Thermodynamics Reviewer
Thermodynamics Reviewer
Thermodynamics Reviewer
-The process of transmission of energy from one
1.ABSOLUTE PRESSURE particle of the medium to another with the particles
-Throughout this semester the term pressure refers being in direct contact with each other.
to absolute pressure unless explicitly stated
otherwise. 7. CONVECTION
-The movement of fluid molecules from higher
-Although absolute pressures must be used in temperature regions to lower temperature regions.
thermodynamic relations, pressure-measuring
devices often indicate the difference between the 8.CLOSED SYSTEM
absolute pressure in a system and the absolute
pressure of the atmosphere existing outside the - refers to a fixed quantity of matter, whereas a
measuring device. control volume is a region of space through which
mass may flow.
-it is defined when a particular quantity of matter is
-When a system undergoes a process while under study.
enclosed by an adiabatic wall, it experiences no
thermal interaction with its surroundings. -it always contains the same matter. There can be
no transfer of mass across its boundary.
An adiabatic process is not necessarily an
isothermal process, nor is an isothermal -Derived from mass divided by volume.
process necessarily adiabatic.
-Represents the mass per unit volume of a
- (mole)
-The density, or local mass per unit volume
-The mole (mol) is the amount of substance of a
system that contains as many elementary entities - is an intensive property that may vary from point
as there are atoms in 0.012 kg of carbon 12. to point within a system. Thus, the mass associated
with a particular volume V is determined in principle
4. BOYLE’S LAW by integration
-it is a gas law that states that the pressure of a
-is defined as mass per unit volume, with
given quantity of gas varies inversely with its
dimensions (mass) (length) The SI unit for density
volume at constant temperature
is kg/m Materials with more compact molecular
arrangements have higher densities.
-It was formulated by the physicist Robert Boyle in
1662 -The density of a given substance may be divided
by the density of water at the same temperature to
- The law states that the pressure exerted by a gas obtain specific gravity.
(of a given mass, kept at a constant temperature) is
inversely proportional to the volume occupied by it. -Density is a fundamental physical property that
measures the mass of an object or substance per
5. CHARLE’S LAW unit volume. It quantifies how tightly matter is
-it is a physical principle that states that the volume packed within a given volume.
of a gas is directly proportional to its absolute
temperature at constant pressure. - Density is a crucial concept in physics, chemistry,
engineering, and various other fields, as it provides
insights into the behavior of materials and their - The value of entropy depends on the mass of a
interactions under different conditions. system. It is denoted by the letter S and has units
of joules per kelvin. Entropy can have a positive or
Applications of Density negative value.
-does not depend on the amount of substance 21. Law of conservation of energy
present -it states that energy can neither be created nor
be destroyed. Although, it may be transformed
-color, odor, taste, density, boiling point melting from one form to another. If you take all forms of
point energy into account, the total energy of an isolated
system always remains constant. All the forms of
-are not additive in the sense previously energy follow the law of conservation of energy.
22.Laws of thermodynamics
-Their values are independent of the size or extent
of a system and may vary from place to place - give a complete description of all changes in the
within the system at any moment. energy state of any system and its ability to perform
useful work on its surroundings.
- Thus, intensive properties may be functions of
both position and time, whereas extensive 23. Length (L)
properties vary at most with time.
-The dimension of length represents the extent of
space in one direction.
-The SI unit of length is the meter (m). 29.Primary (Fundamental) dimensions
- It is based on the luminosity function, a standard -When any of the properties of a system change,
model of the sensitivity of the human eye. The SI the state changes, and the system is said to have
unit of luminous intensity is the candela or cd, it is undergone a process.
an SI base unit.
-A process is a transformation from one state to
another. However, if a system exhibits the same
25. Mass (M)
values of it as properties at two different times, it is
-The dimension of mass represents the amount of in the same state at these times.
matter in an object.
-The SI unit of mass is the kilogram (kg)
-are those observable characteristics, such as
26.Open system pressure, temperature, or volume that define the
equilibrium state of a thermodynamic system.
- can exchange mass and energy, usually in the
form of heat with its surroundings -it do not depend on how the state of a system
attained; they are only functions of the state of a
-Example: Boiling soup in an open saucepan on a system. Therefore, properties are independent of
stove the path by which a system reaches a certain state.
-It may be as simple as a free body or as complex -These three fundamental dimensions are used to
as an entire chemical refinery. We may want to express and define other physical quantities.
study a quantity of matter contained within a
closed, rigid-walled tank, or we may want to
consider something such as a pipeline through -is a standardized value for measuring a physical
which natural gas flows. quantity
-The composition of the matter inside the system 44.Zeroth law of thermodynamics
may be fixed or maybe changed through chemical
or nuclear reactions. The shape or volume of the -It is a matter of experience that when two bodies
system being analyzed is not necessarily constant, are in thermal equilibrium with a third body, they are
as when a gas in a cylinder compressed by a piston in thermal equilibrium with one another. This
or a balloon is inflated. statement, which is sometimes called the zeroth
law of thermodynamics, is tacitly assumed in
38.thermodynamic temperature (Kelvin): every measurement of temperature. Thus, if we
want to know if two bodies are at the same
-The Kelvin (K) is the fraction 1/273.16 of the
temperature, it is not necessary to bring them into
thermodynamic temperature of the triple point of
contact and see whether their observable
properties change with time, as described
39.Thermodynamics previously. It is necessary only to see if they are
individually in thermal equilibrium with a third body.
- is the science of the relationship between heat, The third body is usually a thermometer.
work, temperature, and energy.
-States that if two thermodynamic system are each
- In broad terms, it deals with the transfer of energy in thermal equilibrium with a third one, then they
from one place to another and from one foam to are in thermal equilibrium with each other.