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STD 141

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OISD 141






First Edition, April 1990


Government of India
Ministry of Petroleum & Natural Gas

First Edition
April 1990





Prepared by



NEW DELHI -110001


OISD publications are prepared for use in the oil and gas industry under
Ministry of Petroleum & Chemicals. These are the property of Ministry of Petroleum
& Chemicals and shall not be reproduced or copied and loaned or exhibited to others
without written consent from OISD.

Though every effort has been made to assure the accuracy and reliability of the
data contained in these documents. OISD hereby expressly disclaims any liability or
responsibility for loss or damage resulting from their use.

These documents are intended to supplement rather than replace their

prevailing statutory requirements.


The Oil Industry in India is 100 years old. Due to various collaboration
agreements, a variety of international codes, standards and practices are in vogue.
Standardisation in design philosophies and operating and maintenance practices at a national
level was hardly in existence. This, coupled with feed back from some serious accidents
that occurred in the recent past in India and abroad, emphasised the need for the industry to
review the existing state of art in designing, operating and maintaining oil and gas

With this in view, the then Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas in 1986
constituted a Safety Council assisted by Oil Industry Safety Directorate (OISD) staffed from
within the industry in formulating and implementing a serious of self regulatory measures
aimed at removing obsolescence, standardising and upgrading the existing standards to
ensure safer operations. Accordingly OISD constituted a number of Functional Committees
comprising of experts nominated from the industry to draw up standards and guidelines on
various subjects.

The present standard on “Design and Construction Requirements for Cross Country
Hydrocarbon Pipelines” was prepared by the Functional Committee on “Design and
Inspection of Pipelines”. This standard is based on the accumulated knowledge and
experience of industry members and the various national and international codes and
practices. This standard is meant to be used as a supplement and not as a replacement for
existing codes and practices. It is hoped that the provision of this standard if implemented
objectively, may go a long way to improve the safety and reduce accidents in the Oil and
Gas Industry. Users are cautioned that no standard can be a substitute for the judgement of
responsible and experienced engineer. Suggestions are invited from the users after it is put
into practice to improve the standard further. Suggestions for amendments to this standard
should be addressed to the Coordinator, Committee on Inspection of “Design and Inspection
of Pipelines”, Oil Industry Safety Directorate, 2nd Floor, “Kailash”, 26, Kasturba Gandhi
Marg, New Delhi-110 001.

This standard in no way supersedes the statutory regulations of Chief Controller of

Explosive (CCE), Factory Inspectorate or any other Statutory body which must be followed
as applicable.


List of Members
Name Designation & Position in
Organisation Committee

1. Sh.V.T. Karode Chief Engr. (P/L), OIL Leader

2. Sh.R.A. Shanbhag GM (Proj), IOCL (P/L) Member/

Leader *

3. Sh.Rao Rudravajala COM, IOCL (P/L) Member

4. Sh.S.K. Goyal DGM, ONGC Member

5. Sh.C.N. Char CE (C & M), ONGC Member

6. Sh.E.M Bhumgara DGM, (T&P/L), HPCL Member

7. Sh.R.K. Mulla COM (P/L), HPCL Member

8. Sh.R.K. Dhadda Manager (P/L), EIL Member

9. Sh.G.V.S. Saiprasad Sr. Manager (P/L), GAIL Member

10. Sh.K.K. Dutta Dy.CE (P/L), OIL Member

11. Sh.R.K. Baruah SE (M), OIL Member

12. Sh.M. Bhandari Jt.Director, OISD Member

In addition to the above, several other experts from the industry contributed in the preparation, review
and finalisation of this document.

*(Took over as Leader w.e.f June/89 on Shri Karode’s retirement from Oil India Ltd).




PART-I Liquid Petroleum Transportation Systems

1.0 Introduction, Scope and Definitions

2.0 Design
3.0 Materials
4.0 Dimensional Requirements
5.0 Construction, Welding and Assembly
6.0 Inspection and Testing
7.0 Operation and Maintenance Procedures
8.0 Corrosion Control
Appendix - A
Appendix - B

PART-II Gas Transportation Systems

9.0 Scope, General Provisions and Definitions
10.0 Materials and Equipment
11.0 Welding
12.0 Piping System Components and Fabrication Details
13.0 Design, Installation and Testing
14.0 Operating and Maintenance Procedures
15.0 Corrosion Control
16.0 Miscellaneous
Appendix - C



DEFINITIONS (B 31.4-CHAPTER I) 31.4 herein after is referred' as 'B 31.4'.

Note: For the design, material, construction,

1.1 INTRODUCTION assembly, inspection, testing and safety
aspects of operation and maintenance of
'Submarine Pipeline Systems' the ' Rules For
Safety in petroleum installations and Submarine Pipeline Systems', Det Norske
pipelines comes through continuous efforts at Veritas (DNV) 1981 shall be followed as
all stages and as such it can be ensured by guideline standard together with established
observing that installations and pipelines are industry practice. A 'Submarine Pipeline
designed, constructed and tested as per System' by definition (Ref. DNV) is 'an
recognised engineering standards and they are interconnected system of submarine pipelines,
periodically inspected and maintained. pipeline risers, their supports, all integrated
piping components, the corrosion protection
1.2 SCOPE system and weight coating'.
The minimum requirements for the design, 1.3 DEFINITIONS (400.2)
materials, construction, assembly, inspection,
testing and safety aspects of operation and Following definitions are added:
maintenance of piping transporting liquids such
as crude oil, condensate, natural gasoline, a) High vapour pressure (HVP) pipeline - A
natural gas liquids, liquefied petroleum gas pipeline transporting hydrocarbons or
(LPG) and liquid petroleum products between hydrocarbon mixtures in the liquid or
producers lease facilities, tank farms, natural quasi- liquid state with a vapour pressure
gas processing plants, refineries, stations, in excess of 240 kPa (35psi) at 380C
terminals (marine, truck and rail) and other (1000F).
delivery and receiving points shall be governed
by American National Standard Code for b) Low Vapour Pressure (LVP) pipeline - A
Pressure Piping ASME/ANSI B 31.4 - 1986 pipeline transporting hydrocarbons or
Edition "Liquid Transportation Systems for hydrocarbon mixtures in the liquid or
Hydrocarbons, Liquid Petroleum Gas, quasi-liquid state with a vapour pressure of
Anhydrous, Ammonia and Alcohols" with the 240 kPa (35psi) or less at 380C (1000F).
following additions, exceptions and
modifications. All requirements contained in the c) Multiphase fluids - Multiphase fluids means
code ASME/ANSI B 31.4 shall be fully valid oil, gas or water in any combination
unless cancelled, replaced or amended in this produced from one or more oil wells or
standard. Only those clauses of Code recombined oil well fluids that may have
ASME/ANSI B 31.4, which are cancelled, been separated in passing through
replaced or amended, are referred herein. treatment/processing facilities. For the
Clause numbers of Code ASME/ANSI B 31.4 purpose of this standard, multiphase fluids
are included in the parenthesis. Whenever any are considered to be low vapour pressure
reference is made to the ASME/ANSI B 31.4’s fluids.
undermentioned clauses in Code B 31.4 or in
any other code incorporated into ASME/ANSI B d) On shore - Areas not covered by 'Offshore'
31.4 by reference, the undermentioned clauses as defined in B 31.4 clause 400.2-
of this standard shall be referred. Definitions is defined as 'Onshore'. The
definitions of 'Offshore' as per B 31.4 is
reproduced hereunder for easy reference:
Offshore - Areas beyond the line of 2.3.4 When a facility creates a Zone 2 location
ordinary high water, along that portion of requirements, the Zone 2 area shall
the coast that is in direct contact with the extend at least 200 meter from that
open seas and beyond the line marking facility.
the seaward limit of inland coastal waters.
2.3.5 While classifying the Zone locations, due
e) Shall - The word 'Shall' is used to indicate consideration shall be given to the
that the provision is mandatory. possibility of future development of the
area. If at the time of planning a new
f) Should - The word 'Should' is used to pipeline this future development appears
indicate that the provision is likely to be sufficient to change the zone
recommendatory as sound engineering location, this shall be taken into
practices. consideration.


2.1 DYNAMIC EFFECTS (401.5) 2.4.1 B 31.4 Clause 402.3.1 (a) is replaced by
the following clause:
The following paragraph is added:
The allowable stress value S to be used for
Other Loadings: design calculations in B 31.4 clause 404.1.2 for
new pipe of known specification shall be
Unusual loadings such as those caused by established as follows:
scour, erosion soil movement and slides,
installation forces, vortex shedding and other S = F X E X Specified Minimum Yield Strength
phenomena shall be considered and provided of the pipe in psi (MPa)
for in accordance with sound engineering
practice. where

2.2 WEIGHT EFFECTS (401.6) F = Design factor in accordance with Table 2.4
of this standard.
Live Loads (401.6.1)
In setting design factor, due consideration has
Weight of water during hydrostatic testing been given to and allowance has been made
shall also be considered. for underthickness tolerance and maximum
allowable depth of imperfections provided for in
2.3 HVP PIPELINES - ZONE LOCATION the specifications approved by B 31.4.
E = Weld joint factor (in accordance with
Zone locations as described in this clause shall B 31.4 clause 402.4.3 and Table 402.4.3)
apply only to HVP pipelines.
Table 2.4
2.3.1 A Zone 1 location is an area extending -------------------------------------------------------------
200 metre on either side of the centreline Pipeline Category F
of any continuous 1 km. length of pipeline -------------------------------------------------------------
that contains 5 or fewer dwelling units LVP 0.72
intended for human occupancy. HVP, Zone 1 0.72
'Offshore' shall be considered as Zone 1 HVP, Zone 2 0.576
location. -------------------------------------------------------------
Note: The allowable stress values given in
2.3.2 A Zone 2 location is an area as defined B 31.4 Table 402.3.1(a) shall not be valid
in clause 2.3.1 above that contains more as the same shall stand modified for
than 5 dwelling units intended for human different values of design factor (F) given
occupancy, or is a facility that contains in Table 2.4 of this Standard.
20 or more persons during normal use.

2.3.3 Each dwelling unit in a multiple dwelling 2.4.2 B 31.4 clause 402.3.1(c) is replaced by
unit building shall be counted as a the following clause:
separate unit.
The allowable stress value S to be used 2.7 BENDS MADE FROM PIPE (406.2.1)
for design calculations in B 31.4 clause 404.1.2
for new or used (reclaimed) pipe of unknown or B 31.4 clauses 406.2.1 (b) and 406.2.1 (c)
ASTM A120 specification shall be established are cancelled and replaced by following:
in accordance with the following and limitation
in B 31.4 clause 405.2.1(c). The minimum radius of field cold bends
shall be as follows:
S = F X E X Minimum yield strength of the pipe _____________________________________
in psi(MPa)[24,000 psi(165MPa) or yield Nominal Pipe size Minimum Radius of Bend
strength determined in accordance with in in Pipe Diameter
B 31.4 clause 437.6.6 & 437.6.7]. _____________________________________
NPS 12 and smaller 21D
Where NPS 14 u/i 18 30D
NPS 20 and larger 40D
F = Design factor determined from Table 2.4 of _____________________________________
this standard.
2.8 MITERED BENDS (406.2.2)
E = Weld joint factor (See Table 402.4.3 of
B 31.4). A mitered bend is not permitted with the
exception of deflections upto 3 degrees that are
2.5 CORROSION (402.4.1) caused by misalignment.

The clause is modified as under: 2.9 VALVES (407)

A corrosion allowance on the design wall B31.4 clause 407.1 (b) is cancelled and
thickness need not be made unless internal or replaced by the following:
external corrosion is expected, nor is an
allowance required where a corrosive fluid is to Valves having shell (body, bonnet, cover
be transported or soil conditions are conducive and/or end flanges) components made of case
to corrosion, or both, provided the pipe and iron or ductile iron shall not be used.
components are protected against corrosion in
accordance with the requirements and 2.10 THREADED JOINTS (414)
procedures prescribed in Chapter VIII of B 31.4.
Following paragraph is added:
Where there is a possibility of internal
corrosion taking place, a corrosion allowance Threaded joints shall not be used in
should be made. Such corrosion allowance
shall provide that the increase in wall thickness a) HVP pipelines
is additional to the wall thickness requirement b) Buried Multiphase pipelines
for pressure. The allowance should be based c) Offshore pipelines
upon a specialist investigation of the corrosive
process involved and will also be influenced by 2.11 SLEEVE, COUPLED, AND OTHER
the required life of the pipeline. PATENTED JOINTS (418)

2.6 PRESSURE DESIGN OF COMPONENTS The following clause is added:

HVP Pipelines
Straight Pipe (404.1)
Sleeve, coupled and patented joints shall not
Following requirement is added to B 31.4 be used on HVP Pipelines.
clause 404.1.1:
2.12 PROPERTIES (419.6)
The least nominal wall thickness (tn) for
steel pipe, as indicated in B 31.4 clause 404.1.1 Stress Valves (419.6.4)
shall not be less than the dimensions indicated
in the specifications for line pipe approved by B Add the following para in B31.4 clause
31.4. Further, pipe having a D/tn ratio greater 419.6.4 (a) 'General'. Consideration shall be
than 150 shall not be used, where D = outside given to the use of lower allowable design
diameter of pipe. stresses if there is the likelihood of repeated
stress changes giving rise to fatigue conditions.
Following clauses are added:
Supports, Braces and Anchors (421.1)
3.2.1 Carbon Equivalent shall be calculated
2.13.1 Clause 421.1 (c) add as below: based on the formula given below:

Wherever non integral attachments, CE = C + Mn + Cr+Mo+V + Ni+Cu

such as pipe clamps and ring girders 6 5 15
are used, adequate precautions shall
be taken to prevent corrosion at or near 3.2.2 Additional test requirements shall be
the contact points. specified as per Appendix-B of Part-I of
this standard for steel pipes
2.13.2 Clause 421.1 (d) stands modified as manufactured by Electric Resistance
under: Welding and/or Electric Induction
If a pipeline is designed to operate at
stress level of more than 50% of the 3.3 MATERIALS FOR SOUR MULTIPHASE
specified minimum yield strength of the SERVICE (ADDITIONAL CLAUSE)
pipe, all connections welded to the pipe
shall be made to a separate cylindrical 3.3.1 Definition:
member which completely encircles the
pipe, and this encircling member shall NACE Standard MR-OI-75 'Sulfide Stress
be welded to the pipe by continuous Corrosion Cracking Resistant Metallic Materials
circumferential welds at both ends. for Oil Field Equipment defines limiting
concentrations on hydrogen sulphide in the fluid
3.0 MATERIALS (B31.4 - CHAPTER-III) transported' for it to be considered as sour
(423.2) Note: While past experience has indicated this
to be the accepted minimum
Following clauses are added to B 31.4 clause concentration at which sulphide stress
423.2.1 corrosion cracking may occur, the
presence of other constituents in the
Notch Toughness Requirements (Additional phases making up the multiphase fluid,
clause) such as carbon dioxide in the gas and
salt in the water or larger amounts of
3.1.1 For steel pipe and associated steel free water or gas, may cause problems
components in LVP pipeline systems of to occur at lower concentrations of
all sizes and in HVP pipeline systems hydrogen sulphide.
smaller than 2" NPS, no proven notch
toughness shall be mandatory. 3.3.2 General

3.1.2 For steel pipe and associated steel In addition to these applicable
components in HVP pipeline systems of requirements of B31.4 and this standard, all
2" NPS and larger, notch toughness materials used in sour multiphase service shall
properties shall be specified based on meet the following requirements.
the design operating stress and the
lowest expected operating temperature. Pipe, valve, fittings, flanges bolting and
other equipment exposed to or which
3.1.3The lowest expected operating are necessary to contain sour
temperature shall be taken lowest multiphase fluids may be susceptible
expected operating or metal temperature stress corrosion cracking and hydrogen
when the hoop stress exceeds 50 induced stepwise cracking and thus
MPa(7000psi), having due regard to past due consideration shall be given to
recorded temperature data, the minimum material selection in design.
fluid temperature that may occur, and the
effect of lower ambient temperatures in the Materials for sour multiphase service
area. shall conform to the requirements of
NACE Standard MR-01-75, 'Sulphide
Stress Corrosion Cracking Resistant 5.2 HANDLING, HAULING, STRINGING
Metallic Material for Oil Field AND STORING (434.4)
Equipment'. Depending upon the
service and the materials involved, the The following paragraph is added:
Sulphide Stress Corrosion Cracking Pipe shall not be strung along the right of
(SSCC) and Hydrogen Induced way in rocky areas where blasting may be
Cracking(HIC) tests should be required, until all blasting is complete and the
conducted as per NACE standards area cleared of all debris. Material other than
referred in Appendix A of this standard. line, pipe shall not be strung on the right of way
The acceptance criterias shall be based but shall be transported to site for use only at
on current established industry the time of installation.
5.3 DITCHING (434.6) Pressure containing components
(excluding pipe) intended for sour 5.3.1 Following is added to B 31.4 clause 434.6
multiphase service shall be fully (b)
identified with a permanent marking. The width of trench shall be such that a
minimum clear distance of 200mm for
3.3.3 Pipes made of cast iron, ductile iron, trench normal soil and 300mm for trench
bronze and other copper based in rock is maintained between edge of
materials shall not be used in sour pipe and the trench wall at the bottom of
multiphase service. trench.

4.0 DIMENSIONAL REQUIREMENTS 5.3.2 The following paragraph is added:

(B31.4 - CHAPTER-IV)
Pipelines shall be buried below ground
All provisions of B 31.4 Chapter IV shall apply. level, unless construction above ground is
found to be desirable for exceptional
5.0 CONSTRUCTION, WELDING technical, economic or topographical
AND ASSEMBLY (B31.4 – reasons.
CHAPTER-V) 5.3.3 Minimum cover for Buried Pipelines
[Table 434.6(a)]
5.1 LOCATION (434.3.1)
B 31.4 Table 434.6(a) stands cancelled and is
Following paragraph is added replaced by Table 5.3.3 given below.

The location of a new underground TABLE 5.3.3

pipeline, when running parallel to an existing Minimum Cover for Buried Pipelines
underground pipeline, should be at a minimum ____________________________________
clear distance of 5.0 meter from the existing Location Minimum Cover in meter
underground pipeline when heavy conventional ____________________________________
construction equipment is excepted to be Industrial, Commercial 1.0 (2)
utilized. This distance may be reduced after and Residential Areas
careful assessment of construction Stream, Canal and other minor 1.5 (3)
methodologies. Such that it does not result in water crossings
unsafe conditions during construction. In any Drainage ditches at roadways 1.0
case the minimum clear distance shall not be and railroads
less than 3.0 meter. These areas shall be Rocky Areas 1.0
distinctly identified on ground during Uncased/Cased Road 1.2 (1)
construction. Crossings
Railroad Crossings 1.4 (1)
No pipeline should be located within Other Areas 1.0
15.0 meter of any private dwelling or any ------------------------------------------------------------
industrial building or place of public assembly in
which persons work, congregate or assemble, 1. Cover shall be measured from the top of
unless it is provided with at least 300 mm of road or top of rail, as the case may be.
cover in addition to that provided in Table 5.3.3
of this standard.
2. Minimum cover for pipelines transporting
LPG and other HVP liquids shall be 1.2 Care must be taken that during laying,
meter of normal excavation in zone 2 the deformation caused during the raising of the
areas. pipe from the support does not exceed the
values for the minimum allowable radius of
3. In case of rivers/water bodie, which are elastic curvature, so as to keep the stresses in
prone to scour and erosion, adequately the steel pipe and on the coating within safe
safe cover (minimum 1.5 meter) shall be limits.
provided below the predicted scour profile
expected during the life time of the pipeline. In laying parallel pipelines in the same
trench, the minimum clear distances between
5.4 BENDS, MITERS AND ELBOWS the pipelines shall be 500mm.
Bends made from pipe (434.7.1)
5.6.1 Water crossings (434.13.1)
5.4.1 Clause 434.7.1 (d) is modified as
follows: The following is added:

The ends of each bent length shall be Special considerations shall be required
straight and not involved any way in the for submerged crossing by pipelines of rivers
bending. The length of the straight which are characterized by their perennial
section shall permit easy jointing. nature, meandering course, steep and
Tangents approximately 1 meter in potentially erodable banks, potentially scouring
length shall be provided on both ends of bed, large erodable flood plain and wide water
cold bends. A field bend shall not be course (high water mark to high water mark)
made within two pipe diameters of a field both during the design and installation of such
weld, which has already been made. crossings.

5.4.2 Pipes with longitudinal welds shall be For river crossing such as those described
bent in such a way that weld lies in the and established as above the following
plane passing through neutral axis of the additional requirements are to be considered.
bend which shall be installed positioning
the longitudinal weld in the upper a) Hydrological and geotechnical surveys to
quadrants. establish the river bed and water current
profiles to predict the behaviour of the
5.5 INSTALLATION OF PIPE IN THE river with respect to change of course,
DITCH (434.10) scour of bed and erosion of banks and to
obtain all other parameters related to
The following paragraphs are added: design and installation of such crossings.

Before lowering operations are b) The pipeline at such crossings shall be

commercial particular attention shall be paid to installed with extra depth of cover. The
the suitability of the trench to allow the pipeline cover provided shall be adequate to
to be lowered without the coating being prevent exposure of the pipeline for the
damaged and to give a reasonably even entire design life of the pipeline.
support to the pipeline.
c) To ensure the stability of the underwater
When already coated pipes are being pipeline. It may be necessary to add
lowered, a complete check of the pipe coating weight to sink and hold the pipeline in
and field joint coating shall be carried out and position.
all damages repaired.
d) A heavier wall thickness pipe shall be
Wherever pipeline is laid under tension provided for the river crossing section.
as a result of an assembly error(for example
incorrect positioning of bends, either horizontal e) A detailed stress analysis for the pipe
or vertical), the trench shall be rectified or in section for river crossings should be
exceptional cases a new assembly shall be carried out, taking into consideration the
carried out so that it fits the excavation and the effect of all loads during laying and it
laying bed. shall be ensured that the stresses remain
within permissible limits in accordance should always be given to lightning fault
with B 31.4. current protection of pipelines and
safety of personnel.
f) Whenever considered desirable, the
section of the pipeline corresponding to 5.6.3 All crossings shall be made in such a
the river crossing should before manner that the angle between the
installation be subjected to hydrostatic centerline of the railway, highway, river,
pre-testing. However, the complete stream, canal or utility being crossed
pipeline corresponding to river crossing and the centerline of the pipeline shall
shall be tested after installation. be as close as possible to 90 but in no
case less than 45.
5.6.2 Crossing of or by Utilities
(Additional Clause) 5.7 BLOCK AND ISOLATING VALVES
(434.15) A minimum clearance of 300mm shall
be maintained at the point of crossing Following requirements are added for HVP
and the utility or pipeline shall be pipelines:
installed at a uniform depth for the full
width of the right of way, provided that, 5.7.1 Requirements of Mainline valves for
where it is not practicable to obtain the piping systems transporting LPG as
above mentioned clearance special given in B 31.4 shall be fully applicable
design and construction shall be used. to all piping systems transporting HVP
liquids. A clearance sufficiently large to avoid
electrical fault current interference shall 5.7.2 Valves shall be installed outside cities,
be maintained between the pipeline and towns and villages at the transition from
the grounding facilities of electrical Zone 1 to Zone 2. In Zone 2 the
transmission lines. maximum spacing between valves shall
not exceed 12 K.M. Interference with, or from, other
systems through the application of 5.8 PUMP STATION, TANK FARM AND
cathodic protection shall be dealt with TERMINAL CONSTRUCTION (434.20)
by mutual action of the parties involved.
5.8.1 Location (434.20.2) When laid parallel to , along or near
underground power and/or The following paragraph is added:
communication cables, conductors or
conduit, underground pipes shall Minimum distances from property lines
maintain a horizontal clearance and road allowance limits to buildings and
between vertical planes through the equipment etc. shall meet the requirements of
adjacent external surfaces on the OISD Standard 118 "Layouts for Oil and Gas
pipelines and cables, conductors or Installations".
conduct, or structures of the
underground utility of at least 300 mm. 5.8.2 Pump Station, Tank Farm and
Where these clearances cannot be Terminal Piping (434.20.5)
maintained, extra precaution shall be
taken to ensure the maximum possible All HVP piping and components shall be
clearance and to prevent future designed to Zone 2 stress levels as defined in
contact. If pipelines and this standard.
communication and/or power utilities
share the same trench, the above 5.9 AND WORKING TANKAGE STORAGE
horizontal clearance shall be (434.21)
maintained with the pipeline preferably
at a lower level. Underground Storage (Additional Clause) A minimum separation of 3.0 metre Prior to design and construction of an

should be maintained between pipeline underground storage chamber, an engineering
and transmission tower, footings, and geological investigation shall be carried out
ground cables and counter poise. to determine the feasibility of such a system at
Regardless of separation, consideration the proposal site. Such chambers shall be
constructed and operated in accordance with and river crossings shall be retested alongwith
GPA Publication 8175, Method for Underground the completed mainline sections.
Storage of National Gas Liquids
A gauging pig shall be passed through
5.10 ASSEMBLY OF PIPING COMPONENTS the pipeline to prove the internal diameter of the
(435) entire line. The gauging plate shall have a
diameter of 95% of the internal diameter of the
Auxiliary Liquid/Petroleum or Liquid pipeline.
Anhydrous Ammonia Piping (435.5)
When water is used as the test medium,
The requirements covered in this clause inhibited water, i.e. water to which suitable
B31.4 shall be fully applicable to HVP pipelines doses of corrosion inhibitors are added
also. depending upon quality of water, shall be used.

6.0 INSPECTION AND TESTING 6.2.2 Test Pressure (437.4)

Hydrostatic Testing of Internal Pressure
Piping (437.4.1)
REQUIRED (436.5) Following amendment is made to B31.4
clause 437.4.1(a). The duration of hydrostatic
Construction [436.5.1 (b)] proof test shall be minimum 24 hours.
Following requirement is added for HVP
The following paragraphs are added: pipelines.
6.1.1 Field pipeline coating shall be applied For Zone 2 HVP pipelines, the minimum
on a properly prepared surface and pressure for hydrostatic proof test shall be 1.4
visually inspected during application. times the internal design pressure and the
Any cutting or removal of the coating minimum pressure for leak test shall be 1.1
shall be promptly and carefully times the internal design pressure.
6.2.3 Acceptance of Test (Additional
6.1.2 Yard-coated pipe shall be examined Clause)
after field bending to ensure that the
quality of the coating has not been The test is successful when the pipeline
impaired. has withstood the strength and leak tests and
during the test period there is no observable
6.1.3 Additional precautions such as double drop in pressure that cannot be accounted for
coating, rock shield, selected backfill, by temperature changes.
and ditch padding shall be taken where
conditions are such that damage to the 6.2.4 Termination of Testing (Additional
pipe coating could occur. Clause)
6.1.4 If moisture is present on the surface of
the pipe, no coating materials shall be The pipeline shall be slowly
applied. depressurized at a moderate and constant rate.
During dewatering, care shall be taken to
6.1.5 Unless special procedures can be properly dispose the discharging water in order
taken, no coating shall be applied when to avoid pollution, damages to fields under
the ambient temperature might have a cultivation and/or existing structures and
detrimental effect on the coating either interference with the traffic.
during or after application.
6.2.5 Pre- tested Pipe (Additional Clause)
6.2 TESTING (437)
Pipe used for making repairs shall be
6.2.1 General (437.1) pre-tested to a pressure equal to or greater
than the original pipeline strength test pressure.
The following paragraphs are added:
6.2.6 Preservation of Pipeline (Additional
All sections which have been previously Clause)
hydrostatically tested viz. road/rail crossings

If the pipeline is to be preserved for a 8.0 CORROSION CONTROL (B31.4-
specified duration before it can be CHAPTER-VIII)
commissioned, the pipeline shall be completely
filled with water with sufficient quantities of 8.1 PROTECTIVE COATING (461.1.2)
corrosion inhibitors depending upon the quality
of water and the period of preservation and at a a) The following is added to clause 461.1.2 (a)
suitable pressure. of B 31.4:
6.3 COMMISSIONING ADDITONAL Coatings shall electrically isolate the
CLAUSE) external surface of the piping system from
the environment.
6.3.1 Commissioning shall consist of
displacing the hydrostatic test water b) The following paragraph is added:
from the pipeline by pumping in the
liquid to be transported. Batching pigs All joints, fittings, repairs and tie-ins
or spheres shall be used not only to shall be coated with a material compatible
minimize mixing at the interface but also with the existing coating.
to enable the progress of the interface to
6.3.2 In cases where the water has to be
cleared from the pipeline before The following paragraphs are added:
commissioning because of possible
chemical or physical action between the a) Existing Bare Pipelines Systems
water and the liquid to be transported,
the pipeline shall be first drained and Investigation shall be made to determine
then dried as thoroughly as possible. the extent or effect, of corrosion on existing
After drying, the pipeline shall be filled bare pipeline systems. When these
with the liquid. Care shall be taken to investigations indicate that continuing
clear pockets of water from valves and corrosion will create a hazard, corrosion
fittings. control measures or other remedial action
shall be undertaken.
6.4 RECORD (437.7)
b) Cathodically Protected Pipeline
The following is added as an additional Systems Temporarily Out of service.
Cathodic Protection system shall be
Pipe Book maintained on any pipeline that is
temporarily out of service.
A pipe and welding book shall be
maintained for all projects. The purpose of the 8.3 ELECTRICAL ISOLATION (461.1.4)
pipe book shall be to indicate and maintain as a
permanent record the exact position in the The following is added to clause 461.1.4 (b) of
pipeline of each pipe length and each pipeline B 31.4
material like valves, scraper traps, bends,
flanges, and other fittings installed in the Whereas such insulating devices are
project. Each item shall be recorded by its installed, they shall be properly rated for
identification number. Location of each weld temperature, pressure, electrical
including weld number, welder number, type of properties, and shall be resistant to the
welding and electrode, weld treatment and commodity carried in the pipeline
details of equipment used for radiography shall systems.
be recorded in the pipe book.
VII) When considered necessary a temporary
cathodic protection system with sacrificial
All provisions of B 31.4-Chapter-VII shall apply. anodes shall be installed to ensure adequate
protection of pipeline from external corrosion
from the time the pipeline is laid in the trench till
the permanent cathodic protection system is BSI British Standards Institution
commissioned. 2, Park Street,
London : WIA 2BS
The temporary C.P system shall Telephone : 01-6299000
preferably be installed simultaneously keeping Telex : 266933
pace with the pipeline laying/installation work
and shall be monitored periodically. AWWA American Water Works Association
6666 West Quincy Avenue,
ANSI B31.4 APPENDIX-A Denver, Colorado 80235

The following is added to B31.4 Appendix-A APPENDIX - B (ADDED APPENDIX)

List of numbers and subjects of those ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR

standards and specifications, which do not ELECTRIC RESISTANCE/ELECTRIC
appear in the text of B 31.4, but may be of INDUCTION WELDED LINE PIPE
informational benefit.
B.1 Reverse Bend Tests
Reverse bend tests shall be performed
30670 Polyethylene Sheathing of Steel on the pipe piece cut from the crop end from
Tubes and of Steel Shapes and the front end of the first length and the back
Fittings. end of the last length produced from each coil.
The specimen shall be 100mm to 115mm long
30672 Corrosion Protection Tapes and Heat and shall be reverse bend tested in accordance
Shrinkable Sleeves- Coatings made with procedure given below and Figure B.1.
from Corrosion Protection Tapes and
Heat Shrinkable Sleeves for
Underground Pipelines.

C203-86 Standard for Coal-Tar Protective

Coatings and Linings for Steel Water
Pipelines-Enamel and Tap-Hot

BS 4146 Specifications for Coal-Tar Based Hot

1987 Applied Coating Materials for protecting
iron and Steel, including suitable
Primers where required.

TM-01-77 Testing of Metals for Resistance to

Sulphide Stress Cracking at Ambient
a) Selection of Mandrel
TM-02-84 Testing of Metals for Resistance to
Stepwise Cracking. The reverse bend test shall be carried out
with a mandrel, who radius(R), width(A) shall be
Name and address of the organisation calculated for any combination of diameter, wall
whose standards and specifications appear thickness and grade with the formula.
A = 2R = 1.4 (D-t) t
DIN: Deutsches Institute for Normung ------------- -t
Obtainable from: e(D-2t)-1.4t
Foreign Standards Distribution
Beuth Verlag GmbH where, D - Outside diameter of pipe
Burggrafen Strasse 4-10 t- Wall thickness of pipe
D-1000 BERLIN 30 1.4 - Peaking factor
e- Strain
specimen, or which reveals cracks and ruptures
Minimum values of 'e' shall be as follows: in the weld or heat affected zone longer than
Grade of Steel Min 'e' value 4mm, shall be rejected. Cracks less than 6mm
------------------------------------------------------------- long at the edges of the specimen shall not be
ASTM A53 B 0.1425 cause for rejection.
ASTM A 135 B 0.1425
API 5L B 0.1425 B.2 Micrographic and Hardness
API 5L X-42 0.1375 Examination
API 5L X-46 0.1325
API 5L X-52 0.1275 A test specimen shall be taken across
------------------------------------------------------------- the longitudinal weld from one length of finished
pipe from each lot of maximum 50 lengths from
b) Procedure the same heat manufactured from the same
The mandrel is to be plugged into the
specimen, with the weld in contact with These specimens shall be polished and
mandrel, to such a depth that the angle of etched for micro-examinations. The
engagement between mandrel and specimen examinations shall provide evidence that heat
reaches 600 (see Fig. B1). If the combination of treatment of weld zone is adequate and there is
diameter and wall thickness of pipe, and radius no untempered martensite left.
of mandrel is such that the angle of
engagement does not reach 60, the mandrel The Manufacturer shall make hardness
shall be plugged into the specimen until measurements on each specimen as indicated
opposite walls of the specimen meet. in Fig. B.2 in accordance with ASTM E-32.
The maximum difference in hardness between
c) Acceptance Criteria base material and any reading taken in the heat
affected zone shall be less than 80 points
A specimen which fractures completely prior Vicker's HV10.
to the specified engagement of mandrel and

9.0 SCOPE, GENERAL components, the corrosion protection
PROVISIONS AND system and weight coating'
General Terms (803.1)
The minimum requirements for the
design, fabrication, installation, inspection, The following definition is added:
testing and safety aspects of operation and
maintenance of gas transmission and On shore-Areas not covered by 'Offshore' as
distribution systems including gas pipelines, defined in B 31.8 clause 803.17 is defined as
gas compressor stations, gas metering and 'Onshore'. The definition of 'Offshore' as per
regulation stations, gas mains and service B 31.8 is reproduced hereunder for easy
lines upto the outlet of the customer's meter reference:
set assembly shall be governed by American
National Standard Code for Pressure Piping 'Offshore-Areas beyond the line of ordinary
ANSI/ASME B 31.8-1986 Edition "Gas high water, along that portion of the coast that
Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems" is in direct contact with the open seas and
with the following additions, exceptions and beyond the line marking the seaward limit of
modifications. All requirements contained in inland coastal waters.'
the Code ANSI/ ASME B 31.8 shall be fully
valid unless cancelled, replaced or amended in 10.0 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT
this standard. Only those clauses of Code
ANSI/ ASME B31.8 which was cancelled,
(B 31.8 CHAPTER-I)
replaced or amended are referred herein.
Clause numbers of Code ANSI/ ASME B 31.8 10.1 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT (810):
are included in the parenthesis. Whenever
any reference is made to the ANSI/ASME B Following is added to Clause 810.1
31.8's undermentioned clauses in Code B 31.8
or in any other code incorporated into ANSI/ When the maximum design temperature
ASME B 31.8 by reference, the exceeds 120 deg.C (250 deg. F), particular
undermentioned clauses of this standard shall attention shall be given to the tensile
be referred. properties of the material to ensure that the
derating for temperature specified by Clause
For convenience, "ANSI/ ASME Code B 31.8" 841.11 of B31.8 is adequate.
hereinafter is referred as 'B 31.8'.
10.2 Operating Conditions, Temperature
NOTE : For the design, material, construction, and Notch Toughness
assembly, inspection, testing and Requirements (Additional Clause):
safety aspects of operation
maintenance of 'Submarine Pipeline 10.2.1 For steel pipes smaller than 2" NPS
System' the 'Rules For Submarine and steel valves, fittings and flanges
Pipeline Systems' Det Norske Ventas smaller than 2" NPS, proven notch
(DNV) 1981 shall be followed as toughness properties are not
guideline standard together with mandatory.
established industry practice. A
'Submarine Pipeline System' by 10.2.2 For steel pipes and associated steel
definition (Ref. DNV) means 'an components of size 2" NPS and
interconnected system of submarine larger, Notch toughness valves shall
pipelines, pipeline risers, their be determined to provide protection
supports, all integrated piping against fracture initiation and
propagation. Notch toughness valves
(minimum absorbed energy valves)
shall be specified based on the design for Oil Field Equipment" defines specific
operating stress and the minimum conditions, which a gaseous hydrocarbon shall
design temperature. be considered to be sour.

10.2.3 The minimum and maximum design Note: While the limiting conditions defined in
temperatures shall be determined as NACE standard MR-01-75 for
follows: considering gaseous hydrocarbons as
sour is the normally accepted minimum
a) The minimum design temperature shall be concentration of hydrogen sulphide at
taken as the lowest expected operating which material problems occur, the
pipe or metal temperature when the hoop presence of other constituents in the
stress exceeds 50 MPa (7000 psi), having gas stream, such as CO 2 and Salts in
due regard to past recorded temperature water, may cause problems at occur at
data and the minimum gas temperature lower concentrations of hydrogen
that may occur. The minimum design sulphide.
temperature shall take into account the
effect of lower air or ground temperatures 10.4.2 General
in the area.
In addition to the applicable requirements of
b) The maximum design temperature shall B 31.8 and this standard, all materials used in
be taken as the highest expected sour gas service shall also meet the following
operating pipe or metal temperature, requirements.
having due regard to past recorded
temperature data and the possibilities of Pipe, valves, fittings, flanges, bolting
higher temperatures occurring. and other equipment exposed to or
which are necessary to contain sour
10.3 MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS (813) gas may be susceptible to Sulphide
Stress corrosion cracking and
Following is added to B 31.8 clause 813.2 hydrogen induced step-wise cracking
and thus due consideration shall be
10.3.1 Carbon Equivalent given to material selection in design.

Carbon Equivalent shall be calculated based All materials used in sour gas service
on the formula given below: shall conform to the material
requirements of NACE standard MR-
CE = C + Mn + Cr+Mo+V + Ni+Cu 01-75, "Sulphide Stress Corrosion
6 5 15 Cracking Resistant Metallic Material
10.3.2 If steel pipe is intended to be heated for Oil Field Equipment". Depending
during fabrication and/or installation, upon the service and the materials
the effect of the time-temperature involved, the Sulphide Stress
relationship on the mechanical Corrosion Cracking (SSCC) and
properties of the pipe shall be Hydrogen Induced Cracking (HIC)
determined and taken into tests should be conducted as per
consideration. NACE standards referred in
Appendix-C of this standard. The
10.3.3 Additional test requirements shall be acceptance criteria shall be based on
specified as per Appendix B of part I current established industry
of this standard for steel pipes practices.
manufactured by Electric Resistance
Welding and/or Electric Induction Pressure containing components
Welding. (excluding pipes) intended for sour
gas service shall be fully identified
with a permanent marking.
SERVICE (ADDITIONAL CLAUSE) Cast iron line pipe shall not be used
to convey sour gas.
10.4.1 Definition:

NACE standard MR-01-75 "Sulphide Stress 11.0 WELDING (B 31.8-CHAPTER-II)

Corrosion Cracking Resistant Metallic Material
Carbon equivalent (CE) wherever referred in significant temperature changes are
this chapter, shall be calculated based on the expected. Thermal expansion of
following formula: buried lines may cause movement
at points where the line terminates,
CE = C + Mn + Cr+Mo+V + Ni+Cu changes in direction, or changes in
6 5 15 size. Unless such movements are
restrained by suitable anchors, the
12.0 PIPING SYSTEM COMPONENTS necessary flexibility shall be
(B31.8 CHAPTER-III) Means of providing Flexibility
REDUCING DEVICES (831.1) If expansion is not absorbed by
direct axial compression of the pipe,
B 31.8 Clause 831.11(b) and(c) are cancelled flexibility shall be provided by the
and replaced by the following: use of bends, loops, or offsets or
provision shall be made to absorb
Valves having shell (body, bonnet, cover thermal strains by expansion joints
and/or end flanges) components made of cast or couplings of the slip joint, ball
iron or ductile iron shall not be used in gas joint, or bellows type. If expansion
piping systems. joints are used, anchors or ties of
sufficient strength and rigidity shall
Note:- Manufacturing standards for cast iron be installed to provide for end forces
valves viz. MSS-SP-70, MSS-SP-71 due to fluid pressure and other
and MSS-SP-78 referred in B 31.8 causes.
clause 833.11 (a) stand cancelled.

12.2.1 B 31.8 Clause 832.1 stands cancelled B 31.4 clauses 833.1, 833.2, 833.3, and
and is replaced by the following: 833.4 stand cancelled and are replaced by the
"This section is applicable to both above
ground and buried piping and covers all 12.3.1 General
classes of materials permitted by this
standard. Formal calculations shall be In addition to satisfying the requirements of
required where reasonable doubt exists as to clause 841 of B 31.4, it may be necessary to
the adequate flexibility of the piping". calculate the longitudinal, axial, and bending
stresses, the torsional stresses, the hoop
Note : For the purpose of this standard, stresses, the stress interactions and the
'unrestrained' means that the pipe is reactions at significant points in the system.
able to strain along its length, move In calculating these stresses and reactions
laterally, or both. Pipe that does not and the effects of various loadings on the
meet both of the above requirements piping the designer shall use established
is referred to as 'restrained'. Typically, fundamental analysis methods.
long straight lengths of buried pipe
and above ground pipe on closely 12.3.2 Loading Considerations
spaced rigid supports are classified as
restrained, whereas buried pipelines Consideration shall be given to the
adjacent to bends or unanchored end stresses and reactions caused by,
caps could be regarded as restrained but not necessarily limited to the
or unrestrained, depending on specific following loadings.
(a) Internal pressure;
12.2.2 Following clauses are added to B 31.8
Section 832 "EXPANSION AND (b) Thermal expansion and contraction;
(c) Differential support movements; Expansion calculations are
necessary for buried lines if (d) Self-weight and gravity dead loads;
SL = The longitudinal compressive stress,
(e) Static wind loads and static fluid loads. ] psi(MPa) In addition to the requirements of Sh = Hoop stress due to internal fluid pressure,
Clause above, consideration psi (MPa)
shall be given, where applicable, to
the service conditions to which the T1 = Temperature at time of installation
pipe and support system are to be degrees F(degrees C)
subjected. Consideration shall also
be given to, but not necessarily T2 = Maximum or minimum operating
limited to the effects of the following temperature degrees F(degrees C)
additional loadings:
E = Modulus of Elasticity of steel, psi (MPa)
(a) Overburden loads;
a = Linear coefficient of thermal expansion,
(b) Live loads; inch per inch per degree F (mm per
mm per degree C)
(c) Buoyancy;
v = Poisson's ratio = 0.30 for steel
(d) Dynamic and seismic loads;
Note that the net longitudinal stress becomes
(e) Cyclic and vibratory loads including the compressive for moderate increases of T2 and
effect of Stress Intensification. Factors on that according to the commonly used
the fatigue life of components); maximum shear theory of failure, this
compressive stress adds directly to the hoop
(f) Internal pressure fluctuations; stress to increase the equivalent tensile stress
available to cause yielding. This equivalent
(g) External hydrostatic pressure (including tensile stress shall not be allowed to exceed
collapse, wave loadings and all significant 90 per cent of the specified minimum yield
fluid loads to which a submerged line strength of the pipe, calculated for nominal
might be submitted); pipe wall thickness. Beam bending stresses
shall be included in the longitudinal stress for
(h) Geotechnical loads (including slides, those portions of the restrained line which are
differential settlement, loss of support, supposed above ground.
and thermal effect of the pipeline on soil
properties). Unrestrained Lines:

12.3.3 Stress Values Stresses due to expansion for those portions

on the piping without substantial axial restrain General: shall be combined in accordance with the
following equation:
There are fundamental differences in loading
conditions for the buried, or similarly restrained SE = Sq. Root of (Sb2 + St2 )
positions of the piping and the above ground
portions not subject to substantial axial Where,
restraint. Therefore, different limits on
allowable longitudinal expansion stresses are SE = Stress due to expansion.
Sb = Sq. Root of{ ( i1 M1)2 + ( i0 M0)2}/Z Restrained Lines:
= equivalent bending stress, psi (MPa)
The net longitudinal compressive stress due
to the combined effects of temperature rise St = Mt/2Z = torsional stress, psi(MPa)
and fluid pressure shall be computed from the
equation: M1 = Bending moment in plane of member (for
SL = Ea (T2-T1) - v Sh members having significant orientation,
such as elbows or tees, for the latter
in which, the moments in the header and branch
portions are to be considered
separately) in.lb. (N.m)
M0 = bending moment out of, or transverse,to EXPOSED PIPING (834)
plane of member, in lb. (N.m)
Attachment of supports on Anchors (834.5)
Mt = torsional moment, in lb. (N.m)
The following sentence is added to B 31.8
ii = stress intensification factor under clause 834.5 (b)
bending in plane of member (B 31.8
Appendix E) Due consideration shall be given to the
effect of such attachments on possible fatigue
io = stress intensification factor under failures and local stress concentrations.
belonging out of, or transverse to,
plane of member (B 31.8 Appendix E) 12.5 PRE-OPERATIONAL STRESSES
Z = section modulus of pipe, inch3(mm3)
It is desirable to limit stresses during pre-
The maximum computed expansion stress operational manipulation of the pipe so as to
range, SE without regard for fluid pressure avoid damage that might impair the operability
stress, based on 100 per cent of the of the line. The designer shall ensure that pre-
expansion, with modulus of elasticity for the operational stresses are controlled and that
cold condition, shall not exceed 0.72 times the they are non-injurious to the pipe.
specified minimum yield strength of the pipe. Consideration shall be given to, but not
restricted to, the effect of the following pre-
The total of the following shall not exceed operational loads:
the specified minimum yield strength, S.
a) Transportation and stockpiling of the pipe;
a) the combined stress due to expansion, SE.
b) Stringing, coating and wrapping, and
b) the longitudinal pressure stress. laying.;

c) the longitudinal bending stress due to c) Backfilling;

external loads, such as weight of pipe and
contents, wind etc. d) Loads imparted by construction traffic;

The sum of the longitudinal stresses due to e) Field bending;

pressure, weight, and other sustained external
loadings shall not exceed 0.75 time the f) hydrostatic test pressure loads
allowable stress in the hot condition (ref. B (particularly when the pipeline is
31.8 clause 841.11, (SXFXT) constructed as an above grade installation
or is buried in unstable soils).
The sum of the longitudinal stresses produced
by pressure, live and dead loads, and those 13.0 DESIGN, INSTALLATION AND
produced by occasional loads, such as wind or TESTING (B 31.8 CHAPTER-IV)
earthquake, shall not exceed 80 per cent of
the specified minimum yield strength of the 13.1 GENERAL PROVISIONS (840.1)
pipe. It is not necessary to consider wind and
earthquake as occurring concurrently. The following clause is added to B 31.8 clause
840.1 (a):
Stresses due to test conditions are not subject
to the above limitations. It is not necessary to The selection of design for pipeline system
consider other occasional loads, such as wind shall be based on the following evaluation of
and earthquake, as occurring concurrently with the properties and required flow rate of the
the live, dead and test loads existing at the fluid to be transported, together with the
time of test. environment in which the pipeline is to be
12.3.4 Following correction is made in B 31.8
clause 833.5 a) Sweet or sour natural gas, single or
multiphase flow conditions, vapour phase
R' = CsR when Cs is between 0.6 to 1.0 LPG.

b) Operating pressures and temperatures. Drainage ditch, Canal, Nala, 1.5
small, rivers and other minor
c) Gathering system, transmission system, water crossings
distribution system, or service lines;
Drainage ditches at roadways 1.0
d) Onshore or offshore pipeline. & railroads

13.2 POPULATION DENSITY INDEX Rocky areas 1.0 (2)

(840.2) Uncased/Cased road crossings 1.2 (3)
Railroad crossings 1.4 (3)
The following is added to B 31.8 Clause Other areas 1.0 (2)
840.2 (b) (4) Class 4 Locations.
(1) The above mentioned minimum cover
A Class 4 location ends 220 metre from the requirements shall be valid for all class
nearest building with 4 or more stories above locations.
(2) Minimum depth of cover shall be
13.3 STEEL PIPE DESIGN FORMULA measured from the top of pipe coating to
(841.11) the top of undisturbed surface of the soil,
or top of graded working strip, whichever
The following is added to B 31.8 clause is lower. Fill material in working strip shall
841.11: not be considered to add to the depth of
Corrosion Allowance:
(3) Cover shall be measured from the top of
A corrosion allowance on the design wall road or top of rail, as the case may be.
thickness need not be made unless internal or
external corrosion is expected, nor is an (4) In case of rivers/water bodies, which are
allowance required where a corrosive fluid is prone to scour and erosion, adequate safe
to be transported or soil conditions are cover (minimum 1.5 metre) shall be
conducive to corrosion, or both provided the provided below the predicted scour profile
pipe and components are protected against expected during the life time of the
corrosion in accordance with the requirements pipeline.
and procedures prescribed in Chapter VI of B
Where there is a possibility of internal OR MAINS AND OTHER
corrosion taking place, a corrosion allowance UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES
should be made. Such corrosion allowance (841.143)
shall provide that the increase in wall
thickness is additional to the wall thickness Following clauses are added to B 31.8 clause
requirement for pressure. The allowance 841.143
should be based upon a specialist
investigation of the corrosive process involved 13.5.1 In laying parallel pipelines in the same
and will also be influenced by the required life trench, the minimum clear distances
in the pipeline. between the pipelines shall be
PIPELINES (841.142) 13.5.2 The location of a new underground
pipeline, when running parallel to an
Table for cover requirement for pipeline in B existing underground pipeline should
31.8 Clause 841.142 stands cancelled and is be at a minimum clear distance of 5.0
replaced by the following: metre from the existing underground
------------------------------------------------------------- pipeline when heavy conventional
Location Minimum cover in construction equipment is expected to
meter be utilized. This distance may be
------------------------------------------------------------- reduced after a careful assessment of
Industrial, Commercial and 1.0 (2) construction methodologies, which do
Residential Areas not result in unsafe conditions during
construction. In any case the
minimum clear distance shall not be 13.8.2 Following clauses are added to B
less than 3.0 meter. These areas 31.8 clause 841.231.
shall be distinctly identified on ground
during construction. The ends of each bent length shall
be straight and not involved anyway
No pipeline should be located within in the bending. The length of the
15.0 metre of any private dwelling, or straight section shall permit easy
any industrial building or a place of jointing. Tangents approximately 1
public assembly in which persons metre in length shall be provided on
work, congregate or assemble, unless both ends of cold bends. A field
it is provided with atleast 300 mm of bend shall not be made within two
cover in addition to that provided in pipe diameters of a field weld, which
clause 13.4 of this standard. has already been made. Tangent
lengths should not be reduced in the
OR STREETS (841.144) Pipes with longitudinal welds shall be
bent in such a way lies in the plane
Following is added to B 31.8 Clause 841.144: passing through neutral axis of the
bend which shall be installed
Pipeline, casing pipe and vent pipes positioning the longitudinal weld in
shall be at least 1.2 metre away (vertically) the upper quadrants.
from aerial electrical wires and shall be
suitably insulated from underground conduits 13.8.3 B 31.8 Clause 841.232 is cancelled
carrying electric wires on railway land. and replaced by the following:

13.7 FOLLOWING IS ADDED TO B 31.8 A mitered bend is not permitted with

CLAUSE 841.15: the exception of deflections upto 3
degrees that are caused by
Design and construction of gas pipelines misalignment.
crossing Railroads, Highways, Roads or
Streets shall be done in accordance with the 13.8.4 The following sentence is added to B
provisions of "Recommended Practice for 31.8 Clause 841.233.
Liquid Petroleum Pipelines Crossing Railroads
and Highways" API RP 1102 and applicable Field-cut segments of elbows NPS 12"
clauses of B31.8 and this standard. and larger are not recommended.


13.8.1 B 31.8 Clause 841.231 (b) and
841.231(c) are canceled and replaced by the 13.9.1 Handling, Hauling, and Stringing
following : (841.251)

The minimum radius of field cold bends shall The following paragraph is added:
be as follows:
Pipe shall not be strung on the Right-of-Way
in rocky areas where blasting may be required,
until all blasting is complete and the area
_____________________________________ cleared of all debris. Material other than line
Normal Pipe Size Minimum Radius of pipe shall not be strung on the Right-of-way
in Bending in Pipe but shall be transported to site for use only at
Diameters the time of installation.
NPS 12 and smaller 21 D
NPS 14 u/i 18 30 D 13.9.2 Installation of Pipe in the Ditch
NPS 20 and larger 40 D (841.252)
The following paragraphs are added:
change of course, scour of bed and
Pipelines shall be buried below ground erosion of banks and to obtain all
level, unless construction above ground is other parameters related to design
found to be desirable for exceptional technical, and installation of such crossings.
economic or topographical reasons.
(b) The pipeline at such crossings shall
Before lowering operations are commenced, be installed with extra depth of cover.
particular attention shall be paid to the The cover provided shall be adequate
suitability of the trench to allow the pipeline to to prevent exposure of the pipeline for
be lowered without the coating being damaged the entire design life of the pipeline.
and to give a reasonably even support to the
pipeline. (c) To ensure the stability of the
underwater pipeline, it may be
When already coated pipes are being necessary to add weight to sink and
lowered, a complete check of the pipe coating hold the pipeline in position.
and field joint coating shall be carried out and
all damages repaired. (d) A heavier wall thickness pipe shall be
provided for a river crossing section.
Wherever pipeline is laid under tension as a
result of an assembly error (for example, (e) A detailed stress analysis for the pipe
incorrect positioning of bends, either horizontal section for river crossings should be
or vertical), the trench shall be rectified or in necessary taking into consideration
exceptional cases a new assembly shall be the effect of all loads during laying and
carried out so that it fits the excavation and it shall be ensured that the stresses
the laying bed. remain within permissible limits in
accordance with B 31.8 and this
Care must be taken that the deformation standard.
caused during the raising of the pipe from the
supports does not exceed the valves for the (f) Whenever considered desirable, the
minimum allowable radius of elastic curvature, section of the pipeline corresponding
so as to keep the stresses on the steel pipe to the river crossing should, before
and on the coating within safe limits. installation, be subjected to
hydrostatic pretesting. However, the
The width of trench shall be such that a complete pipeline corresponding to
minimum clear distance of 200mm for trench river crossing shall be tested after
in normal soil and 300mm for trench in rock is installation.
maintained between edge of pipe and the
trench wall at the bottom of trench. 13.11 CROSSING OF OR BY UTILITIES
CLAUSE) 13.11.1 A minimum clearance of 300mm shall
be maintained at the point of crossing
Special considerations shall be required for and the utility or pipeline shall be
submerged crossing by pipelines of rivers installed at a uniform depth for the full
which are characterized by their perennial width of the right-of-way, provided
nature, meandering course, steep and that, where it is not practicable to
potentially erodable banks, potentially scouring obtain the above mentioned
bed, large erodable flood plain and wide water clearance, special design and
course (high water mark to high water mark) construction shall be used.
both during the design and installation of such 13.11.2 A clearance sufficiently large to avoid
crossings: electrical fault current interference
shall be maintained between the
For river crossings such as those described pipeline and the grounding facilities of
and established as above, the following electrical transmission lines.
requirements are to be considered:
13.11.3 Interference with, or from, other
(a) Hydrological and geotechnical surveys systems through the application of
to establish the river bed and water Cathodic Protection shall be dealt with
current profiles, to predict the by mutual action of the parties
behaviour of the river with respect to involved.
sections and for those sections where
13.11.4 When laid parallel to along or near in-place testing is not practicable.
underground power and/or
communication cables, conductors, or 13.12.2 Test Required to Prove Strength of
conduit, underground pipes shall, Pipelines and Mains to Operate at
maintain a horizontal clearance Hoop Stresses of 30% or More of the
between vertical planes through the Specified Minimum Yield Strength of
adjacent external surfaces of the the Pipe (841.32)
pipelines and cables, conductors, or
conduit, or structures, of the The following paragraphs are added
underground utility, of at least 300mm. to B 31.8 Clause 841.321
Where these clearances cannot be
maintained, extra precaution shall be All test assemblies used in testing shall be
taken to ensure the maximum possible fabricated and installed in accordance with
clearance and to prevent future provisions of B 31.8 covering permanent
contact. If pipelines and assemblies and fabrications.
communication and/or power utilities
share the same trench the above For all buried and submerged piping, the test
horizontal clearance shall be pressure shall be maintained for a period of 24
maintained with the pipeline preferably hours after temperature stabilization and
at a lower level. stabilization of surges from pressurizing
operations. The test pressure for above
13.11.5 A minimum separation of 3.0 metre ground piping and offshore platform piping
should be maintained between shall be maintained for a minimum period of 4
pipeline and transmission tower hours, during which time the piping shall be
footings, ground cables and counter inspected for leaks.
poise. Regardless of separation
consideration should always be given All sections, which have been previously
to lightning fault current protection of hydrostatically tested viz. road/rail crossings
pipelines and safety of personnel. and river crossings, shall be retested along
with the completed mainline sections.
13.11 6 All crossings shall be made in such a
manner that the angle between the A guaging pig shall be passed through the
centerline of the railway, highway, pipeline to prove the internal diameter of the
river, stream, canal or utility being entire line, the guaging plate having a
crossed and the centreline of the diameter of 95% of the internal diameter of the
pipeline shall be as close as possible pipeline.
to 90 deg. but in no case less than 45
deg. When water is used as the test medium,
inhibited water, i.e. water to which suitable
13.12 TESTING AFTER CONSTRUCTION doses of corrosion inhibitors are added
(841.3) depending upon quality of water, shall be
13.12.1 General Provisions (841.31) B 31.8 Clause 841.322 (a) and
B 31.8 Clause 841.31 stands modified as 814.322 (b) stand cancelled and
follows: are replaced by the following:

a) All Pipelines, mains, and service lines Pipelines and mains located in class 1 and
shall be tested in place after class 2 location shall be tested with air, gas or
construction, except as provided for in water to at least 1.25 times the maximum
(b) below. operating pressure. Testing, wherever
practicable, shall be by means of water rather
b) Tie-ins than a gaseous medium. Where a gaseous
medium is used, the test pressure shall not
For pipelines intended to operate at exceed 1.25 times the maximum operating
hoop stresses of 30% or more of the pressure. Sour gas shall not be used as a test
specified minimum yield strength medium.
pretested pipe shall be used in tie-in

28 Following is added to B 31.8 clause piping components shall be pretested to
841.322 (c): atleast 1.4 times the maximum operating
pressure, provided that all final welds are
Compressor station, regulator station and inspected in accordance with the provisions of
measuring station gas piping, including the B 31.8 and all such piping is retested with the
piping connecting the station to valving main offshore pipeline to class 1 location test
employed for isolating the station from the requirements.
pipeline and designed in accordance with
Type-C construction (Design factor = 0.5) shall B 31.8 Table 841.322 (e) 'Test
be tested to atleast class 3 location test Requirements for Pipelines and
requirements. Mains to Operate at Hoop
Stresses of 30% or More of the Following is added to B 31.8 clause Specified Minimum Yield
841.322 (d): Strength of the Pipe' stands
cancelled and is replaced by Table
Where testing of offshore platform gas piping of this standard.
and pipe riser cannot be accomplished
separately from the main offshore pipeline, the

raised to design pressure without retesting the

GENERAL NOTES: line to the test pressure prescribed in the
Pressure Test Prescribed. Maximum,
mop = Maximum operating pressure (not column. See B 31.8 clause 805.214, 845.213
necessarily the maximum allowable and 845.214.
operating pressure)
dp = design pressure
tp = test pressure NOTE:

(1) For exceptions, see B 31.8 clause

This table brings out the relationship between 841.322 (d)
test pressures and maximum allowable
operating pressures subsequent to the test. If (2) For definition of terms S, D, t, E and see B
an operating company decides that the 31.8 clause 841.11 (a).
maximum operating pressure will be less than
the design pressure, a corresponding B 31.8 Clause 841.323 (c) is
reduction in prescribed test pressure may be cancelled and is replaced by the
made as indicated in the pressure Test following:
Prescribed, Minimum, column. However, if
this reduced test pressure is used, the In such cases an air test to 1.25 times the
Maximum operating pressure cannot later be maximum operating pressure shall be made
and the limitations on operating pressure
imposed by Table of this standard Pipe used for making repairs shall be pre-
do not apply. tested to a pressure equal to or greater than
the original pipeline strength test pressure. Records (841.327)
13.12.5 Preservation of Pipeline (Additional
B 31.8 Clause 841.327 is cancelled and is Clause)
replaced by the following:
If the pipeline is to be preserved for a
The operating company shall maintain in its specified duration before it can be
file for the useful life of each pipeline and commissioned, the pipeline shall be
main, records showing the procedures used completely filled with water with sufficient
and the data developed in establishing its quantities of corrosion inhibitors, depending
maximum allowable operating pressure. upon the quality of water and the period of
preservation, or with a non-flammable, non-
The record shall contain at least the toxic gas and at a suitable pressure.
following information:
(a) Time and data of Test; PRESSURE (845)

(b) Pipe Specifications of sections under test; Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure for
Steel or Plastic Pipelines or Mains (845.213)
(c) Elevation profile and the location of the Consistent with Table of this
test section and testing points, if standard the following exception is made to B
applicable; 31.8 Clause 845.213(b):

(d) Testing medium used; For determination of maximum allowable

operating pressure (for steel lines) based on
(e) Test pressure at lowest elevation; test pressure column no. 5 of Table
of this standard shall be referred to.
(f) Test duration;
13.14 VALVES(846)
(g) Pressure and temperature recording
charts, if applicable; Location of valves (846.2)

(h) Pressure-Volume chart, if applicable; Transmission Valves (846.21)

(i) Location of leaks or failures and
description of repair action taken. The following clause is added: Acceptance of Test (Additional Notwithstanding the foregoing provisions of

Clause) this clause, sectionalizing block valves
equipped with automatic closing devices
The test is successful when the pipeline has should be provided for sour gas pipelines in
withstood the strength test, and during the test order to minimize the volume of hydrogen
period there is no observable drop in pressure sulphide that could be released in the event of
that cannot be accounted for by temperature a pipeline failure.
13.12.3 Termination of Testing (Additional CLAUSE)
A pipe and welding book shall be maintained
The pipeline shall be slowly for all projects. The purpose of the pipe book
depressurized at a moderate and constant shall be to indicate and maintain as a
rate. During dewatering, care shall be taken permanent record the exact position in the
to properly dispose the discharging water in pipeline of each pipe length and each pipeline
order to avoid pollution, damages to fields material like valves, scraper traps, bends, and
under cultivation and/or existing structures and flanges and other fittings installed in the
interference with the traffic. project. Each item shall be recorded by its
identification number. Location of each weld
13.12.4 Pre-tested Pipe (Additional Clause) including weld number, welder number, type of
welding and electrode, weld treatment and the c) Pipeline system shall be installed so that
details of used equipment for radiography shall the belowgrade or submerged portions are
be recorded in the pipe book. not in electrical contact with any casing,
foreign piping systems or other metallic
14.0 OPERATING AND structures. This shall not preclude the use
MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES of electrical bonds where necessary.
(B 31.8 - CHAPTER-V)
d) Provision shall be made to prevent
harmful galvanic action at below-grade or
All provisions of B 31.8 Chapter V shall apply.
submerged connections between copper
and steel piping.
31.8 CHAPTER-VI) Consideration should be given to:
i) Installing an insulated coupling or
15.1 COATING REQUIREMENTS (862.112) insulating gasket set between the copper
and steel, or
The following clause is added to B 31.8
clause 862.112 (b) ii) Protecting the piping with an insulating
coating material to provide a spatial
Coatings shall: separation of not less than 0.5m between
bare copper and steel.
a) Electrically isolate the external surface of
the pipeline system from the environment; 15.3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS AND
b) Have sufficient adhesion to effectively
resist underfilm migration of moisture; 15.3.1 The following paragraph is added to B
31.8 Clause 862.115 (b)(1):
c) Be ductile to resist cracking;
Where a higher current carrying capacity is
d) Have a strength or otherwise be protected required, a multistrand conductor shall be
to resist damage due to normal used and the strands shall be arranged into
handling (including concrete coating groups no larger than No.6 AWG. Each group
application, or river weight installation, shall be attached to pipe with a separate
where applicable) and soil stress; charge. Attaching test leads directly to the
pipe by other methods of brazing is prohibited.
e) Be compatible with cathodic protection 15.3.2 The following paragraph is added:
When a thermit welding process is used for
15.2 ELECTRICAL ISOLATION (862.114) electrical lead installation on pressurized
pipelines, precautions shall be taken to avoid
The following clauses are added: possible failure of the pipeline during
installation due to loss of material strength at
a) This clause shall not take precedence the elevated welding temperatures. Where a
over recognized electrical safety practices thermit welding process is not deemed
and codes. suitable. Consideration shall be given to other
b) Where insulating devices are installed to methods of installation.
provide electrical isolation of pipeline
systems to facilitate the application of 15.4 ELECTRICAL INTERFERENCE
corrosion control, they shall be properly (862.116)
rated for temperature, pressure, and
electrical properties, and shall be resistant Following is added to B 31.8 Clause 862.116
to the commodities carried in the pipeline Electrical Interference-Alternating Current and
systems. These devices shall not be Lighting.
installed in enclosed areas where
combustible atmospheres are likely to be 15.4.1 Fault Current Interference
present unless precautions are taken to
prevent arcing. (After refer Clause 15.4 of Fault current interference shall be taken into
this standard) consideration.

NOTES: electrical interference and lighting
a) Fault current resulting from lighting or
upset conditions of electrical facilities 15.5 EXISTING INSTALLATIONS (862.2)
could result in serious damage to
coating and pipe wall and danger to The following clauses are added:
personnel. These adverse effects may
occur where a pipeline is close to the 15.5.1 Existing Coated Pipeline Systems
grounding facilities of electrical
transmission line structures, sub- Cathodic Protection shall be applied and
stations, generating stations or other maintained on all existing coated pipeline
facilities that have high short circuit systems.
current-carrying grounding networks.
15.5.2 Existing Bare Pipeline Systems.
b) Where a buried pipeline system is close
to grounding facilities, remedial Investigations shall be made to determine
measures may be necessary to control the extent or effect of corrosion on existing
the effect of these fault currents in order bare pipeline systems. Where these
to reduce the resultant rise in potential investigations indicate that continuing
gradient in the earth near the pipeline corrosion will create a hazard, corrosion
system to an acceptable level. control measures or other remedial action
shall be undertaken.
15.4.2 Induced Potential Interference
15.5.3 Cathodically Protected Pipeline
Pipelines paralleling alternating current Systems Temporarily out of Service
electrical transmission lines are subject to
induced potentials as well as the effects Cathodic Protection systems shall be
mentioned in Notes to Clause 15.4.1 above. maintained on any pipeline system temporarily
out of service.
a) When studies or tests show that
alternating current potentials will be or 15.6 TEMPORARY CATHODIC
are being induced on a buried pipeline PROTECTION SYSTEM
system, devices shall be installed to (ADDITIONAL CLAUSE)
reduce these potentials to a tolerable
level. When considered necessary, a temporary
Cathodic Protection system with sacrificial
b) When such pipelines are under anodes shall be installed to ensure adequate
construction, or when personnel are in protection of pipeline from external corrosion
contact with the pipelines, special from the time the pipeline is laid in the trench
precautions shall be taken to nullify the till the permanent Cathodic Protection system
possible effects of induced alternating is commissioned.
current potentials.
The temporary cathodic protection system
15.4.3 Safety Requirements shall preferably be installed simultaneously
keeping pace with the pipeline
Following precautions shall be taken: laying/installation work and shall be monitored
a) Employ blowdown connections that will
direct the gas away from the electric
b) Install bonding across points where the (863) General (863.1)
pipeline is to be separated and maintain
this connection while the pipeline is B 31.8 Clause 863.1 is deleted and is replaced
separated; by the following:

c) Make a study in collaboration with the 15.7.1 Any gas whose water dew point is at
electric company on the common all times below the minimum pipeline
problems of personnel safety, corrosion, operating temperature is considered to

be non-corrosive, unless tests or
experience indicate otherwise. 30672 Corrosion Protection Tapes and Heat
Shrinkable Sleeves-Coatings made
15.7.2 Any gas whose water dew point from Corrosion Protection Taps and
exceeds the minimum pipeline Heat Shrinkable Sleeves for
operating temperature is considered to Underground Pipelines.
be corrosive, unless tests or
experience indicate otherwise.

15.7.3 Any gas containing hydrogen sulphide BSI

or carbon dioxide whose water dew BS-4146Specifications for Coal-Tar BasedHot
point exceeds the minimum pipeline 1987
operating temperature is considered to Applied Coating Materials for
be corrosive, unless tests or protecting Iron and Steel, including
experience indicate otherwise. suitable Primers where required.

15.7.4 Any gas containing hydroten sulphide AWWA

or carbon dioxide whose water dew C203-86 Standard for Coal-Tar Protective
point is maintained below the Coatings and Linings for Steel Water
minimum pipeline operating Pipelines-Enamel and Tape-Hot
temperature by dehydration, or is Applied.
suitably inhibited, is considered to be
non-corrosive, unless tests or TM-02-84 Testing of Metals for Resistance to
experience indicate otherwise. Stepwise Cracking.

16.0 MISCELLANEOUS (B31.8 Name and address of the organisation whose

CHAPTER-VII) standards and specifications appear above:

DIN Deutsches Institute fur Normung

All provisions of B 31.8 Chapter VII shall Obtainable from:
apply. Foreign Standards Distribution
Burggrafen Strasse 4-10,D-1000
List of numbers and subjects of those BSI British Standards Institution
standards and specifications which do not 2, Park Street,
appear in the text of B 31.8 but may be of London: WIA 2BS
informational benefit. Telephone : 01-6299000
Telex : 266933
Following is added to B 31.8 Appendix-C
AWWA American Water Works Association
DIN 6666,West Quincy Avenue,
30670 Polyethylene Sheathing of Steel Denver, Colorado 80235.
Tubes and of Steel Shapes and


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