1. What are the basic activities in manufacturing process? Explain and attached 1
example of an image of manufacturing process.
-Manufacturing is the process of turning raw materials or parts into finished goods
through the use of tools, human labor, machinery, and chemical processing.
- The traditional method of casting metals is using sand molds, and has been done
for millennia. Sand casting is still the most prevalent form of casting, led by China
(about 45 million metrictons per year), followed by India and the U.S. Typical
applications of sand casting include machine bases, large turbine impellers,
propellers, and plumbing fixtures.
- Parts manufactured using sand casting come in a wide range of sizes and weights
and have complex geometries using a variety of metals. The use of sand as the
casting material significantly reduces the cost of the casting process. In the metal
mold process, the machining of the molds accounts for a large portion of the costs.
With sand casting, the type of sand used in the process depends on whether the sand
will be reused or disposed of. In green sand sand casting, the molds are reusable
while in the dry sand casting process, the sand is thrown away.
Sand casting is used for metals with high melting temperatures, such as titanium,
steels, and nickel and is the only casting process that can work with those materials.
It is the choice of the aerospace and automotive industries for producing low cost,
small series parts.
- Die casting is a type of metal casting that uses the process of forcing molten
metal into two steel dies that make up a cast. Die casting is typically used in a high-
volume production setting and is known for producing a high-quality, consistent