90W Smps For Monitors With Constant Power Limiting Function: AN1133 Application Note
90W Smps For Monitors With Constant Power Limiting Function: AN1133 Application Note
90W Smps For Monitors With Constant Power Limiting Function: AN1133 Application Note
by Claudio Adragna
Purpose of this note is to provide a brief summary of the specifications and the functionality of the application board implementing a 90W multioutput SMPS for multisynch monitors, based on the L5993, current mode PWM controller with "Constant Power" function. Evaluation results are also presented so as to underline the benefits offered by the L5993 in such kind of SMPS where the wide range of operating frequency may cause the power throughput to far exceed the rated value under overload conditions.
Design Specifications Table 1 summarises the electrical specification of the application. The complete electrical schematic is shown in fig. 1 and the bill of material is listed in Table 2. Table 1. Design Specification
Input Voltage Range (Vin) Mains Frequency (fL) Maximum Output Power (Pout) Horizontal Deflection 88 to 264 Vac 50/60 Hz 90W Vout = 200V Iout = 0.325A Full load ripple = 1% Vout = 80V Video Amplifier Outputs Vertical Deflection Iout = 0.125A Full load ripple = 1% Vout = 15V Iout = 0.33A Full load ripple = 1% Vout = 6.3V Heater Iout = 0.8A Full load ripple = 2% Switching Frequency in Normal Mode (fsynch) Switching Frequency in Suspend / OFF mode (fosc) Target Efficiency (@ Pout =90W, Vin =88 264 Vac) () Maximum Input Power (@ Pout = 0.5 W, Vin =88 264 Vac) 31 to 82kHz 21kHz > 80% 2W
The selected topology is flyback. The operation mode (@ Pout = 90W) is either CCM (Continuous Conduction Mode) or DCM (Discontinuous Conduction Mode), depending on the synchronisation frequency and on the mains voltage. Since duty cycles greater than 50% are possible at low mains voltage, slope compensation has been provided to prevent subharmonic oscillations. The application will benefit from the features of the L5993 PWM controller to provide an effective overpower protection over the entire operating frequency range. Without L5993s "Constant Power" function, if a load failure occurring when the system works at 31 kHz lets, say, 30% more power than the rated
December 1999 1/11
C01 4700pF 4KV C02 RP1 KBU4G R01 D07 BYT11-800 200V 65W 17 D08 STTA106 H1 1H C15 22F 100V 80V 10W GND 16 R23 C12 4 7 R22 22 R10 1.5M R09 22 R11 1.5M C04 47F 14 8 R12 22 10 11 MF01 STP7NB60FI R13 1K 13 C05 100pF R14 0.33 R15 0.33 R26 2.7K 7 1 VR1 100K 2 6 4 OP1 TPS5904 3 C21 330pF R28 4.7K
F01 R31 4.7M R32 4.7M 1 18 R21 47K 3W C10 47nF 250V C14 100F 250V D06 STTA106 R03 56K D05 1N4148 R08 330K C16 1000F 16V 8 T1 13 12 D10 BYW100-100 +15V 5W 15 14 C13 D9 BYW100-100 220F 100V
D01 1N4148
R02 56K
R07 47K
6.3V 5W
C23 10nF
R18 1K
D3 5.6V
-15V 5W R24 47
C07 0.1F
12 11 R16 100 16 5 C11 330nF C08 3.3nF 6 R25
R20 10K
C06 6800pF
Q3 BC337
load pass, the power in excess may be 150% for a load failure occurring when the system works at 82 kHz. This would require a much more conservative design, with a considerable increase of size and cost of the whole power section of the SMPS. As shown also by the experimental results, this problem is completely solved with the "Constant Power" functionality of the L5993.
R33 9.1K
C09 56nF
metallic film
multiturns, Bourns 3296W or equivalent 1kV 400V, electrolytic, Panasonic TSUP or Roederstein EYS 25 V, electrolytic plastic film ceramic multilayer plastic film plastic film plastic film 250V, polypropylene o polystyrene film (Siemens-Matsushita) plastic film 100 V electrolytic, Roederstein EKE or equivalent 250 V, electrolytic, Roederstein EKS or equivalent 100 V, electrolytic, Roederstein EKE or equivalent 16V, electrolytic, Panasonic FA or equivalent 25 V, electrolytic, Panasonic HFZ or equivalent ceramic or plastic film ceramic or plastic film plastic film Zener, 1/4 W ST, TurboSwitch ST, Ultrafast ST, Ultrafast ST ITACOIL, see Table 3 TI ST GI, or equivalent 4A rectifier bridge 5A fuse axial inductor connectors
Notes: - if not otherwise specified, all resistors are 1/4 W, 1% - the MOSFET is provided with a 9.5 C/W heatsink - components indicated in the PCB and not quoted in table 2 are not assembled
Figure 2. PCB layout: Component side and bottom layer (top view); 1:1.33 scale
88 to 264 VAC
R05 33K R04 2.2M Q01 STK2N50 R06 10K D02 20V Q02 BC337
D04 1N4148
12 11 8
This circuit, really inexpensive, dissipates about 300 mW @ 264 Vac. The typical wake-up time is 2.8 s at 88 Vac and 0.8 s at 264 Vac. Should the wake-up time become an issue, a more expensive solution
Pout [W] 89.56 89.55 89.53 87 88.5 90.2 [%] Load conditions: 200V: 0.325A; 80V: 600; 15V: 94; 6.3V: 8
Pout [W] 89.6 89.64 89.69 87.6 89.5 90.7 [%] Load conditions: 200V: 0.325A; 80V: 600; 15V: 94; 6.3V: 8 6/11
Load conditions: 200V: open; 80V: open; +15V: 0.5W; 6.3V: open (*) With the active start-up circuit of fig.3
Overload conditions: 200V: 0.6A; other outputs loads: 80V: 600; 15V: 94; 6.3V: 8
Load conditions: 200V: 40 k; 80V: 20 k; +5V: 47; other outputs open (*) Without voltage reduction (**) With voltage reduction
F01 AC 250V T3.15A R31 4.7M R01 1 R10 1.5M D08 STTA106 BYW100-100 C15 22F 100V 16 4 2.2F 100V R11 1.5M D06 STTA106 22 9 STTA106 4.7 Q4 BC394
10F 100V
BD01 KBU4G R32 4.7M 18 17 H1 1H 80V 10W C14 100F 250V GND 6.3V 5W D07 BYT11-800 200V 65W
88 to 264 VAC C03 220F 400V R21 47K 3W C10 47 nF 250V C13 220F 100V
D01 1N4148 R03 56K D9 BYW100-100 12k R12 330K 15V R09 22 R22 10 14 C04 47F C17 470F 25V 8 10 R12 22 R13 1k 13 C05 12 R14 0.33 R15 0.33 7 1 R16 100 11 6 3.3 V R27 470 k 2 6 4 OP1 TPS5904 3 C21 330 pF R28 4.7K C22 1.2 nF 1N4148 VR1 100K Q5 BC393 100pF R26 2.7k C19 47F 25V D11 BYW100-100 MF01 STP7NB60FI 10 11 C18 470F 25V 9 8 D05 1N4148 13 12 D10 BYW100-100 7 C16 1000F 16V Q6 BC393 15 14
R02 56K
R13 47K
C23 10nF
+15V 5W 1k
R18 1K
D3 5.6V
-15V 5W
C07 0.1F
R34 4.7K
5V 0.5W
R20 12K
2 7 C08 3.3 nF 5
C06 6800pF
Q3 BC337
R33 9.1K
C11 330nF
C09 56nF
R29 330K
C08 3.3 nF 6
4 OP1 TPS5904 3
C21 6.8 nF
R28 4.7k
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