Sheng Li 124
Sheng Li 124
Sheng Li 124
The Physical Education Department have identified various aspects of skill and fitness as being essential components that contribute to successful sporting
performance. The results of each test are reported below beside the last two reported data points for comparison.
Test Fitness Component Current
Term 1
Developing = Level 1 | Satisfactory = Level 2 | Good = Level 3 | Very Good = Level 4 | Excellent = Level 5
What to do next
Please click here for the Physical Literacy Intervention Library
We have created the Physical Literacy Dashboard as an online tool to help you improve your key areas of development. The Dashboard provides six
progressive levels of activity for each skill and fitness component to assist you to improve. Please look at your tests score ranking and use the key below to
identify your starting level.
• Developing = Level 1
• Satisfactory = Level 2
• Good = Level 3
• Very Good = Level 4
• Excellent = Level 5
Click on the link to the Physical Literacy Intervention Library above and work through each level until to have completed Level 6.
Term 1: Academic Year 2022/2023
Glossary of Terms
Fitness Component Description
Test Description
30m Sprint Student sprints between two speed gates that are spaced 30m apart.
Illinois Agility (s) Student moves around set course, changing direction at each post, in the quickest possible time.
Student runs continuously back and forth between two 20m markers. The aim is to get to a marker on the beep, the time between the beeps
Multistage Fitness Test
gradually decreases, encouraging the runner to increase their speed.
The student will attempt to pass a football against a wall/bench from behind a 2m line as many times as they can in 30 seconds. The
student must make each pass with alternating feet. For example, if the first pass is with their right foot, then the next must be with their
Foot-Eye Test left. Any same foot pass e.g. right followed by right will not count to the total. Any pass made in front of the 2m line will not count to the
total. The student can control the ball with either foot and take as many touches as they wish but each pass must be made with alternate
Using a lateral bounds divider, the students must jump continuously for 30 seconds. The aim is to jump as many times as possible within
Lateral Bounds
the time frame.
A hoop is placed on the wall to mimic the height of a set of cricket stumps. The distance from the wall is 8m. The student has 25 throws and
Overarm Throw
is aiming for the ball to land within the hoop without a bounce.
Four blaze pods are set up 1 metre apart on a wall. One blaze pod will light up and the student needs to hit the pod as soon as the light
Blaze Pod Test appears. Once it has been hit another pod will light up. The aim is to hit as many lit up pods as possible within 30 seconds. The more hits
you get, the faster your reaction time.
A student uses a weighted ball to demonstrate their upper body strength. They sit on the floor, with their backs to a wall and only using
Seated Ball Throw
their arms/upper body push the ball forwards. The distance from their sitting position to where the ball lands is measured.
The student must make a two footed jump in quick succession, three times. They are not allowed to pause in between each jump, it must be
Three Bounds
a flowing jumping movement.
This test aims to mimic a bowl in rounders. The distance from the wall is 7.5m, which is the distance from the bowling square to the batting
Underarm Throw
square. The student has limit of 25 underarm throws and is aiming for the ball to land within the hoop without a bounce.
Term 1: Academic Year 2022/2023
Test Description
The student stands 1m from the wall. Using a tennis ball, they must throw the ball against the wall with one hand and catch with the
Wall Rebound opposite hand and repeat. The aim is complete as many successful single hand catches within 30 seconds. The ball cannot bounce and the
student cannot step closer to the wall. This tests the student's hand-eye coordination.