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NAME:________________________ SECTION: _____________ Time allowed: 25 minutes
Section-A is compulsory, all parts of this section are to be answered on the Question paper itself by filling the circle in
front of each answer.

Section-A (Marks = 17)

1. The amount of product calculated from the balance chemical reaction is called
(a) Actual yield ⃝ (b) experimental yield ⃝
(c) Theoretical yield ⃝ (d) None of these ⃝
2. A series of lines observed when an electron falls into 3 rd shell is called
(a) Paschen series ⃝ (b) Bracket series ⃝
(c) Balmer series ⃝ (d) Pfund series ⃝
3. According to Moseley Law higher atomic number elements have X-Rays of
(a) Higher frequency ⃝ (b) low frequency ⃝
(c) Low wave number ⃝ (d) none of these ⃝
4. The shape of CO2 molecule is similar to
(a) SO2 ⃝ (b) BeF2 ⃝

(c) SnCl2 ⃝ (d) All of the above ⃝

5. The bond Order of O2 is
(a)Zero ⃝ (b) One ⃝
(c)Two ⃝ (d) Three ⃝
6. Which of the hydrogen halides has the highest percentage of ionic character
(a) HF ⃝ (b) HBr ⃝
(c) HCl ⃝ (d) HI ⃝
7. What relationship exists between the bond energy and bind length
(a) Direct ⃝ (b) Inverse ⃝
(c) constant ⃝ (d) None of these ⃝
8. Which of the following gases will have the lowest rate of diffusion?
(a) H2 ⃝ (b) N2 ⃝
(c) F2 ⃝ (d) O2 ⃝
9. the surface tension of a liquid is directly related to the strength of the intermolecular force of attraction
indicate the one with the lowest surface tension among the following:
(a) Benzene ⃝ (b) water ⃝
(c) methanol ⃝ (d) ethanol ⃝
10. Number of Hydrogen atoms in mole of H2O is
(a) 6.022x1023 ⃝ (b) 2x6.023x1023 ⃝
(c) 3x6.023x10 ⃝ (d) 4x6.023x1023 ⃝
11. Which one of the following is not true for cathode rays?
(a) Cathode rays are negatively charged ⃝
(b) they can produce X-Ray when strike on an anode ⃝
(c) they cast a shadow when an opaque medium placed in their path ⃝
(d) their e/m value depends upon the nature of gas in discharge tube ⃝
12. If the amount of a product obtained in a chemical reaction is 250g while its theoretical yield is 500g. its
percentage yield will be:
(a) 25% ⃝ (b) 35% ⃝
(c) 45% ⃝ (d) 50% ⃝
13. According to Bohr’s atomic theory , the angular momentum (mvr) of and electron is equal to:
(a) nh/2 π ⃝ (b) nh/π ⃝
(c) 3nh/2 π ⃝ (d) 2nh/2π ⃝
14. The number of bonds in one molecule of Nitrogen is:
(a) one σ and one  ⃝ (b) one σ and two  ⃝
(c) three σ only ⃝ (d) two σ and one  ⃝
15. Which of these samples of gas contains the same number of atoms as 1g of hydrogen molecule? (At. Mass C =
12, O = 16, H = 1, Ne = 20)
(a) 22 g of CO2 ⃝ (b) 8 g of CH4 ⃝
(c) 20 g of Ne ⃝ (d) 8 g of O3 ⃝
16. The splitting of spectral lines by placing a excited atom in the electric field is called
(a) Zeeman effect ⃝ (b) Photoelectric effect ⃝
(c) Compton effect ⃝ (d) Stark effect ⃝
17. Which of the following bond have minimum bond energy:
(a) C-I ⃝ (b) C-F ⃝
(c) C-Cl ⃝ (d) C-Br ⃝

Time allowed: 02: 35 Hours

NOTE: Answer any fourteen parts from Section ‘B’ and attempt any two questions from Section ‘C’ on the separately
provided answer Sheets. Write your answers neatly and legibly.

SECTION – B (Marks 42)

Q.2 Attempt any FOURTEEN parts from the following. All parts carry equal marks. (14 × 3 = 42)

1. How much water can be made from 50g of hydrogen and 50g of O2 by the reaction: 2H2+O2→2H2O
2. Write any four properties of Anode rays.
3. How many covalent bonds are present in 34g of ammonia(NH3)?
4. Define paschen series, what will be the wave number of photon when an electron jumps from n 2=4 to n1=2?
5. The bond angles of H2O and NH3 are not 109.5o like that of CH4. Although O and N atoms are SP3 hybridized like
C. Give reason.
6. As both NF3 and BF3 are tetra atomic molecules but have different shapes and geometry. Explain according to
VSEPR theory.
7. Derive the units for general gas constant ‘R’ in the general gas equation.
a. When the pressure is in Nm-2 and volume in m3.
b. When energy is expressed in ergs.
8. Describe hybridization in acetylene (C 2H2) molecule. Also, draw the diagram of hybridized orbitals in this
9. In a certain experiment, 8.5x1025 molecules of water were used, to calculate the number of moles of water.
10. What is the difference between azimuthal and magnetic quantum numbers?
11. What are absolute zero and absolute scale temperature?
12. Differentiate between the sigma and pi bond.
13. The observed dipole moment of HF is 1.90D. The distance between the charges is 0.917x10 -10 m, find the
percentage ionic character of the bond?
14. What are the postulates of VBT?
15. What are x-rays, Describe the reason for the production of x-rays, also tells about Moseley law about x-rays
16. Calculate the frequency of the light absorbed by hydrogen at when an electron jumps from the n=2 to n=3 level?
17. What is Pauli’s Exclusion principle and Hund’s rule, explain with examples?
18. Define Daltons law, find the total pressure of 1 mole N2 and 3 mole H2 at 298K enclosed in 10 dm 3 container?
19. Gases behave ideally at high temperature and low pressure, why?
20. The volume of a bubble I 2.5 cm3 if its temperature increase from 300C to 700C, what is its final volume?


Note: Attempt any two questions, all parts carry equal marks.
Q.4 a. Explain the bonding in the following molecules with the help of the VBT Diagram.

(2 +5)
i) He2 ii) N2 iii) O2
b. Derive the Ideal gas equation, also explain ideal gas constant R with different units. (6)

Q.5 a. Ammonia Solvay process is used to manufacture sodium carbonate. During this process ammonia is recovered
by the following reaction. (2+2+2)
2NH4Cl + Ca(OH)2 → CaCl2 + 2H2O +2NH3
When 100 g of ammonium chloride and 150 g calcium hydroxide are used then (At. Mass N=14 H=1 Cl= 35.5
i. Calculate the mass in kg of ammonia produced during a chemical reaction.
ii. Calculate the excess mass in grams of one of the reactants left unreacted.

b. Briefly explain the Millikan oil droplet method draw the diagram and how mass and the charge of the electron
are being calculated. (4+1+3)

Q.6 a. Derive the Radius of an orbit by Bohr’s atomic model (8)

b. Anesthetic gas is normally given to a patient when the room temperature is 20oC and the patient s body
temperature is 37oC. What would this temperature change do to 1600 cm 3 of gas at constant pressure and
mass remain constant? (5)

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