Clinical and Morphological Evaluation of Infrared Lasers of Different Powers
Clinical and Morphological Evaluation of Infrared Lasers of Different Powers
Clinical and Morphological Evaluation of Infrared Lasers of Different Powers
OBJECTIVE OF THE WORK - to give a clinical and morphological assessment of the effects of IR
radiation on the anterior abdominal wall in the area of the herniotomy gate, with postoperative hernias
MATERIALS AND METHODS OF RESEARCH. Three sessions of irradiation once a day
("MILTA,UZOR"- 168 patients, "IMPULS-100"- 32 patients), and 7 sessions in the postoperative
period: from the second day after surgery were included into the preoperative preparation plan in 200
patients. Results of LILI influence were estimated on the basis of clinical course of the wound process,
healing of the postoperative wound and morphological studies by means of light and transmission
electron microscopy. To this end, skin, aponeurosis and muscle biopsy specimens were taken.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION. Exposure to 3W IR-radiation ("MILTA, UZOR") did not cause
significant changes in the epidermis The cells of the thorny layer were closely adjacent to each other,
without any signs of acantholysis. The stratum corneum is somewhat thickened. The most significant
changes are detected in the dermis. The number of fibroblasts increases, cells themselves become
larger. The relative volume fraction of microvessels also increases. Most of them have dilated lumen
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CAJMNS Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Mar-Apr 2023
and contain erythrocytes and other blood elements. In superficial fascia and aponeurosis rather large
bundles of collagenous fibers alternate with elastic fibers, there are almost no structured zones. The
number of microvessels increases. There is a thickening of muscle fibers in muscles, a relative,
volumetric share of microvessels increases. The volume of nerve elements also increases. Electron-
microscopic studies showed that in cells of basal and lower rows of the thorny skin layer laser
exposure causes increase in the volume of nuclei and nuclei. In the cytoplasm of epidermocytes, the
content of polysomes and free ribosomes increases. The number of desmosomes in the areas of plasma
membranes contacting with neighboring cells also increases significantly. Desmosomes themselves
become larger. The number of tonofibrils approaching each part of the desmosome from the
corresponding contacting cells also increases.
In the cells of the granular layer, small keratogialin granules are observed. They are evenly distributed
throughout the cytoplasm. In the cytoplasm of keratinocytes there is a significant increase in the
number of tonofilaments. This contributes significantly to the increase of epithelial layer strength. In
the derma, the increase in the volume fraction of collagen fibers and thickening of their bundles is
accompanied by a pronounced activation of fibroblasts. At the electron microscopic level this is
manifested by a significant increase in cytoplasmic density, due to an increase in the number of
polysomes, volume fraction of granular endoplasmic network and Golgi complex. Among fibroblasts,
cells with large nuclei prevail. Significant content in the cytoplasm of both polysomes and structures
for heterosynthesis indicates that these are active young fibroblasts. Large collagen fibers are in close
contact with plasma membranes of fibroblasts. Individual collagen fibers can be distinguished in
vacuoles in the fibroblast cytoplasm. This and close contact of clusters of collagen fibers with plasma
membranes of fibroblasts indicate intensive collagen formation processes by these cells. Microvessels
of the derma are dilated. Lumen surface of endotheliocytes with numerous microvilli and outgrowths.
Numerous vacuoles are detected in the cytoplasm of endotheliocytes. The pericarion area protrudes
into the vascular lumen. The basal membrane is thickened. It is in contact with pericytes throughout.
Numerous blood-forming elements, mainly erythrocytes, are detected in dilated lumens of
microvessels. Around the vessels, as a rule, numerous collagen fibers are determined. The aponeurosis
microvessels undergo similar ultra-structural changes. Basal membranes become thickened. Along
with young fibroblasts, other co-tissue cells, including neutrophilic polymorphic nuclear leukocytes,
are often detected around the vessels. Dark Z lines and light stained I bands, as well as dark A bands
with M lines are clearly detected in the muscle. There are few mitochondria in myocytes. The course
of the wound process in the first group of patients (168 patients) was attenuated by suppuration in 18
patients, 3 of them had wound infiltrates. The incidence of HBO was 10.7%. When irradiating with the
apparatus "IMPULS 100" the action was carried out using a pulse power of 30W with a frequency of
300 Hz. Three laser therapy sessions were carried out. A significant thickening of the epidermis was
noted in the skin. This thickening occurs due to an increase in the number of cells of the thorny layer.
The thickness of the granular and glossy layers increases. A pronounced thickening of the stratum
corneum is noted. Nuclei in cells of basal and horny layers enlarge, nuclei are clearly contoured in
them. There is no visible increase in mitotic activity of epidermis. Mitosis is not detected in basal layer
as well. Bundles of collagenous fibers in aponeurosis are enlarging, relative volume fraction of
microvessels is slightly increasing, but so-called structureless zones are still detected. There is also
thickening of muscle fibers in muscles, small edema without infiltration with connective tissue
elements is detected between muscle fibers, small accumulation of fat cells and nerve elements is only
noted. Electron microscopic study showed that nuclei of cells of basal layer of epidermis become
significantly enlarged, they contain large nuclei. The number of desmosomes on plasma membranes of
cells of the basal and lower rows of the thorny layer increases considerably. The nuclei of cells of the
thorny layer are also large with large nuclei. However, the number of tonophilaments in the cells of the
basal and thorny layer is small. Mitochondria of epidermocytes of skin irradiated with IMPULS-100
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CAJMNS Volume: 04 Issue: 02 | Mar-Apr 2023
apparatus were somewhat swollen with enlightened matrix. The content of free polysorms and small
vacuoles increased in cytoplasm. Large drops of keratohyaline are found in the upper cell rows of the
spiky layer and in the cells of the granular layer. The mitochondria of keratinocytes are swollen. Small
vacuoles and free ribosomes were detected in cytoplasm. The patients of the second group (32
patients) who received sessions of irradiation with the apparatus "IMPULM-100" had a more
favorable course of the wound process. Inflammation of the postoperative wound was noted in 1 case,
which was 3.1%..
CONCLUSIONS. Used laser emitters of different pulse power ("IMPULS-100" and widely known
"UZOR and MILTA") have unequal effects on the skin and subcutaneous tissue. So, "IMPULS 100"
has a greater impact on the epidermis, and "UZOR" and "MILTA" cause positive changes in the
dermis. The effect of both devices on aponeurosis and muscles is of the same nature and consists in
stimulation of fibroblasts and enhancement of myocytes and stimulation of microcirculation.
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