT.
The information provided by the CRT displays should be easily obtainable, meaningful, and dis-
cernible to the operator within a time frame compatible with control of critical components. The
display system should enhance, not hinder, the operator's perspective of plant operation status.
7 Display organization
Human factors guidelines should be followed in the development of any display. These include
guidelines for display content, organization, and coding with colors, symbols, etc. This clause pro-
vides guidelines for content and organization. The next clause will provide guidelines for coding.
3) Show the most relevant data for the display objective (e.g., capability loss
may be more important than resultant low flow).
4) Organize elements in the order they will be used (e.g., top to bottom, left to
right) with the more frequently used elements shown with more promi-
6) Match the level of abstraction with the display objective (i.e., summary
overview displays will be more abstract while detailed process displays will
be more concrete).
1) Establish a focal point such as centering the title at the top of the display to
serve as a starting point for viewing the display.
c) User recognition
1) Follow the user's model (i.e., the way the user thinks about the system).
2) Use spacing rather than demarcation lines, which tend to add clutter.
5) Label all data (except when information can be easily inferred from the dis-
7) Establish labeling conventions for size, location, and case (upper or lower).
NOTE — Upper/lower case is most readable. Please do not use all upper
e) Display aesthetics
The display's visual appeal should be considered after all of the more important
issues of content, organization, and coding guidelines have been addressed. The
display should be aesthetically pleasing to view. Spacing and balance among the
elements can greatly affect the aesthetics of a display.
f) Graphic labels
Include the graphic name and any special coding symbols to help engineers find
graphic source files and special notes, which help to configure the graphic. These
labels should be dark so as to not clutter the graphic.
g) Hierarchical displays
The display system should provide the capability to descend primarily to three lev-
els of hierarchy suggested as follows: the first level is monitoring display; the sec-
ond level is control display; and the third level is diagnostic display. These
displays should depict information to the operator depending on the function being
performed during various stages of plant operation and control; i.e., monitoring,
control, or diagnosis.
8 Coding conventions
Coding can provide a concise, efficient way to communicate with the operator. Proper use of cod-
ing techniques will significantly increase display intelligibility. Several basic coding principles are
given and are followed by guidelines for each type of coding.
1. The implementor should be aware that potential users may have difficulty or lack the ability to
distinguish between specific colors or many colors. Color, therefore, should not be the sole
distinguishing factor on critical indicators such as alarms, valve positions, pump start/stop, etc.
Redundant indicators should be considered on those items, such as color plus shape change or
color plus label.
a) To convey meaning
While 11 colors are distinguishable for an optimum design, no more than four or
five colors should be used.
NOTE — As the number of colors increases, the relative effectiveness of the color
codes decreases.
Since the eyes are quite sensitive to color differences, the limitation of four or five
optimum colors per (see 8.2 [a]) does not apply when colors are used to distin-
guish items; i.e., subtle shade differences can be used to create an illusion of
depth to distinguish items while minimizing clutter.
Match computer color coding with color coding outside the distributed control sys-
tem that is familiar to the user.
Displays should be reviewed as if there were no color present in order to test if the
display's meaning is conveyed (e.g., breaker open/closed). Using this approach
will minimize problems of color distortion or color blindness.
c) Use bright colors (e.g., yellow or light green) to highlight such items as dynamic
data or dynamic symbols; use dark colors (e.g., red or indigo) to repress such
items as static symbols.
These colors exhibit low brightness when used against a dark screen background.
Coding of display elements in bright colors will achieve better contrast against a
dark background (e.g., overall screen background should match ambient condi-
tions; 25 to 50 percent gray is best. Specific items can use darker backgrounds to
enhance contrast such as numerical data in yellow on a black background and a
green bar chart fill on a black background; a gray overall background helps mask
f) Use a different background for windows to distinguish them from the main screen
and ensure that the background provides good contrast with the established color
code (e.g., light gray for pop-up).
The following example is representative of how color coding may be applied. Using red and green
colors for Alternate 1 follows traditional utility industry practice. Alternate 2 is suggested where dif-
ficulty is encountered with red/green differentiation by the user. Shape coding is extremely impor-
tant when using Alternate 2.
Unit Identifier Color — Color should be carefully chosen, so that each unit is readily distin-
guishable from the other units.
Alternate 1 Alternate 2
No alarm — yellow or green or white cyan, white
Alarm - Unacknowledged — red flashing yellow flashing
Alarm - Acknowledged — red not flashing yellow not flashing
Device Status — See the Table below.
Process flow lines (See mimics in the display elements, Section 9.)
For convenience, refer to Annex B for the suggested typical color conventions for
black background from EPRI TR 101378. (See Annex A for full reference.)
Size coding is used to emphasize items (e.g., use a larger pump symbol for a large pump). Use a
small number of sizes (i.e., small, medium, or large).
Shapes are quick and easy to recognize independent of any color coding. Shapes are especially
effective for identifying components and their operational status. Guidelines include the following:
a) Use shapes consistently for the same equipment or to convey the same meaning.
Simple shapes should reflect equipment shape as much as possible.
8.5 Highlighting
Highlighting is a means of coding to catch the user's attention and should be limited to two or three
items on one display to be effective. Some methods include
a) reverse video: effective for alarms to overcome low perceived brightness of red;
b) increased brightness: e.g., increase color intensity or use a brighter color; and
b) User model mimic — where display items are located according to the user's
model (mimic) of a process system of equipment, or the user's model based on a
PID flow diagram.
Alphanumeric codes, while providing the greatest flexibility in conveying a message to the opera-
tor, require more time to read and interpret than other codes. Guidelines are as follows:
c) Use codes (alphanumeric or otherwise) that have meaning to the user. Avoid arbi-
trary codes.
e) Place numbers and/or letters together (e.g., DC2 is better than D2C; B12 is better
than 1B2).
i) Avoid symbols, underscores, and over-reliance on abbreviations, since they
require time to be deciphered by the user.
j) Make a help screen available on any screen by using alphanumeric codes and an
abbreviation, explaining what they mean.
9 Display elements
Display elements consist of letters, numbers, shapes, and/or colors. In developing the best display
elements, it is important to determine the best coding method to convey the required information
and to select the best display element to communicate that information.
A number of typical display elements are described with guidelines as to their design and use in
suitable applications.
a) Numerical value is a digital read out of the parameter’s value, using digital num-
bers where precision (i.e., the exact value) is needed. It requires a label or symbol
to identify its meaning, including units of measure.
b) Analog indicator (bar chart or meter) shows the relative value of a parameter,
using a continuous change in size or position of a shape.
c) Digital indicator is used to display a device status that can have one of two or
more discrete states.
Each state must be easily distinguishable. States are displayed with labeling
(such as ON/OFF), supplemented with color coding (red or green), and possibly
enhanced with shape coding (breaker open or closed). Labeling or coding is criti-
cal since misinterpretation by the user would infer the opposite of the intended
message. Avoid using color alone as a means of conveying device status.
3) Provide labeling inside symbols, if possible.
5) Locate data for mimic lines and symbols as near as possible to the corre-
sponding line or symbol to which it relates.
The user must recognize that the symbol is providing status information.
8) Use dynamic mimic flow lines to show the operation of the process when
significant to understanding process operations.
Presence of flow or pressure in lines can be shown both with color coding
or symbolically by showing a hollow (empty) or filled-in (full) area between
two parallel lines. Mimics can be arranged to show flowing fluid by alter-
nating the contents of the filled pipe.
9) Use dynamic electrical line mimics to show charged and uncharged lines.
Presence of power can be shown both with color coding and symbolically
by showing the open or closed breaker.
e) Plots or graphs show a parameter/parameter plot and are useful for diagnostic
purposes such as marking normal-versus-abnormal operating regions.
f) Trend shows the history of one or more variables including rate of change and
approach to limits. Guidelines are as follows:
2) Trend multiple variables only when they are related or needed for compari-
son to each other.
4) Code the label that corresponds to the particular trend by color or other
means for multiple variable trends.
5) Provide proper labeling such as trend variable range and time scale.
g) Tables and lists are used to show large amounts of information and must be well
organized and coded to minimize the time to read or interpret. Guidelines are as
2) Align lists of data vertically with labels on the left and left-justified. The
corresponding numeric data should be on the right and justified to the dec-
imal, or if no decimal, right-justified.
h) Text, while being very flexible, is probably the least desirable display item since it
is slow to read and interpret.
Text should generally be limited to labels and brief messages (such as help mes-
sages). Color suggestions are as follows:
1) Dark colored text (red, blue, black, etc.) should have a light background.
2) Light colored text (white, green, yellow, etc.) should have a dark back-
Operator entry techniques allow the operator to enter commands or other information on the dis-
tributed control system. Common input devices used today are touch screen, mouse (or track
ball), and keyboard. Using on-screen entry techniques (mouse or touch screen) keep the opera-
tor's eyes focused on the data and, thereby, minimize operator errors in making single-selection
commands. This method is preferred over keyboard or special-function panel entries.
The system response to operator entries should be positive, obvious, and natural. No response
(lack of system response to the input received) is not allowed. System response time should
appear to be instantaneous (less than 2 seconds). If response time exceeds 2 seconds, instanta-
neous feedback should show that (a) the process is underway, and (b) the process will take an
estimated length of time to complete.
a) Touch screen
4) Provide a minimum of 3/4" x 3/4" target area for all critical functions.
Smaller areas may be accepted if immediate and accurate response is not
6) Provide all consoles (sit down/stand up) with suitable arm rests, making
arm extension to the screen minimal, and precise target selection easier to
7) Use multiple touch actions for control (recommended) to avoid the problem
of accidental touch.
c) Keyboard
Keyboards are means to provide standard and variable function keys as well as
multiple key data entry as required for entering numeric values or messages.
3) Provide entry fields with a cursor showing location of the next keyed entry
for multiple-key entry.
5) Locate edit fields (used to edit current data) below or to the right of the
data to be edited or at a consistent prompt location.
6) Highlight data being entered to help ensure the correct value is being
d) Pushbutton Panels
Backlight, display-access key panels are useful for rapid one-key access to dis-
11 Control applications
Distributed control systems that control plant process or dispatch systems must have a quality
CRT display design. Guidelines for standard control-station display-element development and for
control design of an optimum user interaction are provided.
1) Provide consistent target functions including the way targets are presented
across all control stations.
3) Follow a consistent loop-operating philosophy for control of an analog pro-
cess variable or a digital state of equipment. This should include
d) a feedback from the actual control device being controlled (not just
a verification of the demand signal);
4) Perform analog control adjustments in either of two ways: (a) select and
enter a target value that has an acceptable slew rate built into the firm-
ware, which drives the change; or (b) have raise/lower keys on a keyboard
or displayed on a screen view and have them accessed with either a cur-
sor or touch screen. Ability for multiple speed selection reaction is helpful.
12 Alarm management
An effective alarm management system built within the distributed control system and supple-
mented by user application software is an essential part of an effective CRT display system for pro-
cess control. The following are a number of minimum requirements that should be considered:
a) Alarm attention
Call attention to a new alarm regardless of the display in use. This can be accom-
plished by a standard alarm code in the same place on all screens or in a display
area dedicated to incoming alarms (alarm screen or sub-screen); or by an alarm
bell that sounds; or a combination of these. New alarms need to be distinguished
from acknowledged alarms.
b) Alarm filtering
Provide alarm filtering to inhibit nuisance alarms, such as alarms related to equip-
ment out of service, based on goal/function/task analysis data.
c) Alarm recognition
d) Alarm resolution
Show priority of alarms by using color and other techniques (for color-blind opera-
tors). Provide a standard methodology for alarm acknowledgment, including clear
indication of alarm acknowledgment and/or return to normal status.
13 Work station ergonomics
The physical design (numbers of CRTs, CRT placement, etc.) must support the intended (single-
or multi-unit) operation and must be coordinated with the CRT display design based on a task
analysis of functions to be performed. Task analysis must consider various individuals using the
work station during all plant operating conditions. The CRT display hardware used by operators
must be designed and arranged to conform to the physical requirements of Human Factors’ guide-
lines for distance angles and anthropometrics, etc.; e.g., seating, work surface, and seat support
must accommodate operator size from small- through large-framed operators, both male and
female; touch screens must be within the operator's reach; a mouse may be needed if physical
arrangements require the CRTs to be too far away; and symbol and letter height must be adjusted
for the expected viewing distance.
As large screen technology improves (by both projection or other techniques), the use of semi-per-
manent displays for monitoring the overall plant performance (as was formerly provided by the
dedicated operator control board and control desk instrumentation) will minimize the need to
ascend the display hierarchy from control level 2 to monitoring level 1 displays.
CRTs wear out over time; they get dim and lose focus. All systems must support replacing CRTs
with standard video format. Users should plan on replacing CRTs at a minimum of five-year inter-
Annex A — References
Daniels, R. W. and Oliver, J. A., Enhancing fossil power plant design, operation, and main-
tenance: Human factor guidelines (CS-3745) (1984).
ANSI/ISA-S5.5 Graphic symbols for process displays (1985)
Fowler, R. L.; Williams, W. E.; Fowler, M. G.; and Young, D. D. An investigation of the rela-
tionship between operator performance and operator panel layout for continuous tasks
(AMRL-TR-68-170). U.S. Air Force Aeromedical Research Laboratory. (NTIS No.
AD692-126) (1968).
Billingsly, P. A. (1988). “Taking pains: Issues in the design of windowing systems.” In M. Helander
(Ed.), Handbook of human-computer interface. Amsterdam: North Holland.
Doney, A., and Seton J. (1988). “Using colour.” In T. Rubin (Ed.), User interface design for com-
puter systems. Chichester: Ellis Horwood Ltd. (J. Wiley & Sons).
Gilmore, W. E., Gertman, D. L., and Blackman, H. S. (1989). The user-computer interface in pro-
cess control: A human factors engineering handbook. Boston, MA: Academic Press.
Murch, J. (1987). “Color displays and color science.” In H. J. Durrett (Ed.), Color and the com-
puter. Boston, MA: Academic Press.
Shurtleff, D. A. (1980). How to make displays legible. La Mirada, CA: Human Interface Design.
Annex B — Typical color conventions for black background
The following table is printed with permission from the Electric Power Research Institute and is
found in EPRI TR-101378, Guidelines for Designing Displays for DCS Retrofit Projects, January
1993, Figure 6-1 (see Annex A — References).
Color Use
Magenta reserved color for target icons used for control stations, windows, trends,
and display links
Light Red status: on, running, closed circuit, open MOV, permissive satisfied
Most Blues symbol building, selected bar chart background, flow path, fluid paths
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