Welding Electrode: The Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan
Welding Electrode: The Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan
Welding Electrode: The Hashimite Kingdom of Jordan
Arab Potash Company – APC
Submitted by:
The Construction of the HLP Carnallite Dewatering building
Material Submittal
Welding Electrodes
Date: 20/03/2023
Submittal No. :
Material submittal
Welding Electrodes
1 Introduction
2 Compliance Sheet
3 Technical Data
This submittal is for the Welding Electrodes as per the following tender documents:
No. Description
1 Bohler EMK6 – ER 70S-6, 2.4mm, 1000mm length
2 BOHLER FOX S EV 50 7018, 2.5mm, 350 mm length - Vacuum type
3 BOHLER FOX S EV 50 7018, 3.25mm, 350 mm length - Vacuum type
4 BOHLER FOX S EV 50 7018, 4.00mm, 350 mm length - Vacuum type
Hussein Atieh & Sons Co. LLC Project Number: EAT 18-053
Compliance Sheet
The Construction of the HLP Carnallite Dewatering building
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
• Vendor Documents
• Method of Measurement
• Bill of Quantities
10.14.5 Scope of Work
The piping scope of work, defines the scope of material and
services to be provided by the contractor. In case of conflict
between the scope of work and this specification, including the
documents it refers to, in terms of defining the scope of supply
the requirements of the scope of work document shall govern. It
is the responsibility of the contractor to bring such a conflict to
the attention of the Employer/ Engineer and to seek
Where supply of materials or services is called out in this
specification, it shall be under-stood as inclusion of the supply
of those materials and services in the scope of work even if not
specified as such in the scope of work document.
10.14.6 Materials
In addition to the materials scope of supply as specified in this
specification, other relevant documents, drawings, data sheets, Noted
and/or specifications, define the contractor scope of materials
All materials supplied by the contractor shall be new, of the Comply ASTM A 53 Grade B, ASTM A106
highest quality, type and grade specified.
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
Grade as applicable
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
For all materials other than carbon and low allow steel, grinding
and cutting discs shall be iron-free and shall not be organic resin Noted
10.14.8 Preparation for Pipe Work
10.14.9 Piping Installation
10.14.10 Piping Non-Destructive Examination (NDE) Requirements
All NDE requirements discussed below apply to both shop and Comply
field welds.
Each completed weld shall be 100% visually examined. The
procedures shall be in accordance with ASME Code Section V,
Article 9. In addition, random process visual examinations of
welds shall be performed. Results of visual examinations shall Comply
be documented. The format shall be approved by the employer/
Where random NDE of welds are specified, the following
requirements shall be met:
NDE of welds shall be performed as soon as possible after the
welds are completed and the sampling shall be distributed
proportionately and uniformly over the types of welds, the
number of welds, the welding processes used, the welders and Comply
the welding stations involved in the production. The required
extent of random examinations shall be applied to the welding
production of each shift, day, week and/or established sample
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
Records shall be kept of the number of welds produced and the
number of welds examined on a daily basis to confirm the
uniform and timely examination of the required number of Comply
welds. For Radiographic Testing (RT), these records shall be
evaluated for compliance with required line class percentages at
time intervals of no longer than one (1) week.
It shall not be acceptable to meet the required extent of
radiography for a line class by radiographing the required
number of welds in a short period of time (relative to the time
period in which the welds are made), by radiographing a Comply
disproportionately large number of welds in only a few piping
pieces, or by radiographing the required number of welds from
the work of only a small proportion of the number of welders
working on a particular piping line class.
If unacceptable welds are found by NDE, the requirements of
ASME B31.3 for additional examination shall be met by
selecting two (2) additional welds for examination from the
sampling lot of the welder that produced the unacceptable weld.
Such additional examinations shall be in addition to the
specified extent of examination and shall not be credited towards
meeting the specified required extent of examination. In Comply
accordance with ASME B31.3, additional welds shall be
radiographed, in line classes of the same type of material, for
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
Technical Submittal
Steel Pipes & Fittings
Compliance Sheet
Items Tender requirements Notes/ Comments
C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni V Cu Nb
0,08 0,63 1,25 0,025 0,013 0,048 0,008 0,019 0,004 0,010 0,001
Mechanical properties
KV / J KV / J mm % PWHT
-30°C 55 AW
The product BOHLER FOX S EV 50 meets the requirements of the filler metal specification ASME sec II, part C, AWS A5.1 :
E7018 H4R when tested in accordance with that specification.
Produced according to AWS A5.01, class C3.
C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni V Cu Nb
0,07 0,48 1,19 0,017 0,001 0,046 0,008 0,024 0,002 0,012 0,001
Mechanical properties
KV / J KV / J mm % PWHT
-30°C 55 AW
The product BOHLER FOX S EV 50 meets the requirements of the filler metal specification ASME sec II, part C, AWS A5.1 :
E7018 H4R when tested in accordance with that specification.
Produced according to AWS A5.01, class C3.
C Si Mn P S Cr Mo Ni V Cu Nb
0,07 0,52 1,34 0,017 0,001 0,025 0,004 0,013 0,002 0,010 0,001
Mechanical properties
KV / J KV / J mm % PWHT
-30°C 55 AW
The product BOHLER FOX S EV 50 meets the requirements of the filler metal specification ASME sec II, part C, AWS A5.1 :
E7018 H4R when tested in accordance with that specification.
Produced according to AWS A5.01, class C3.
Base materials
Steels up to a yield strength of 420 MPa (60 ksi)
S235JR-S355JR, S235JO-S355JO, S235J2-S355J2, S275N-S420N, S275M-S420M, S275NLS420NL,
S275ML-S420ML, P235GH-P355GH, P275NL1-P355NL1, P275NL2-P355NL2, P215NL,
P265NL, P355N, P285NH-P420NH, P195TR1-P265TR1, P195TR2-P265TR2, P195GH-P265GH,
L245NB-L415NB, L245MB-L415MB, GE200-GE240, GE300
Ship building steels: A, B, D, E, A 32-F 36, A 40-F 40
ASTM A 106 Gr. A, B, C; A 181 Gr. 60, 70; A 283 Gr. A, C; A 285 Gr. A, B, C; A 350 Gr. LF1, LF2;
A 414 Gr. A, B, C, D, E, F, G; A 501 Gr. B; A 513 Gr. 1018; A 516 Gr. 55, 60, 65, 70; A 573 Gr 58,
65, 70; A 588 Gr. A, B; A 633 Gr. A, C, D, E; A 662 Gr. A, B, C; A 707 Gr. L1, L2, L3; A 711 Gr.
1013; A 841 Gr. A, B, C; API 5 L Gr. B, X42, X52, X56, X60