This document provides a 3-sentence summary of the key information from the given formula sheet:
The formula sheet contains various physics formulas for concepts such as capacitance, electric force, electric field, magnetic field, inductance, RC and RL circuits, and Faraday's law. It defines important constants like the permittivity of free space and provides the standard formulas for calculating values related to capacitors, resistors, inductors, and other circuit elements. The sheet also includes tables of integral formulas that are commonly used to solve physics problems involving these concepts.
This document provides a 3-sentence summary of the key information from the given formula sheet:
The formula sheet contains various physics formulas for concepts such as capacitance, electric force, electric field, magnetic field, inductance, RC and RL circuits, and Faraday's law. It defines important constants like the permittivity of free space and provides the standard formulas for calculating values related to capacitors, resistors, inductors, and other circuit elements. The sheet also includes tables of integral formulas that are commonly used to solve physics problems involving these concepts.
This document provides a 3-sentence summary of the key information from the given formula sheet:
The formula sheet contains various physics formulas for concepts such as capacitance, electric force, electric field, magnetic field, inductance, RC and RL circuits, and Faraday's law. It defines important constants like the permittivity of free space and provides the standard formulas for calculating values related to capacitors, resistors, inductors, and other circuit elements. The sheet also includes tables of integral formulas that are commonly used to solve physics problems involving these concepts.
This document provides a 3-sentence summary of the key information from the given formula sheet:
The formula sheet contains various physics formulas for concepts such as capacitance, electric force, electric field, magnetic field, inductance, RC and RL circuits, and Faraday's law. It defines important constants like the permittivity of free space and provides the standard formulas for calculating values related to capacitors, resistors, inductors, and other circuit elements. The sheet also includes tables of integral formulas that are commonly used to solve physics problems involving these concepts.
C= = v d C2 0 = 8.85 x 10−12 [ ] q2 1 N · m2 U= = CV 2 2C 2 T·m µ0 = 4π x 10−7 [ ] Ceq = C1 + C2 + .. + Cn (parallel) A 1 m2 1 1 1 1 k= = 8.99 x109 [N · ] = + + ... + (series) 4π0 C2 Ceq C1 C2 Cn Z t Electric Force: dv(t) 1 i(t) = C v(t) = v(t0 ) + i(τ )dτ q1 q2 dt C t0 F =k [N] (r12 )2 Inductor: Electric Field: NΦ µ0 N 2 A L= = → − I l → − F N Q N E = [ ] or E = k 2 [ ] (point charge) 1 Q C r C U = LI 2 2 Electric Potential: 1 1 1 1 = + + ... + (parallel) ∆U Leq L1 L2 Ln ∆V = [V] q Leq = L1 + L2 + .. + Ln (series) q di(t) 1 t Z V =k [V] (zero voltage at ∞) v(t) = L i(t) = i(t0 ) + v(τ )dτ r dt L t0 Magnetic Field: RC and RL circuits: Magnetic force on a moving particle: −(t−t0 ) → − → − x(t) = x(∞) + (x(t0 ) − x(∞))e τ ; t ≥ to F = q→ − v ×B [N] L Magnetic force on a current carrying wire: τ = RC or τ = R → − → − → − ac Circuits: F =IL × B [N] Z = R + jX Biot-Savart Law: → − − V m Im −→ µ0 I dl × →r Pavg = cos θz dB = 3 [T] 2 4π r Im Vm Irms = √ Vrms = √ → − 2 2 → − I dl × r̂ Z µ0 B = [T]where r̂ is a unit vector S = Vrms I∗rms = P + jQ 4π r2 P = Vrms Irms cos θz = |S| cos θz For infinitely long wire: Q = Vrms Irms sin θz = |S| sin θz µ0 I B= [T] Table of Integrals: 2πr Z At center of a circular arc: 1 dx = ln |x| + c x µ0 Iφ B= [T] xm+1 Z 4πr xm dx = + c(m 6= −1) m+1 Force between two parallel long current Z carrying wires: xdx p √ = x2 + a2 + c x2 + a2 µ0 L|I1 I2 | F12 = [N] Z dx 1 2πr 2 =− +c (x + a) x+a Magnetic Flux: −1 Z xdx 3/2 = 2 +c − − → → 2 2 (x + a2 )1/2 Z (x + a ) Φ= B · dA [Wb] Z dx x 3/2 = 2 2 +c Faraday’s Law: 2 (x + a ) 2 a (x + a2 )1/2 Z dΦ sin θ = − cos θ emf(voltage) = −N [V] dt Z cos θ = sin θ