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90W Smps For Monitors With Constant Power Limiting Function: AN1133 Application Note

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by Claudio Adragna

Purpose of this note is to provide a brief summary of the specifications and the functionality of the application board implementing a 90W multioutput SMPS for multisynch monitors, based on the L5993, current mode PWM controller with "Constant Power" function. Evaluation results are also presented so as to underline the benefits offered by the L5993 in such kind of SMPS where the wide range of operating frequency may cause the power throughput to far exceed the rated value under overload conditions.
Design Specifications Table 1 summarises the electrical specification of the application. The complete electrical schematic is shown in fig. 1 and the bill of material is listed in Table 2. Table 1. Design Specification
Input Voltage Range (Vin) Mains Frequency (fL) Maximum Output Power (Pout) Horizontal Deflection 88 to 264 Vac 50/60 Hz 90W Vout = 200V Iout = 0.325A Full load ripple = 1% Vout = 80V Video Amplifier Outputs Vertical Deflection Iout = 0.125A Full load ripple = 1% Vout = 15V Iout = 0.33A Full load ripple = 1% Vout = 6.3V Heater Iout = 0.8A Full load ripple = 2% Switching Frequency in Normal Mode (fsynch) Switching Frequency in Suspend / OFF mode (fosc) Target Efficiency (@ Pout =90W, Vin =88 264 Vac) () Maximum Input Power (@ Pout = 0.5 W, Vin =88 264 Vac) 31 to 82kHz 21kHz > 80% 2W

The selected topology is flyback. The operation mode (@ Pout = 90W) is either CCM (Continuous Conduction Mode) or DCM (Discontinuous Conduction Mode), depending on the synchronisation frequency and on the mains voltage. Since duty cycles greater than 50% are possible at low mains voltage, slope compensation has been provided to prevent subharmonic oscillations. The application will benefit from the features of the L5993 PWM controller to provide an effective overpower protection over the entire operating frequency range. Without L5993s "Constant Power" function, if a load failure occurring when the system works at 31 kHz lets, say, 30% more power than the rated
December 1999 1/11

C01 4700pF 4KV C02 RP1 KBU4G R01 D07 BYT11-800 200V 65W 17 D08 STTA106 H1 1H C15 22F 100V 80V 10W GND 16 R23 C12 4 7 R22 22 R10 1.5M R09 22 R11 1.5M C04 47F 14 8 R12 22 10 11 MF01 STP7NB60FI R13 1K 13 C05 100pF R14 0.33 R15 0.33 R26 2.7K 7 1 VR1 100K 2 6 4 OP1 TPS5904 3 C21 330pF R28 4.7K

F01 R31 4.7M R32 4.7M 1 18 R21 47K 3W C10 47nF 250V C14 100F 250V D06 STTA106 R03 56K D05 1N4148 R08 330K C16 1000F 16V 8 T1 13 12 D10 BYW100-100 +15V 5W 15 14 C13 D9 BYW100-100 220F 100V

88 to 264 VAC C03 220F 400V


D01 1N4148

R02 56K

R07 47K

6.3V 5W

C23 10nF

15 C17 470F 25V C18 470F 25V D9 BYW100-100


R18 1K

D3 5.6V


-15V 5W R24 47

C07 0.1F

12 11 R16 100 16 5 C11 330nF C08 3.3nF 6 R25

R20 10K

C19 47F 25V

Figure 1. 90W SMPS for Multisynch Monitors Electrical Schematic

C06 6800pF

Q3 BC337


C20 R27 470K C22 1nF R29 330K R30

load pass, the power in excess may be 150% for a load failure occurring when the system works at 82 kHz. This would require a much more conservative design, with a considerable increase of size and cost of the whole power section of the SMPS. As shown also by the experimental results, this problem is completely solved with the "Constant Power" functionality of the L5993.

R33 9.1K

C09 56nF


Table 2. Component List of the circuit of fig. 1.
Symbol R1 R2, R3 R7 R8, R29 R9, R12, R22 R10, R11 R13, R18 R14, R15 R16 R20 R21 R24 R26 R27 R28 R31, R32 R33 VR1 C1, C2 C3 C4, C19 C5 C6 C7 C8 C9 C10 C11 C13 C14 C15 C16 C17, C18 C21 C22 C23 D1, D5 D3 D6, D8 D7 D9, D10, D11 IC1 T1 OP1 MF1 RP1 Q3 F1 H1 M1, M2, M3 Value NOT USED (shorted) 56k 47k 330k 22 1.5M 1k 0.33 100 10k 47k 47 2.7k 470k 4.7k 4.7M 9.1k 100k 4.7nF 220F 47F 100pF 6.8nF 100nF 3.3nF 56nF 47nF 330nF 220F 100F 22F 1000F 470F 330pF 1nF 10nF 1N4148 5.6V STTA106 BYT11-800 BYW100-100 L5993 ETD4407 TPS5904 STP7NB60FI KBU4G BC337 1H Note

metallic film


multiturns, Bourns 3296W or equivalent 1kV 400V, electrolytic, Panasonic TSUP or Roederstein EYS 25 V, electrolytic plastic film ceramic multilayer plastic film plastic film plastic film 250V, polypropylene o polystyrene film (Siemens-Matsushita) plastic film 100 V electrolytic, Roederstein EKE or equivalent 250 V, electrolytic, Roederstein EKS or equivalent 100 V, electrolytic, Roederstein EKE or equivalent 16V, electrolytic, Panasonic FA or equivalent 25 V, electrolytic, Panasonic HFZ or equivalent ceramic or plastic film ceramic or plastic film plastic film Zener, 1/4 W ST, TurboSwitch ST, Ultrafast ST, Ultrafast ST ITACOIL, see Table 3 TI ST GI, or equivalent 4A rectifier bridge 5A fuse axial inductor connectors

Notes: - if not otherwise specified, all resistors are 1/4 W, 1% - the MOSFET is provided with a 9.5 C/W heatsink - components indicated in the PCB and not quoted in table 2 are not assembled



Table 3. Transformer Specification (Part Number ETD4407, supplied by ITACOIL).
Core Bobbin Air gap Leakage inductance Winding Pri1 Sec1 Sec2 Windings Spec & Build Sec3 Sec4 Sec5 Pri2 Aux Wire 4xAWG29 AWG25 AWG25 AWG25 AWG25 AWG26 4xAWG29 AWG29 S-F 2-4 17-18 15-16 13-14 11-12 10-11 1-2 8-7 Philips ETD44, 3C85 Material Horizontal mounting, 18 pins 1 mm for an inductance 1-4 of 380 H < 10H Turns 19 48 32 3 6 6 19 8 Evenly spaced Bifiliar with Sec5 Bifiliar with Sec4 Evenly spaced Notes

Figure 2. PCB layout: Component side and bottom layer (top view); 1:1.33 scale



Application Board Functionality The outstanding feature of this application board is the so-called Constant Power function, directly available from the L5993. The power capability of the converter has a strong dependence on the operating switching frequency: the overcurrent protection (pulse-by-pulse current limitation) does limit the peak primary current to a fixed value, but not the associated power throughput, which increases almost proportionally with the switching frequency. To achieve an effective overpower protection under all operating conditions, the L5993 automatically reduces the overcurrent protection setpoint when the switching frequency increases (and vice versa) so as to maintain the power throughput nearly constant in case of overload. The benefit is quite obvious: the designer will no longer be forced, for the sake of safety, to size the power stage of their SMPS considering a worst case heat dissipation relevant to a power level two or three times the rated load. R10 and R11 provide a DC offset on L5993s current sense pin (13, ISEN), which depends on the supply input voltage with the aim of compensating L5993s delay to output. This reduces the increase of the overpower limit with the mains voltage. Actually there is an additional contribution from the slope compensation circuit (Q3 and R33), which adds a little offset (variable with the duty cycle) on the current sense pin as well. If the user would like to slightly adjust the way the overpower limit changes with frequency, he or she can add a further (fixed) DC offset (typically in the range 0-200 mV) on the current sense. This can be accomplished by means of R17, currently not used. The offset will be the partition of the reference voltage (pin 4, VREF) through R17 and R13. A protection against output overvoltages (OVP) is available. It is realised by sensing the supply voltage of the L5993 (generated by the auxiliary winding and tracking the output voltage) through the divider R7R8 and feeding this partition into pin 14 (DIS). The divider ratio is such that the OVP is tripped when the supply voltage exceeds 20V. This protection is particularly effective in case of feedback disconnection. The new generation of SMPS for monitors is required to feature superior efficiency under light load conditions (SUSPEND and OFF modes) so as to be compliant with emerging standards concerning energy saving. High efficiency at light load is ensured by a low switching frequency (when the synch signal coming from the horizontal deflection circuits is missing the system works at the free-running frequency of the oscillator, set at 21 kHz) and by the low start-up and quiescent currents featured by the L5993. The low operating frequency minimises all losses related to switching, while the low consumption of the device minimises the power dissipated by the start-up and self-supply circuits. The application board is supplied with a start-up circuit simply made of a dropping resistor (R2+R3) that draws current from upstream the bridge rectifier. Figure 3 - Low-consumption start-up circuit (not currently implemented)

88 to 264 VAC

R05 33K R04 2.2M Q01 STK2N50 R06 10K D02 20V Q02 BC337

D04 1N4148

12 11 8

This circuit, really inexpensive, dissipates about 300 mW @ 264 Vac. The typical wake-up time is 2.8 s at 88 Vac and 0.8 s at 264 Vac. Should the wake-up time become an issue, a more expensive solution


would be adopted. The PCB is also able to accommodate an active start-up circuit that, under the same conditions, dissipates less than 10 mW and provides 0.7 s and 0.2 s wake-up time respectively. The schematic is shown in fig. 3 (R2 and R3 will be removed). A further improvement of light load efficiency could be achieved by replacing the RCD clamp (C10, R21) with a Transil. The suggested part is a 1.5KE150A. This slightly worsens efficiency at full load but allows to save about 200 mW, currently dissipated on R21, at light load. At maximum load and minimum mains voltage the converter operates at about 55% duty cycle but no limitation is imposed on its maximum value: L5993s pin 3 (DC) is shorted to pin 4 (VREF). If desired, it is possible to set the maximum duty cycle by adding the divider R34-R35. Please refer to Application Information in L5993s datasheet for calculation of the voltage divider. Application board evaluation: getting started The AC input voltage, coming from an AC source ranging from 88 VRMS to 264 VRMS, will be applied to connector M1 (close to the top left-hand corner). The synchronisation signal (3.5 to 25V amplitude, 31 to 82 kHz frequency) will be applied between the "synch" and "gnd" pads, located on the left side of the PCB. The 200 VDC and 80 VDC outputs are located in connector M2 (top right-hand corner) while 15 VDC and 6.3 VDC outputs are available at connector M3, near the bottom right-hand corner. Full load applied when the synchronisation signal is missing will cause the system to go into overcurrent protection. Like in any off-line circuit, extreme caution must be used when working with the application board because it contains dangerous and lethal potentials. The application must be tested with an isolation transformer connected between the AC mains and the input of the board to avoid any risk of electrical shock. Application board evaluation: results The following tables summarise some results of the bench evaluation. Table 4. Full load measurements (fsynch = 31kHz)
VAC [V] Pin [W] Vout [V] 88 102.9 199.6 79.51 14.32 -14.42 6.55 110 101.2 199.6 79.5 14.31 -14.41 6.55 160 99.3 199.6 79.49 14.3 -14.4 6.55 220 98.5 199.6 79.48 14.29 -14.39 6.55 88.43 90.8 264 98.3 199.6 79.48 14.3 -14.39 6.55 88.43 91

Pout [W] 89.56 89.55 89.53 87 88.5 90.2 [%] Load conditions: 200V: 0.325A; 80V: 600; 15V: 94; 6.3V: 8

Table 5. Full load measurements (fsynch = 82kHz)

VAC [V] Pin [W] Vout [V] 88 102.3 199.6 79.35 14.32 -14.4 6.58 110 100.2 199.6 79.42 14.31 -14.41 6.63 160 98.9 199.6 79.42 14.3 -14.4 6.65 220 98.5 199.6 79.42 14.29 -14.39 6.65 88.67 91 264 98.2 199.6 79.4 14.3 -14.39 6.63 88.63 91.3

Pout [W] 89.6 89.64 89.69 87.6 89.5 90.7 [%] Load conditions: 200V: 0.325A; 80V: 600; 15V: 94; 6.3V: 8 6/11


Table 6. Consumption from the mains in Suspend mode (PO = 5.5W)
VAC [V] Pin [W] 88 6.9 110 7 160 7 220 7.1 264 7.2

Load conditions: 200V: open; 80V: open; 15V: 0.5W; 6.3V: 8

Table 7. Consumption from the mains in OFF mode (PO = 0.5W)

VAC [V] Pin [W] Pin [W] (*) 88 1.3 1.2 110 1.4 1.2 160 1.5 1.3 220 1.6 1.4 264 1.8 1.5

Load conditions: 200V: open; 80V: open; +15V: 0.5W; 6.3V: open (*) With the active start-up circuit of fig.3

Table 8. Overpower limit

fsynch [kHz] Pin [W] VAC = 88V VAC = 160V VAC = 264V 31 129 129 128 48 126 129 121 64 122 131 124 82 120 132 127

Overload conditions: 200V: 0.6A; other outputs loads: 80V: 600; 15V: 94; 6.3V: 8



APPENDIX Low-consumption modes management The application board is not provided with the circuits that handle the loads in a monitor SMPS during Suspend and OFF modes. As a result, if the board is connected to a monitor unit "as is", the consumption from the mains will be significantly higher than the values shown in tables 6 and 7. In particular, it will not be possible to meet the "less than 3W" specification required by the current energy saving regulations in OFF mode. This happens because the monitors circuits, in particular those connected to the high voltage buses, are still powered and have some mA residual consumption, despite they are not operating. The actual load is then heavier than the one assumed in table 6 and 7, where the load conditions in OFF-mode are simulated, provided some "power management" circuit takes care of their reduction. A popular solution used for cutting down the residual loads and minimize the power consumption in OFF mode is to reduce 8 to 10 times the voltage of all of the outputs, except the one that powers the P governing the entire monitor operation, power management included. In this way the voltage produced by the SMPS will not be enough to power monitors circuits and their consumption will drop to zero. Additionally, the reflected voltage during switch OFF-time will be much lower, which will reduce switching and capacitive losses. The above mentioned functionality can be achieved in a number of different ways. Figure A1 shows the application board schematic modified with the addition of a circuit (pointed out by the shaded areas) that does the job. A 5V linear regulator (L7805CP), which is supposed to supply the P, has been added for completeness. The operation of the circuit can be described as follows. When the OFF signal is pulled high, Q5 is turned on, the base of Q4 is grounded and Q4 is turned on as well. This connects the 80V winding and the 2.2F capacitor, charged at 80V, to C17+C19 charged at 15V. Being the latter much bigger, the transient voltage change is negligible. The 4.7 resistor in series to Q4s emitter limits the current surge during the transient. By turning Q5 on, the cathode of the TL431, typically at 11V in normal operation, is now forced to drop at about 4V by the 3.3V zener and the decoupling diode. Considering 1V drop across the photodiode and the drop on R26, which changes very little, the voltage on C17+C19 will be fixed at about 8.5V. The volts-per-turn across the windings will drop from 80 / 32 = 2.5 V/turn to 8.5/32 = 0.265 V/turn, that is nearly 10 times less. All of the outputs will be reduced by the same ratio (a higher value can be found because of capacitors peak charging due to load absence). The TL431 is cut out: it sees the drop of the 200V output and would try to correct this by increasing its cathode voltage, which is not possible because this is fixed by the 3.3V zener. The reduction of winding voltages concerns the primary side as well: the voltage generated by the auxiliary winding drops to some 1V and is no longer able to power the L5993. To maintain circuit operation, a second auxiliary winding, stacked on the first one, has been added, with a turn number (40) such that in OFF mode it develops a voltage sufficient to power the L5993. However, during normal operation the voltage it develops will be much higher (close to 120V). This is why Q6 has been added: during normal operation the first auxiliary winding develops more than 15V thus the base-emitter junction of Q6 is reverse biased and Q6 is cut off, thus blocking the high voltage. When entering OFF mode, Q6 is turned on (it does not work as a linear regulator) and lets the second auxiliary winding supply the L5993. As Q5 is turned off because normal operation is to be resumed, also Q4 will be turned off and the output voltages will go back to their rated values after a transient similar to the initial power-up. Table A1 shows the improvement offered by the voltage reduction circuit. A load condition similar to or slightly heavier than that of a real monitor (without any power management circuit) is assumed, and the consumption from the mains is shown with and without the additional circuit included in fig. A1. Table A1. Consumption from the mains in OFF mode.
VAC [V] Pin [W] (*) Pin [W] (**) 88 4.3 2 110 4.4 2.1 160 4.6 2.2 220 4.8 2.4 264 4.9 2.5

Load conditions: 200V: 40 k; 80V: 20 k; +5V: 47; other outputs open (*) Without voltage reduction (**) With voltage reduction


C01 4700pF 4KV C02

F01 AC 250V T3.15A R31 4.7M R01 1 R10 1.5M D08 STTA106 BYW100-100 C15 22F 100V 16 4 2.2F 100V R11 1.5M D06 STTA106 22 9 STTA106 4.7 Q4 BC394
10F 100V

BD01 KBU4G R32 4.7M 18 17 H1 1H 80V 10W C14 100F 250V GND 6.3V 5W D07 BYT11-800 200V 65W

88 to 264 VAC C03 220F 400V R21 47K 3W C10 47 nF 250V C13 220F 100V

D01 1N4148 R03 56K D9 BYW100-100 12k R12 330K 15V R09 22 R22 10 14 C04 47F C17 470F 25V 8 10 R12 22 R13 1k 13 C05 12 R14 0.33 R15 0.33 7 1 R16 100 11 6 3.3 V R27 470 k 2 6 4 OP1 TPS5904 3 C21 330 pF R28 4.7K C22 1.2 nF 1N4148 VR1 100K Q5 BC393 100pF R26 2.7k C19 47F 25V D11 BYW100-100 MF01 STP7NB60FI 10 11 C18 470F 25V 9 8 D05 1N4148 13 12 D10 BYW100-100 7 C16 1000F 16V Q6 BC393 15 14

R02 56K

R13 47K

C23 10nF

+15V 5W 1k


R18 1K


D3 5.6V

-15V 5W

C07 0.1F

R34 4.7K


L7805CP 2.2F 16V

5V 0.5W

R20 12K

2 7 C08 3.3 nF 5

C06 6800pF


Q3 BC337

Figure A1. Application board Electrical Schematic with OFF-mode management.

R33 9.1K

C11 330nF

C09 56nF



R29 330K





Alternative Frequency Compensation Network A method alternative to the one illustrated in the previous section for cutting down the residual loads is to physically disconnect the loads by means of series switches. In that case the outputs are actually open. With this approach, if the application board is repeatedly subjected to quick power-off/power-on cycles during OFF mode, it may not start-up. In fact, being the load of the 200V output open, after a power off the output voltage decays very slowly. If the board is powered on again when the output capacitor is still almost fully charged, the output voltage will rise quickly and overshoot the regulated value. The PWM may be stopped so long - to allow the output voltage to decay to its correct value - that the L5993 loses its supply and goes into undervoltage lockout. Next, the L5993 is restarted by R2+R3, the sequence recurs and the system gets stuck in this on-off cycle. To avoid this, it is recommended to use the other feedback configuration provided in the PCB, which makes use of C20 and R30. As shown in figure A2, in that case C22 and R27 will be omitted and the value of C21 will be changed. C20 provides an anticipatory effect that prevents the overshoot and the resulting vicious circle above described. Figure A2. Alternative compensation network to be used with switch-opened loads. Parts added or modified are in bold italics.
+15V out +200V out

R24 47 C19 47 F 25V

R26 2.7k pin 6 of L5993 R16 100 7 1

C08 3.3 nF 6

VR1 100k 2 R29 330k

C20 8.2 nF 250V R30 1.8k

4 OP1 TPS5904 3

C21 6.8 nF
R28 4.7k



Information furnished is believed to be accurate and reliable. However, STMicroelectronics assumes no responsibility for the consequences of use of such information nor for any infringement of patents or other rights of third parties which may result from its use. No license is granted by implication or otherwise under any patent or patent rights of STMicroelectronics. Specification mentioned in this publication are subject to change without notice. This publication supersedes and replaces all information previously supplied. STMicroelectronics products are not authorized for use as critical components in life support devices or systems without express written approval of STMicroelectronics. The ST logo is a registered trademark of STMicroelectronics 1999 STMicroelectronics Printed in Italy All Rights Reserved STMicroelectronics GROUP OF COMPANIES Australia - Brazil - China - Finland - France - Germany - Hong Kong - India - Italy - Japan - Malaysia - Malta - Morocco Singapore - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - United Kingdom - U.S.A. http://www.st.com


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