Lab 16
Lab 16
Lab 16
The purpose of this experiment is to measure the thermal conductivity of two materials.
Heat can be transferred from one point to another by three common methods: conduction,
convection and radiation. Each method can be analyzed and each yields its own specific
mathematical relationship. In this experiment you will investigate the rate of thermal
The heat current through a uniform material is defined to be the amount of heat that
flows through the material divided by the time elapsed, H = Q/∆t. Experimentally, the
heat current is found to be directly proportional to the temperature difference, ΔT,
between the sides of the material, provided that the temperatures of various points in the
rod do not vary with time, a condition known as steady-state. The heat current is also
found to be directly proportional to the cross-sectional area, A, through which the
conduction takes place, and inversely proportional to the thickness, L, of the material.
These results are expressed by the equation
H= = .
Δt L
The heat transferred is measured by collecting the water from the melting ice. In a time
∆t, the amount of heat added to the ice is related to the Latent Heat of Fusion, Lf, and the
mass of ice that melts, ∆m by
Q = Lf ∆m
Δm kA ΔT
H = Lf = ,
Δt L
2. Fill the steam generator approximately 2/3 full and plug it in. You will turn it on later.
4. Record the type of material of the first object to be used (your instructor will tell you
which objects to use). Measure its thickness using a micrometer. Be sure to check the
zero correction of the micrometer and record both the raw measurement and the corrected
thickness of the material.
5. Mount the sample onto the steam chamber as shown in the figure. Take care that the
sample material is flush against the water channel, so water will not leak. Then tighten
the thumbscrews.
6. Place the ice on top of the sample as shown in the figure. Do not remove the ice but
make sure that the ice can move freely in the mold. Just place the open end of the mold
against the sample, and let the ice slide out as the experiment proceeds.
7. Let the ice sit for several minutes, so that it begins to melt and the side against the sample
becomes flat and is in full contact with the sample. (This also should bring the
temperature of the ice up to 0°C.) Make sure that all the melted ice is collecting in the
container supplied.
9. Although you will not connect it to your apparatus yet, turn on the steam generator so the
water will begin to warm. Empty the container for collecting melted ice. Let the ice melt
for 10 minutes and measure the mass of the container and melted ice. (This will be used
to determine the ambient melting rate of ice.)
210 16-3
10. Connect the steam generator to your apparatus and let steam run into the steam chamber.
Wait 5 minutes for a steady-state to be established. Empty the container for collecting
melted ice. Let the ice melt for an additional 5 minutes and measure the mass of the
container and melted ice again.
14. Empty all containers into the sink. Clean up any spilled water. Gently return the
apparatus to the box.
1. From the atmospheric pressure measured, calculate the boiling point of water during your
2. Determine the average diameter of the ice block during steps 8-11. Use this average
value to find the average area of the ice block in contact with the object.
3. Determine the rate at which ice melted with no steam in the steam chamber and with
steam in the steam chamber. From these rates and the heat of fusion of water, determine
the rate at which heat flowed through your object.
4. Determine the thermal conductivity of your object. Compare your value to a standard