User's Guide: Shop Online at
User's Guide: Shop Online at
User's Guide: Shop Online at
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-180 to 1300
-100 to 400
-10 to 1760
± 0.1% of F.S. ± 0.5°C (plus any sensor error)
± 0.2% of F.S. ± 0.5°C (plus any sensor error)
± 0.1% of F.S. ± 0.5°C (plus any sensor error)
over range 800 to 1600
S -10 to 1760 ± 0.1% of F.S. ± 0.5°C (plus any sensor error)
over range 800 to 1600
mV -10 to 70 ± 0.02% of full scale
Isolation: Tested to 250 Vdc Sensor Burnout: Either up or down scale output
Cold Junction: Range (-40 to 85)°C; accuracy ± 0.5; tracking ± 0.05°C/°C
The transmitter may be purchased pre-configured, if specified at the time of
e-mail: Stability: Offset 0. 1°C/°C; span 0.05°C/°C
order. User ranging is provided to allow the temperature range of the trans-
mitter to be set to a custom range. This configuration level cannot change the
input type. If the input type or other parameters require change, then please
For latest product manuals: Type: Two wire (4 to 20) mA sink
Limits: Low 3.8 mA; high 21.5 mA refer to the advances configuration section. To confirm the present input type
set on the transmitter is correct for your application, count the number of Accuracy: (mA out/2000) or 5 uA which ever greater
Loop Effect: ± 0.2 uA/V measured @ 50 Hz 1V (peak to peak) flashes of the range “R” LED at power up then refer to the chart in section 6
Thermal Drift: ± 1 uA/°C typical ; ± 1. 5 uA max “Menu 1” to establish the type set.
Max Load: [(Vsupply - 10)/20] KΩ The push button is located under the slot in the key hole label, the slot located
GENERAL next to the menu “M” LED. To press the button use a 3 mm screw driver (flat
Update Time: 0.5 seconds blade), inserted into the slot and locate resistance of button key. The button
Response Time: 1 second to reach 90% of final value has a slight click action.
Start Up Time: From power up typically 5 seconds It my be worth noting at this stage the advance user configuration provides
Filter Factor: Adaptive the user with the option of selecting fixed ranges, this may be a more attrac-
Ambient Temperature: (-40 to 85)°C tive option if a suitable range is available, as no calibration equipment will be
Connection: Screw terminal required.
Approvals: BS EN 61326; 1998 -electrical equipment for measurent and control Configuration will require the following tools and equipment:
ANNEX A; ANNEX F • DC Supply (12 to 30) V @ 30 mA
Factory Default: (0 to 1000)°C type K upscale burnout (0.0°C user trim) • Thermocouple calibrator
4.0 INSTALLATION AND WRING • Thermocouple compensating wire
4.1 Mechanical • Screw driver flat blade 3 mm wide
The transmitter has been specifically designed to fit inside a DIN To re-range the temperature scale follow the instructions below:
standard probe head enclosure, which provides adequate protection from • Connect thermocouple calibrator to transmitter input terminals using
moisture, dust, corrosive atmosphere etc. All cable entries must be sealed correct thermocouple compensation wire. Observe polarity.
using the correct size gland. Likewise any probe assembly fitted must be • Connect the output terminals to the DC supply, observe polarity.
sealed. Care must be taken when locating the transmitter to ensure the • Turn DC supply on.
working ambient temperature range of (-40 to 85)°C is not exceeded. The • Set calibrator to the required low scale temperature. Note Range “R”
transmitter enclosure has a center hole allowing the sensor wired to enter LED if on indicates input connection error or input out of range, please
screw terminals from the transmitter center, this is applicable when the sensor check input.
is mounted directly below the transmitter. • Allow 1 minute warm up period.
Figure 1 • To “enter” ranging, press and keep pressed the push button until Range
Mounting Holes: Two holes “R” LED flashes at a slow rate, then release button.
5.5 mm diameter, 33 mm centers • The “R” LED will flash at a slow rate for a approximately one
Center hole sensor wire entry: second during which period the low scale range is stored. Once the
4 mm store is complete the “R” LED will flash at a medium rate
indicating the transmitter is ready to store the high range setting.
Push Button • Set the calibrator to the required high range temperature and allow ten
• Press button to store high range setting, the “R” LED will flicker for
Thermocouple one second before the transmitter returns to normal operation. The
transmitter is now re-ranged.
The temperature scale procedure also applies to mV input, but please ensure
only copper wire is used for connection to mV calibrator.
0 to 500
0 to 250
0 to 150
0 to 100
1000 to 1760
1000 to 1600
0 to 20
0 to 25 Where Do I Find Everything I Need
7 0 to 100 0 to 50 1000 to 1400 0 to 50
The advanced user configuration option is based on five menus, each menu 8 -100 to 100 -100 to 100 0 to 1600 -10 to 10 for Process Measurement and
Sets a different parameter:
Menu 1: Selects one of eight input types
• Single button press to “advance” to the next range, once range 8 is
reached, the next “advance” will cycle range back to 1. To ensure valid Control? OMEGA…Of Course!
Menu 2: Selects either custom user range or one of seven fixed range indication of range menu, allow one to two burst cycle after “advance”.
Menu 3: Selects the output direct on sensor burnout
Menu 4: Provide user trim at 4 mA and 20 mA
before counting flashes.
• Once the desired range is selected allow for 10 seconds with no button
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Menu 5: Reset to factory default setting action, the transmitter will then store new range (indicated by flicker of
“R” LED) before returning to normal operation.
The advance configuration menus are navigated using the push button, menu 䡺
⻬ Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor Probes, Connectors,
“M” LED and range “R” LED, The push button is located underneath the slot Menu 3 Burnout Selection Panels & Assemblies
in the key hole label, located just below the “M” LED. • On “Entry” - “M” LED, three flesh every burst (menu 3), followed by a
To press the button use a 3 mm screw driver (flat blade) inserted into the slot. “R” LED toggle flash, either at a slow rate (every second) or a faster 䡺
⻬ Wire: Thermocouple, RTD & Thermistor
The button has a slight click action. medium rate. Be quick to act as timeout is 10 seconds. 䡺
⻬ Calibrators & Ice Point References
• Slow rate indicated low scale burnout, fast rate indicates upscale 䡺
⻬ Recorders, Controllers & Process Monitors
Three commands are used to navigate menus, performed by clicking the
button as follows: burnout. To “advance “ to the the other burnout direction press button. 䡺
⻬ Infrared Pyrometers
• Advance: Single button press or click • To store new setting allow 10 seconds with no button action, the bum
out selection menu will then timeout, store new setting, (indicated by a
• Escape or Change Direction: Double press or click within 0.5 seconds
• Enter: Press and hold button > two seconds flicker of the “R” LED), before returning back to normal operation. PRESSURE, STRAIN AND FORCE
Menu 4 User Trim 䡺
⻬ Transducers & Strain Gages
When a menu is selected the “M” LED will flash a burst of 1 to 5 flashes, the 䡺
⻬ Load Cells & Pressure Gages
number of flashes represents the menu number. This menu allows the user to trim the output current at zero and span, (similar
function to trim potentiometers) and is very useful for trimming out sensor 䡺
⻬ Displacement Transducers
Note the range “R“ LED will only operate when a selected menu has been errors. The input of the transmitter must be connected to either a calibrator or 䡺
⻬ Instrumentation & Accessories
entered, then the “R” LED uses a series of flashes or toggle flash rates to a temperature sensor held at a known temperature. The (4 to 20) mA loop
indicate the state or stage of the open menu. current will also need to be monitored with a current meter. This menu has
Navigating the menus (Read all of this section before attempting configuration) extended timeout of 20 seconds. FLOW/LEVEL
• The trim action will only operate within certain output current bands, 䡺
⻬ Rotameters, Gas Mass Flowmeters & Flow Computers
To access the advanced user menus press and hold down button during the zero will be trimmed when the out current is between (3.8 to 6.0)
transmitter power up. The advance user menus will now be enabled and 䡺
⻬ Air Velocity Indicators
mA, and the span will be trimmed when the output current is between 䡺
remain enabled until transmitter power is removed. Note the “USER (18.0 to 21.5) mA.
Turbine/Paddlewheel Systems
RANGING“ level will not be active at this stage, the push button will now • On “Entry” - “M” LED, four flash every burst (menu 4), followed by a 䡺
⻬ Totalizers & Batch Controllers
serve to navigate “advance user menus” as follows: “R” LED toggle flash, either at a slow rate (every second) or a faster
• To “enter” menus press and hold button for > 2 seconds. The “M” LED
will then start to flash, rate one flash per burst (indicating menu 1).
medium rate.
• Slow rate indicates trim direct down, whilst fast rate indicate trim
• To “advance” to the next menu use single button press, the “M” LED direction up. To “change direction” the trim direction double click 䡺
⻬ pH Electrodes, Testers & Accessories
will advance to two flashes per burst, indicating menu 2 is selected. button. 䡺
⻬ Benchtop/Laboratory Meters
Repeated single presses will advance menu, once menu 5 is reached, the • To trim, single press button to “advance” current by 2 uA, or press and 䡺
⻬ Controllers, Calibrators, Simulators & Pumps
next press will return to menu 1, for a repeat cycle around the menus. hold button to auto advance, after two seconds the trim will adjust 䡺
• To “escape” from menus back to normal operation use a double click of
Industrial pH & Conductivity Equipment
automatically at a rate of 3 uA per second until the button is released.
the button or remove transmitter power. Note menus have no timeout Note after approximately 20 seconds of continuous button press, the
escape and therefore will remain selected indefinitely. auto trim rate will speed up to a rate of 10 uA per second. DATA ACQUISITION
• To “enter” a selected menu press and hold button for two seconds, at • To store new setting allow 20 seconds with no button action, the User 䡺
⻬ Data Acquisition & Engineering Software
which stage the “R” LED will start to flash between bursts of the “M” Trim menu will then timeout and store any new setting, (indicated by a
LED, indicating the state of the opened menu. 䡺
⻬ Communications-Based Acquisition Systems
flicker of the “R” LED), before returning back to normal operation. 䡺
⻬ Plug-in Cards for Apple, IBM & Compatibles
MENUS (First select the required menu and open as described above). Menu 5 Set Factory Default 䡺
⻬ Datalogging Systems
Menu 1 Input Type • On “Entry” - “M” LED, five flashes every burst (menu 5). Followed by 䡺
⻬ Recorders, Printers & Plotters
• On Entry “M” LED single flash every burst (menu 1), followed by a “R” LED toggle flash at a slow rate (every second).
burst of between 1 to 8 “R” LED flashes, flash count represents the • To set factory default and zero any user trim, press button, default
input type as listed below. Timeout is 10 seconds so be sure to act setting will then be loaded and stored into the transmitter, indicated by HEATERS
quickly if the type needs changing. a flicker of the “R” LED. The transmitter will then return to normal 䡺
⻬ Heating Cable
“R “ LED flashes Input Type • To avoid any action, allow 10 seconds with no button action, set 䡺
⻬ Cartridge & Strip Heaters
1 Type K factory default menu, and then timeout, without storing any default 䡺
⻬ Immersion & Band Heaters
2 Type J configuration. The transmitter will then return to normal operation. 䡺
⻬ Flexible Heaters
3 Type E
4 Type N
⻬ Laboratory Heaters
Type R
Type S Direct all warranty and repair requests/inquiries to the OMEGA ENVIRONMENTAL
⻬ Metering & Control Instrumentation
• Single button press to “advance” to the next input type, when type 8 is AUTHORIZED RETURN (AR) NUMBER FROM OMEGA’S CUSTOMER
reached the next “advance” will cycle back to type 1. To ensure valid 䡺
⻬ Refractometers
indication of input menu, allow one to two burst cycle after “advance”, DELAYS). The assigned AR number should then be marked on the 䡺
⻬ Pumps & Tubing
before counting the “R” LED flashes. outside of the return package and on any correspondence. 䡺
⻬ Air, Soil & Water Monitors
• Once the desired type is selected, allow 10 seconds with no button 䡺
⻬ Industrial Water & Wastewater Treatment
action, the transmitter will then store the selected input type, (indicated The purchaser is responsible for shipping charges, freight, insurance
and proper packaging to prevent breakage in transit. 䡺
⻬ pH, Conductivity & Dissolved Oxygen Instruments
by flicker of “R” LED) before return back to normal operation.
Menu 2 Fixed Ranges FOR WARRANTY RETURNS, please have the following information available
• On “Entry” the “M” LED flashes twice every burst (menu 2) followed BEFORE contacting OMEGA:
by a “R” LED flashes between 1 to 8, flash count represents the range OMEGA’s policy is to make running changes, not model changes,
1. Purchase Order number under which the product was PURCHASED, whenever an improvement is possible. This affords our customers the
selected as described below. Timeout is 10 seconds so be quick to act.
• Range 1 is allocated for the user custom push button set range. When a 2. Model and serial number of the product under warranty, and latest in technology and engineering.
new custom range (see USER RANGING) is entered, the range selected 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems OMEGA is a registered trademark of OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC.
will automatically return to 1 . relative to the product.
Range “R” Inputs Input Inputs © Copyright 2008 OMEGA ENGINEERING, INC. All rights reserved.
FOR NON-WARRANTY REPAIRS, consult OMEGA for current repair charges. This document may not be copied, photocopied, reproduced,
LED K, J, E, & N T R, & S Input mV Have the following information available BEFORE contacting OMEGA:
flashes (°C) (°C) (°C) mv translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable
1. Purchase Order number to cover the COST of the repair,
1 User Ranged form, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of OMEGA
2 0 to 1000 0 to 400 800 to 1760 0 to 70 2. Model and serial number of the product, and ENGINEERING, INC.
3 0 to 1200 0 to 250 800 to 1600 0 to 5 3. Repair instructions and/or specific problems
relative to the product.
4 0 to 600 0 to 200 800 to 1400 0 to 10 M4601/1207