Catalog Beck
Catalog Beck
Catalog Beck
Package Module 60 mm x 56 mm;
2 x 120 PIN board-to-board
CPU MPC5200B / 400 MHz
RAM Memory 64 MByte
(free) (~ 62 MB)
Datasheet: SC243
The IPC@CHIP® SC2x3 family of Computer on Modules are
embedded processors built on Power Architecture™ technology
and are specially designed for demanding control, communication
and HMI tasks. The Freescale power processor offers 760 MIPS
processing performance and a high-speed Floating Point Unit –
ideal for fast data communication or complex control tasks for
example in the field of motion control.
It includes processor, RAM and FLASH memory, Ethernet MAC
and serial interfaces, a complete microcontroller interface with
address/data bus, programmable chip selects and GPIOs.
This ready to use embedded plattform comes with a preinstalled
realtime multitasking operating system with complete TCP/IP
stack, file system and a large application interface.
Technical data
Processor 32-Bit PowerPC MPC5200B
Working memory (SDRAM) 64 MB SDRAM (free user
space see API documentation)
Flash memory for operating 32 MB FLASH (free user space
system and internal File System see API documentation)
Low power SRAM 512kByte
Asynchronous serial 6xRS232/485/422 port (RxD,
TxD, RTS, CTS, DCD) + 512
byte FIFO
Ethernet 1 x MAC with MII
I/O 40 GPIO, 32-Bit A/D Local Plus
Supply voltage 3,3 V +/-5%
Power dissipation <5W
Operating temperature (TA) -40ºC to +85ºC
Operating system IPC@CHIP RTOS - PPC
Footprint Two 120 pin Board to Board
connectors, lead free/ RoHS
» Floating Point Unit » One SPI-bus
» Six asynchronous serial ports » Two USB 1.1 host ports
» FLASH memory with min. » Two CAN2.0B ports
100.000 write cycles » Internal watchdog
» 10/100 Ethernet MAC » Eight independent
» Two I²C-busses programmable Timers
» Single 3,3V supply » Four dedicated Interrupt
» ATA/IDE Interface inputs
» GPIOs with interrupt » Low power SRAM
functionality powered by ext. battery
Package dimensions
Ordering information
Software licence
Flash size
Single Chip
Datasheet: SC23/SC24
The SC23 / SC24 is an embedded web controller developed for
the industrial control and communication market.
It includes processor, RAM and FLASH memory, Ethernet and
several serial interfaces, system clock generation and GPIO.
Technical data
Processor SC186-EX/96 MHz
Working memory (SDRAM) 8MB SDRAM (free user space
see API documentation)
Flash memory for operating 2 or 8 MB FLASH (free user
system and internal File System space see API documentation)
Asynchronous serial 3xRS232/TTL port (RxD, TxD,
RTS, CTS with DMA)
Ethernet 1 x 10/100BaseT
Supply voltage 3,3 V +/-5%
Power dissipation <1W
Operating temperature (TA) -25ºC to +85ºC
Storage temperature -55ºC to +125ºC
Operating system IPC@CHIP® RTOS
Footprint DIL32
» three asynchronous serial » One SPI-bus (hardware)
ports » One USB 1.1 port (host
» FLASH memory with min. and device)
100.000 write cycles » Two CAN2.0B ports
» Full integrated 10/100Base-T » Internal watchdog with
transceiver (IEEE 802.3 power supervisory
» Two independent
» One I²C-bus (hardware) programmable Timers
» 25MHz crystal + PLL » Three Interrupt inputs
Pin Configuration
RXD1 1 32 PIO9 / PFI
USBP 13 20 TPRX+
USBN 14 19 TPTX-
VCC 15 18 TPTX+
Physical dimensions
20,10 x 42,30 x 12 mm
Datasheet: SC1x5
The IPC@CHIP® SC1x5 is a ready to use embedded controller for
industrial control and IoT communication markets.
It includes a high performance processor on an ARM® Cortex A7
core, RAM and FLASH memory. The SC1x5 supports connections
to a variety of interfaces: two high-speed USB ports, two CAN
ports, two expansion card ports, and a variety of other popular
interfaces (such as UART, I2C, and SPI).
Technical data
Processor i.MX 6UltraLite 2
(Cortex A7 core @ 528MHz)
Working memory 128 MByte or 512 MByte DDR3
(for free user space, refer to API
Flash memory for operating 64 MByte or 256 MByte
system and internal file system NOR-Flash
(for free user space, refer to API
Ethernet 2 x 10/100BaseT
(1 x external PHY required)
Asynchronous serial Up to 6 x UART ports
CAN Up to 2 x CAN 2.0B
USB 2 x USB 2.0, one as OTG
I/O Up to 3 x I²C
Up to 3 x SPI
Up to 78 x GPIO
Up to 4 x Analogue IN
Up to 7 x PWM
SDIO 1) 1 x SDIO 3.0 prepared, 4 bit
1 x SDIO, 4 bit
Graphic 1) 24-bit Parallel LCD port, up to
WXGA (1366 x 768) at 60 Hz
Supply voltage Single 3,3V +/-5%
(use of USB requires additionally 5V)
RTC On board with crystal
Current consumption The values given are to be
seen as indicative values.
The consumption is typically
<300mA, strongly depends on
wiring options.
(e.g.: Application running, without ETH
and any additional Interface: 150mA
Application running with active ETH0,
no additional Interface in use: 200mA)
Operating Free-Air Temperature -25ºC to +80ºC
(TA) (Observe the details in the Hardware
Observe the software support for the different operating systems.
» Easy to use in production, suitable » SDIO card interface
for AOI » USB 2.0
» Long-term availability » SPI / I²C interfaces
» Slight requirements for basic board, » GPIOs with interrupt functionality
2 Layers feasible » Two CAN2.0B ports
» 3,3 V single supply » RTC with crystal on board
» Up to four asynchronous serial » Main crystal on board
» Non-volatile RAM
» Two Ethernet 10/100 MBit
» Two OS variants available
interfaces, one with PHY
Pin Configuration
(top view)
Package dimensions
Dimensions (L x W): 25.5 × 25.5 mm
Height: 3.5 mm
Ordering information
MOQ: 24 pieces, all others with MOQ: 96 pieces.
MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) = MPQ (Minimum Package Quantity)
lierten Echtzeit/Multitasking-Betriebssystem
IPC@CHIP®-RTOS und abwärtskompatibler API-
Schnittstelle ausgestattet und daher software-
kompatibel zu SC11 und SC13. Bestehende SC1x
Applikationen können nach einer Neuübersetzung
mit dem im Development-Kit enthaltenen neuen
Paradigm C/C++-Compiler weiterverwendet wer-
Folgende Software-Funktionen sind zusätzlich in
das RTOS des SC123/SC143 integriert:
Als Erweiterung der Produktfamilie des • IPv6 (zusätzlich zu IPv4)
IPC@CHIP® bietet der SC123/SC143 mehr Per- • Sicherheitsprotokoll SSL, SSH und IPSec
formance, mehr Speicher und mehr Funktionalität
• PPPoE Protokoll
bei voller Software-Kompatibilität zu den beste-
henden SC11 und SC13 Controllern. • API für CAN-Controller (CANopen-Stack als
Option verfügbar)
Auch alle wichtigen und bewährten Hardware-
• API für grundlegende USB-Slave und –Host
funktionen und -schnittstellen des SC11/SC13 fin-
Funktionen, Unterstützung für USB-
den sich bei SC123/SC143 wieder und wurden um
Speichermedien (z.B. USB Sticks)
zahlreiche wichtige Funktionen ergänzt.
• nur noch eine RTOS-Version mit allen verfüg-
Die neue Bauform als BGA ist ausgerichtet auf baren Optionen (inkl. PPP und SNMP)
größere Stückzahlenvolumen in allen Bereichen
der industriellen Steuerung und Kommunikation. IEC 61131-3 Laufzeitsystem CODESYS SP
Das Laufzeitsystem basiert auf CODESYS SP 2.3
SC123 SC143
und steht als C-Library zur Verfügung, so dass in-
Bauform BGA177, 25x25x5mm dividuelle Anpassungen und Erweiterung leicht
CPU SC186-EX / 96 MHz möglich sind. Neben dem erweiterten Programm-
speicher für CODESYS-Projekte enthält das Lauf-
RAM-Speicher 8 MByte (ca. 7 MB) zeitsystem auch einen CANopen-Stack und unter-
(frei) stützt alle 4 seriellen Schnittstellen.
Flash- 2 MByte 8 MByte
IEC 61850Li (Lite implementation)
Speicher (frei (ca. 1 MB) (ca. 7 MB)
als Flash-Disk) IEC 61850 ist ein Informations-Management für die
Ethernet 1 x 10/100BaseT / PHY, Überwachung und Automatisierung von Energie-
1 x MII versorgungsanlagen.
Datenmodelle, Kommunikations-Services und der
Seriell 4 x TTL Geräte-Konfigurationssprache (SCL) sind reali-
CAN 2 x CAN 2.0B Master / Slave, siert. Alle Modelle aus den Bereichen Schutz- und
1 MBit/s Automatisierungstechnik in Schaltanlagen jeder
Spannungsebene und Ortsnetzstationen, Überwa-
sonstige USB1.1, I2C, SPI chung der Spannungsqualität, Wasserkraftwerke,
Schnittstellen Windenergieanlagen, dezentrale Energieerzeu-
I/O 31 frei prog. PIO-Pins (GPIO), gungsanlagen wie Photovoltaik, Kraft-Wärme-
3 x IRQ, 2 x externer DMA, Kopplung, Dieselgeneratoren, Batterien usw. sind
2 Timer Ein-/Ausgänge, 24-Bit mittels SCL direkt konfigurierbar.
Adressbus, 16-Bit Datenbus
Der IEC 61850 Software Stack PIS-10 kann als
Betriebsspg. 3,3V Client und als Server gestartet werden. Beide Ap-
Verlustleistung typ. 1 Watt plikationen können auf dem IPC@CHIP® zeit-
gleich koexistieren. Der Stack unterstützt IEC
Temp.-Bereich -25 bis 85 °C 61850 Services inklusive GOOSE und Übertra-
gung von Abtastwerten.
Die Produkte IPC@CHIP® SC123 und SC143 sind Mehr Informationen finden Sie auf unserer Web-
wie die bekannten SC11/SC13 mit dem vorinstal- seite
Technical data
Processor SC186-EX/96 MHz
Working memory (SDRAM) 8MB SDRAM (free user space
see API documentation)
Flash memory for operating 2 or 8 MB FLASH (free user
system and internal File System space see API documentation)
Asynchronous serial 4xRS232/TTL port (RxD, TxD,
RTS, CTS with DMA)
Ethernet 2 x 10/100BaseT (1xPHY +
I/O 31 GPIO, Intel 24 Bit Address,
16 Bit Data Bus
Supply voltage 3,3 V +/-5%
Power dissipation <2W
Operating temperature (TA) -25ºC to +85ºC
Storage temperature -55ºC to +125ºC
Operating system IPC@CHIP RTOS
Footprint PBGA177,1.27 Pitch, lead free/
RoHS conform
» Eight programmable Chip » One SPI-bus (hardware)
Selects with 512-byte I/O » One USB 1.1 port (host
space and device)
» Four asynchronous serial » Two CAN2.0B ports
ports » Internal watchdog
» FLASH memory with min. » Four independent
100.000 write cycles external DMA channels
» Full integrated 10/100Base-T » Two independent
transceiver (IEEE 802.3 programmable Timers
» Three Interrupt inputs
» Four traffic LED outputs
» One I²C-bus (hardware)
Pin Configuration
Groups of signals:
VCC MII-Interface
GND Ethernet LEDs
Crystal, Reset CAN Bus
Adress-/Databus I²C Bus
Chip Selects, Interrupts, USB
Timer, etc.
Serial Ports Do not connect !
Package dimensions
2.34 REF
E A1 Bal
2.34 REF
D1 D
Top View
Common Dimensions A1
Unit of Measure = mm
E 24.87 25 25 .13 A
E1 20,32 TYP
D 24.87 25 25 .13
D1 20,32 TYP
A - - 5 ,0
A1 0,28 - -
e 1,27 BSC
Øb 0,6 TYP
Ordering information
The Development Kit for the IPC@CHIP® SC123 and SC143 Embedded Controller
genannten Bedingungen zulässig. Mit stated below. These conditions of use conditions mentionnées ci-dessous.
der Inbetriebnahme wird die Geltung shall be deemed as accepted with the Avec la mise en service, l’utilisateur
dieser Nutzungsbedingungen commissioning of the Development accepte ces conditions d’utilisation.
akzeptiert. Kit.
b) Exclusion de la garantie et
b) Ausschluss der Gewährleistung b) Exclusion of warranty and responsabilité
und Haftung liability Le produit présent est un système de
Bei dem vorliegenden Produkt handelt This product is a development system développement sans certification CE.
es sich um ein Entwicklungssystem without CE mark. Therefore the Le système doit par conséquent être
ohne CE-Freigabe. Das System darf system may only be used for utilisé exclusivement à des fins de
daher nur für Entwicklungszwecke development. Use of the Development développement. L’utilisation en dehors
eingesetzt werden. Die Nutzung Kit outside the specified environment de ce domaine d’application se fait au
außerhalb dieses Anwendungsgebietes is the responsibility of the user and risque et sous l’entière responsabilité
erfolgt auf Gefahr und Verantwortung shall be carried out at his or her own de l’utilisateur qui libère Beck de toute
des Nutzers und stellt Beck frei von risk, exempting Beck from any liability. responsabilité.
jeglicher Haftung. Claims by the user for compensation Les droits de garantie et de réparation
Gewährleistungs- und Schadensersatz- against Beck in conjunction with the de dommage de toute nature et
Ansprüche, gleich welcher Art und use of this product shall be excluded. quelque soit la base légale sont exclus
gleich aus welchem Rechtsgrund, sind dans ce contexte.
vor diesem Hintergrund Insofar that information, hardware,
ausgeschlossen. software and documentation is Dans la mesures où les informations,
transferred without charge, liability is le matériel, les logiciels et la
Sofern Informationen, Hardware, excluded for any material defects and documentation sont mis à la
Software und Dokumentation deficiencies in title of the information, disposition gratuitement, nous
unentgeltlich überlassen werden, ist hardware, software and récusons toute responsabilité pour les
eine Haftung für Sach- und documentation, in particular for their dommages matériels et les défauts
Rechtsmängel der Informationen, correctness or absence of faults, juridiques des informations, du
Hardware, Software und completeness and/or usability. matériel, les logiciels et de la
Dokumentation, insbesondere für deren documentation, notamment par
Richtigkeit, Fehlerfreiheit, Vollständig- rapport à leurs exactitude,
keit und/oder Verwendbarkeit d’éventuelles erreurs, leur caractère
ausgeschlossen. complet et/ou leur utilité.
1 Power supply
2 Power supply switch (optional)
Power LED
COM1 (COM) 8 9 10 12 13
1 4 5
7 3
USB Slave 2
USB Host
10 11
CAN1 15
Ethernet I
Ethernet II
Expansion port
15 15
SD/MMC 19 14 6
Compact Flash
19 20
Reset button
PFI button
21 7
8-Bit port switch
8-Bit port LED’s
21 22
The IPC@CHIP DK241 Development Kit is a
complete development system for the new
IPC@CHIP SC243 Embedded Controllers.
DK241 Development Board
Simple creation of applications in C/C++ and The development board provides all the functions
IEC61131-3 that the SC23 Embedded Controller offers:
• Socket for SC23 Embedded Controller
As well as the DB54 development board with the • Ethernet 10/100Base-T
SC23 Controller the Development Kit also contains • 2 x RS232 (Sub-D socket)
the Paradigm C/C++ development environment for • 1 x CAN 2.0b (Sub-D socket and TTL signal on
Windows with a C/C++ compiler, a remote pin header)
debugger (via Ethernet) and many other tools. For • 1 x USB1.1 (can be configured as host or
creating C/C++ applications on the SC23 quickly device)
and simply.
• 1 x SPI, 1 x I2C bus
• MMC/SD socket
For the development of CODESYS IEC61131-3
applications, the Development Kit contains a • Extension port for custom hardware
CODESYS SP 2.3 Full RTS already adapted to the expansions
IPC@CHIP® that can be adapted to the individual • I/O port wit LEDs and Dip switch
requirements of custom applications with the help • 8 LED/8 dip switches for I/O simulation
of the supplied CODESYS Software Development • Freely programmable two-line text display for
Kit. outputting program information
• Power Fail and Reset buttons
The LC-display of the development board can be • Power supply, 24 VDC input
used for displaying program information and is an
application example for easy connection of text Read more about the IPC@CHIP® product
displays to the SC23, as well. range at:
Datasheet: DB54
Development Board
for IPC@CHIP SC23 Embedded Controller
Technical data
IPC@CHIP® Released for SC23-IEC Embedded
Embedded Controller Controller (not included)
Ethernet interface 10/100BaseT, RJ45 connectors
Serial interface 2 x RS232 (COM1, COM2), DSUB9
(asynchronous) connectors
1 x TTL (COM3), pin header
I²C interface I²C pin header
SPI interface SPI pin header (shared with COM3)
CAN interface 1 x CAN with CAN Transceiver ,
DSUB 9 connector
1 x CAN without CAN Transceiver,
pin header (shared with COM2)
USB Interface USB 1.1 Device / Host
SD/MMC interface SD/MMC Flash card interface for up
to 2 GB cards
I/O 8 way DIP Switch / 8 LED’s for
general purpose input / output
Display 2x16 Dot Matrix LCD
Extension pin headers extension pin headers with , PIO,
SPI, I²C and power supplys (8..30V
power supply, 5V, 3,3V)
Power-Fail emulation Push button for Power-Fail emulation
Reset Push button reset
Breadboard area for customer specific extensions
Supply voltage 24 VDC typical (8...30VDC)
Power consumption 1.7W
Operating temperature (TA) 0ºC to +55ºC
Size (BxLxH) 200mm x 157mm x 19mm
Weight 225g
RoHS compliant yes
Ordering information
Order-No.: 553946
The CODESYS IEC61131-3 programming system A complete CODESYS IEC Platform is composed
from 3S Smart Software Solutions GmbH is one of of a Target Support Package (TSP) and a PLC
the leading development tools for Programmable Run Time System (RTS).
Logic Controllers (PLC) and programmable
automation components.
Until now, the development of an IEC- The Internet capability and all further TCP/IP
programmable device required an elaborated services of the IPC@CHIP® remain fully available.
creation of a software tool or the complex and Using the CODESYS system libraries enables also
therefore cost-intensive implementation of a the access to the API-functions of the IPC@CHIP®
purchased software package. With the use of one RTOS.
of the IPC@CHIP® variants (SC1x3-IEC and SC2x-
IEC) this complexity disappears thanks to a pre-
implementation of the CODESYS SP@CHIP
Runtime System adapted in an optimal way to the
RTOS operating system.
With this solution you are not only able without any
complex development to develop programmable
devices; these are at the same time IEC-61131-3
and CAA-conform and therefore comply with
international standards.
Visual Assist
Visual Assist is a powerful enhancement for the
Editor and supports you in automatic code
generation. Visual Assist intuitively completes your
functions, starts macros and offers suggestions for
code optimization. You just have to press the Tab
key at the start of a symbol and Visual Assist
completes the operation.
Live Data
Get your com.tom today from
IoT components
off the shelf
Nauborner Straße 184
35578 Wetzlar MADE
Everything you need for your personal Internet of Things 29
Edge Computing
3 (Data Element Analysis & - local CODESYS PLC
Transformation) - WEB PLC
- realtime Linux based operating
Connectivity Embedded system
2 (Communication & Processing Units) Devices Components - unbeatable Eclipse based
development tool
(continued) Get your com.tom
today from
- @CHIP®-RTOS-LNX real-time The lol Edge
multitasking operating system
- CIC++ programming Controller
- ONE-Workbench: Eclipse-based
integrated development environment
with Cloud Portal
- Rich API with long-term compatibility
Beek IPC GmbH >'
Nauborner Stra e 184
35578 Wetzlar • MADE
Hardware Software
com.tom INDUSTRY features: All com.tom products are available with
- SC145 Embedded Controller these software variants:
- Ethernet (10/1OOBase-T)
- Serial interface (RS232/RS485) WEB-PLC (.W)
- CAN interface CODESYS (.C)
- microSD card slot
- Micro USB (USB 2.0) - @CHIP®-RTOS-LNX real-time
CTI 100.0108 multitasking operating system
- UMTS modem - lnternal web server for setup and
- Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n) + Bluetooth configuration (no external tools
- lntegrated 4-port Ethernet switch required)
- Digital inputs & outputs - Secure local and remote updates
- Analog inputs & outputs - lntegrated PLC:
- RTD inputs (PT1OO/PT1000)
• WEB-PLC: Visual programming
- M-Bus
editor running on the internal
- Wireless M-Bus*
web server
- PROFINET 10 device
- EtherNet/lP adapter SoftPLC v3.5 RTS with WebVisu
- EtherCAT master* - Security:
- CANopen master*
• Firewall
• OpenVPN client
com.tom GRAPHIC features: • IPsec*
- SC145 Embedded Controller - DHCP server
- 2 Ethernet ports (10/1OOBase-T)
- Wi-Fi (IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n) + Bluetooth - NAT routing
- Serial interface (RS485) - CODESYS network variables
- CAN interface - SNMP manager
- 4.3" or 7" TFT with capacitive touch - OPC-UA server
- Panel or in wall mounting CTG 210.WLAN.DIS4C
- Modbus TCP client/server
- Modbus RTU master/slave
- loT communication interface using
*in development Kolibri technology
for Industry
Beck IPC GmbH
Nauborner Straße 184
35578 Wetzlar MADE
com.tom Cloud Server 33
Platform for secure transmission, visualization and storage of process and configuration data.
Features Operations
Communication: The system can be operated in a public
or private IT environment. While using
- firewall/proxy friendly protocol (TCP port 443) the Beck operated instance of the
- full-duplex communication channel (WebSockets com.tom Cloud system following options
based) can be offered:
- keep-alive mechanism with offline detection
- low traffic (optimized for mobile networks) - professional hosting in a
- low latency (event-driven data transmission) state-of-the-art data center
- remote procedure call (RPC) support - located in Germany, operated by a
german company
- scalable virtual data center
Security: (private cloud)
- high availability
- end-to-end encryption (TLS) of the complete - permanent monitoring of service
communication availability and quality
- authentication: mandatory - service level agreement
- password policy (length, complexity, black list) - emergency hotline (24/7)
- authorization: fine-grained permission system for - several business models available:
data access - on premise
- SaaS (Software as a Service)
- PaaS (Platform as a Service)
Data model:
Cloud Server
- data types: boolean, integer (8/16/32/64 bit,
signed/unsigned), floating point (32/64 bit), string
(UTF-8), byte array
- flexible event-trigger configuration
- QoS levels (at most once, at least once, exactly
once, data log)
- scaling and formatting of values
- storage of historical data
Technical data
IPC@CHIP® SC145 Embedded Controller
32-bit processor with 528 MHz
128 MB RAM (DDR3)
64 MB flash disk
Real-time clock Backed by a lithium rechargeable
Ethernet interface 2 x 10/100BaseT
RJ45 connectors
Link and traffic LED indicators
Serial interface 1 x RS485
5.08/02 connector
SD card interface 1 x microSD card
Push/push slot
Supply voltage 24 VDC (-15%/+15%)
5.08/03 connector
Active current 50 mA (max)
Operating System IPC@CHIP® RTOS-LNX Real-time
operating system
WEB-PLC editor and runtime Visual programming editor running on
the internal web server
Quick I/O mapping editor
Up to 1024 I/O values
Up to 256 portal variables
WEB-PLC diagram Up to 512 function units, I/O values,
portal variables and constants
IPO cycle time: 10 to 1000 ms
Environmental data
Operating temperature (TA) 0ºC to +55ºC
Operating and storage humidity 5% to 95% relative humidity,
Protection class IP20
Mechanical data
Size (W x L x H) 37 x 97 x 62 mm
Material Plastic housing
Mounting DIN rail mounting
• Ethernet
• Modbus TCP client/server
• Modbus RTU master/slave
• OPC-UA server (in Q4/2017)
• CODESYS network variables
• SNMP manager
• OpenVPN client
• com.tom PORTAL client
• WEB-PLC programming logic
Technical data
IPC@CHIP® SC145 Embedded Controller
32-bit processor with 528 MHz
128 MB RAM (DDR3)
64 MB flash disk
Real-time clock Backed by a lithium rechargeable
Ethernet interface 1 x 10/100BaseT
RJ45 connector
Link and traffic LED indicators
Serial interface 1 x RS232/RS485 (selectable)
Weidmüller BL 3.50/08 connector
USB interface 1 x USB 2.0
Micro USB (type B) connector
OTG support
(future use)
SD card interface 1 x microSD card
Push/push slot
CAN interface 1 x CAN
Weidmüller BL 3.50/04 connector
Supply voltage 24 VDC (-15%/+15%)
Weidmüller BL 3.50/03 connector
Operating System IPC@CHIP® RTOS-LNX Real-time
operating system
WEB-PLC editor and runtime Visual programming editor running on
the internal web server
I/O mapping editor
Up to 8192 I/O values
Up to 1024 portal variables
WEB-PLC diagram Up to 2048 function units, I/O values,
portal variables and constants
IPO cycle time: 10 to 1000 ms
WEB-PLC function units Data type converters:
Bool, Uint8, Sint8, Uint16, Sint16,
Uint32, Sint32, Float32, Float64,
Bits and bytes:
Extract, Pack, Put Bit, Shift Register,
On/Off, P, Shade
Send, Receive
Subtraction, Multiplication, Division,
Up to 128 modules, up to 1308 values
(per direction) with a total size of 1308
bytes (per direction)
EtherNet/IP adapter:
Up to 128 groups, up to 1448 values
(per direction) with a total size of 1448
bytes (per direction)
Up to 64 devices and 4096 values
CODESYS network variables:
Up to 128 lists and 4096 values
SNMP manager:
Up to 128 agents and 4096 values
Trap receiver
COM server:
According to RFC 2217
Time switches:
Up to 8 switches, crontab format
MicroBrowser interface
Remote or local update via com.tom
PORTAL, local web server or
microSD card
Export the diagram and/or the settings
of the com.tom device as an update
com.tom PORTAL communication Transferred information:
- Device information
- Portal round trip times
- Update URL, trigger and status
- OpenVPN activation and status
- Cell modem SIM id and RSSI
- GPS coordinates
- Event log messages
- I/O values
- Portal variables
Environmental data
Operating temperature (TA) 0ºC to +55ºC
On request: -20°C to +60°C
Storage temperature -20°C to +60°C
Operating and storage humidity 5% to 85% relative humidity,
Protection class IP20
Mechanical data
Sizes (W x L x H) 46 x 105 x 78 mm
65 x 105 x 78 mm
Material Powder-coated steel sheet
RAL 7021, dull finish
Mounting DIN rail mounting
Order information
CTI 100.W 00571144
CTI 100.UMTS.W 00571146
CTI 100.WLAN.W 00571178
CTI 140.W 00571145
CTI 140.UMTS.W 00571149
CTI 140.WLAN.W 00571179
CTI 100.DIO8.W 00571154
CTI 100.DIO8.UMTS.W 00571155
CTI 100.DIO8.WLAN.W 00571180
CTI 140.DIO8.W 00571181
CTI 140.DIO8.UMTS.W 00571182
CTI 140.DIO8.WLAN.W 00571183
CTI 100.DIO32.W 00571223
CTI 100.DIO32.UMTS.W 00571224
CTI 100.DIO32.WLAN.W 00571225
CTI 140.DIO32.W 00571226
CTI 140.DIO32.UMTS.W 00571227
CTI 140.DIO32.WLAN.W 00571228
System features
Electric specification
Power supply Additional specifications
Input: 1x 230V (L1) (100..240V) Power supply for external devices
50Hz, CAT IV Voltage +12V or +24V
Power consumption: <25VA Max. power 5W
Power quality
THD voltage, THD current Beck IPC GmbH
Value types average, minimum, maximum Nauborner Straße 184
Min. averaging time 900 s 35578 Wetzlar
Germany MADE IN