Currently, students were used text book as reIerences during class. Teachers
conduct the lesson while students listen and write down notes. There is no
interaction involve between them and text book. In addition this situation will
cause big problem especially Ior slow learner student. The development oI Science
and Technology nowadays had given a great impact especially to human liIe.
Besides, it also as a main domain to our education system in order to increase the
eIIectiveness oI teaching and learning process.
Furthermore the development oI this soItware module with computer as a
main tool, is one oI the best initiative Ior the advancement oI modern science and
technology especially in the Iields oI education. The interactive learning involves
interaction between the learner and the courseware. Because oI that, this project
presents the development oI an interactive courseware in Science subject Year
Three using multimedia authoring tools to help the slow learner student to more
understand about this subject.
The project was Iocused on Science Year Three. Macromedia Director MX
was used to develop and Adobe Flash CS3 ProIessional was used to develop
interactivity and the contents will using sounds, images and animation to help the
slow learner student learn easier and more interesting. The interactions used during
the project are drag and drop, Iill in the blanks, true/ Ialse questions and etc. The
results were test on Iiction oI each interaction. This project is hope to help the
students to involve in interactive environment during their learning.
Courseware is a soItware that is used Ior learning purposes. This project
involves in developing a courseware on learning sciences Ior slow leaner student
aged nine years old. There are many teaching techniques such are using teaching
methods, using simple words in teaching slow learner students and more. One oI
learning tool that can be used by a teacher is courseware.
This chapter provides the background and rationale Ior this project. It
discusses about the research background and objectives Ior this project along with
the issues, problem and signiIicance that led to the development oI this
1.1 Research Background
owadays, the technology in education is become expand with the assist oI
interactive multimedia as one oI the element which is used in educational
courseware. Teachers use authoring tools through technology to make them easier
in order to give explanation to student. Today, there are many coursewares that can
be Iound in the market and people may choose the best one to their children.
Courseware is soItware used Ior teaching and learning purpose in a particular
curriculum area. It can be used Ior any stages start Irom pre-school students,
primary and secondary school students until university's students, but the way to
present this courseware to every stage is deIinitely diIIerent with each other. But in
this project, the Iocus is more on slow leaner student because courseware is the
best way to teach them. Courseware will create learning process more Iun and
interesting. It also involve as many senses like hearing and sight that can attract
attention student and make them to understand easily.
Courseware is one oI the Iinal products which provide direct interactive
learning. Teachers and student usually will not Iace any problem during using this
tool because it just use a simple command or word to ensure user can utilize it
easily. That's why teachers or parent preIers to use courseware.
The development oI this project actually tries to develop a courseware
on learning Science Ior slow learner students in order to provide them with
interactive learning. This project only concern on slow leaner students aged nine
years old. The topics that will be covered in this development may Iocus on
Sciences subject Ior Year Three.
This courseware will be developed by using Macromedia Director, Adobe Flash
CS3 ProIessional and other multimedia soItware which are needed to support this
development. It is hoped that this courseware will give beneIits to slow learner
students especially when it is produced soon.
1.2 Problem Statement
Reading capability has been the subject oI public concern Ior decades. Far
too many children cannot write, spell and read well and are thereIore precluded
Irom learning what they might, both in and outside oI school. These children are
also called as slow learner student. Slow learner student is a student who cannot
Iollow the lesson in the classroom, curriculum or in school, too slow to achieve a
simple lesson objective or short-term objectives and also have the weak stimulus
and low observation. The academic achievement is diIIerent compare to other
students. They are very slow to understand about the subject, usually unable to
communicate such the normal children, cannot mention the letters or words
accurately and regularly exchange and etc.
This problem particularly aIIected are at-risk students in urban and rural
schools who have relatively Iewer home and community supports. From the
perspective oI reading specialists, Iactors contributing oI slow learner problem are
to reading diIIiculties include visual and auditory imitations, instructional and
environmental problems, poor memory, easily distracted attention, lack oI
stimulation and emotional diIIiculties. EIIectively addressing this situation holds
out great promise Ior the social and economic Iuture oI this country. Improved
reading curricula and teaching methods are needed iI the reading abilities oI
Malaysian children are to increase. Research results have yielded insight into how
to teach slow leaner student in more eIIective way.
owadays, there are many science coursewares that can be Iound in the
market, but sometimes it does not Iollow the speciIications that are needed by slow
learner student such are easy to learn and understand the contents, using a simple
order in the exercise section, provide examples as a guideline to answer the
questions and interactive courseware. ThereIore, a courseware with multimedia
elements like sounds, animation, video, text and IulIill all the requirements above
needs to develop.
Besides that, to ensure that the student really understand and not just
memorize the topics in Science, this courseware will try to present the easiest
teaching technique such as mapping technique or animation graphic. Another
electronic learning element like quizzes also will be included in this courseware to
test the understanding oI slow leaner students.
BeIore this, teachers used traditional method to prepare teaching tools
but with current technologies, it become more Ilexible because they only need a
laptop or personal computer and a courseware. The courseware is easy to get in the
market and simple to use. However, sometimes that courseware is not IulIill user
requirements such are not Iollow the syllabus Ior Year Three Students. ThereIore a
new courseware needs to develop to replace those coursewares.
1.3 Objective Research
The main objective oI this project are :
O To develop a multimedia courseware Ior learning Science among slow
learner student in Year Three.
O IdentiIy the educational problems Iaced by students who have Iaced this
problem. IdentiIied problems can help students improve selI-conIidence oI
students in lessons.
O IdentiIy methods and eIIectiveness. The methods used in overcome oI the
slow learner problems.
1.4 Scope Of Research
This courseware only Iocuses on Science subject and it is developed Ior slow
learner students aged nine years old. This courseware will be in English since
Science subject nowadays are taught in English. This courseware will deliver the
contents using sounds, images and animations in order to create an interesting and
easy to learn. User will going through the processes oI exploring, learning,
recognizing, and gaining inIormation Irom the soItware.
1.5 Significance Scope
Through this project, it hopes that some beneIits can be gained by the user. It is
i. Improve teaching and learning style. Teacher will become more conIident
and exuberant to teach once the student understand properly on what they
had learned
ii. The slow learner will become easier to understand the Science subject, give
response to teacher during lesson, more interested to study.
iii. Save time because teachers do not need to prepare teaching tools Ior the
iii. Systematic presentation in terms oI the topic's order Irom easy to diIIicult
iv. Flexible. The requirements to use this courseware only the courseware CD
and a personal computer.
1.6 Summary
In this chapter, we have discussed on the background, objectives, the scope and the
signiIicance oI the project. All oI the discussion involved in this chapter is used to
give some brieI explanation on introduction about the whole project.