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(Structural Report) School 2 (Block 1 and Block 2)

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Belbari, Morang


Submitted By Submitted To:

Belbari, Morang

June 2023

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Table of Contents

1. Project Details............................................................................................ 10

1.1 Building Design Parameters..............................................................................12

1.2 Materials........................................................................................................12

1.2.1 Concrete...................................................................................................12

1.2.2 Reinforcement steel...................................................................................12

1.3 Load calculations.............................................................................................13

1.3.1 Dead Load................................................................................................13

1.3.2 Superimposed Dead Loads.........................................................................13

1.3.3 Live Loads.................................................................................................13

1.3.4 Floor Finish Loads......................................................................................14

1.3.5 Seismic Loads...........................................................................................14

1.4 Load Combination...........................................................................................17

2. Structural Analysis and Design of Main Building.............................................18

2.1 Preliminary Sizing............................................................................................18

2.1.1 Slab..........................................................................................................18

2.1.2 Beam........................................................................................................19

2.1.3 Column.....................................................................................................19

2.2 3D modelling of the building (Block 1)..............................................................21

2.3 Load Applied on Building:................................................................................24

2.4 Analysis Result: ..............................................................................................28

2.4.1 Auto Seismic Load Definitions.....................................................................30

2.4.2 Modal Analysis..........................................................................................31

2.4.3 Displacement and drift of the building.........................................................32

2.4.4 Irregularity check......................................................................................36

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2.4.5 Force/Stress Diagrams:..............................................................................38

2.5 Design of element:..........................................................................................42

2.5.1 Design of footing.......................................................................................42

2.5.2 Design of column.......................................................................................46

2.5.3 Design of Beam.........................................................................................55

2.5.4 Design of slab...........................................................................................63

2.5.5 Design of staircase....................................................................................65

2.6 3D modelling of the building (Block 2)..............................................................68

2.7 Load Applied on Building:................................................................................71

2.8 Analysis Result: ..............................................................................................75

2.8.1 Auto Seismic Load Definitions.....................................................................77

2.8.2 Modal Analysis..........................................................................................78

2.8.3 Displacement and drift of the building.........................................................79

2.8.4 Irregularity check......................................................................................83

2.8.5 Force/Stress Diagrams:..............................................................................85

2.9 Design of element:..........................................................................................89

2.9.1 Design of footing.......................................................................................89

2.9.2 Design of column.......................................................................................93

2.9.3 Design of Beam.......................................................................................100

2.9.4 Design of slab.........................................................................................108

2.9.5 Design of staircase...................................................................................110

2.10 Seismic gap (Building separation):...............................................................112

3. Conclusions and recommendations.............................................................119

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List of Figures

Figure 1-1: Ground Floor Plan.......................................................................................10

Figure 2-1: 3D Model of overall building with seismic gap................................................19

Figure 2-2: 3D Model of building....................................................................................21

Figure 2-3: Plan of the building.....................................................................................22

Figure 2-4: Elevation of the building..............................................................................23

Figure 2-5: Wall load on beam.......................................................................................24

Figure 2-6: Live load applied on floor.............................................................................25

Figure 2-7: Floor Finish load on floor..............................................................................26

Figure 2-8: Dead load of steps on waist slab...................................................................27

Figure 2-9: Diaphragm Extent.......................................................................................27

Figure 2-10: Deformed shape under dead load and mode 1.............................................28

Figure 2-11: Deformed shape under modal load case (Mode 2 and 3)...............................29

Figure 2-12: Base shear distribution along X and Y axis for ULS condition.........................30

Figure 2-13: Story displacement along X direction for ULS and SLS condition....................32

Figure 2-14: Story drift along X direction for ULS and SLS condition.................................33

Figure 2-15: Story displacement along Y direction for ULS and SLS condition....................34

Figure 2-16: Story drift along Y direction for ULS and SLS condition.................................35

Figure 2-17: Axial Force Diagram...................................................................................38

Figure 2-18: Shear Force Diagram.................................................................................39

Figure 2-19: Bending Moment Diagram..........................................................................40

Figure 2-20: Model Check.............................................................................................41

Figure 2-21: Base Reactions from ETABS........................................................................42

Figure 2-22: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)................................................46

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Figure 2-23: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)................................................47

Figure 2-24: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)................................................48

Figure 2-25: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)................................................49

Figure 2-26: Design column rebar percentage and shear reinforcement (Elevation view)....50

Figure 2-27: Design shear reinforcement details (Plan view)............................................55

Figure 2-28: Design reinforcement details (Plan view).....................................................56

Figure 2-29: Design reinforcement details (Plan view).....................................................57

Figure 2-30: Bending moment diagram (DL + LL combination)........................................61

Figure 2-31: Force diagram for critical beam...................................................................61

Figure 2-32: Column-Beam Capacity ratio Check.............................................................62

Figure 2-33: 3D Model of building..................................................................................68

Figure 2-34: Plan of the building....................................................................................69

Figure 2-35: Elevation of the building.............................................................................70

Figure 2-36: Wall load on beam.....................................................................................71

Figure 2-37: Live load applied on floor...........................................................................72

Figure 2-38: Floor Finish load on floor............................................................................73

Figure 2-39: Dead load of steps on waist slab.................................................................74

Figure 2-40: Diaphragm Extent......................................................................................74

Figure 2-41: Deformed shape under dead load and mode 1.............................................75

Figure 2-42: Deformed shape under modal load case (Mode 2 and 3)...............................76

Figure 2-43: Base shear distribution along X and Y axis for ULS condition.........................77

Figure 2-44: Story displacement along X direction for ULS and SLS condition....................79

Figure 2-45: Story drift along X direction for ULS and SLS condition.................................80

Figure 2-46: Story displacement along Y direction for ULS and SLS condition....................81

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Figure 2-47: Story drift along Y direction for ULS and SLS condition.................................82

Figure 2-48: Axial Force Diagram...................................................................................85

Figure 2-49: Shear Force Diagram.................................................................................86

Figure 2-50: Bending Moment Diagram..........................................................................87

Figure 2-51: Model Check.............................................................................................88

Figure 2-52: Base Reactions from ETABS........................................................................89

Figure 2-53: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)................................................93

Figure 2-54: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)................................................94

Figure 2-55: Design reinforcement percentage detail (Elevation view)..............................95

Figure 2-56: Design shear reinforcement details (Plan view)..........................................100

Figure 2-57: Design reinforcement details (Plan view)...................................................101

Figure 2-58: Design reinforcement details (Plan view)...................................................102

Figure 2-59: Bending moment diagram (DL + LL combination).......................................106

Figure 2-60: Force diagram for critical beam.................................................................106

Figure 2-61: Column-Beam Capacity ratio Check...........................................................107

Figure 2-62: Seismic joint location...............................................................................112

Figure 2-63: Typical footing layout...............................................................................114

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List of Tables

Table 1-1: Seismic Load Calculation as per NBC 105:2020...............................................16

Table 1-2 : Mass Source...............................................................................................17

Table 2-1: Section property and modifiers......................................................................21

Table 2-2: Wall load calculation.....................................................................................24

Table 2-3: Live load intensity.........................................................................................25

Table 2-4: Floor Finish Load Calculation.........................................................................26

Table 2-5: Auto Seismic Load Data................................................................................30

Table 2-6 : Modal Participating Mass Ratios....................................................................31

Table 2-7: Centers of Mass and Rigidity.........................................................................31

Table 2-8: Check for displacement and drift....................................................................36

Table 2-9: Check for mass irregularity............................................................................36

Table 2-10: Check for stiffness irregularity.....................................................................37

Table 2-11: Check for torsion........................................................................................37

Table 2-12: Section property and modifiers....................................................................68

Table 2-13: Wall load calculation...................................................................................71

Table 2-14: Live load intensity.......................................................................................72

Table 2-15: Floor Finish Load Calculation.......................................................................73

Table 2-16: Auto Seismic Load Data...............................................................................77

Table 2-17 : Modal Participating Mass Ratios..................................................................78

Table 2-18: Centers of Mass and Rigidity........................................................................78

Table 2-19: Check for displacement and drift..................................................................83

Table 2-20: Check for mass irregularity..........................................................................83

Table 2-21: Check for stiffness irregularity.....................................................................84

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Table 2-22: Check for torsion........................................................................................84

Table 2-23: Building separation width calculation..........................................................112

Symbols and Abbreviation

acr Distance from the point considered to the surface of nearest longitudinal bar
Asc Area of compression reinforcement
Ast Area of tension reinforcement
b Breadth of member
b1 Breadth of section enclosed within main reinforcement
Bc Ratio of short side to long side
BM Bending Moment
d Effective depth of member
D Total Depth of member
d’ Depth of compression reinforcement from compression face
d1 Depth of section enclosed within main reinforcement
ecs Strain in compression reinforcement
es Strain in tension reinforcement
Es Elastic modulus of steel
Єm Average steel strain at level where cracking is being considered
fcc Stress in compression concrete corresponding to e cs
fck Characteristics strength of concrete as that of 28 days cube strength below
which not more than 5% of the test Results may be expected to fall
fs Stress in tension steel corresponding to es
fy Characteristics strength of steel
Icr MOI of cracked section considering e qv. Area of tension and compression
fsc Stress in compression steel corresponding to e cs
fst Tensile stress in steel under service load
Ks 0.5 + BC but no greater than 1
Pz Ultimate concentric load capacity
RC Reinforced Concrete
RS Response spectrum
S.F Shear Force
SLS Serviceability limit state
S.P Support Pier
Tc 0.25√fck
Tuc Ultimate shear strength of concrete
ULS Ultimate limit state
wcr crack width
Xu Depth of neutral axis
xul Limiting value of xu

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Executive summary

This report emphasizes on structural design of ‘School Building, located in Belbari,

Morang, Nepal. The National Building Code of Nepal and other international code
provisions are properly taken into account while summarizing design assumptions,
methodology, and compliance with regulations and standards for the building.

The key goals of the project are to study and design building structures in
accordance with NBC and Indian standards code provisions. The building’s global response
for drift, displacement and eccentricity are evaluated. The response spectrum method is
adopted to analyze the dynamic nature of the building.

Finite element analysis showed that the anticipated performance of the building
subjected to meet NBC seismic hazard level requirement. Following conclusions can be
obtained from this report:

1. The building is designed to comply with Nepal National Building Codes and Indian
2. Story drifts are within the acceptable limits under Ultimate Limit State (ULS) and
Serviceability Limit State (SLS) level earthquakes.

** The structural design is carried on the provided architectural drawing and soil report of the site. This study
does not discuss any other features of the building; it only emphasizes and limits itself to the technical aspects of
the structure.

1. Project Details
Name of the Project: School Building

Location: Belbari, Morang

Type of Building: The building covers a ground floor plinth area of 386.258
sq.m. The building has been designed for G+2 storey with
staircase cover.

The report has been prepared as a part of the structural engineering analysis and design of

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Figure 1-1: Ground Floor Plan

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Building type: Educational Building

Location: Belbari, Morang
Structural type: Special moment resisting RCC framed
Plinth area: As shown in architecture drawing
No. of story: G+2 storey with staircase cover
Floor to floor height: 3.35 m
Size of slab: RCC 5“ Thick slab
Size of beam: 10” x 16” (Main beam)
Size of column: 16” x 16”
Type of staircase: 6” Thick Open well staircase
Type of foundation: Isolated Footing and Combined Footing
Method of analysis: Linear analysis
1. Equivalent static method analysis
Design Philosophy: Limit state design; Capacity Design
Concrete grade used: M20 for FOOTING, M25 for COLUMN and BEAM
Reinforcement: HYSD500
Dead load: Calculated as per IS 875 part I 1987
Live load: Calculated as per IS 875 part II 1987
Seismic load: Calculated as per NBC 105 2020 using seismic coefficient method
Preliminary design: NBC 105:2020, IS 456:2000
Soil type: Medium soil
Bearing capacity of soil: As provided in soil report

Building Grids
Direction Frame Naming
Transverse A-A, B-B, C-C, D-D, E-E, F-F, F’-F’, G-G, H-H, I-I
Longitudinal 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4

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1.1 Building Design Parameters

The building consists of a RCC framed structure, which is essentially an assembly of cast-in-
situ-concrete beams and columns. Floors and roof consists of cast-in-place concrete slabs.

The structural system of the building is special moment resisting frame system which has
been designed to meet both strength and serviceability requirements when subjected to
gravity and earthquake loads, as well as ductility requirements of IS 13920 - 1993.

For the design of the building, earthquake resistant NBC 105:2020 have been referred to.
For lateral load, necessary calculations are performed to comply with the requirements of
NBC 105:2020.

1.2 Materials

1.2.1 Concrete
All components of plain and reinforced concrete unless specified in design are M25 grade.
Modulus of Elasticity [E c]= 5000 √fck N/mm2(Cl., IS 456:2000) = 25000 N/mm 2 for
M25 Grade.

Poisson’s Ratio [U] = 0.2

Unit Weight = 25 KN/m3

Characteristic Strength [ƒck] = 25 N/mm2 for M25 grade.

The structural design strength is derived from the characteristic strength multiplied by a
coefficient 0.67 and divided by the material partial safety factor. The partial factor for
concrete in flexure and axial load is 1.5.

1.2.2 Reinforcement steel

Reinforcement bars are to be in accordance with IS 456: specification for carbon steel bars
for the reinforcement of concrete is to be in accordance with IS 1786: specification for high
deformed steel bars for the reinforcement of concrete.

The following design strengths are to be used for the design of concrete and reinforcement.
Grade of Concrete : M25 and M20
Grade of rebar steel : High Yield Fe 500

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1.3 Load calculations

The following considerations are made during the loading on the structural model:
• The loads distributed over the area are imposed on the area element and the
loads distributed over the length are imposed on the frame elements whenever
• Where such loading is not possible, equivalent conversion to different loading
distribution is carried to load the model near the real case as far as possible.

1.3.1 Dead Load

Dead loads are calculated on the basis of unit weights of the specified construction materials
in accordance with IS 875 part 1 1987. The following are assumed for detail load
 R.C.C Slab, Beam and Column = 25.0 KN/m3
 Screed (25mm thick) = 19.2 KN/m3
 Cement Plaster (20mm thick) = 20.40 KN/m3
 Marble Dressed = 26.50 KN/m3
 Standard Brick = 19.2 KN/m3

1.3.2 Superimposed Dead Loads

Based on architectural drawing of the building, dead loads due to partition walls , floor finish
and other special purpose services has been calculated. Wall loads are applied on
underneath beam if wall is rested on the beam.

1.3.3 Live Loads

Live load for the floor and Roof is taken from IS 875 part 2 as referred by National building
S.N Area type Load Unit
1 Terrace (Accessible) 2 KN/m2
2 Terrace (Inaccessible) 0.75 KN/m2
3 Staircase Balcony and Passage 4 KN/m2
4 Partition Load 1 KN/m2
5 Washroom 2 KN/m2
6 Kitchen/Bedroom/Office 2.5 KN/m

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1.3.4 Floor Finish Loads

For marble finishing
Depth of Finishes = 0.055 m
Marble Dressed = 26.5 KN/m³
Weight per square meter = 0.055 x 26.5 = 1.46 KN/m²
For plaster finishing
Depth of Finishes = 0.055 m
Screed/ Plaster = 20.40 KN/m³
Weight per square meter = 0.055 x 20.4 = 1.122 KN/m²

1.3.5 Seismic Loads

The site location is classified as high seismic risk on Nepal's seismic hazard map. The
design seismic force is transmitted throughout the building's height to the various lateral
load-resisting elements acquired via the use of both the linear static (seismic coefficient)
and dynamic response spectrum techniques of study. The soil type is considered to be type
B with 5% damping to determine the average response acceleration.
In ETABS 2016, the seismic load is applied to the building using a user-defined lateral load
pattern, taking into account NBC 105-2020. This load scenario is considered to be static
linear, and the required data are provided under the following assumptions.

 Calculation of time period

The design base shear (Vb) is calculated using a fundamental period T calculated using:

H =Height of the building from foundation or from top of a rigid basement
di = elastic horizontal displacement of center of mass at level i, ignoring the effects of torsion.
Fi = lateral force acting at level i
g = acceleration due to gravity
i = level under consideration
n = number of levels in the structure
Wi = seismic weight at level i

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 Calculation of design Spectra and Lateral Force Coefficients

The design horizontal seismic coefficient C d(T1) at ultimate limit state for a structure is
determined by the following expression NBC 105:2020 Cl:6.1.1.

Ch(T) = Spectral Shape factor
Z = Seismic Zoning factor
I = Importance factor
Rµ = Ductility Factor
𝛀u = Over strength Factor for ULS
 Calculation of Seismic Base shear
The total design lateral force or design seismic base shear (Vb) along any principal direction
shall be determined by the following expression:
𝑉𝑏= (𝑇1) × 𝑊
 Vertical Distribution of Base Shear to Different Floor Level
The base shear is distributed as lateral seismic force Fi induced at each level I and is
calculated as:

Fi = Design Lateral force at floor i
Wi = Seismic weight of floor i
hi = Height of floor i measured from base,
n = Number of storey in the building is the number of levels at which the masses are located.

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Table 1-1: Seismic Load Calculation as per NBC 105:2020

Location of Building : Morang
Type of Structure: Moment resisting concrete frame
Reinforced Moment Resisting
Type of Building :
Seismic Zoning Factor (Table 4.5 NBC 105-2020) Z= 0.3
Importance Factor (Table 4.6 NBC 105-2020) I= 1.25
Height of Building: h= 10.05
Method of Analysis: Equivalent Static Method
Soil Type: C

Period of Vibration:
For Reinforced Moment Resisting Frame T1 = 1.25*kt h0.75 0.529 Sec
Lower Period of the Flat Part of the Spectrum Ta = 0.1
Upper Period of the Flat Part of the Spectrum Tc = 1
Peak Spectral Acceleration Normalized by PGA α= 2.5
Coefficient to control the descending branch of the Spectrum K= 1.8

Ref Table 5.2 NBC 105 :2020

Ductility Factor for ULS State Ru = 4
Over-strength Factor for ULS State Ωu = 1.5
Over-strength Factor for SLS State Ωs = 1.25

Calculation of Spectral Shape Factor : Ch (T)

Since Ta<=T1<=Tc Ch (T) = 2.500

Elastic Site Spectra for the Horizontal Loading C(T) = Ch(T) Z I = 0.938
(Clause 4.1.1 NBC 105-2020)

Elastic Site Spectra for the Vertical Loading Cv = 2/3*Z 0.2

(Clause 4.2 NBC 105-2020)

Elastic Site Spectra for the SLS State Cs = 0.2 * C(T) = 0.188
(Clause 4.2 NBC 105-2020)

Horizontal Base Shear Coefficient for Equivalent Static Method:

Horizontal Base Shear Coefficient at the ULS State
Cdu = C(T)/ (Ru Ωu) = 0.156

Horizontal Base Shear Coefficient at the SLS State

Cds = Cs/ Ωs = 0.150

Exponent related to the structural period k 1.0145

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1.4 Load Combination

The load combinations are based on NBC 105-2020. The following load combinations are
specified as per NBC 105, cl. 3.6:
 1.2DL + 1.5LL
 DL + λLL ± EQ
λ = 0.6 for storage facilities
= 0.3 for other usage

Design Assumptions

 Concrete Grade, M25

fck= 25 MPa
 Steel Grade, Fe 500
fy= 500 MPa for all
Load Name Description Unit Remarks
Dead Dead Self-weight of the structure KN/m2
LIVE Live Imposed Load KN/m On floor slab
Roof Live Live Roof Live KN/m 2
On floor slab
WALL LOAD Dead Partition Wall Load KN/m On floor beams
FINISHES Dead Floor Finish Load KN/m2 On floor slab
EQX Seismic Seismic Coefficient NBC X+0.1Y
EQY Seismic Seismic Coefficient NBC Y+0.1X

For the above loads and load combinations, the design of beams and columns is
carried out by the ETABS.

Table 1-2 : Mass Source

Load Multiplier
LIVE 0.6

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2. Structural Analysis and Design of Main Building

The analysis and design have been carried out using software called ETABS v16.2, which
is a special purpose computer program developed specifically for building structures. It
provides the Structural Engineer with all the tools necessary to create, modify, analyze,
design, and optimize the structural elements in a building model. The building geometry
based on architectural drawings been generated using above named software. The dead
load, live load and lateral loads were supplied to the digital models as per standard code of
practices. Several analysis run were performed to achieve the best result to meet the design
and service requirements.
For the analysis, following loading parameters were considered:
i. Self-weight of the frames and slabs
ii. Floor finishing dead loads
iii. Fixed wall loads as per architectural drawings
iv. Partition wall loads as per architectural drawings only.
v. Live loads

2.1 Preliminary Sizing

For the analysis, dead load is also necessary which depends upon the size of
member itself. So it is necessary to pre-assume logical size of member which will neither
overestimate the load nor under estimate the stiffness of the building. So, the tentative sizes
of the structural elements are determined through the preliminary design so that the pre-
assumed dimensions may not deviate considerably after analysis thus making the final
design both safe and economical. Tentative sizes of various elements have been determined
as follows:

2.1.1 Slab
Preliminary design of slab is done as per the deflection criteria as directed by code
Clause 23.2.1 of [IS 456: 2000]. The cover provided is 20 mm and the grade of concrete
used in the design is M20.
According to which,
Span ≤ (Mft x Mfc) x Basic Value
Eff. Depth

Where, the critical span is selected which is the maximum shorter span among the all slab
element. This is done to make uniformity in slab thickness. The amount of reinforcement will
be varied slab to slab but the thickness will be adopted corresponding to the entire slab.

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2.1.2 Beam
Preliminary design of the beam is done as per the deflection criteria as directed by code
Clause 23.2.1 of [IS 456: 2000] and ductility criteria of ACI code. The cover provided is 30
mm and the grade of concrete used in the design is M25.
According to which,
Span ≤ (Mft x Mfc) x Basic Value x Correction Factor
Eff. Depth for span x Correction Factor for Flange

According to Ductility code, Spacing of Stirrups in beam should not exceed d/4 or 8 times
diameter of minimum size of bar adopted and should not greater than 100mm. So, for
considering construction difficulties in actual field, it is logical to use d/4 as spacing as per
the construction practice in Nepal.

2.1.3 Column
Preliminary design of column is done from the assessment of approximate factored
gravity loads and live loads coming up to the critical section. To compensate the possible
eccentric loading and earthquake loads the size is increased by about 25% in design. For
the load acting in the column, live load is decreased according to IS 875: 1978. Initially a
rectangular column is adopted in this building project so as to provide internal aesthetics
required from architecture point of view but the column size and shape will vary as per the
requirement for the analysis, design and aesthetic value. The cover provided is 40 mm and
the grade of concrete used in the column design is M25.

5” Seismic gap
Figure 3- 1: Overall 3D model of building with seismic gap

Figure 2-2: 3D Model of overall building with seismic gap

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2.2 3D modelling of the building (Block 1)

i. 3D model of the building
ii. Plan of the building
iii. Elevation of the building

Figure 2-3: 3D Model of building

Table 2-3: Section property and modifiers

Property Modifiers
Name Material Depth Width Design type
Shear stiffness Flexural stiffness
BM 10” x 16” M25 16” 10” Beam 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.35
BM 10” x 14” M25 14” 12” Beam 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.35
CL 16” x 16” M25 16” 16” Column 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7

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Figure 2-4: Plan of the building

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Figure 2-5: Elevation of the building

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2.3 Load Applied on Building:

Figure 2-6: Wall load on beam

Load coming from the weight of wall is applied on the beam underneath the wall. If there is
not any beam below the wall, load is applied to nearby beam in the direction of wall.
Application of wall load is shown in figure below.

Table 2-4: Wall load calculation

Floor Beam Thicknes
Density Load Calculated (KN/m)
Particular Height depth s
(m) (m) (m) (KN/m3 Full wall 25 % opening
Full brick wall 3.35 0.4 0.25 19.2 14.16 10.62
Half brick wall 3.35 0.4 0.125 19.2 7.08 -

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Figure 2-7: Live load applied on floor

Table 2-5: Live load intensity

S.N Area type Load Unit
1 Terrace (Accessible) 2 KN/m2
2 Terrace (Inaccessible) 0.75 KN/m2
3 Staircase Balcony and Passage 4 KN/m2
4 Partition Load 1 KN/m2
5 Washroom 2 KN/m2
6 Classroom 3 KN/m

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Figure 2-8: Floor Finish load on floor

Table 2-6: Floor Finish Load Calculation

For marble finishing
Depth of Finishes = 0.055 m
Marble Dressed = 26.5 KN/m³
Weight per square meter = 0.055 x 26.5 = 1.46 KN/m²
For plaster finishing
Depth of Finishes = 0.055 m
Screed/ Plaster = 20.40 KN/m³
Weight per square meter = 0.055 x 20.4 = 1.122 KN/m²

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Figure 2-9: Dead load of steps on waist slab

Unit weight of masonry (fck) = 19.2 KN/m³
Width of stair (W) = 1.400 m
Length of flight (L) = 2.600 m
Nos. of steps = 9
Dead load of steps = 1.50 KN/m²

Figure 2-10: Diaphragm Extent

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2.4 Analysis Result:

Figure 2-11: Deformed shape under dead load and mode 1

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Figure 2-12: Deformed shape under modal load case (Mode 2 and 3)

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2.4.1 Auto Seismic Load Definitions

Table 2-7: Auto Seismic Load Data
Weight Base
Ecc. Top Bottom
Name Direction C K Used Shear
Story Story
Ratio kN kN
EQxSLS X ± Ecc. 0.1 3RD PLINTH 0.15 1.0145 7316.92 1097.5
EQxULS Y 0.1 3RD PLINTH 0.156 1.0145 7316.92 1141.4
EQySLS Y ± Ecc. 0.1 3RD PLINTH 0.15 1.0145 7316.92 1097.5
EQyULS X 0.1 3RD PLINTH 0.156 1.0145 7316.92 1141.4

Figure 2-13: Base shear distribution along X and Y axis for ULS condition

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2.4.2 Modal Analysis

Modal analysis was performed to determine the free vibration and dynamic behavior of the
Table 2-8 : Modal Participating Mass Ratios
Case Mode Period UX UY SumUX SumUY RZ SumRZ Frequency
sec cyc/sec
Modal 1 0.678 0.0607 0.6189 0.0607 0.6189 0.1763 0.1763 1.474
Modal 2 0.635 0.7481 0.0842 0.8088 0.703 0.0006 0.1769 1.575
Modal 3 0.515 0.0225 0.1438 0.8312 0.8469 0.6696 0.8465 1.942
Modal 4 0.218 0.074 0.0401 0.9052 0.887 0.0117 0.8582 4.595
Modal 5 0.213 0.0547 0.0691 0.96 0.9561 0.0014 0.8596 4.702
Modal 6 0.177 0.0037 0.0111 0.9637 0.9672 0.1081 0.9677 5.647
Modal 7 0.127 0.0052 0.0236 0.9689 0.9908 0.0039 0.9717 7.846
Modal 8 0.122 0.0303 0.0048 0.9991 0.9956 0.0001 0.9717 8.18
Modal 9 0.103 0.0009 0.0044 1 1 0.0283 1 9.747
Modal 10 0.009 0 0 1 1 0.0000 1 107.197
Modal 11 0.008 0 0 1 1 0.0000 1 127.718
Modal 12 0.007 0 0 1 1 0 1 139.857

The first modal time period of the building is 0.678 sec. In total 12 modes were
considered and 90% mass participation was obtained for frequency less than 33Hz.

Table 2-9: Centers of Mass and Rigidity

Length of building along X-axis = 20.00 m
Length of building along Y-axis = 10.50 m
Stor Diaphrag YCC XC YC Check
Mass X XCCM ex ey
y m M R R (< 10%)
kg m m m m m m x y
9.374 0.7 0.4
3.79 4.06
3F D1 75761.38 9 5.50 8.62 5.08 6 3
162893.2 1.4 0.6
7.09 6.47
2F D1 2 9.641 5.84 8.22 5.16 2 8
165082.5 9.640 1.1 0.6
5.72 6.50
1F D1 4 7 5.90 8.50 5.22 4 8

For the analysis for torsional effects, the applied torsion at each level shall use either the
forces calculated by the Equivalent Static Method or the combined story inertial forces found
in a Modal Response Spectrum Method. The accidental eccentricity can be taken as ±0.1b.

School Building P A G E | 31

2.4.3 Displacement and drift of the building

As per Cl. no. 7.11.1 of NBC 105, the the ratio of inter-storey deflection to the
corresponding storey height (story drift) in any story due to specified design lateral force
with partial load factor of 1 shall not exceed:

a) 0.025 at Ultimate Limit State

b) 0.006 at Serviceability Limit State

Figure 2-14: Story displacement along X direction for ULS and SLS condition

School Building P A G E | 32

Figure 2-15: Story drift along X direction for ULS and SLS condition

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Figure 2-16: Story displacement along Y direction for ULS and SLS condition

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Figure 2-17: Story drift along Y direction for ULS and SLS condition

As per Cl. no. 7.11.1 of NBC 105:2020, the story drift in any story due to specified
design lateral force with partial load factor of 1.0, shall not exceed 0.025 times the story
height. From the analysis the displacements of the mass center of various floors are
obtained and are shown in along with story drift.

School Building P A G E | 35

Table 2-10: Check for displacement and drift

Displacement Criteria
Along X-axis Along Y-axis
Design displacement from ETABS in ULS = 27.93 mm 35.69 mm
Allowable ratio ULS = 0.025 0.025
Allowable displacement ULS = 0.025H/Ru = 62.81 mm 62.81 mm
Design displacement from ETABS in SLS = 26.86 mm 34.32 mm
Allowable ratio SLS = 0.006 0.006
Allowable displacement SLS = 0.006H/Rs = 60.30 mm 60.30 mm
Drift Criteria
Design story drift from ETABS ULS = 0.0033 0.00449
Allowable drift ULS = 0.025/Ru = 0.01 0.01
Design story drift from ETABS SLS = 0.00322 0.0043
Allowable drift SLS = 0.006 0.006

It is seen that drift does not exceed the code prescribed value of 0.025 times story
height in ultimate limit state and 0.006 in serviceability limit state respectively. Thus the drift
check seems to comply with the safety value mentioned in the code.

2.4.4 Irregularity check

Table 2-11: Check for mass irregularity

Mass X Mass < 50% of above
or Y OR below storey
3F 178229.5 OK
2F 282024.7 OK
1F 285864.8 OK
PLINTH 18658.33 OK

As per Cl. no. of NBC 105:2020, a difference of more than 50% between the
effective masses of two consecutive stories is considered as mass irregularity. Light roofs,
penthouse, and mezzanine floors need not be considered.

School Building P A G E | 36

Table 2-12: Check for stiffness irregularity

 Along X-axis:
Drift X Stiffness Check
Store X
Output Case
kN mm (KN/m) Ki<0.7Ki+1 Ki<0.8K(i+n)/n

3F EQX (ULS) 443.3 7.543 58772.469 OK

2F EQX (ULS) 908.2 9.894 91787.732 OK OK
1F EQX (ULS) 1141.4 7.468 152849.521 OK OK

 Along Y-axis:
Drift Y Stiffness Check
Output Y
kN mm (KN/m) Ki<0.7Ki+1 Ki<0.8K(i+n)/n

3F EQY(ULS) 443.3 6.911 64144.56 OK

2F EQY(ULS) 908.2 10.134 89613.397 OK OK
1F EQY(ULS) 1141.4 8.165 139789.909 OK OK

As per Cl. no. of NBC 105:2020, a soft story is the one whose stiffness of the
lateral-force-resisting system is less than 70% of the lateral-force-resisting system stiffness
in an adjacent story above or below, or less than 80% of the average lateral-force-resisting
system stiffness of the three stories above or below.

Table 2-13: Check for torsion

Along X-axis Along Y-axis
Storey level = +10050 mm +10050 mm
Load case = EQxULS EQyULS
Minimum displacement (Δmax) = 22 mm 21 mm
Maximum displacement (Δmin) = 28 mm 31.5 mm
(Δmax)/(Δmin) = 1.23 1.50
Allowable (Δmax)/(Δmin) = 1.50 1.50

Torsion irregularity is considered to exist where the maximum horizontal displacement of

any floor in the direction of the lateral force (applied at the center of mass) at one end of

School Building P A G E | 37

the story is more than 1.5 times its minimum horizontal displacement at the far end of the
same story in that direction.

School Building P A G E | 38

2.4.5 Force/Stress Diagrams:

Figure 2-18: Axial Force Diagram

School Building P A G E | 39

Figure 2-19: Shear Force Diagram

School Building P A G E | 40

Figure 2-20: Bending Moment Diagram

School Building P A G E | 41

Figure 2-21: Model Check

School Building P A G E | 42

2.5 Design of element:

The design of all structural elements is done using ‘Limit State Method’. All relevant Limit
State is considered in design to ensure adequate safety and serviceability. The design
includes design for durability, construction and use in service should be considered as a
whole. The realization of design objectives requires compliance with clearly defined
standards for materials, production, workmanship, and also maintenance and use of
structure in service.

This section includes all the design process of sample calculation for a single element as
column, beam, slab and foundation.

2.5.1 Design of footing

Figure 2-22: Base Reactions from ETABS

The footing is provided under RCC columns of a framed structure to distribute the load on
larger area. If condition of shear is satisfied, then the thickness of footing is reduced at the
edges for economy.

The bending moment, beam shear and punching shear govern the thickness or depth of the
footing near the column face.

School Building P A G E | 43
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS REPORT Design of isolated footing

Model Node = D3
Service Axial Load (Pₐ) = 685 KN
Moment about X-axis = 0.00 KN-m
Moment about Y-axis = 0.00 KN-m
Size of Column A (bₐ x dₐ) = 400 mm x 400 mm
Grade of Concrete used (f𝒸ₖ) = 20.0 N/mm²
Grade of steel used (fᵧ) = 500 N/mm²
Bearing Capacity of Soil (SBC) = 130 KN/m²
Depth of footing required from Rankine's formula (D𝒻) = 0.90 m
Adopt depth of Footing (D𝒻) = 1.80 m
Factored Load on Column A= 1028 KN
Assuming 10 % of service load as self-weight of footing then,
Total load (Pᵤ)= 754 KN
Area of footing required (Aᵣₑ)= Pᵤ/SBC = 5.80 m²
Required Length of Footing (L𝒻) = 2.41 m
Required Width of Footing (B𝒻) = 2.41 m
Provided Length of Footing (L𝒻) = 2.45 m
Provided Width of Footing (B𝒻) = 2.45 m
Area of footing provided (Aₚ)= 6.00 m²
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₘₐₓ,ₓ) = 171.2 KN/m²
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₘᵢₙ,,ₓ) = 171.2 KN/m²
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₘₐₓ,ᵧ) = 171.2 KN/m²
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₘᵢₙ,,ᵧ) = 171.2 KN/m²
∴ Since, SBC > σₘₐₓ and σₘᵢₙ > 0, so it is safe in bearing
Length of projection along X-axis (L) = 1.03 m
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₗ) = 171.2 KN/m²
Resisting width (b) = 700 mm
Maximum cantilever moment (Mₘₐₓ) = 220.31 KN-m
Limiting moment of resistance (Mᵤ,ₗᵢₘ)= 297 KN-m
∴ Since, Mᵤ,ₗᵢₘ > Mᵤ, hence it is designed as singly reinforced section.
From SP16, we know for Fe500, then depth from bending consideration,
∴Depth from bending moment consideration (d) =344 mm
For sloped footing, the depth is governed by bending moment rather than shear as resisting width for moment is
smaller than shear force.

School Building P A G E | 44

Adopt Overall Depth (D) =450 mm

Clear Cover (d') = 50 mm
Assuming Φ = 16 mm as longitudinal bar and 16 mm bar as transverse rebar, then
∴ Effective depth along long. direction(dₓ) = 384 mm
∴ Effective depth along trans. direction(dᵧ) = 376 mm
֍ Along Longitudinal direction
Length of projection along X-axis (L) = 1.03 m
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₗ) = 171.2 KN/m²
Resisting width (b) = 700 mm
Maximum cantilever moment per meter (Mₘₐₓ) = 220.31 KN-m/m
∴ Area of steel required from moment consideration (A ₛₜ)= 1496 mm²
Minimum Aₛₜ = 0.12% bD = 1029 mm²
Size of bar provided Φ = 16 mm
Spacing required = 329 mm c/c
Spacing provided = 150 mm c/c
Provide 16 mm bar @ 150mm c/c
∴Area of steel provided (Aₛₜ)= 3284 mm²
֍ Along transverse direction
Length of projection along Y-axis (B) = 1.03 m
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σᵦ) = 171.2 KN/m²
Resisting width (b') = 700 mm
Maximum cantilever moment per meter (Mₘₐₓ) = 220.31 KN-m/m
∴ Area of steel required from moment consideration (A ₛₜ)= 1586 mm²
Minimum Aₛₜ = 0.12% b'D = 1029 mm²
Size of bar provided Φ = 16 mm
Spacing required = 311 mm c/c
Spacing provided = 150 mm c/c
Provide 16 mm bar @ 150mm c/c
∴Area of steel provided (Aₛₜ)= 3284 mm²
֍ Along transverse direction
Distance of critical section from face of column = 376.0 mm
Resisting width (b) = 1168 mm
Pressure under footing at critical section = 171.18 KN/m²
Maximum shear force (Vₘₐₓ) = 272.18 KN
Depth at critical section (d𝒸) = 322.51 mm
Nominal Shear stress at critical section (Ʈᵥ) = 0.56 N/mm²

School Building P A G E | 45

Tensile steel % = 0.87 %

Shear strength of concrete (Ʈ𝒸) = 0.59 N/mm²
∴ Since Ʈ𝒸 > Ʈᵥ ,so it is safe against one way shear
Area of critical section (A𝒸) = 5.42 m²
∴ Pressure under footing at critical section = 171.18 KN/m²
Maximum shear force (Vₘₐₓ) = 922.71 KN
Depth at critical section (d𝒸) = 366.40 mm
Perimeter of critical section (bₒ) = 366.40 m
Nominal Shear stress at critical section (Ʈᵥ) = 0.82 N/mm²
Maximum Shear stress for concrete (Ʈ𝒸,ₘₐₓ) = 1.12 N/mm²
∴ Since Ʈ𝒸,ₘₐₓ > Ʈᵥ ,so it is safe against two way shear
Development length for column bar (L𝒹) = 1133 mm
Available Length = 1401.00 mm
∴ Available length is sufficient.
Bearing stress on column (Ʈ) = 6.42 N/mm²
Bearing strength of concrete = 18.00 N/mm²
∴ Since bearing stress on column footing interface is less than bearing strength of concrete, hence it is safe
against bearing.

School Building P A G E | 46

2.5.2 Design of column

The design of column section can be made either by working stress method or by the limit
state method. The working stress method of design of column is based on the behavior of
the structure at working load ensuring that the stress in concrete and steel do not exceed
their allowance values.

It is assumed to possess adequate safety against collapse. The limit state method of design
of column is based on the behavior of structure at collapse ensuring adequate margin of
safety. The serviceability limits of deflections and cracks are assumed to be satisfied as the
column being primarily a compression member has very small deflections and cracks.

Figure 2-23: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)

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Figure 2-24: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)

School Building P A G E | 48

Figure 2-25: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)

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Figure 2-26: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)

School Building P A G E | 50

Figure 2-27: Design column rebar percentage and shear reinforcement (Elevation view)

School Building P A G E | 51

ETABS Concrete Frame Design

IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Column Section Design (Summary)

Column Element Details

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF Type
DL + λLL+ Ductile
1F C44 17 CL 16"x16" 0 3352.8 1
EQX(ULS) Frame

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
406.4 406.4 60 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For Pu , Mu2 , Mu3

Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar Area Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
-560.2111 -118.7567 11.2042 11.2042 11.2042 3173 1.92

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment
Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
0.635266 2946.4 1.9451 0 11.2042
Minor 0.659139 2946.4 -47.5027 0 11.2042

School Building P A G E | 52

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment

Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m

Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3

Shear Vu Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, Vu2 37.8508 94.3864 56.3111 37.8508 450
Minor, Vu3 61.6773 94.3864 56.3111 11.1438 450

Joint Shear Check/Design

Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear
Force VTop Vu,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless
Major Shear, Vu2 N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N
Minor Shear, Vu3 N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N

(1.4) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio

Major Ratio Minor Ratio

Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag Asc Puz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
1651.6 31.7 3047.9136 806.6602 -560.2111 1

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1)

Consider Length Section KL/Depth KL/Depth KL/Depth Ma
Ma Factor Depth (mm) Ratio Limit Exceeded Moment (kN-m)
Major Bending (M3 ) Yes 0.879 406.4 4.606 12 No 0
Minor Bending (M2 ) Yes 0.879 406.4 4.779 12 No 0

School Building P A G E | 53

Governing Combo ID = DL+λLL+EQx
Storey = 1F
Column Type = C1

1) Material Properties:
Grade of concrete used (fck) = M25
Grade of steel used (fᵧ) = Fe500
2) Member properties
Length of the column = 3.35 m
Depth of beam = 500 mm
Effective length factor (Kx) = 0.85
Effective length factor (Ky) = 0.85
Unsupported length of the column = 2.85 m
Effective length of the column (Lex) = 2.42 m
Effective length of the column (Ley) = 2.42 m
Width of column (Dx) = 406 mm
Depth of column (Dy) = 406 mm
Clear cover = 40 mm
Confinement rebar = 10 mm
Effective Cover = 60 mm
3) Load Data
Axial load of column (Pa) = 560.00 KN
Moment about X-axis
Mx,1 = 118.00 KN-m
Mx,2 = 11.00 KN-m
Moment about Y-axis
My,1 = 11.00 KN-m
My,2 = 11.00 KN-m
4) Flexural design of column
Slenderness check
lex/Dx = 5.97 < 12 , Design as short column
ley/Dy = 5.97 < 12 , Design as short column
Minimum Eccentricities:
ex,min = 20 mm > 20 mm
ey,min = 20 mm > 20 mm
Moment due to Eccentricities
Muxe = 11.33 KN-m = Pu x ey
Muye = 11.33 KN-m = Pu x ex
Hence, design moment Mux = 118.00 KN-m
Muy = 11.33 KN-m
For bi-axially loaded column,
Assume percentage of steel (pt) = 2.00 %
Gross area (Ag) = 164836.00 mm²
Moment carrying capacity of column (Mux,y),
Along X-axis
d'/D = 0.10
Pt/fck = 0.08
Pᵤ/fckbD = 0.14

School Building P A G E | 54

Mᵤ/fckbD² = 0.15 From graph of SP16,

Mux1 = 250.96 KN-m
Along Y-axis
d'/D = 0.10
Pt/fck = 0.08
Pᵤ/fckbD = 0.14
Mᵤ/fckb²D = 0.15 From graph of SP16,
Muy1 = 250.96 KN-m
Check for interaction formula
Axial Load Carrying capacity of Column (Puz) = 3053.59 KN =0.45f𝒸ₖA𝒸+0.75fᵧAₛₜ
Pu/Puz = 0.18
Mu/Mux1 = 0.47
Mu/Muy1 = 0.05
α = 0.98
Since, α < 1, so take α = 1.
(Mᵤ/Mᵤₓ₁)ᵃ + (Mᵤ/Mᵤᵧ₁)ᵃ = 0.52 ≤1
Area of steel required (Aₛₜ) = 3296.72 mm²
No. of Φ20 mm bars = 8 nos.
No. of Φ16 mm bars = 4 nos.
No. of Φ12 mm bars = 0 nos.
Max bar size provided (Φ) = 20 mm
Provide 8 nos. of 20 mm bar + 4 nos. of 16 mm bar as longitudinal reinforcement.
Area of steel provided (Aₛₜ) = 3317.52 mm²
Percentage of steel provided (p%) = 2.01 % should be within range 0.8 - 6%

5) Check for shear

Design shear reinforcement from ETABS = 554.00 mm²
No. of legs provided = 2 nos.
Size of ties (Φₜ) = 8 mm
Area of shear reinforcement = 100.53
Spacing of ties required = 181.46
Spacing of ties provided = 100.00 which should be < i) 16Φ = 320 mm
OK < ii) 300 mm
< iii) least lateral dim. = 406 mm
Check for extra ties
No. of bar per face = 4.0 nos.
Spacing between corner bars = 306 mm < 48Φₜ
Spacing between longitudinal bars = 109 mm >75 mm
Hence, extra stirrups is required.
Provided shear reinforcement of section = 1005.31 mm²

School Building P A G E | 55

2.5.3 Design of Beam

Design of beams requires determination of the cross-sectional dimensions and
reinforcement details to satisfy both serviceability and strength requirements. The
serviceability requirement for deflection is controlled by effective span to effective
depth ratio. Generally, depth of the beam is large and governed by the strength
requirement. The spacing of reinforcement controls the serviceability requirement for
crack. In beams, spacing of reinforcement bars are small and governed by the
minimum spacing requirement than maximum spacing for crack control. The
reinforcements are provided to satisfy strength requirements. The detailing of
longitudinal and transverse bars should satisfy the bending, shear and bond
requirements. The bending moment and shear are determined from the analysis
generally based on the elastic theory.

Beams are designed for the worst condition. So, the maximum values from the
combination have been used for the design.

Figure 2-28: Design shear reinforcement details (Plan view)

School Building P A G E | 56

Figure 2-29: Design reinforcement details (Plan view)

School Building P A G E | 57

Figure 2-30: Design reinforcement details (Plan view)

ETABS Concrete Frame Design

IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Beam Section Design (Summary)

Beam Element Details

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF Type
BM DL + λLL - Ductile
1F B11 399 203.2 3000 1
10"x16" EQY(ULS) Frame

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
254 406.4 254 0 33 33

School Building P A G E | 58

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Factored Forces and Moments

Factored Factored Factored Factored
Mu3 Tu Vu2 Pu
kN-m kN-m kN kN
-83.5866 7.9493 89.9448 0.8327

Design Moments, Mu3 & Mt

Factored Factored Positive Negative
Moment Mt Moment Moment
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
-83.5866 12.1578 0 -95.7444

Design Moment and Flexural Reinforcement for Moment, M u3 & Tu

Design Design -Moment +Moment Minimum Required
-Moment +Moment Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar
kN-m kN-m mm² mm² mm² mm²
Top (+2
-95.7444 692 0 692 228
Bottom (-2
0 346 0 0 346

Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu

Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
131.7956 0 181.8702 102.3152 1349.7

Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, T u & VU2

Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
7.9493 89.9448 208 360.4 642.06

School Building P A G E | 59

1) Material Properties:
Grade of concrete (fck) = 25 MPa
Grade of steel (fy) = 500 MPa
Modulus of elasticity of steel (Es) = 200000 MPa
2) Section Properties:
Width of Beam (b) = 254 mm
Overall depth of beam (D) = 406 mm
Clear cover (cc) = 25 mm
Effective cover (d') = 33 mm = cc + Φv + Φ/2
Effective depth of beam (d) = 373 mm = D-d'
Effective length of beam (l) = 3.00 m
3) Flexural Design of Beam:
Adopted ductile detailing code: 13920:2016
Governing combo Y
Design Moment = 83.58 KN-m
Factored Torsion moment (Mt) = 7.94 KN-m
Ultimate Design Moment (Mu) (As per IS 456:2000, cl. 41.4.2) = 95.72 KN-m
Limiting depth of neutral axis (xu,lim) = 172 mm
= 0.36fckbxu,max(d -
Then, Limiting Moment ( Mu,lim) (As per IS 456:2000, cl. G-1.1 = 118.31 KN-m
c) xu,max =0.46 d, As
per IS 456:2020, cl 38
Since Mu < Mu,lim, the section is = Singly Reinforced Section
For Singly Reinforced Section,
Tension reinforcement
Area of steel (Ast1) = 731 mm²
For remaining moment, M = 0.00 KN-m
Area of steel (Ast2) = 0 mm²
Total area of tension steel (Ast) = 731 mm²
Mu = 0.36 fck b xu
Depth of neutral axis (xu) = 132 mm
( d - 0.416 xu)
= Mu/[0.87fy(d-
Ast, required = 693 mm²
No. of Φ20 mm bars = 0 nos
No. of Φ16 mm bars = 2 nos
No. of Φ12 mm bars = 3 nos

Max bar size adopted = 16 mm

Therefore, Ast, provided = 741 mm²
Compression reinforcement
For remaining moment, M = 0 mm²
d'/d = 0.09
fsc =
fcc = 11.15 N/mm²
For area of compression reinforcement (Asc) = 0 mm²
No. of Φ20 mm bars = 0 nos
No. of Φ16 mm bars = 2 nos
No. of Φ12 mm bars = 1 nos
Max bar size adopted = 16 mm
Total area of compression steel (Asc) = 515 mm²

School Building P A G E | 60

Safe in flexure
4) Shear Design of Beam:
Given Ultimate Shear (Vu) = 132.00 KN
Shear due to gravity (Vg) = 0.00 KN
Shear force due to formation of plastic hinge at the end
= 102.31 KN
of beam (Vp)
Max. design shear force at ends (Vdu) = 234.31 KN
Ultimate Max design Shear (Vu) (As per IS 456:2000, cl. = 284.33 KN = Vdu + 1.6Tu/b
Required shear reinforcement = 1752 mm²/m
As per IS 13920:2016, cl 6.3.4: In the calculation of design shear force capacity of RC beams,
contribution of the shear strength of concrete shall not be considered.
Percent of tension reinforcement (p%) = 0.78% = 100 x Ast/bd
Nominal shear strength of concrete (τuc) = -
(τuc,max) = 3.10 N/mm²
Vuc = - = τuc x bd
=τuc,max x bd (which
Vuc,max = 293.70 KN should be greater
than Vu)
Consider shear reinforcement of diameter (Φv) = 10 mm
No. of legs = 3 nos
Asv = 236 mm²
Spacing of shear reinforcement (sv) (As per cl. = 100 mm
Safe in shear
Hence, provide 3L-10 mm vertical stirrups @100 mm c/c spacing.
5) Check for Deflection: (As per IS 456:2000, cl.
Required tension reinforcement % (Pt) = 0.73%
Provided tension reinforcement % (Pt) = 0.78%
Basic value of span to effective depth ratio (α) = 26
Modification factor for span > 10m (β) = 1
Mu/bd2 = 2.71
fs = 0.58fy x [Ast,required/ Ast,provided] =
Required modification factor for tension reinforcement = 3.23
Actual modification factor for tension reinforcement (γ) = 1.03
Modification factor for compression reinforcement (λ) = 1.00
Reduction factor (δ) = 1.00
Allowable span to effective depth ratio (L/d) = 26.67
Calculated span to effective depth ratio (L/d) = 8.04
Safe in deflection

School Building P A G E | 61
STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS REPORT Deflection check in beam

Figure 2-31: Bending moment diagram (DL + LL combination)

Figure 2-32: Force diagram for critical beam

The maximum deflection in beam is 2.883 mm which is less than the allowable deflection.

School Building P A G E | 62

Figure 2-33: Column-Beam Capacity ratio Check

As per NBC 105:2020 cl 4.4.4, at every beam column junction in a frame, the summation of
the moment capacities of the column end sections shall be greater than 1.2 times the
summation of the beam end moment capacities which is true in our instance.

School Building P A G E | 63

2.5.4 Design of slab

Longer span of the critical Slab (ly) = 4.50 m
Shorter span of the critical Slab (lx)= 4.00 m
Grade of concrete (fck) = 20 N/mm²
Width of slab, b = 1000 mm
Grade of steel (fy) = 500 N/mm²
Unit weight of marble= 27 KN/m³
Unit weight of screed = 20.40 KN/m³
Unit weight of plaster = 20.40 KN/m³
Thickness of screed = 25 mm
Thickness of plaster = 12.5 mm
Assume thickness of slab (D) = 125 mm
Effective depth of slab d= 105 mm
Type of slab Panel = 1 Long Edge Discontinuous
Aspect Ratio of the slab Considered Ly/Lx = 1.125
Bending Moment Coefficient for 1.1 for 1.2 for 1.125
Coeff for -ve moment, βx = 0.0440 0 0.046
Coeff for +ve moment, βx = 0.0330 0 0.035
Coeff for -ve moment, βy = 0.0370 - 0.037
Coeff for +ve moment, βy = 0.0280 - 0.028

Dead load of slab = 3.13 KN/m²
Dead load due to floor finish 1.50 KN/m²
Dead load due to partition wall = 1.00 KN/m²
Live load at slab = 4.00 KN/m²
Total load = 9.63 KN/m²
Factored design load = 14.44 KN/m²
Factored design load per meter = 14.44 KN/m
Design -ve moment for short span, Mx = 10.63 KN-m
Design +ve moment for short span, Mx = 7.97 KN-m
Design -ve moment for long span, My = 8.55 KN-m
Design +ve moment for long span, My = 6.47 KN-m
Design for -ve reinforcement
Along short span = 247.19 mm²
Along long span = 196.30 mm²
Design for +ve reinforcement
Along short span = 182.40 mm²
Along long span = 146.74 mm²
Minimum reinforcement required (Ast)= 187.50 mm²

School Building P A G E | 64

Spacing Spacing Area

Bar dia. Area Required
Direction Required Provided provided
Provided (mm) (mm2)
(mm) (mm) (mm2)
10 247 250.00 150 523.33
Shorter Mid 10 182 418.67 150 523.33
10 196 399.90 150 523.33
Longer Mid 10 147 418.67 150 523.33


Shear coefficient = 1.00
Design shear force (Vu) = 57.75 KN
Nominal shear stress (Ʈv) = 0.55 N/mm²
Percent tension steel (Pt) = 0.50 %
Shear strength of M20 concrete and 0.5% steel Ʈc = 0.48 N/mm²
Shear strength coefficient for(d<=150) ks = 1.30
Shear strength in slab (Ʈc) = 0.62 N/mm²
Maximum shear stress for M20 grade concrete Ʈc, max = 2.80 N/mm²
Safe in shear
Required tension reinforcement % for short span (Pt) = 0.17 %
Provided tension reinforcement % for short span (Pt) = 0.50 %
Basic value of span to effective depth (L/d) ) ratio (α) = 20
Modification factor for span > 10m (β) = 1
Mu/bd2= 0.72
Steel stress of service (fs)= 136.98 N/mm²
Required modification factor for tension reinforcement = 1.90
Actual modification factor for tension reinforcement (γ) = 2.00
Allowable short span to effective depth ratio (Lx/d) = 40.00
Calculated short span to effective depth ratio (Lx/d) = 38.10
Safe in deflection
8. Summary
Grade of concrete = 20 MPa Grade of steel = 500 MPa (TMT)
Provide 125 mm thick slab with Ø10 mm rebar @ 150 mm c/c & Ø10 mm distribution rebar @ 150
mm c/c bar

School Building P A G E | 65

2.5.5 Design of staircase

1. Input Design Parameters
Grade of concrete (fck) = 20 N/mm²
Grade of steel (fy) = 500 N/mm²
Tread (T) = 0.30 m
Riser (R) = 0.150 m
Length of riser(l) = 0.34 m
Thickness of waist slab (D) = 0.150 m
Width of landing (W) = 1.50 m
Length of front landing (L1) = 0.00 m
Length of flight (L2) = 2.50 m
Length of end landing (L3) = 1.50 m

2. Load Calculation
Dead load
Dead load of inclined flight = 6.07 KN/m²
Dead load of landing slab = 3.75 KN/m²
Floor Finish = 1.50 KN/m²
Live load = 4.00 KN/m²
Total load of landing = 9.25 KN/m²
Factored load of landing = 20.81 KN/m²
Total load on flight = 11.57 KN/m²
Factored load on flight = 26.03 KN/m²

3. Depth and Rebar Calculation

26.03 KN/m²
20.81 KN/m² 20.81 KN/m²


0.00 m 2.50 m 1.50 m

Reaction at support A (RA) = 50.59 KN

Reaction at support B (RB) = 45.70 KN
For max moment, consider point of zero shear from A is at distance x,
Then, -14.48
x = 1.94 m 1.94
Max. bending moment (Mmax) = 49.16 KN-m
We know, BM = 0.131 x fck x b x d2
Required effective depth (d) = 112 mm
Required depth (D) = 135 mm
Provided depth (D) = 150 mm
Effective depth (d) = 127 mm
Area of rebar required (Ast) = 1029 mm²/m
Size of bar provided (Φ) = 16 mm
Spacing provided (s) = 150 mm
Area of rebar provided (Ast) = 2211 mm²/m

School Building P A G E | 66

4. Check for shear

Percentage of tensile steel = 1.09 %
Shear strength of concrete (Ʈc) = 0.64 N/mm²
Shear strength coefficient for (d<=150) ks = 1.30
Shear strength of concrete (Ʈ𝒸) = KsƮc = 0.83 N/mm²
Maximum shear strength of concrete (Ʈcmax) = = 2.80 N/mm²
Nominal shear stress (Ʈv) = 0.27 N/mm²
Nominal shear strength (Ʈv) < Ʈc,max/2 = Safe

5. Check for Deflection (As per IS 456:2000 ,Cl. 23.2)

fs = 0.58x fy x Ast, re / Ast = 134.97 N/mm²
Effective span (L) = 4000 mm
Effective depth (d) = 127 mm
Mu/bd2 = 2.03
Mf = 1.5
Modification factor
Basic value of span to effective depth (L/d) ) ratio (α) = 20
Modification factor for span > 10m (β) = 1
Actual modification factor for tension reinforcement (γ) = 1.74
Calculated span to effective depth ratio (L/d) = 31.5
Allowable span to effective depth ratio (L/d) = 34.75
6. Temperature Reinforcement
For waist slab, provide nominal reinforcement i.e.
Provide 1-10 mm bars as temperature reinforcement in each riser.
Minimum Aₛₜ = 0.12% bD = 180 mm²
Size of bar provided (Φ) = 10 mm
Spacing required = 436 mm
Spacing provided = 150 mm
∴ Provide Φ 10 mm bar @ 150 mm c/c spacing
Aₛₜ provided = 550 mm²
7. Summary
Grade of concrete = M20 Grade of steel = Fe500 (TMT)
Provide 150 mm thick slab with Ø16 mm rebar @ 150 mm c/c & Ø10 mm distribution rebar @ 150
mm c/c bar.

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2.6 3D modelling of the building (Block 2)

i. 3D model of the building
ii. Plan of the building
iii. Elevation of the building

Figure 2-34: 3D Model of building

Table 2-14: Section property and modifiers

Property Modifiers
Name Material Depth Width Design type
Shear stiffness Flexural stiffness
BM 10” x 16” M25 16” 10” Beam 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.35
BM 10” x 14” M25 14” 10” Beam 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.35
SBM 10” x 12” M25 12” 10” Beam 0.4 0.4 0.35 0.35
CL 16” x 16” M25 16” 16” Column 0.4 0.4 0.7 0.7

School Building P A G E | 69

Figure 2-35: Plan of the building

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Figure 2-36: Elevation of the building

School Building P A G E | 71

2.7 Load Applied on Building:

Figure 2-37: Wall load on beam

Load coming from the weight of wall is applied on the beam underneath the wall. If there is
not any beam below the wall, load is applied to nearby beam in the direction of wall.
Application of wall load is shown in figure below.

Table 2-15: Wall load calculation

Floor Beam Thicknes
Density Load Calculated (KN/m)
Particular Height depth s
(m) (m) (m) (KN/m3 Full wall 25 % opening
Full brick wall 3.35 0.4 0.25 19.2 14.16 10.62
Half brick wall 3.35 0.4 0.125 19.2 7.08 -

School Building P A G E | 72

Figure 2-38: Live load applied on floor

Table 2-16: Live load intensity

S.N Area type Load Unit
1 Terrace (Accessible) 2 KN/m2
2 Terrace (Inaccessible) 0.75 KN/m2
3 Staircase Balcony and Passage 4 KN/m2
4 Partition Load 1 KN/m2
5 Washroom 2 KN/m2
6 Classroom 3 KN/m

School Building P A G E | 73

Figure 2-39: Floor Finish load on floor

Table 2-17: Floor Finish Load Calculation

For marble finishing
Depth of Finishes = 0.055 m
Marble Dressed = 26.5 KN/m³
Weight per square meter = 0.055 x 26.5 = 1.46 KN/m²
For plaster finishing
Depth of Finishes = 0.055 m
Screed/ Plaster = 20.40 KN/m³
Weight per square meter = 0.055 x 20.4 = 1.122 KN/m²

School Building P A G E | 74

Figure 2-40: Dead load of steps on waist slab

Unit weight of masonry (fck) = 19.2 KN/m³
Width of stair (W) = 1.400 m
Length of flight (L) = 2.600 m
Nos. of steps = 9
Dead load of steps = 1.50 KN/m²

Figure 2-41: Diaphragm Extent

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2.8 Analysis Result:

School Building P A G E | 76

Figure 2-42: Deformed shape under dead load and mode 1

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Figure 2-43: Deformed shape under modal load case (Mode 2 and 3)

2.8.1 Auto Seismic Load Definitions

Table 2-18: Auto Seismic Load Data
Weight Base
Ecc. Top Bottom
Name Direction C K Used Shear
Story Story
Ratio kN kN
EQxSLS X ± Ecc. 0.1 3RD PLINTH 0.15 1.0145 6217.64 932.65
EQxULS Y 0.1 3RD PLINTH 0.156 1.0145 6217.64 969.95
EQySLS Y ± Ecc. 0.1 3RD PLINTH 0.15 1.0145 6217.64 932.65
EQyULS X 0.1 3RD PLINTH 0.156 1.0145 6217.64 969.95

Figure 2-44: Base shear distribution along X and Y axis for ULS condition

School Building P A G E | 78

2.8.2 Modal Analysis

Modal analysis was performed to determine the free vibration and dynamic behavior of the
Table 2-19 : Modal Participating Mass Ratios
Case Mode Period UX UY SumUX SumUY RZ SumRZ Frequency
sec cyc/sec
Modal 1 0.774 0.592 0.1239 0.592 0.1239 0.1041 0.1041 1.291
Modal 2 0.725 0.1314 0.704 0.7234 0.8279 0.0012 0.1053 1.38
Modal 3 0.62 0.0937 0.0125 0.8171 0.8404 0.7322 0.8375 1.612
Modal 4 0.293 0.0862 0.0024 0.9033 0.8428 0.008 0.8455 3.416
Modal 5 0.267 0.0036 0.0792 0.9068 0.9219 0.0129 0.8584 3.739
Modal 6 0.23 0.0005 0.0061 0.9074 0.928 0.055 0.9134 4.35
Modal 7 0.186 0.0019 0.038 0.9093 0.966 0.0216 0.935 5.364
Modal 8 0.179 0.0647 0.0006 0.974 0.9666 0.0001 0.9351 5.589
Modal 9 0.156 0.0002 0.0136 0.9742 0.9802 0.0401 0.9751 6.43
Modal 10 0.123 0.0001 0.0189 0.9742 0.9992 0.0061 0.9812 8.14
Modal 11 0.118 0.0224 0.0001 0.9966 0.9993 0.0006 0.9818 8.465
Modal 12 0.104 0.0034 0.0007 1 1 0.0182 1 9.61

The first modal time period of the building is 0.774 sec. In total 12 modes were
considered and 90% mass participation was obtained for frequency less than 33Hz.

Table 2-20: Centers of Mass and Rigidity

Length of building along X-axis = 14.00 m
Length of building along Y-axis = 10.50 m
Story Diaphragm Mass X XCCM YCCM XCR YCR ex ey Check
kg m m m m m m x y
TOP D1 24555.54 11.35 7.18 10.02 6.45 1.33 0.73 - -
3F D1 86746.82 9.40 6.37 8.00 5.40 1.40 0.97 10.00 9.19
2F D1 131665.62 8.37 6.38 7.86 5.42 0.51 0.96 3.64 9.16
1F D1 131671.95 8.06 6.39 7.56 5.47 0.49 0.91 3.53 8.68

For the analysis for torsional effects, the applied torsion at each level shall use either the
forces calculated by the Equivalent Static Method or the combined story inertial forces found
in a Modal Response Spectrum Method. The accidental eccentricity can be taken as ±0.1b.

School Building P A G E | 79

2.8.3 Displacement and drift of the building

As per Cl. no. 7.11.1 of NBC 105, the the ratio of inter-storey deflection to the
corresponding storey height (story drift) in any story due to specified design lateral force
with partial load factor of 1 shall not exceed:

a) 0.025 at Ultimate Limit State

b) 0.006 at Serviceability Limit State

Figure 2-45: Story displacement along X direction for ULS and SLS condition

School Building P A G E | 80

Figure 2-46: Story drift along X direction for ULS and SLS condition

School Building P A G E | 81

Figure 2-47: Story displacement along Y direction for ULS and SLS condition

School Building P A G E | 82

Figure 2-48: Story drift along Y direction for ULS and SLS condition

As per Cl. no. 7.11.1 of NBC 105, the story drift in any story due to specified design
lateral force with partial load factor of 1.0, shall not exceed 0.025 times the story height.
From the analysis the displacements of the mass center of various floors are obtained and
are shown in along with story drift.

School Building P A G E | 83

Table 2-21: Check for displacement and drift

Displacement Criteria
Along X-axis Along Y-axis
Design displacement from ETABS in ULS = 49.05 mm 44.00 mm
Allowable ratio ULS = 0.025 0.025
Allowable displacement ULS = 0.025H/Ru = 62.81 mm 62.81 mm
Design displacement from ETABS in SLS = 47.17 mm 42.00 mm
Allowable ratio SLS = 0.006 0.006
Allowable displacement SLS = 0.006H/Rs = 60.30 mm 60.30 mm
Drift Criteria
Design story drift from ETABS ULS = 0.0047 0.0041
Allowable drift ULS = 0.025/Ru = 0.01 0.01
Design story drift from ETABS SLS = 0.0045 0.0039
Allowable drift SLS = 0.006 0.006

It is seen that drift does not exceed the code prescribed value of 0.025 times story
height in ultimate limit state and 0.006 in serviceability limit state respectively. Thus the drift
check seems to comply with the safety value mentioned in the code.

2.8.4 Irregularity check

Table 2-22: Check for mass irregularity

Mass X Mass < 50% of above
or Y OR below storey
TOP 24555.54 OK
3F 86746.82 OK

As per Cl. no. of NBC 105:2020, a difference of more than 50% between the
effective masses of two consecutive stories is considered as mass irregularity. Light roofs,
penthouse, and mezzanine floors need not be considered.

School Building P A G E | 84

Table 2-23: Check for stiffness irregularity

Along X-axis:
Shear X Drift X Stiffness Check
Storey Output Case
kN mm (KN/m) Ki<0.7Ki+1 Ki<0.8K(i+n)/n

TOP EQX (ULS) 142.36 8.926 15947.607 OK

3F EQX (ULS) 491.95 10.05 48951.274 OK
2F EQX (ULS) 811.66 12.956 62649.929 OK OK
1F EQX (ULS) 969.95 9.24 104974.91 OK OK

Along Y-axis:
Shear Y Drift Y Stiffness Check
Storey Output Case
kN mm (KN/m) Ki<0.7Ki+1 Ki<0.8K(i+n)/n

TOP EQY(ULS) 142.36 7.189 19801.675 OK

3F EQY(ULS) 491.95 9.358 52568.714 OK
2F EQY(ULS) 811.66 11.773 68940.701 OK OK
1F EQY(ULS) 969.95 9.392 103279.23 OK OK

As per Cl. no. of NBC 105:2020, a soft story is the one whose stiffness of the
lateral-force-resisting system is less than 70% of the lateral-force-resisting system stiffness
in an adjacent story above or below, or less than 80% of the average lateral-force-resisting
system stiffness of the three stories above or below.

Table 2-24: Check for torsion

Along X-axis Along Y-axis
Storey level = +10050 mm +10050 mm
Load case = EQxULS EQyULS
Minimum displacement (Δmax) = 28.46 mm 28 mm
Maximum displacement (Δmin) = 35.2 mm 32 mm
(Δmax)/(Δmin) = 1.25 1.15
Allowable (Δmax)/(Δmin) = 1.50 1.50

Torsion irregularity is considered to exist where the maximum horizontal displacement of

any floor in the direction of the lateral force (applied at the center of mass) at one end of
the story is more than 1.5 times its minimum horizontal displacement at the far end of the
same story in that direction.

School Building P A G E | 85

2.8.5 Force/Stress Diagrams:

Figure 2-49: Axial Force Diagram

School Building P A G E | 86

Figure 2-50: Shear Force Diagram

School Building P A G E | 87

Figure 2-51: Bending Moment Diagram

School Building P A G E | 88

Figure 2-52: Model Check

School Building P A G E | 89

2.9 Design of element:

The design of all structural elements is done using ‘Limit State Method’. All relevant Limit
State is considered in design to ensure adequate safety and serviceability. The design
includes design for durability, construction and use in service should be considered as a
whole. The realization of design objectives requires compliance with clearly defined
standards for materials, production, workmanship, and also maintenance and use of
structure in service.

This section includes all the design process of sample calculation for a single element as
column, beam, slab and foundation.

2.9.1 Design of footing

Figure 2-53: Base Reactions from ETABS

The footing is provided under RCC columns of a framed structure to distribute the load on
larger area. If condition of shear is satisfied, then the thickness of footing is reduced at the
edges for economy.

School Building P A G E | 90

The bending moment, beam shear and punching shear govern the thickness or depth of the
footing near the column face. Design of isolated footing

Model Node = D3
Service Axial Load (Pₐ) = 820 KN
Moment about X-axis = 0.00 KN-m
Moment about Y-axis = 0.00 KN-m
Size of Column A (bₐ x dₐ) = 400 mm x 400 mm
Grade of Concrete used (f𝒸ₖ) = 20.0 N/mm²
Grade of steel used (fᵧ) = 500 N/mm²
Bearing Capacity of Soil (SBC) = 130 KN/m²
Depth of footing required from Rankine's formula (D𝒻) = 0.90 m
Adopt depth of Footing (D𝒻) = 1.80 m
Factored Load on Column A= 1230 KN
Assuming 10 % of service load as self-weight of footing then,
Total load (Pᵤ)= 902 KN
Area of footing required (Aᵣₑ)= Pᵤ/SBC = 6.94 m²
Required Length of Footing (L𝒻) = 2.63 m
Required Width of Footing (B𝒻) = 2.63 m
Provided Length of Footing (L𝒻) = 2.65 m
Provided Width of Footing (B𝒻) = 2.65 m
Area of footing provided (Aₚ)= 7.02 m²
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₘₐₓ,ₓ) = 175.2 KN/m²
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₘᵢₙ,,ₓ) = 175.2 KN/m²
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₘₐₓ,ᵧ) = 175.2 KN/m²
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₘᵢₙ,,ᵧ) = 175.2 KN/m²
∴ Since, SBC > σₘₐₓ and σₘᵢₙ > 0, so it is safe in bearing
Length of projection along X-axis (L) = 1.13 m
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₗ) = 175.2 KN/m²
Resisting width (b) = 700 mm
Maximum cantilever moment (Mₘₐₓ) = 293.72 KN-m
Limiting moment of resistance (Mᵤ,ₗᵢₘ)= 377 KN-m
∴ Since, Mᵤ,ₗᵢₘ > Mᵤ, hence it is designed as singly reinforced section.
From SP16, we know for Fe500, then depth from bending consideration,

School Building P A G E | 91

∴Depth from bending moment consideration (d) =397 mm

For sloped footing, the depth is governed by bending moment rather than shear as resisting width for moment is
smaller than shear force.
Adopt Overall Depth (D) =500 mm
Clear Cover (d') = 50 mm
Assuming Φ = 16 mm as longitudinal bar and 16 mm bar as transverse rebar, then
∴ Effective depth along long. direction(dₓ) = 434 mm
∴ Effective depth along trans. direction(dᵧ) = 426 mm
֍ Along Longitudinal direction
Length of projection along X-axis (L) = 1.13 m
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σₗ) = 175.2 KN/m²
Resisting width (b) = 700 mm
Maximum cantilever moment per meter (Mₘₐₓ) = 293.72 KN-m/m
∴ Area of steel required from moment consideration (A ₛₜ)= 1785 mm²
Minimum Aₛₜ = 0.12% bD = 1193 mm²
Size of bar provided Φ = 16 mm
Spacing required = 298 mm c/c
Spacing provided = 150 mm c/c
Provide 16 mm bar @ 150mm c/c
∴Area of steel provided (Aₛₜ)= 3552 mm²
֍ Along transverse direction
Length of projection along Y-axis (B) = 1.13 m
Net Upward Soil Pressure (σᵦ) = 175.2 KN/m²
Resisting width (b') = 700 mm
Maximum cantilever moment per meter (Mₘₐₓ) = 293.72 KN-m/m
∴ Area of steel required from moment consideration (A ₛₜ)= 1882 mm²
Minimum Aₛₜ = 0.12% b'D = 1193 mm²
Size of bar provided Φ = 16 mm
Spacing required = 283 mm c/c
Spacing provided = 150 mm c/c
Provide 16 mm bar @ 150mm c/c
∴Area of steel provided (Aₛₜ)= 3552 mm²
֍ Along transverse direction
Distance of critical section from face of column = 426.0 mm
Resisting width (b) = 1268 mm
Pressure under footing at critical section = 175.15 KN/m²
Maximum shear force (Vₘₐₓ) = 324.44 KN

School Building P A G E | 92

Depth at critical section (d𝒸) = 353.18 mm

Nominal Shear stress at critical section (Ʈᵥ) = 0.55 N/mm²
Tensile steel % = 0.79 %
Shear strength of concrete (Ʈ𝒸) = 0.57 N/mm²
∴ Since Ʈ𝒸 > Ʈᵥ ,so it is safe against one way shear
Area of critical section (A𝒸) = 6.37 m²
∴ Pressure under footing at critical section = 175.15 KN/m²
Maximum shear force (Vₘₐₓ) = 1110.84 KN
Depth at critical section (d𝒸) = 408.82 mm
Perimeter of critical section (bₒ) = 408.82 m
Nominal Shear stress at critical section (Ʈᵥ) = 0.84 N/mm²
Maximum Shear stress for concrete (Ʈ𝒸,ₘₐₓ) = 1.12 N/mm²
∴ Since Ʈ𝒸,ₘₐₓ > Ʈᵥ ,so it is safe against two way shear
Development length for column bar (L𝒹) = 1133 mm
Available Length = 1551.00 mm
∴ Available length is sufficient.
Bearing stress on column (Ʈ) = 7.69 N/mm²
Bearing strength of concrete = 18.00 N/mm²
∴ Since bearing stress on column footing interface is less than bearing strength of concrete, hence it is safe
against bearing.

School Building P A G E | 93

2.9.2 Design of column

The design of column section can be made either by working stress method or by the limit
state method. The working stress method of design of column is based on the behavior of
the structure at working load ensuring that the stress in concrete and steel do not exceed
their allowance values.

It is assumed to possess adequate safety against collapse. The limit state method of design
of column is based on the behavior of structure at collapse ensuring adequate margin of
safety. The serviceability limits of deflections and cracks are assumed to be satisfied as the
column being primarily a compression member has very small deflections and cracks.

Figure 2-54: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)

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Figure 2-55: Design reinforcement detail (Elevation view)

School Building P A G E | 95

Figure 2-56: Design reinforcement percentage detail (Elevation view)

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ETABS Concrete Frame Design

IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Column Section Design (Summary)

Column Element Details

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF Type
CL DL + ?LL + Ductile
1F C20 207 0 3352.8 0.681
16"X16" EQY(ULS) Frame

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) dc (mm) Cover (Torsion) (mm)
406.4 406.4 60 30

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Design For Pu , Mu2 , Mu3

Design Pu Design Mu2 Design Mu3 Minimum M2 Minimum M3 Rebar Area Rebar %
kN kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m mm² %
682.19 209.57 23.85 13.64 13.64 3270 1.98

Axial Force and Biaxial Moment Factors

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment
Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
0.678137 2946.4 15.11 0 13.64

School Building P A G E | 97

K Factor Length Initial Moment Additional Moment Minimum Moment

Unitless mm kN-m kN-m kN-m
0.639721 2946.4 106.06 0 13.64

Shear Design for Vu2 , Vu3

Shear Vu Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
Major, Vu2 45 142.92 56.31 29.83 450
Minor, Vu3 138.52 142.92 56.31 58.42 450

Joint Shear Check/Design

Joint Shear Shear Shear Shear Joint Shear
Force VTop Vu,Tot Vc Area Ratio
kN kN kN kN cm² Unitless
Major Shear, Vu2 N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N
Minor Shear, Vu3 N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N N/N

(1.4) Beam/Column Capacity Ratio

Major Ratio Minor Ratio

Additional Moment Reduction Factor k (IS

Ag Asc Puz Pb Pu k
cm² cm² kN kN kN Unitless
1651.6 32.7 3084.42 808.79 682.19 1

Additional Moment (IS 39.7.1)

Consider Length Section KL/Depth KL/Depth KL/Depth Ma
Ma Factor Depth (mm) Ratio Limit Exceeded Moment (kN-m)
Major Bending (M3 ) Yes 0.879 406.4 4.916 12 No 0
Minor Bending (M2 ) Yes 0.879 406.4 4.638 12 No 0

School Building P A G E | 98

Governing Combo ID = DL+λLL+Eqy
Storey = 1F
Column Type = C1

1) Material Properties:
Grade of concrete used (fck) = M25
Grade of steel used (fᵧ) = Fe500
2) Member properties
Length of the column = 3.35 m
Depth of beam = 500 mm
Effective length factor (Kx) = 0.85
Effective length factor (Ky) = 0.85
Unsupported length of the column = 2.85 m
Effective length of the column (Lex) = 2.42 m
Effective length of the column (Ley) = 2.42 m
Width of column (Dx) = 406 mm
Depth of column (Dy) = 406 mm
Clear cover = 40 mm
Confinement rebar = 10 mm
Effective Cover = 60 mm
3) Load Data
Axial load of column (Pa) = 683.00 KN
Moment about X-axis
Mx,1 = 209.50 KN-m
Mx,2 = 23.85 KN-m
Moment about Y-axis
My,1 = 14.00 KN-m
My,2 = 14.00 KN-m
4) Flexural design of column
Slenderness check
lex/Dx = 5.97 < 12 , Design as short column
ley/Dy = 5.97 < 12 , Design as short column
Minimum Eccentricities:
ex,min = 20 mm > 20 mm
ey,min = 20 mm > 20 mm
Moment due to Eccentricities
Muxe = 13.82 KN-m = Pu x ey
Muye = 13.82 KN-m = Pu x ex
Hence, design moment Mux = 209.50 KN-m
Muy = 14.00 KN-m
For bi-axially loaded column,
Assume percentage of steel (pt) = 2.00 %
Gross area (Ag) = 164836.00 mm²
Moment carrying capacity of column (Mux,y),
Along X-axis
d'/D = 0.10
Pt/fck = 0.08
Pᵤ/fckbD = 0.17

School Building P A G E | 99

Mᵤ/fckbD² = 0.15 From graph of SP16,

Mux1 = 250.96 KN-m
Along Y-axis
d'/D = 0.10
Pt/fck = 0.08
Pᵤ/fckbD = 0.17
Mᵤ/fckb²D = 0.15 From graph of SP16,
Muy1 = 250.96 KN-m
Check for interaction formula
Axial Load Carrying capacity of Column (Puz) = 3053.59 KN =0.45f𝒸ₖA𝒸+0.75fᵧAₛₜ
Pu/Puz = 0.22
Mu/Mux1 = 0.83
Mu/Muy1 = 0.06
α = 1.04
Since, 1 < α < 2, so take α = 1.04
(Mᵤ/Mᵤₓ₁)ᵃ + (Mᵤ/Mᵤᵧ₁)ᵃ = 0.88 ≤1
Area of steel required (Aₛₜ) = 3296.72 mm²
No. of Φ20 mm bars = 8 nos.
No. of Φ16 mm bars = 4 nos.
No. of Φ12 mm bars = 0 nos.
Max bar size provided (Φ) = 20 mm
Provide 8 nos. of 20 mm bar + 4 nos. of 16 mm bar as longitudinal reinforcement.
Area of steel provided (Aₛₜ) = 3317.52 mm²
Percentage of steel provided (p%) = 2.01 % should be within range 0.8 - 6%

5) Check for shear

Design shear reinforcement from ETABS = 450.00 mm²
No. of legs provided = 2 nos.
Size of ties (Φₜ) = 8 mm
Area of shear reinforcement = 100.53
Spacing of ties required = 223.40
Spacing of ties provided = 100.00 which should be < i) 16Φ = 320 mm
OK < ii) 300 mm
< iii) least lateral dim. = 406 mm
Check for extra ties
No. of bar per face = 4.0 nos.
Spacing between corner bars = 306 mm < 48Φₜ
Spacing between longitudinal bars = 109 mm >75 mm
Hence, extra stirrups is required.
Provided shear reinforcement of section = 1005.31 mm²

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2.9.3 Design of Beam

Design of beams requires determination of the cross-sectional dimensions and
reinforcement details to satisfy both serviceability and strength requirements. The
serviceability requirement for deflection is controlled by effective span to effective
depth ratio. Generally, depth of the beam is large and governed by the strength
requirement. The spacing of reinforcement controls the serviceability requirement for
crack. In beams, spacing of reinforcement bars are small and governed by the
minimum spacing requirement than maximum spacing for crack control. The
reinforcements are provided to satisfy strength requirements. The detailing of
longitudinal and transverse bars should satisfy the bending, shear and bond
requirements. The bending moment and shear are determined from the analysis
generally based on the elastic theory.

Beams are designed for the worst condition. So, the maximum values from the
combination have been used for the design.

Figure 2-57: Design shear reinforcement details (Plan view)

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Figure 2-58: Design reinforcement details (Plan view)

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Figure 2-59: Design reinforcement details (Plan view)

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ETABS Concrete Frame Design

IS 456:2000 + IS 13920:2016 Beam Section Design (Summary)

Beam Element Details

Level Element Unique Name Section ID Combo ID Station Loc Length (mm) LLRF Type
BM DL + ?LL - Ductile
1F B38 45 2050 4700 1
10"x14" EQX(ULS) Frame

Section Properties
b (mm) h (mm) bf (mm) ds (mm) dct (mm) dcb (mm)
254 355.6 254 0 33 33

Material Properties
Ec (MPa) fck (MPa) Lt.Wt Factor (Unitless) fy (MPa) fys (MPa)
25000 25 1 500 500

Design Code Parameters

ɣC ɣS
1.5 1.15

Factored Forces and Moments

Factored Factored Factored Factored
Mu3 Tu Vu2 Pu
kN-m kN-m kN kN
128.58 3.9 122.53 -0.54

Design Moments, Mu3 & Mt

Factored Factored Positive Negative
Moment Mt Moment Moment
kN-m kN-m kN-m kN-m
128.58 5.51 134.09 0

School Building P A G E | 104


Design Moment and Flexural Reinforcement for Moment, M u3 & Tu

Design Design -Moment +Moment Minimum Required
-Moment +Moment Rebar Rebar Rebar Rebar
kN-m kN-m mm² mm² mm² mm²
Top (+2
0 376 376 1 225
Bottom (-2
134.09 1181 1181 1 225

Shear Force and Reinforcement for Shear, Vu2 & Tu

Shear Ve Shear Vc Shear Vs Shear Vp Rebar Asv /s
kN kN kN kN mm²/m
122.53 0 147.11 44.06 1264

Torsion Force and Torsion Reinforcement for Torsion, T u & VU2

Tu Vu Core b1 Core d1 Rebar Asvt /s
kN-m kN mm mm mm²/m
3.9 122.53 208 309.6 749 Sample Design of Beam

1) Material Properties:
Grade of concrete (fck) = 25 MPa
Grade of steel (fy) = 500 MPa
Modulus of elasticity of steel (Es) = 200000 MPa
2) Section Properties:
Width of Beam (b) = 254 mm
Overall depth of beam (D) = 406 mm
Clear cover (cc) = 25 mm
Effective cover (d') = 35 mm = cc + Φv + Φ/2
Effective depth of beam (d) = 371 mm = D-d'
Effective length of beam (l) = 4.70 m
3) Flexural Design of Beam:
Adopted ductile detailing code: 13920:2016
Governing combo = DL+λLL+EQY
Design Moment 128.58 KN-m
Factored Torsion moment (Mt) = 3.90 KN-m
Ultimate Design Moment (Mu) = 134.54 KN-m
Limiting depth of neutral axis (xu,lim) = 171 mm
Then, Limiting Moment ( Mu,lim) = 117.04 KN-m
Since Mu > Mu,lim, the section is = Doubly reinforced section
For Doubly reinforced section,
Tension reinforcement
Area of steel (Ast1) = 1033 mm²
For remaining moment, M = 17.50 KN-m
Area of steel (Ast2) = 120 mm²

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Total area of tension steel (Ast) = 1153 mm²

Depth of neutral axis (xu) 206 mm
Ast, required 1153 mm²
No. of Φ20 mm bars = 2 nos
No. of Φ16 mm bars = 4 nos
No. of Φ12 mm bars = 0 nos
Max bar size adopted = 20 mm
Therefore, Ast, provided = 1433 mm²
Compression reinforcement
For remaining moment, M 18 mm²
d'/d 0.09
411.14 N/mm²
11.15 N/mm²
For area of compression reinforcement (Asc) 130 mm²
No. of Φ20 mm bars = 2 nos
No. of Φ16 mm bars = 4 nos
No. of Φ12 mm bars = 0 nos
Total area of compression steel (Asc) = 1433 mm²
Safe in
4) Shear Design of Beam:
Given Ultimate Shear (Vu) = 123.00 KN
Shear force due to formation of plastic hinge at the end
= 44.06 KN
of beam (Vp)
Max. design shear force at ends (Vdu) = 167.06 KN
Ultimate Max design Shear (Vu) (As per IS 456:2000, cl. = 191.63 KN = Vdu + 1.6Tu/b
Required shear reinforcement = 1187 mm²/m
As per IS 13920:2016, cl 6.3.4: In the calculation of design shear force capacity of RC beams,
contribution of the shear strength of concrete shall not be considered.
Consider shear reinforcement of diameter (Φv) =10 mm
No. of legs =2 nos
Asv =157 mm²
Spacing of shear reinforcement (sv) (As per cl. =100 mm = 0.87fyAsvd/(Vu-Vuc)
Safe in shear
Hence, provide 2L-10 mm vertical stirrups @100 mm c/c spacing.
5) Check for Deflection: (As per IS 456:2000, cl. 23.2.1)
Required tension reinforcement % (Pt) = 1.22%
Provided tension reinforcement % (Pt) = 1.52%
Basic value of span to effective depth ratio (α) = 26
Modification factor for span > 10m (β) = 1
Mu/bd2 = 3.85
fs = 0.58fy x [Ast,required/ Ast,provided] = 233.41 N/mm²
Required modification factor for tension reinforcement = 2.05
Actual modification factor for tension reinforcement (γ) = 0.98
Modification factor for compression reinforcement (λ) = 1.00
Reduction factor (δ) = 1.00

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Allowable span to effective depth ratio (L/d) = 25.41

Calculated span to effective depth ratio (L/d) = 12.67
Safe in deflection (l/d)max > (l/d)provided

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STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS REPORT Deflection check in beam

Figure 2-60: Bending moment diagram (DL + LL combination)

Figure 2-61: Force diagram for critical beam

The maximum deflection in beam is 2.118 mm which is less than the allowable deflection.

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Figure 2-62: Column-Beam Capacity ratio Check

As per NBC 105:2020 cl 4.4.4, at every beam column junction in a frame, the summation of
the moment capacities of the column end sections shall be greater than 1.2 times the
summation of the beam end moment capacities which is true in our instance.

School Building P A G E | 109


2.9.4 Design of slab

Longer span of the critical Slab (ly) = 4.50 m
Shorter span of the critical Slab (lx)= 4.00 m
Grade of concrete (fck) = 20 N/mm²
Width of slab, b = 1000 mm
Grade of steel (fy) = 500 N/mm²
Unit weight of marble= 27 KN/m³
Unit weight of screed = 20.40 KN/m³
Unit weight of plaster = 20.40 KN/m³
Thickness of screed = 25 mm
Thickness of plaster = 12.5 mm
Assume thickness of slab (D) = 125 mm
Effective depth of slab d= 105 mm
Type of slab Panel = 1 Long Edge Discontinuous
Aspect Ratio of the slab Considered Ly/Lx = 1.125
Bending Moment Coefficient for 1.1 for 1.2 for 1.125
Coeff for -ve moment, βx = 0.0440 0 0.046
Coeff for +ve moment, βx = 0.0330 0 0.035
Coeff for -ve moment, βy = 0.0370 - 0.037
Coeff for +ve moment, βy = 0.0280 - 0.028

Dead load of slab = 3.13 KN/m²
Dead load due to floor finish 1.50 KN/m²
Dead load due to partition wall = 1.00 KN/m²
Live load at slab = 4.00 KN/m²
Total load = 9.63 KN/m²
Factored design load = 14.44 KN/m²
Factored design load per meter = 14.44 KN/m
Design -ve moment for short span, Mx = 10.63 KN-m
Design +ve moment for short span, Mx = 7.97 KN-m
Design -ve moment for long span, My = 8.55 KN-m
Design +ve moment for long span, My = 6.47 KN-m
Design for -ve reinforcement
Along short span = 247.19 mm²
Along long span = 196.30 mm²
Design for +ve reinforcement
Along short span = 182.40 mm²
Along long span = 146.74 mm²
Minimum reinforcement required (Ast)= 187.50 mm²

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Spacing Spacing Area

Bar dia. Area Required
Direction Required Provided provided
Provided (mm) (mm2)
(mm) (mm) (mm2)
10 247 250.00 150 523.33
Shorter Mid 10 182 418.67 150 523.33
10 196 399.90 150 523.33
Longer Mid 10 147 418.67 150 523.33


Shear coefficient = 1.00
Design shear force (Vu) = 57.75 KN
Nominal shear stress (Ʈv) = 0.55 N/mm²
Percent tension steel (Pt) = 0.50 %
Shear strength of M20 concrete and 0.5% steel Ʈc = 0.48 N/mm²
Shear strength coefficient for(d<=150) ks = 1.30
Shear strength in slab (Ʈc) = 0.62 N/mm²
Maximum shear stress for M20 grade concrete Ʈc, max = 2.80 N/mm²
Safe in shear
Required tension reinforcement % for short span (Pt) = 0.17 %
Provided tension reinforcement % for short span (Pt) = 0.50 %
Basic value of span to effective depth (L/d) ) ratio (α) = 20
Modification factor for span > 10m (β) = 1
Mu/bd2= 0.72
Steel stress of service (fs)= 136.98 N/mm²
Required modification factor for tension reinforcement = 1.90
Actual modification factor for tension reinforcement (γ) = 2.00
Allowable short span to effective depth ratio (Lx/d) = 40.00
Calculated short span to effective depth ratio (Lx/d) = 38.10
Safe in deflection
8. Summary
Grade of concrete = 20 MPa Grade of steel = 500 MPa (TMT)
Provide 125 mm thick slab with Ø10 mm rebar @ 150 mm c/c & Ø10 mm distribution rebar @ 150
mm c/c bar

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2.9.5 Design of staircase

1. Input Design Parameters
Grade of concrete (fck) = 20 N/mm²
Grade of steel (fy) = 500 N/mm²
Tread (T) = 0.30 m
Riser (R) = 0.150 m
Length of riser(l) = 0.34 m
Thickness of waist slab (D) = 0.150 m
Width of landing (W) = 1.50 m
Length of front landing (L1) = 0.00 m
Length of flight (L2) = 2.50 m
Length of end landing (L3) = 1.50 m

2. Load Calculation
Dead load
Dead load of inclined flight = 6.07 KN/m²
Dead load of landing slab = 3.75 KN/m²
Floor Finish = 1.50 KN/m²
Live load = 4.00 KN/m²
Total load of landing = 9.25 KN/m²
Factored load of landing = 20.81 KN/m²
Total load on flight = 11.57 KN/m²
Factored load on flight = 26.03 KN/m²

3. Depth and Rebar Calculation

26.03 KN/m²
20.81 KN/m² 20.81 KN/m²


0.00 m 2.50 m 1.50 m

Reaction at support A (RA) = 50.59 KN

Reaction at support B (RB) = 45.70 KN
For max moment, consider point of zero shear from A is at distance x,
Then, -14.48
x = 1.94 m 1.94
Max. bending moment (Mmax) = 49.16 KN-m
We know, BM = 0.131 x fck x b x d2
Required effective depth (d) = 112 mm
Required depth (D) = 135 mm
Provided depth (D) = 150 mm
Effective depth (d) = 127 mm
Area of rebar required (Ast) = 1029 mm²/m
Size of bar provided (Φ) = 16 mm
Spacing provided (s) = 150 mm
Area of rebar provided (Ast) = 2211 mm²/m
4. Check for shear

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Percentage of tensile steel = 1.09 %

Shear strength of concrete (Ʈc) = 0.64 N/mm²
Shear strength coefficient for (d<=150) ks = 1.30
Shear strength of concrete (Ʈ𝒸) = KsƮc = 0.83 N/mm²
Maximum shear strength of concrete (Ʈcmax) = = 2.80 N/mm²
Nominal shear stress (Ʈv) = 0.27 N/mm²
Nominal shear strength (Ʈv) < Ʈc,max/2 = Safe

5. Check for Deflection (As per IS 456:2000 ,Cl. 23.2)

fs = 0.58x fy x Ast, re / Ast = 134.97 N/mm²
Effective span (L) = 4000 mm
Effective depth (d) = 127 mm
Mu/bd2 = 2.03
Mf = 1.5
Modification factor
Basic value of span to effective depth (L/d) ) ratio (α) = 20
Modification factor for span > 10m (β) = 1
Actual modification factor for tension reinforcement (γ) = 1.74
Calculated span to effective depth ratio (L/d) = 31.5
Allowable span to effective depth ratio (L/d) = 34.75
6. Temperature Reinforcement
For waist slab, provide nominal reinforcement i.e.
Provide 1-10 mm bars as temperature reinforcement in each riser.
Minimum Aₛₜ = 0.12% bD = 180 mm²
Size of bar provided (Φ) = 10 mm
Spacing required = 436 mm
Spacing provided = 150 mm
∴ Provide Φ 10 mm bar @ 150 mm c/c spacing
Aₛₜ provided = 550 mm²
7. Summary
Grade of concrete = M20 Grade of steel = Fe500 (TMT)
Provide 150 mm thick slab with Ø16 mm rebar @ 150 mm c/c & Ø10 mm distribution rebar @ 150
mm c/c bar.

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2.10 Seismic gap (Building separation):

As per NBC 105:2020, cl. 5.6.2, the parts of buildings or buildings on the same site
which are not designed to act as an integral unit shall be separated from each other by a
distance of not less than the sum of the design horizontal deflections determined in
accordance with 5.6.1. Separation spaces shall be detailed and constructed to remain clear
of debris and other obstructions. The width of such spaces shall allow for all constructional

5” Seismic gap

Figure 2-63: Seismic joint location

Table 2-25: Building separation width calculation

Building Separation (As per cl. 5.6.2)
Direction = Along X-axis
Load case = EQxULS
Design horizontal deflection of Block 1 = 28 mm
Design horizontal deflection of Block 2 = 49 mm
Design seismic gap = 77.05 mm
Provided seismic gap = 125 mm

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Design summary

Grade of concrete = M20
Grade of rebar = Fe500

Typ Length X Breadth Overall Depth

Nodes Reinforcement Remarks
e (mm x mm) (mm)

Φ12 @ 150 mm c/c (X-axis)

F1 A1, A3, I1 1500 X 1500 400
Φ12 @ 150 mm c/c (Y-axis)
A2, B1, C1, D1, E1, G1, H1, Φ12 @ 150 mm c/c (X-axis)
F2 1650 X 1650 400
B4 Φ12 @ 150 mm c/c (Y-axis)
B2, B3, D4, I4, Φ12 @ 150 mm c/c (X-axis)
F2 2000 X 2000 400
F1-F’1, F4-F’4 Φ12 @ 150 mm c/c (Y-axis) Minimum foundation depth
C2, D2, E2, F2-F’2, from existing ground level shall
Φ16 @ 150 mm c/c (X-axis)
be 5'
F4 G2, H2, D3, I3, 2250 X 2250 450
C4, E4, G4, H4 Φ16 @ 150 mm c/c (Y-axis)
Φ16 @ 150 mm c/c (X-axis)
F4 I2 2400 X 2400 500
Φ16 @ 150 mm c/c (Y-axis)
Φ16 @ 150 mm c/c (X-axis)
F5 F3-F’3, H3 2650 X 2650 500
Φ16 @ 150 mm c/c (Y-axis)

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Figure 2-64: Typical footing layout

**Reinforcement has to be provided at top and bottom (BOTH) for footing with 2 columns (F-F’ grid).

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 Block 1 (Design Summary Output)

Grade of concrete = M25
Grade of rebar = Fe500
Section From Base to From 3.35m From 6.7 m Max./Min
S.N. Type Node Lateral Ties
Size 3.35 m to 6.7 m to Top percentage rebar
E1, F1, A2, B2, E2, Φ8 @ 100/150
1 C1 16" X 16" 8- Φ20 + 4- Φ16 4- Φ20 + 8- Φ16 12- Φ16 2.01% & 1.46%
F2, F3, F4 mm c/c

A1, B1, C1, D1, C2,

Φ8 @ 100/150
2 C2 16" X 16" D2, A3, B3, D3, B4, 4- Φ20 + 8- Φ16 4- Φ20 + 8- Φ16 12- Φ16 1.75% & 1.46%
mm c/c
C4, D4, E4

Grade of concrete = M25
Grade of rebar = Fe500
S.N. Type Floor Level Section Size Layer Longitudinal Reinforcement Lateral Ties
Extra Bar Through Bar Extra Bar
Top - 2-Φ12 -
1 TIE BEAM - 10" X 10" 2L-Φ8 @ 100/150 mm c/c
Bottom - 2-Φ12 -
Top 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12
2 Plinth Beam 0 10” x 16” 2L-Φ10 @ 100/150 mm c/c
Bottom - 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 -
10” x 14” (Along X) Top 2-Φ12 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 2-Φ12
3 Floor Beam 3350 3L-Φ10 @ 100/150 mm c/c
10” x 16” (Along Y) Bottom - 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 -
10” x 14” (Along X) Top 2-Φ12 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 2-Φ12
4 Floor Beam 6700 3L-Φ10 @ 100/150 mm c/c
10” x 16” (Along Y) Bottom - 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 -
10” x 14” (Along X) Top 2-Φ12 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 2-Φ12
5 Floor Beam 10050 2L-Φ10 @ 100/150 mm c/c
10” x 16” (Along Y) Bottom - 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 -

School Building P A G E | 117



Grade of concrete = M20
Grade of rebar = Fe500
S.N. Floor Level Length X Breadth Overall Depth Reinforcement Remarks
Layer Rebar
Top/ Bottom Φ16 @ 150 mm c/c (Longitudinal Reinforcement)
Top/ Bottom Φ10 @ 150 mm c/c (Transverse Reinforcement)


Grade of concrete = M20
Grade of rebar = Fe500
S.N. Floor Level Length X Breadth Overall Depth Reinforcement Remarks
Layer Rebar
1 ALL FLOOR LEVEL VARIES 5" Top/ Bottom Φ10 @ 150 mm c/c (BOTHWAYS) -

School Building P A G E | 118


 Block 2 (Design Summary Output)

Grade of concrete = M25
Grade of rebar = Fe500
Section From Base to From 3.35m to From 6.7 m Max./Min
S.N. Type Node Lateral Ties
Size 3.35 m 6.7 m to Top percentage rebar
Φ8 @ 100/150
1 C1 16" X 16" F'1, H1, I1, I3 8- Φ20 + 4- Φ16 4- Φ20 + 8- Φ16 12- Φ16 2.01% & 1.46%
mm c/c
G1, F'2, G2,H2,
Φ8 @ 100/150
2 C2 16" X 16" I2, F'3, H3, F'4, 4- Φ20 + 8- Φ16 4- Φ20 + 8- Φ16 12- Φ16 1.75% & 1.46%
mm c/c
G4, H4, I4

Grade of concrete = M25
Grade of rebar = Fe500
S.N Floor
Type Section Size Layer Longitudinal Reinforcement Lateral Ties
. Level
Extra Bar Through Bar Extra Bar
Top - 2-Φ12 - 2L-Φ8 @ 100/150
1 TIE BEAM - 10" X 10"
Bottom - 2-Φ12 - mm c/c
Plinth Top 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 2L-Φ10 @
2 0 10” x 16”
Beam Bottom - 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 - 100/150 mm c/c
2-Φ12 3-Φ16 2-Φ12
10” x 14” (Along X) Top
(Check note below) (Check note below) (Check note below) 3L-Φ10 @
3 Floor Beam 3350
3-Φ16 100/150 mm c/c
10” x 16” (Along Y) Bottom - -
(Check note below)

2-Φ12 3-Φ16 2-Φ12 3L-Φ10 @

4 Floor Beam 6700 10” x 14” (Along X) Top
(Check note below) (Check note below) (Check note below) 100/150 mm c/c

School Building P A G E | 119


10” x 16” (Along Y) Bottom - -
(Check note below)
2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12
10” x 14” (Along X) Top 2-Φ12 2-Φ12
(Check note below) 2L-Φ10 @
5 Floor Beam 10050
2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 100/150 mm c/c
10” x 16” (Along Y) Bottom - -
(Check note below)
Top - 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 - 2L-Φ10 @
6 Floor Beam 13400 10” x 14”
Bottom - 2-Φ16 + 1- Φ12 - 100/150 mm c/c

For secondary beam SB (10” x12”), provide 3-Φ16 (Th.) at top and bottom with extra rebar and vertical stirrups as specified for particular floor level .
For main beam at grid H2-I2, H3-I3, provide through bar [2- Φ 20 + 1- Φ 16] with extra bars [2- Φ16] at top and bottom BOTH as per ductile detailing.
Refer structure drawing for ductile detailing.


Grade of concrete = M20
Grade of rebar = Fe500
S.N. Floor Level Length X Breadth Overall Depth Reinforcement Remarks
Layer Rebar
Top/ Bottom Φ16 @ 150 mm c/c (Longitudinal Reinforcement)
Top/ Bottom Φ10 @ 150 mm c/c (Transverse Reinforcement)


Grade of concrete = M20
Grade of rebar = Fe500
S.N. Floor Level Length X Breadth Overall Depth Reinforcement Remarks
Layer Rebar
1 ALL FLOOR LEVEL VARIES 5" Top/ Bottom Φ10 @ 150 mm c/c (BOTHWAYS) -

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3. Conclusions and recommendations

Conclusion on overall, the design has covered all its objectives. The best possible efforts
have been made to produce an appropriate design. Yet, the designers do not guarantee the
perfectionism of the successively constructed structures. Design and construction of the
structure are inter – related jobs. A structure behaves in a manner how it has been built
rather than what the intensions is during designing. A large percentage of structural failures
are attributed due to poor quality of construction. Therefore, quality assurance is needed in
both design and construction. Detailing of steel reinforcement is an important aspect of
structural design. Poor reinforcement detailing can lead to structural failures. Detailing plays
an important role in seismic resistant design. In seismic resistant design, actual forces
experienced by the structure are reduced and reliance is placed on the ductility of the
structure. And, ductility can be achieved by proper detailing only. For instance, care should
be taken while detailing of corners of stairs such that the steel when pulled in tension
doesn’t tend to pull out the concrete over the reinforcement. Thus, in addition to design,
attention should be paid on amount, location and arrangement of reinforcement to achieve
ductility as well as strength.
Last but not least, this design does not supersede the application of sound engineering
judgment, professional experience and skills, and established code of practice and
guidelines. It does not refrain from using more appropriate and approved techniques and
necessary modifications incurred therefrom. The detailed design was carried out based on
the data available wherever possible and the assumptions referring to the codes and pieces
of literature where the investigation data is not available.
Nevertheless, it is not only a good design that is enough for good construction,
appropriate construction practice, quality control and strict adherence to the design are
equally important for completing construction work soundly. Strict quality control and due
consideration to the essence of detailed design are recommended.
The analysis and design were carried out using state-of-the-art analyses tools and
procedures with a special emphasis on the effects due to earthquakes. Under ultimate limit
state and serviceability limit state level of earthquakes as per NBC 105:2020, a linear
response spectrum analysis was performed scaled to static linear method.
Based on the analysis of the results, the performance of the building was assessed using
several response indicators such as natural periods, mode shapes, base shear, story drifts,
lateral displacements, and deformation and force capacities in ULS level.
The following conclusions can be drawn from this analysis:

 The building is designed to remain serviceable under frequent earthquakes, having

no or minimum cracks in the structural members.
 Story drifts are within the permissible limits under ultimate limit state and
serviceability limit state level earthquakes as per NBC 105:2020.
 The building is designed to remain operational condition after a repair in case of rare
big earthquakes ensuring the life of the occupant.

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