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FlxMod TCP A3 - Datasheet (108-En)

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Module with 3 thermocouple inputs


Module for the acquisition of thermocouples, triple channel.
Main characteristics:
 3 differential inputs for thermocouples
 1 input for external LM335 sensor (cold junction)
 internal cold junction compensation available
 12 bit resolution
 status and diagnostic LEDs

DK400072 ver. 1.08 ─ 11/2019 1/11

Ordering informations
Products SMITEC part number
Module with 3 thermocouple inputs, complete with
accessories (inputs connector and TBUS connector)
Module with 3 thermocouple high impedance inputs,
complete with accessories (inputs connector and KZ010365
TBUS connector)
Module with 3 thermocouple reduced band inputs,
complete with accessories (inputs connector and KZ010608
TBUS connector)

Accessories SMITEC part number

I/O connector (Phoenix Contact p/n 1738856) KF101049
TBUS connector (Phoenix Contact p/n 2713722) KF101034

Documentation SMITEC part number

Installing instructions DK400042
Datasheet for TCP A3 DK400072
FLXIO and FLXMOD system integration manual DK400076

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Technical data
General data
Housing dimensions (width x height x depth) 22.5 mm x 99.0 mm x 114.5 mm
Weight 96 g (without connectors), 108 g (with connectors)
Connection method for connectors Spring cage terminals
Conductor cross-section (output connector) 0.2 to 1.5 mm2 (24 – 16 AWG)
Functional earth connection To the DIN rail by spring contact
Mode state visual indicators Fault (FLT) and status (STS) LED lamps

Environment data
Permissible operating temperature +5° to +55°C
Permissible storage and transport temperature -25° to +85°C
Permissible humidity 10% to 95%, not condensing
Permissible air pressure (operation) 80 to 106 kPa (up to 2000 m above sea level)
Permissible air pressure (storage and transport) 70 to 106 kPa (up to 3000 m above sea level)
Degree of protection (CE) IP20 according to IEC 60529
Degree of protection (UL) Open Type
Overvoltage category II
Pollution degree 2
Means of protection (UL) Class III SELV power supply

Power supply
Module power supply 5 VDC and 24 VDC from local bus
Power load from local bus at 5V DC Approx. 0,25W
Power load from local bus at 24V DC Approx. 0,65W
Total power dissipation Approx. 0,9W

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Thermocouple inputs
Number of inputs 3
Input voltage range (nominal) -2.582 mV  +28.405 mV
Input resolution 12 bit / 7.56533 μV
Input temperature range (thermocouple J) -53.24°C  +518.04°C
Input temperature range (thermocouple K) -69.85°C  +682.74°C
Input temperature range (thermocouple E) -46.11°C  +393.24°C
Input temperature range (thermocouple R) -50°C  +1768°C
Input temperature range (thermocouple S) -50°C  +1768°C
Input temperature range (thermocouple T) -73.35°C  +400°C
Input temperature range (thermocouple B) +50°C  +1820°C
Input temperature range (thermocouple N) -108.52°C  +798.74°C
Input temperature range (thermocouple C) 0°C  +1611.47°C
Inputs total error at 25°C ±0.5% of full scale range
Inputs temperature drift <0.01%/°C (referred to full scale range)
Outputs common potential isolation from GND 500 VAC, functional
Isolation between channels none
Input state visual indicators none
Input impedance KZ010234 and KZ010608 10 MΩ
Input impedance KZ010365 (no pull-up resistor) > 1 GΩ
Input frequency band KZ010234 and KZ010365 Max 750 kHz
Input frequency band KZ010608 Max 3.4 Hz

Cold junction input

Input voltage range (nominal) 2.227 V  3.727 V
Input resolution 12 bit / 366.21 μV / 0.036621°C
Temperature sensor LM135 / LM235 / LM335
Internal temperature sensor LM335, selectable with jumper on input connector
Input temperature range -50.3°C  +99.7°C
Input total error at 25°C ±1% of full scale range
Input temperature drift <0.02%/°C (referred to full scale range)
Outputs common potential isolation from GND 500 VAC, functional
Input state visual indicators none

Local bus Proprietary FLXIO™
Module address setting By rotary switch on front panel
Bus connections By TBUS connectors on DIN rail
Interface circuitry protections ESD protections
Level of ESD protection ±8 kV (IEC 61000-4-2, contact discharge)

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A thermocouple is a device made joining two different metals together; the joint so obtained
shows a precisely repeatable temperature-depending characteristic. More in detail, a
thermocouple behaves like a low-impedance voltage generator, whose amplitude is related to
the difference of temperature between the joint and the point where the wires are connected to
the measuring instrument (usually named cold junction). In other words, the thermocouple
measures only a difference of temperature; measuring the absolute temperature of the joint
involves the knowledge of the cold junction temperature. Even if it is possible to force the
temperature of the cold junction at a known level (e.g. immersing the cold junction in an ice
bath, at 0°C), in industrial applications the temperature of the cold junction is usually
measured with semiconductor sensors, NTCs or RTDs.

Temperature measurement is generally accomplished measuring the voltage across the

terminals with a low-offset amplifier (typical thermocouple signals have an amplitude of 10 
50 μV/°C); differential temperature is obtained converting the measured value in degrees
using a lookup table (the temperature vs. voltage characteristic is notably nonlinear).

The temperature of the cold junction is sensed with a dedicated LM335 semiconductor sensor,
sold by National Semiconductor and STMicroelectronics. Available in different precision
grades, it behaves like a Zener diode having a breakdown voltage proportional to the absolute
temperature of the chip. The ideal characteristic of the sensor is:


where k is the “gain” of the sensor (10 mV/K) and TABSOLUTE is the absolute temperature of the
chip, expressed in Kelvin. At 25°C, the breakdown voltage is 2.98 V. As any Zener diode, it
needs a bias current (usually about 1 mA) to work properly.

The absolute temperature is obtainable adding the temperature of the cold junction to the
differential temperature of the thermocouple.

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The module has only an input connector; it allows easy “plug and play” of the module, and
also a fast replacement of a faulty unit.

Warning: Use a cable with cross-section suited to the current involved. A wire
smaller than necessary could cause risk of fire and unwanted voltage drops.

Warning: To ensure conformance with EMC directive 2014/30/UE, the length of

the cables must not exceed 30 m!

Input connector
Located on the upper side of the
module, this connector (see
illustration) permits the wiring of
the sensors.

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For connector ratings and the applicable wiring refer to the following table

Connector type: Phoenix Contact FMCD 1,5/7-ST-3,5 (1738856)

Order code: KF101049
Technical data Conductor cross section
Nominal voltage (CE) 160V Solid (CE) 0,2÷1,5mm²
Nominal voltage (UL) 150V Solid (UL) 24÷16AWG - 75°C
Nominal current (CE) 8A Flexible (CE) 0,2÷1,5mm²
Nominal current (UL) 8A Flexible (UL) 24÷16AWG - 75°C
Stripping length 10mm Flexible, with ferrule without plastic sleeve 0,25÷1,5mm²
Screwdriver to open contacts 0,4 x Flexible, with ferrule with plastic sleeve 0,25÷0,75mm²

Connection notes
In the figures on the following pages, you’ll find the recommended wiring for these sensors.
Due to harsh industrial environment and small signals involved, the use of shielded wire is
mandatory; the shield must be connected to the FE pin of the connector.

When using an external cold junction sensor, be careful to avoid any difference of
temperature between sensor and cold junction or between adjacent thermocouples. If you use
the internal cold junction sensor, connect the thermocouple wires directly on the connector.
Where accuracy is critical, use selected LM335 sensor (available with the “A” suffix) and/or
calibrate them using a 10k trimmer (see illustration); you should have 2.98 V at 25°C.

If thermocouple wires are shorter than necessary, purposely made extension cables are
available, realised with the same metals.

Warning: Avoid using a standard copper wire for carrying a thermocouple signal
before the cold junction box or the I/O connector (whenever you use the internal
cold junction sensor), or it will lead to unpredictable measuring errors.

Warning: When non-insulated thermocouples are used, be careful to reduce

common-mode disturbing voltages between FE and the tip of the thermocouples.
These unwanted signals could degrade measuring accuracy and, in extreme cases,
damage the internal circuitry. High-.precision measurements are obtainable only
using insulated thermocouples.

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Recommended connections for thermocouples, using internal cold junction sensor.

Recommended connections for thermocouples, using external cold junction sensor and
junction box.

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Notes on internal cold junction compensation
When cold junction compensation is attained using internal temperature sensor, any
difference in temperature between cold junction and internal temperature sensor is responsible
to measurement inaccuracy. Great care must be taken to reduce temperature gradients
between the connector (cold junction) and temperature sensor (mounted on PCB board inside
the module).
Whenever possible, try to apply the following rules:
 Mount the module well away from heat/cold sources (e.g. power resistors, motors, fans or
blowers, inverters, power supplies, etc..).
 Avoid embedding the module between two power modules (e.g. PWR 01, MDR A2, DPO
A4, etc..), as they generate a noticeable amount of heat.
 When the preceding condition is unavoidable (e.g. for space constraints or due to layout of
the electric cabinet), leave an empty position between adjacent modules as an air gap.
 Wires are good heat conductors; route them well away from heat/cold sources. Whenever
applicable, reduce the wire cross-section to impair heat conduction along wires.
If greater accuracy is needed, or when the preceding conditions are not applicable due to
special constraints, external cold junction compensation is mandatory.

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Module addressing
Before operation you must set the address of the module by the rotary switch reachable from
the front panel; the operation is easily done opening the transparent plastic cover and turning
the rotor with a small bladed screwdriver.
The address determination is described in the FLXIO and FLXMOD System Integration

Diagnostic and status indicators

The status of the unit is indicated by both status (STS) and
fault (FLT) LEDs; their behaviour is described in the
following logic state chart. The exact cause of a diagnostic
error can be read out by master module and the application

Using the TCP A3 module with standard inputs (not the high
impedance version) it is possible to detect a broken
thermocouple or broken wire by reading the relative input
value; when the reading reach the positive full scale value, the
thermocouple or its wire may be broken.
In the TCP A3 module with high impedance inputs, in case of
thermocouple or wire break, the relative input read value may
be random.

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Power off

Module off
FLT=off - STS=off
Protocol HW faulty
Protocol HW functional
Module HW fault
FLT=on - STS=off
Waiting for master
FLT=off - STS=on

Recognized by master

Update successed
Waiting for configuration
or update by master
FLT=off - STS=off
Protocol FW needs update

Configuration by master
Updating by master
FLT=on - STS=blink 1Hz
Configurating by master
FLT=off - STS=blink 1Hz
Update failed
Configuration failed
Configuration successed

Regular operation
Protocol error
FLT=off - STS=on
FLT=off - STS=blink 2Hz

DK400072 ver. 1.08 ─ 11/2019 11/11

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