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Intro To Irrigation

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1. Introduc3on to Irriga3on & Why Irriga3on? Advantages of Water

Methods of Irriga3on Resource Development & Irriga3on
•  Irriga3on is the ar3ficial applica3on of water to
soil throughout the crop period to assist in the •  Increase in food produc(on
produc3on of crops. •  Ensuring op(mum growth in the field
•  Irriga(on water is supplied to supplement the •  Elimina(on of mixed cropping
water available from rainfall and ground water. •  Genera(on of Hydroelectric Power
•  In many areas of the world, the amount and •  Inland Naviga(on
(ming of the rainfall are not adequate to meet •  Flood and Draught Control
the moisture requirements of crops.
•  Soil Conserva(on
•  The pressure for survival and the need for
addi(onal food supplies are causing the rapid •  Ar(ficial Recharge of Ground Water
expansion of irriga(on throughout the world. •  Inter-basin transfer
•  Domes(c & Industrial Water Supply

Explana3on Varia3on of Crop Yield with the Water Content

•  Increase in food produc3on – Exact quan(ty
required can be supplied as different crops have Crop Yield
different water requirements and the same crop
may have different water requirements at
different places, depending on the varia(ons in
climate, types of soil, methods of cul(va(on,
useful rainfall etc.
•  Ensuring op3mum growth in the field –
Op3mum Water Content
Maximum yield is obtained only when sufficient
required quan(ty is supplied and the
corresponding moisture content is called as Water Content

Op(mum Moisture Content.


•  Elimina3on of Mixed Cropping – Farmers have a •  Genera3on of Hydroelectric Power – Various

tendency to cul(vate more than one type of crop Dams, Reservoirs and Mul(purpose Projects
in the same field such that even if one dies generates hydroelectric power. It is a clean,
without the required amount of water, at least renewable & reliable energy source.
he would get the yield of the other.
•  Flood Control – Provision of various techniques
This reduces the overall produc(on of the field. such as flood cushioning, embankments and
With assured water by irriga(on, the farmer dykes, flood plain zoning, flood proofing etc.
would go for only a single variety of crop in one
field at any(me, which would increase the yield. •  Draught Control – Promo(ng Soil conserva(on,
•  Domes3c and industrial water supply – Some water harves(ng prac(ces, minimiza(on of
water from the irriga(on canals may be u(lized evapora(on losses, and development of ground
for domes(c and industrial water supply for water including recharging
nearby areas.

Demerits of Irriga3on
•  Over irriga(on may cause water logging which
reduces crop yield. The roots of most plants require
oxygen for respira(on. Hence, full satura(on leads to
restricted growth. Excep(on is rice which requires
standing water for its growth and supply of oxygen
to the roots is made from leaves.
•  Irriga(on may lead to crea(on of condi(ons which is
favorable for the spread of diseases like dengue and
•  Irriga(on may lead to seepage of nitrates into the
ground water table.


Surface Irriga3on
It can be further classified as –
•  Flow Irriga3on – When water is available at a
height such that it can be directly applied to
the agricultural field by only the ac(on of
Ex. Canal Irriga(on
•  It can be further classified into –
1. Perennial Irriga3on
In this system, constant & con(nuous water is
supplied throughout the crop period. Bhakra Main Canal

2. Flood Irriga3on/Uncontrolled Irriga3on

In this system, soil is kept submerged &
LiV Irriga3on
flooded with water so as to cause thorough
satura(on of the field.
•  LiV Irriga3on – water is li[ed up by some
mechanical or manual ac(on and then is
supplied for irriga(on
Sub-Surface Irriga3on
Water doesn’t wet the surface and is applied to
the root zone by the ac(on of capilarity


•  Natural Sub-Surface Irriga3on – Leakage

water from channels etc. goes underground Diversion Scheme for Irriga3on
and during passing through root zone, it may
irrigate the land..
•  When underground irriga(on is simply
achieved naturally without any addi(onal
efforts, it is called natural sub-surface
•  Ar3ficial Sub-Surface Irriga3on – When a
system of open jointed drains is ar(ficially laid
below the soil so as to supply water to the
crops by capillarity, it is called as ar(ficial sub-
surface irriga(on. Ex. Drip Irriga(on
Source – NPTEL

Related Terms– •  An industrial plant comprising buildings, storage

•  Flood cushioning – The reservoirs created yards, roads, etc., may be protected by a ring
behind dams may be emp(ed to some extent, levee or flood wall.
depending on the forecast of impending flood, •  Individual buildings sufficiently strong to resist
so that as and when the flood arrives, some of the dynamic forces of the flood water are
the water gets stored in the reservoir, thus some(mes protected by building the lower
reducing the severity of the flood. stories (below the expected high-water mark)
without windows and providing some means of
•  Flood proofing – In instances where only water(ght closure for the doors.
isolated units of high value are threatened by
Thus, even though the building may be
flooding, they may some(mes individually
surrounded by water, the property within it is
flood proofed. protected from damage and many normal
func(ons may be carried on.


Example of Flood Proofing •  Ar3ficial Recharge of Ground Water – Water

may be diverted to various areas through
canals, intake structures or check dams etc. to
the areas where ground water table is less.
•  Check dams are small barriers built across the
direc(on of water flow on shallow rivers and
streams for the purpose of water harves(ng.

•  The small dams retain excess water flow CHECK DAM

during monsoon rains in a small
catchment area behind the structure.
•  Pressure created in the catchment area
helps force the impounded water into
the ground.
•  The major environmental benefit is the
replenishment of nearby groundwater
reserves and wells.


Rise & Fall of Soil Moisture Content during Crop


Source – NPTEL

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