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Scheme For Accelerated Trip For Faults in The Seco

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Scheme for Accelerated Trip for Faults in the Second Zone of Protection of a
Transmission Line

Article in IEEE Power Engineering Review · May 1989

DOI: 10.1109/MPER.1989.4310591 · Source: IEEE Xplore

4 109

5 authors, including:

Liu Pei O.P. Malik

Nanjing University of Science and Technology The University of Calgary


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tic is common in natural lightning and power line switching Instrumentation Performance
[3]. Likewise, the 10 ns x 1 50 ns wave was chosen because
it does result from certain power equipment switching and The instrumentation system worked very well. Data was
failure modes as well as from EMP conditions. obtained, stored and hard copies made, requiring minimal
operator effort and time. The problems encountered were
minor and most of them have been overcome by modification
Sensors to the equipment or software.
For the high voltage test program, copper sulfate dividers Conclusions
and wire wound resistance dividers were used for voltage
measurements. High frequency current transformers were This equipment is recommended by the author for measure-
chosen for current measurements, since they provided both ment of high and low voltage, steep fronted, short duration
the high frequency performance and circuit isolation that is impulse studies on apparatus and insulation systems.
preferable where simultaneous voltage and current measure-
ments are made.
For the low voltage impulse voltage distribution tests on References
power and distribution transformer windings, Tektronix 6102 [11 IEEE No. 4-1-978, Techniques for Dielectric Tests.
active probes were used. [21 International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) Publica-
tion 60-2-1973, High-Voltage Test Techniques Part 2
Data Acquisition Equipment Test Procedures.
[31 "Steep Front Short Duration Low Voltage Impulse Per-
LeCroy 6880 and 8828 digitizers were procured for acquir- formance of Distribution Transformers", L. M. Burrage,
ing the data. A Compaq portable computer and LeCroy E. F. Veverka and B. W. McConnell, Transactions on
software provided the data display and storage, data reduc- Power Delivery, Vol. PRWD-2, No. 4, October 1987, pp.
tion, hard copy generation and digitizer control. 1152-1156.

Power System Relaying

88 SM 524-1 in succession, consider a typical transmission line with

April 1989 distance protection and circuit breakers at each end of the
line as shown in Fig. 1. For a fault at point P in the second
zone, the distance protection at line end L normally trips
Scheme for Accelerated Trip for Faults in the circuit breaker CL with time delay t2l. At the time the fault
Second Zone of Protection of a Transmission Line appears at P, the current through CL and the voltage at bus-
bar L change suddenly. This is the first change. Because of
Chen Deshu, Liu Pei, and Peng Hua the location of the fault, the circuit breaker CM trips first in a
Department of Electric Power Engineering time less than t2l. At this time the current through CL and the
Huazhong University of Science and Technology voltage at L change suddenly again. This second change can
People's Republic of China be used to trip breaker CL.
G. S. Hope and 0. P. Malik The current through CL depends upon the type of fault.
Department of Electrical Engineering Therefore, if the second change in the zero sequence current
The University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada is used as the only criterion, the desired selectivity and
sensitivity of the protection is not satisfied. An analysis of the
problems and the countermeasures are described in the
Keywords: Transmission line protection; second zone faults; paper.
accelerated trip. Selectivity is improved by the use of the voltage at the end
of zone 1 as an auxiliary signal. Detailed analysis shows that
Summary this voltage is very effective in discriminating between a fault
on the line in the second zero and a fault outside the full-line.
To discriminate between faults near the end of the pro- A prototype impedance relay using the proposed accelera-
tected transmission line and at the beginning of the next line, tion function has been designed and built using a single-board
a time delay is used to coordinate tripping of impedance microcomputer. In the prototype device, a quadrilateral type
relays when the fault occurs in a zone spanning approxi- impedance unit with zero sequence current as the polarization
mately 20 percent line length near the end of the protected quantity is used for ground fault including two phase to
line. ground faults. A polyphase compensated impedance unit is
It would be advantageous if the distance protection could used for phase to phase faults and a mho unit with memorized
be made to operate without the time delay, when the fault voltage as polarization quantity is used for three phase faults.
occurs at any point on the protected line. Although the basic The prototype was first tested on a dynamic power system
characteristics of the impedance relays are such that they do model in the power systems laboratory at the Huazhong
not meet this requirement, they can be modified to accom- University of Science and Technology, PRC. The protected
plish fast full-line tripping under certain conditions. line consisted of four sections and the faults were applied at
A tripping scheme which gives fast full-line tripping for the junction of the third and fourth sections. A wide variety of
distance protection is described in this paper. In this scheme tests were performed with the prototype relay protecting the
the principle of operation, called "succession", is to acceler- transmission line. The main performance characteristics of
ate the second zone time delay of the distance protection the prototype are:
when the zero sequence current changes twice. The second
change occurs when the circuit breaker at the opposite end of i) it trips without any time delay when the fault occurs in
the faulted line trips. the first zone of distance protection.
To describe the basic principle of full-line trip immediately ii) the prototype gives full-line trip in succession after the
IEEE Power Engineering Review, April 1989 IEEE Power Engineering Review, April 1989 53
trip of the circuit breaker on the opposite end of the line if about 60% of the full value, growing to full value in about
fault occurs in the second zone and inside the protected three to four cycles. This is not explained by the classical
transmission line. ground resistance formulas. The authors believe that when a
iii) the device blocks accelerated triipping if the fault occurs conductor arcs to the surface of the ground, the arc will not
within the second zone but outsside the protected trans- stay terminated at exactly the surface. It will cause ionization
mission line. within the soil and so penetrate the ground, thus enlarging
iv) the acceleration function would Ifail in the rare situation the effective area of the equivalent electrode and generate a
of a fault in the second zone but inside the protected line nonlinear resistance effect. A second nonlinear effect occurs
if the fault progresses from a sinigle-phase to ground to a within the soil based on the silicon carbide (SIC) composition
double-phase to ground fault af ter 0.1 s and before the of most soils. Oscillograms show that this nonlinearity is not
circuit breaker at the opposite erid of the line has tripped. identical to that of the arc in air.
The figure shows that the harmonics generated by a live
The prototype device has operate rd on a 110 kV, 60 km conductor lying on the grouund were a minimum at about
long transmission line in the Hunan FProvince, PRC since July 90A fault current and actually increased at lesser fault
9, 1987. In the first five months of its operation, it gave a currents. This minimum harmonic point takes on additional
successful trip on the one fault in the nfirst zone of protection significance when it was observed that this test had the most
There were no faults in the second;zone and thus no results stable fault current. From this and other test data the authors
are available. Also, there were no fa ilse trips. conclude that a viable high impedance fault detector based on
Discusser: W. A. Elmore harmonic recognition is feasible. Conclusions are:
The nonlinearity in a high impedance fault has been
characterized in general terms and field data confirms the
L M reasonableness of the approach.
r- [Z

- tn
y p
LCM I ,> The magnitudes of the resulting harmonic currents appear
sufficiently predictable to be utilized in a high impedance fault
Additional, controlled experiments are needed to accu-
rately quantify the parameters of a conductor/ground high
L2 impedance interface.
Discussers: E. J. Emmerling, W. A. Elmore, M. Aucoin, C.
I-! Benner, D. Russell, D. R. Volzka, E. J. Rogers, and J. F. White
Fig. 1. Principle of distance protection.

13 6

88 SM 529-0
April 1989 -4

Ground Resistance-Revisited 2 MAGNITUDE OF HARMONICS

Donald I. Jerrings, Member and John R. Linders, Fellow
Nordon R & D, Inc., Clearwater, Florida 2
I a I a
50 100 150 200
Abstract-The nature of ground resistance is examined to FAULT AMPUMRS
explain the high impedance of faults directly to ground as Fig. 1.
contrasted to conventionally assumed low impedance ground
faults to neutral conductor or to towers with low footing
resistance. High impedance faults are shown to be inherently
nonlinear due to the characteristics of soil. This nonlinearity is
shown to be different from that of the arcing between
conductor and ground. The harmonic content of the resulting 88 SM 526-6
current is judged to have characteristics which can be used to April 1989
distinguish such faults from normal load variations.
Keywords: ground faults, harmonics, high impedance, Summary of the "Guide for AC Generator
Protection" ANSI/IEEE C37.102-1987
A Working-Group Report for the Power System
The power industry's understanding of ground resistance Relaying Committee
was arrived at during the era of fundamental research when a L. E. Landoll, Chairman
low station ground impedance was found to enhance the
reliability and safety of power delivery and minimize cost of
equipment. The resulting station ground grid design parame- Abstract-This paper serves as an introduction to the Guide
ters used by the electric industry are based on simplification for AC Generator Protection (ANSI/IEEE C37.102-1987). It
of the basic equations of ground resistance. These result in a briefly describes the material contained in the guide and
ground interface resistance which is substantially linear with presents some examples. Those interested in the material
respect to fault current or system voltage magnitude. Using presented in the summary paper should obtain the complete
these simplified equations to explore the consequences of a document.
down conductor can lead to conclusions which are obviously Introduction
Segments of oscillograms from recent tests are shown. A This new guide presents a review of the generally accepted
noticeable common features is that the initial current is only forms of protection for synchronous generator and their
54.54 Engineering Review,
IEEE Power Engineering Review, April
April 1989

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