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REVIEWER IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP CNN channel keep updated with what is happening

around the world.

MEDIA AND INFORMATION LITERACY FOR GRADE 12 harmony main consideration to lay out a newspaper
(Quarter 4) broadsheet
The Civil Rights Movement is an issue where media and purposes of visual information gain attention
information have had a significant impact on bringing facilitate attention create meaning
about change Visual information aids learning through analysis
example of a media outlet that has played a pivotal role formal production of dimensions is created through
in the fight for change The New York Times standardized processes informal dimensions produced a
The Washington Post The Huffington Post result of social interactions
Propaganda is the term used to describe the use of media key aspect of how dimensions are organized role of mass
to influence public opinion and bring about change media
Social media a major tool in the fight against police communication of power dynamics influence of social
brutality and systemic racism in America norms
ways has the media helped to bring about change in the essential part of visual design principles? typeface
world giving a voice to the marginalized typestyles margin
providing important information to the public informal dimensions spread - word-of-mouth
holding those in power accountable communication
Massive Open On-line (MOOC) - digital learning platform texture - design elements can attract or repel interest in a
impact of MOOC on traditional universities visual element
MOOCs have forced traditional universities to adapt and infographics to interpret data and pictures on the same
improve their teaching methods. visual representation
advantages of MOOCs living museum - where visitors can interact with exhibits
allow for flexible scheduling and learning at one's own and performers
pace. electronic portfolio - website or digital collection of work
free and accessible to anyone with an internet samples
connection. purpose of an electronic portfolio - showcase a person's
offer a wide range of courses from top universities skills and accomplishments
around the world. public relations firm - aim to change the public’s action
MOOC impacted the job market by influencing their opinions in favor of their client.
To increased the number of people with access to psychological manipulation is the type of manipulation
education and job opportunities. that targets the consumers’ belief, emotion, and/or
MOOC impacted the education industry reasoning towards a certain product or services
to led to the rise of online universities and education crowd manipulation - Creating false survey results or
startups. testimonies to convince the consumers the benefits of a
primary purpose of the media in society - To inform certain product
traditional media Television hoax is the type of manipulation where releasing
Radio Newspapers information intends to deceive the public.
Fact-checking is the term used to describe the process of
determining the reliability of a piece of information
a downside of the media's influence on society spread of
fake news
Agenda-setting is the term used to describe the media's
ability to shape public opinion
Media and Information Literacy - concerns the overall
impact of media and information to individuals and
society. LinkedIn to expand network and manage
professional identity.

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