The level limiter NK10 is applied into
heat and process engineering plants to
ensure that the lowest permissible level
is not fallen below. The instrument
meets the requirements of DIN 4574 as
This series’ instruments are structural
tested and have received the DIN regi-
stration number / prototype test mark of
DIN CERTCO Gesellschaft für Konfor-
mitätsbewertung (company for validati-
on of conformity).
Metal bellows
Variant 10N65/10
Max. operating pressure 10 bar
Max. medium temperature 350°C
Perm. ambient temperature 70°C
Float system stainless steel 1.4301
Metal bellows stainless steel 1.4541
Welded socket St. 35.8
Flange 1.0425 (H II) resp. 15 Mo 3
Electrical Connection
1 Microswitch 2 Microswitches
Test button
Test button
Dimensions (all units in mm unless otherwise stated)
Variant 10N80 V NK102
The instrument is desinged
with a mounting flange acc. to
DIN flanges - DN 80 PN 25.
Mounting 18 resp. 22
Variants 10N65 V NK101
10N65/10 V NK103
The instrument is desinged
with mounting flange with con-
nection dimensions acc. to
DIN 2501.
Connection dimensions
10N65 - DN 65 PN 25
10N65/10 - DN 65 PN 16
Variants 10NS80 V NK104
10NS90 V NK105
The welded socket is welded
into the expansion vessel acc.
to DIN 4754. Regard the moun-
ting position.
Var.: Size A Size B Size C Size D
10NS80 220 365 82.5 77.5x77.5
10NS90 250 395 88.9 90x90
Ordering Code
Type Series
Flange connection acc. to DIN 2527 form E DN65 PN25 . > 65 ..................> 1
Flange connection acc. to DIN 2527 form E DN80 PN25 . > 80 ..................> 2
Flange connection acc. to DIN 2527 form E DN65 PN16 . > 65/10 ..................> 3
Welding connection - 82.5 mm............................................ > S80 ..................> 4
Welding connection - 88.9 mm............................................ > S90 ..................> 5
Switching Section
1 Microswitch .............................................................................. > K1 .......................................................> 1
2 Microswitch .............................................................................. > K2 .......................................................> 2
Technische Änderungen vorbehalten • Subject to change without notice • Changements techniques sous réserve
Fischer Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH • Bielefelder Str. 37a • D-32107 Bad Salzuflen • Tel. +49 5222 9740 • Fax +49 5222 7170 • eMail: info@fischermesstechnik.de • www.fischermesstechnik.de