Jaalas 2022000181
Jaalas 2022000181
Jaalas 2022000181
Vol 61, No 2
Copyright 2022 March 2022
by the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science Pages 181–187
Animal care and use programs commonly use chlorine and chlorine-based disinfectants to help prevent facility acquired
infections in animals. The Department of Comparative Medicine (DCM) at Oregon Health and Science University (OHSU)
follows the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) disinfection guidelines for preparing and storing these disin-
fectants. DCM prepares bottles of dilute solutions of sodium hypochlorite (that is, commercial bleach) daily. In this study, we
tested whether dilute bleach solutions, as prepared following the DCM protocol, remained stable under real-world practice
conditions for up to 6 wk. We tested 4 groups of spray bottles filled with 0.5% bleach solutions in these experiments. Specifi-
cally, we sprayed 2 groups of bottles daily to mimic use while 2 other groups of bottles were not sprayed. We then measured
free available chlorine (FAC) using 2 methods, spectrophotometry and colorimetric strips. All 4 test groups showed stable
maintenance of FAC concentration for the length of the experiment. Mean FAC loss from baseline levels was not significantly
different in the group of bottles not sprayed daily (6% for group 2 at week 5 compared with 7% for Group 4 at week 6). All
bottles in Groups 1 and 3 measured by colorimetric strips showed concentrations at or near 5000 mg/L at all weekly time
points throughout the experiment. This study shows that 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solutions stored and used in a standard
rodent housing room and sprayed daily will maintain acceptable FAC concentrations for at least 5 to 6 wk, perhaps longer.
In addition, we report that colorimetric strips may be a useful and accessible quality control tool for testing freshly prepared
solutions at regular intervals. We conclude that sodium hypochlorite solutions can be prepared on a weekly, biweekly, or
monthly basis with no loss in disinfection effectiveness.
Abbreviations: DCM, Department of Comparative Medicine; OHSU, Oregon Health and Science University; CDC, Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention; FAC, free available chlorine
DOI: 10.30802/AALAS-JAALAS-21-000080
Vol 61, No 2
Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
March 2022
The DCM uses bleach because of its reasonably broad spectrum (Figure 1). Two of the 4 groups were sprayed daily to mimic
of antimicrobial activity, low toxicity and levels of toxic residues, daily use; the remaining 2 groups were not sprayed (Figure 1).
lack of sensitivity to water hardness, quick action, and low cost. We then used 2 testing methods to evaluate FAC available chlo-
However, some small but notable differences between CDC rec- rine concentrations at weekly time points: spectrophotometry
ommendations and current practice argue for a more stringent and colorimetric chlorine strips.
protocol. For example, the CDC Disinfection Guidelines state The plastic spray bottles we used in these experiments were
that, “hypochlorite solutions in tap water at a pH >8 stored at 32-ounce, white, opaque, high-density polyethylene bottles
room temperature (23°C) in closed, opaque, plastic containers (Wesco Supply, Long Beach, CA) with 9 to 3/4” Adjust-O-Spray
can lose up to 40-50% of their free available chlorine (FAC) over triggers (Wesco Supply, Long Beach, CA). To closely mimic
one month.”18 OHSU DCM staff store dilute sodium hypochlo- practice conditions in rodent housing rooms, we stored bottles
rite solutions in opaque spray bottles in animal care rooms or at in a vacant rodent housing room and maintained these rooms
animal care stations in spaces with fluctuating temperature and on a 12:12-h light: dark cycle, at 19.4 to 22.8 °C and 30% to 70%
light exposure. In addition, tap water pH is not routinely meas- relative humidity (as recorded by a thermo-humidity meter) for
ured when DCM staff prepare dilute solutions. However, current the duration of the study. Because light exposure has been previ-
OHSU DCM protocols could be overly stringent, particularly with ously shown to contribute to sodium hypochlorite degradation,
regard to the requirement to prepare solutions fresh daily, which we ensured maximum light exposure to simulate degradation
increases risk to DCM staff and costs for reagent and labor. The under the most extreme practice conditions.2,5,8,9,11,16,17 To ac-
potential harms of sodium hypochlorite use are highest for the complish this, we positioned bottles in a grid in the middle of
technical staff who prepare working dilutions from purchased a stainless-steel table, approximately 1 m high, directly below a
commercial bleach (5000 mg/L); these risks include potential lighting banister fitted with a compact fluorescent bulb (Figure 2).
for ocular irritation and chemical burns, metal corrosion at high We adjusted the exact positioning under the light banister to
concentrations (>500 ug/L), potential release of chlorine gas expose all bottles to the same average light intensity (lux), as
when mixed with ammonia or acid, and low relative stability confirmed by measuring the center of the bottle grouping with
over very long time periods.18 Therefore, we sought to determine a LX1330B lux meter (Sinometer, ShenZen, China).
whether the current CDC guidelines are appropriate for use in a Sodium hypochlorite solutions. In initial experiments, each
laboratory animal setting. bottle was filled with a 0.5% (5000 mg/L) sodium hypochlorite
In this study, we tested whether dilute bleach solutions, solution using the current DCM protocol. The solutions were
as prepared using the DCM protocol, remained stable under made by diluting 83 mL of 6% Pure Bright Germicidal Ultra
real-world practice conditions for up to 6 wk. The overall goal Bleach (KIK International LLC, Concord, Ontario, Canada) with
of this project was to provide practical guidance in use and 917 mL of tap water (1:12 dilution) using 250 mL and 1000 mL
storage of bleach solutions in research animal settings and to polypropylene graduated cylinders. Initial spectrophotometry
provide programs with technical information on testing options results indicated that this protocol did not reliably produce a
available for determining the stability of sodium hypochlorite 5000 mg/L solution (data not shown). Therefore, in subsequent
used under specific storage and use conditions. experiments, we adjusted the dilution to achieve a starting con-
Prior studies have shown that the decomposition rate of so- centration of 5000 mg/L, as confirmed by spectrophotometry.
dium hypochlorite is mainly dependent on pH, concentration, We empirically determined that the starting concentration of the
temperature, and ambient light exposure.5,8-11,15-17 The ideal purchased bleach product was 4.5%, rather than the expected
storage conditions to maximize sodium hypochlorite solution 6%. Thus, the final protocol used 111 mL of bleach product and
stability would include maintaining a solution at a pH of 9 to 889 mL of tap water (1:9 dilution) to achieve a final concentra-
11, at temperatures below 30 °C, and in an opaque bottle with tion of 5000 mg/L.
little to no ambient light exposure.4-6 One predictive model of Mimicking daily use of bottles. We sprayed bottles in Groups
FAC loss showed that a 1.25% commercially available sodium 1 and 2 (Figure 1) to mimic the effects of volume depletion and
hypochlorite solution, stabilized to a pH of 11.9, degrades 10% introduction of room air into spray bottles as a result of daily
after 660 d at 25 °C.13 However, this model does not consider
real-world variables. We added to the existing literature by test-
ing the role of air introduction into bleach spray bottles due to
daily use (via using spray bottles to mimic daily practice) and
by testing for the loss of FAC over a 6-wk period when stored
and used in an active laboratory animal care facility. We used 2
methods to determine FAC concentrations—spectrophotometry,
a highly quantitative approach that may not be available to some
programs, and colorimetric strips, which are widely available
and easy to use but semiquantitative. We hypothesized that we
would find be no significant difference in FAC concentrations
over a 6-wk period, and that a difference in FAC concentrations
would not develop between bottles sprayed daily and those that
are not. If true, these results would indicate that dilute bleach
solution remains stable for up to 6 wk under active use condi-
tions, suggesting that less frequent solution preparation would Figure 1. Experimental design by group, bottle identification, testing
be acceptable, representing a saving of both cost and effort. method, and storage conditions. The study design included 2 groupings
of 6 bottles each: the first group (group 1 and 2) was sprayed daily to
mimic use and the second group (group 3 and 4) was not sprayed, to test
Materials and Methods the role of air introduction in sodium hypochlorite degradation. Three
bottles in each group (group 2 and 4) were monitored for free available
Experimental design. We tested 4 groups of 3 spray bottles chlorine (FAC) using spectrophotometry and three by colorimetric strips
each (total of 12 bottles) of sodium hypochlorite solution (group 1 and 3).
Guidance on storage and testing of a dilute bleach solution
(SD = 0.05) that fell to 11.2 (SD = 0.04) by week 6 (Figure 4).
Unpaired t tests comparing sprayed daily (combined data from
Groups 1 and 2) and not sprayed daily (combined data from
Groups 3 and 4) conditions showed a statistically significant
difference (P < 0.05) at weeks 4 and 5, although effect sizes
were small and unlikely to reflect functionally significant dif-
ferences in disinfectant chemistry. Specifically, mean pH values
for sprayed daily bottles were 11.2 and 11.0 for weeks 4 and 5,
respectively. Mean pH values for unsprayed daily bottles were
11.3 and 11.2 for weeks 4 and 5, respectively.
Free available chlorine. Spectrophotometry measurements of
FAC for 2 groups of bottles (Group 2 [sprayed daily] and Group
4 [not sprayed daily]) revealed that initial FAC levels were near
the target starting concentration of 5000 mg/L; measured FAC
concentrations were 4880 mg/L (SD = 23) in Group 2 and 4950
mg/L (SD = 12) in Group 4 (Figure 5C). FAC concentration fell
slightly with time for all bottles, reaching a final concentration
of 4600 mg/L (SD = 21) for Group 2 (at week 5) and 4630 mg/L
(SD = 31) for Group 4 (at week 6) (Figure 5A-B). As noted above,
Sprayed Daily bottles were empty by the end of week 5, due
to daily spraying. Mean FAC loss from baseline levels was not
significantly different between the 2 groups (6% for Group 2 at
week 5 compared with 7% for Group 4 at week 6).
Colorimetric chlorine strips were used to evaluate FAC levels
for the remaining 2 groups of bottles: Group 1 (sprayed daily)
and Group 3 (not sprayed daily). All bottles in both groups
showed concentrations at or near 5000 mg/L at all weekly time
Figure 3. Environmental parameters recorded as (A) room tempera- points throughout the experiment (5 wk for Group 1 and 6 wk
ture (°C), (B) relative humidity (%), and (C) light intensity (lux). The for Group 2).
room temperature and relative humidity were measured using a ther-
mo-humidity meter placed at the level of the bottles. (A) Room tem-
perature remained relatively stable throughout the experiment except Discussion
for a 7-d period where the temperature dropped below the lower limit This study evaluated an existing CDC guideline-based SOP
(19.4 °C) to 18.9 °C. (B) Relative humidity varied between 17% and
32% throughout the experiment. (C) Light intensity was measured
for sodium hypochlorite solution preparation for laboratory
daily with a light meter and was very stable throughout the experi- animal use. The data showed that FAC levels remained stable
ment with an average of 352 lx. for up to 6 wk. In addition, spray bottles in active use were de-
Guidance on storage and testing of a dilute bleach solution
Vol 61, No 2
Journal of the American Association for Laboratory Animal Science
March 2022
degradation. Solutions with relatively higher initial FAC in the CDC guidelines (Table 1). This provides room for error.
concentrations generally degrade more quickly than solutions If a laboratory animal program has concerns about a specific
with lower starting FAC.2,8,17 We found that the OHSU DCM microorganism that requires a high concentration of sodium
protocol (adjusted for empirically measured commercial bleach hypochlorite, they may opt to use a higher concentration, or,
concentration) yields dilute bleach solutions that vary minimally alternatively, they may choose a different disinfection protocol
in starting FAC concentrations and that this minimal variance that is more powerful (that is, vaporized hydrogen peroxide,
has negligible effects on solution degradation rate. chlorine dioxide).
Measurement of FAC by spectrophotometry may not be feasi- This experiment has several limitations. First, our results may
ble for all laboratory animal programs. Therefore, we tested the be limited by our small sample size. We tested only 3 bottles
effectiveness of inexpensive and readily available colorimetric per group, which is significantly fewer than the number of
strips for evaluation of FAC concentrations. Colorimetric strips bottles in use in OHSU DCM. However, our sample size was
have lower resolution than spectrophotometry and can therefore consistent with other studies evaluating bleach stability, and we
not detect small fluctuations in FAC concentration. However, in tested each bottle in triplicate to increase precision.10,11 Second,
this study, we found that fluctuations in FAC in dilute sodium the colorimetric strips we used have poor resolution at high
hypochlorite solutions over 5 to 6 wk were not detectable on concentrations, and we were unable to find alternative strips
colorimetric strips; all bottles showed concentrations at 5000 with better resolution. Manufacturers produce most colorimet-
mg/L, as measured by the strips. However, the FAC fluctuations ric strips for FAC level estimation to determine the safety of
that occurred in this study were minor, and this experiment drinking water treated with low levels of chlorine; they produce
spanned the full length of the likely “lifespan” of a bottle of few colorimetric strips for use in high concentration solutions.
solution in regular use, suggesting that colorimetric strips are In this experiment, all bottles tested with colorimetric strips
a useful tool for a quick determination of adequate disinfection were at the 5000 mg/L mark during the entire length of the
capacity of a given dilute solution. These strips may be a useful experiment. However, these strips would not record less than a
quality control tool for detecting the FAC of freshly prepared 50% loss in FAC; the next “color bar” records 2500 mg/L FAC.
solutions, manufacturing changes in starting bleach concentra- Therefore, these strips would only detect large errors or changes
tions, and errors in dilution. These events are not unlikely, as in manufacturing protocol. The colorimetric strips were also
evidenced by the lower-than-expected starting concentration read by one unblinded individual. Results could have been
in the commercial bleach product used in this experiment. As strengthened by blinding the reader to the bottle conditions.
mentioned in the materials and methods section, we altered the However, this study was performed during the COVID-19
dilution equation from our SOP after determining that the FAC pandemic under modified operations at OHSU. Modified
of the stock bleach bottle was lower than that stated on the bottle. operations and campus research requirements dictated that
Typically, the consumer does not know the lag in time between only one individual at a time could work in a small, enclosed
creation of the sodium hypochlorite solution and its distribu- space. Third, we only tested 1 starting concentration of a dilute
tion and use; increased distribution lag times may contribute sodium hypochlorite solution (0.5% or 5000 mg/L) generated
to lower stock bleach concentrations. The CDC guidelines for from a single commercial brand of bleach. Care should be taken
disinfection and sterilization in healthcare settings and the in- when extrapolating to other bleach brands without empirical
structions given by the bleach manufacturer recommend testing testing of FAC concentrations because starting concentration
the solution using a quantitative method to fine tune dilutions can influence bleach degradation. Fourth, we did not test for
to the specific concentration required.12,18 However, the impor- efficacy of solution disinfection through methods recognized
tance of using a 5000 mg/L sodium hypochlorite concentration by the Association of Official Analytical Chemists against com-
may depend on disinfection use. For example, OHSU DCM’s mon microorganisms; instead, we relied on published sodium
working solution (0.5%) is a much higher concentration than hypochlorite concentrations previously reported to be effective.
that required to kill a large majority of the microorganisms listed Last, we recognize that daily use in this study was an estimated
average and that factors such as variability in how much people
spray to clean surfaces and in how rooms are used contributes
Table 1. Microbicidal activity of chlorine and chlorine compounds. to how quickly bottles are emptied. Consideration for average
The table, according to the CDC guidelines on disinfection, lists the room usage across facilities and animal care technician room
FAC concentration and contact time required to render the listed mi- task schedules will determine the exact rate at which sodium
croorganisms inactive.
hypochlorite solutions are replaced; our data indicate that
FAC Concentration Required Contact bottles can be prepared weekly, every other week, or possibly
Microorganism for Disinfection (ppm) Time monthly. The findings of our study also support the need for a
Mycoplasma 25 15 s resource that shares detailed “true use” protocols for disinfect-
Vegetative bacteria <5 30 s ants to promote uniformity in protection.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis 1000 <10 min The goal of this project was to provide practical guidance for
Bacillus atrophaeus spores 100 5 min the DCM on bleach stability. Here we show that in real-world
Mycotic agents 100 <1 h conditions, 0.5% sodium hypochlorite solutions stored and used
in a standard rodent housing room in opaque plastic bottles
Clostridium difficile 5000 ≤10 min
sprayed daily will maintain acceptable FAC concentrations for
25 different viruses 200 10 min
5 to 6 wk, perhaps longer. Our results should directly inform
Candida 500 30 s practice changes that reduce technician time in preparing so-
Staphyloccous aureus 100 <10 min dium hypochlorite bottles daily, reduce waste and help conserve
Salmonella cholerasuis 100 <10 min resources, and reduce overall facility costs.
Pseudomona aeruginosa 100 <10 min
FAC, Free Available Chlorine
ppm, parts per million
Guidance on storage and testing of a dilute bleach solution