Power System
Power System
Power System
M.Tech. I to IV Semester
Power System
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Type Code
Exam IA ETE Total
L T P Hrs
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S. Week
Course Course
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Type Code
Ex- IA ETE Total
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Course Course
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Type Code
Exam IA ETE Total
L T P Hrs
Text/Reference Books
1. J.J. Grainger &W.D.Stevenson, “Power system analysis ”, McGraw Hill ,2003
2. A. R. Bergen & Vijay Vittal , “Power System Analysis” ,Pearson , 2000
3. L.P. Singh , “Advanced Power System Analysis and Dynamics”, New Age International, 2006
4. G.L. Kusic, “Computer aided power system analysis” ,Prentice Hall India, 1986
5. A.J. Wood, “ Power generation, operation and control” , John Wiley, 1994
6. P.M. Anderson, “Faulted power system analysis” , IEEE Press , 1995
7. D.P Kothari,” Modern power system analysis”, Tata McGraw hill, New Delhi
Text/Reference Books
1. P. M. Anderson & A. A. Fouad “Power System Control and Stability”, Galgotia , New Delhi, 1981
2. J Machowski, J Bialek& J. R W. Bumby, “Power System Dynamics and Stability”, John Wiley &
Sons, 1997
3. P.Kundur, “Power System Stability and Control”, McGraw Hill Inc., 1994.
4. E.W. Kimbark, “Power system stability”, Vol. I & III, John Wiley & Sons, New York 2002
Text/Reference Books
1. A.G. Phadke and J. S. Thorp, “Computer Relaying for Power Systems”, Wiley/Research studies
Press, 2009
2. A.T. Johns and S. K. Salman, “Digital Protection of Power Systems”, IEEE Press,1999
3. Gerhard Zeigler, “Numerical Distance Protection”, Siemens Publicis Corporate Publishing, 2006
4. S.R.Bhide “Digital Power System Protection” PHI Learning Pvt.Ltd.2014
Text/Reference Books
1. A.S. Pabla, “ Electric Power Distribution”, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., Fourth Edition.
2. M.K. Khedkar, G.M. Dhole, “A Text Book of Electrical power Distribution Automation”, Universi-
ty Science Press, New Delhi
3. Anthony J Panseni, “Electrical Distribution Engineering”, CRC Press
4. James Momoh, “Electric Power Distribution, automation, protection & control”, CRC Press
1st Year - I Semester: M.Tech. (Power System)
1MPS2-12: Mathematical Methods for Power Engineering
Text/Reference Books
1. Kenneth Hoffman and Ray Kunze, “Linear Algebra”, 2nd Edition, PHI, 1992
2. Erwin Kreyszig, “Introductory Functional Analysis with Applications”, John Wiley & Sons, 2004
3. Irwin Miller and Marylees Miller, John E. Freund’s “Mathematical Statistics”, 6th Edn, PHI, 2002
4. J. Medhi, “Stochastic Processes”, New Age International, New Delhi., 1994
5. A Papoulis, “Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes”, 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, 2002
6. John B Thomas, “An Introduction to Applied Probability and Random Processes”, John Wiley, 2000
7. Hillier F S and Liebermann G J, “Introduction to Operations Research”, 7th Edition, McGraw Hill, 2001
8. Simmons D M, “Non Linear Programming for Operations Research”, PHI, 1975
Text/Reference Books
1. D. Grahame Holmes, Thomas A. Lipo, “Pulse width modulation of Power Converter: Princi-
ples and Practice”, John Wiley & Sons, 03-Oct-2003
2. Bin Vew, “High Power Converter”, Wiley Publication
3. Marian K. Kazimicrczuk, “Pulse width modulated dc-dc power converter”, Wiley Publication
1. To Study and Write the Program to obtain P-V Curves at different Power factors.
2. Write the Program for Transient and Small Signal Stability Analysis: Single& Multi -Machine
Infinite Bus System
3. Write the Program for Transient analysis of single machine infinite bus system with STATCOM
4. To study the PV MPPT testing and see effect of Shading.
5. To study the Current Sharing in DC microgrid and Communication enabled DC micro-grid.
6. Design & simulate a model for Load – Frequency Dynamics of Single- Area and Two-Area Power
7. Design & simulate a model to test the Capabilities of the Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Capacitors
when connected to grid
8. To Study and Design & simulate a model of solar panel observe the effect of Temperature and
other different variable on Solar Panel Outputs.
9. To Study and Design & simulate a model of solar panel and observe an Load Effect on Solar Pan-
el Output
10. Design & simulate a model to test the Capabilities of Solar Panels and Wind Turbines, when
integrated with common grid.
11. Mini Project “ Design & simulate a model of Power Generation System”
A) Have minimum 3 different Power generating source.
B) 2 transformer
C) Minimum 3 Load.
1st Year - II Semester: M.Tech. (Power System)
2MPS1-01: Distributed Generation System
5 Power Quality & EMC in Smart Grid: Power Quality issues of Grid connected 07
Renewable Energy Sources, Power Quality Conditioners for Smart Grid, Web
based Power Quality monitoring, Power Quality Audit
6 Micro-Grid: Concept of micro-grid, need & applications of micro-grid, formation 09
of micro-grid, Issues of interconnection, protection & control of micro-grid., Plas-
tic & Organic solar cells, Thin film solar cells, Variable speed wind generators,
fuel-cells, micro-turbines, Captive power plants, Integration of renewable energy
DC microgrid: Basic concept of Photovoltaic, Basics of DC/DC converter, DC load
detail, AC/DCload detail,DC Microgrid control, PV MPPT testing, Shading, Cur-
rent Sharing inDC microgrid, Communication enabled DC microgrid
Text/Reference Books
1. Ali Keyhani, “Design of smart power grid renewable energy systems”, Wiley IEEE, 2011
2. Clark W. Gellings, “The Smart Grid: Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response”, CRC
Press , 2009
3. JanakaEkanayake, Nick Jenkins, KithsiriLiyanage, “Smart Grid: Technology and Applications”,
Wiley 2012
4. Stuart Borlase, “Smart Grid: Infrastructure, Technology and solutions “ CRC Press
5. A.G.Phadke, “Synchronized Phasor Measurement and their Applications”, Springer
Text/Reference Books
1. Wood, A.J. and B.F. Wollenberg, Power Generation Operation and Control, John Wiley & Sons,
ThirdEdition, 2013.
2. P. Kundur, Power system stability and control, McGraw-Hill, 1994.
3. A. Chakrabati and S. Halder, Power System Analysis Operation and Control, PHI, 2011
4. Jizhong Zhu, Optimization of Power System Operation, John Wiley & Sons, 2009.
5. D.P.Kothari and I.J.Nagrath, Modern Power System Analysis, Fourth Edition, TMH, 2011
6. Dhillon, Kothari, Power System Optimization, PHI.
7. O.E. Elgerd: Electric Energy Systems Theory. TMH Publishing Company.
1st Year - II Semester: M.Tech. (Power System)
2MPS1-03: AI Application to Power System
3 Statistical Reasoning: Probability and Daye's theorem. Certainty factor and rule 07
based systems. Baysian Networks, Dampster Shafer theorem. Semantic nets and
frames, Scripts. Examples of knowledge based systems.
4 Pattern Recognition: Introduction, automatic pattern recognition scheme. De- 07
sign Concepts, Methodologies, Concepts of Classifier, concept of feature selec-
tion. Feature selection based on means and covariances. Statistical classifier de-
sign algorithms; increment-correction and LMS algorithms. Applications.
5 Artificial Neural Networks: Biological Neuron, Neural Net, use of neural 'nets, 07
applications, Perception, idea of single layer and multilayer neural nets, back
propagation, Hopfield nets, supervised and unsupervised learning.
6. Expert Systems: Introduction. Study of some popular expert systems, Expert 06
System building tools and Shells, Design of Expert Systems.
Text/Reference Books
1. ClArtificial Intelligence Techniques in Power Systems (Energy Engineering), by Kevin War-
wick (Editor), Arthur Ekwue (Editor), Rag Aggarwal (Editor),1997
2. Artificial Intelligence Techniques in Power Systems Edited by Kevin Warwick, Arthur Ekwue,
Rag Aggarwal
3. AI Application Areas in Power Systems, Iraj Dabbaghchi, American Electric Power Richard D.
Christie, Gary W. Rosenwald, and Chen-Ching Liu, University of Washington
4. N.P Pandey,” Artificial Intelligence and intelligent system” by Oxford.
5. N.K. Bose, “ Neural network fundamental with graph algorithm and application” by Tata
McGraw hill.
1st Year - II Semester: M.Tech. (Power System)
2MPS2-11: Embedded System Design
Text/Reference Books
1. John.F.Wakerly: “Microcomputer Architecture and Programming”, John Wiley and Sons 1981
2. Ramesh S.Gaonker: “Microprocessor Architecture, Programming and Applications with the
8085”,Penram International Publishing (India), 1994
3. Raj Kamal: “The Concepts and Features of Microcontrollers”, Wheeler Publishing, 2005
4. Kenneth J. Ayala, “The 8051 microcontroller”, Cengage Learning, 2004
5. John Morton,” The PIC microcontroller: your personal introductory course”, Elsevier, 2005
6. Dogan Ibrahim,” Advanced PIC microcontroller projects in C: from USB to RTOS with the PIC18F
Series”, Elsevier, 2008
7. Microchip datasheets for PIC16F877
Text/Reference Books
1. Stuart A. Boyer: “SCADA-Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition”, Instrument Society of America
2. Gordon Clarke, Deon Reynders: “Practical Modern SCADA Protocols: DNP3, 60870.5 and Related Sys-
tems”, Newnes Publications, Oxford, UK,2004
3. William T. Shaw, “Cybersecurity for SCADA systems”, PennWell Books, 2006
4. David Bailey, Edwin Wright, “Practical SCADA for industry”, Newnes, 2003
5. Michael Wiebe, “A guide to utility automation: AMR, SCADA, and IT systems for electric power”,
PennWell 1999
1st Year - II Semester: M.Tech. (Power System)
2MPS2-13: Modern Control System and Design
2 General system consideration and FACTs concepts: Reactive power flow control 09
in Power Systems, Control of dynamic power unbalances in Power System, Constraints of
maximum transmission line loading, Need of FACTs controller in power system, Trans-
mission line compensation, Uncompensated line -Shunt compensation, Series compensa-
tion Phase angle control, Reactive power compensation Shunt and Series compensation
principles, Reactive compensation at transmission and distribution level
3 Static Shunt Compensator: Static versus passive VAR compensator, Static shunt com- 07
pensators: SVC and STATCOM, Operation and control of TSC, TCR and STATCOM -
Compensator control, Comparison between SVC and STATCOM
5 UPFC and IPFC: SSR and its damping Unified Power Flow Controller, Circuit Ar- 07
rangement, Operation and control of UPFC, Basic Principle of P and Q control, Independ-
ent real and reactive power flow control- Applications.
6 Interline power flow controller: Introduction to interline power flow controller, Basic 07
operating principle, characteristics and application, Modeling and analysis of FACTS, Con-
trollers, Simulation of FACTS controllers Power quality problems in distribution systems,
harmonics, loads that create harmonics, modeling, harmonic propagation, series and paral-
lel resonances mitigation of harmonics, passive filters, active filtering – shunt , series and
hybrid and their control
7 Power Quality issues and modelling of FACTs: Voltage swells , sags, flicker, unbalance 04
and mitigation of these problems by power line conditioners, IEEE standards on power
quality. Modelling of TCSC, STATCOM, UPFC
Text/Reference Books
1. K R Padiyar, “FACTS Controllers in Power Transmission and Distribution”, New Age InternationalPublishers, 2007
2. X P Zhang, C Rehtanz, B Pal, “Flexible AC Transmission Systems- Modelling and Control”, SpringerVerlag, Ber-
lin, 2006
3. N.G. Hingorani, L. Gyugyi, “Understanding FACTS: Concepts and Technology of Flexible ACTransmission Sys-
tems”, IEEE Press Book, Standard Publishers and Distributors, Delhi, 2001.
4. K.S.Sureshkumar ,S.Ashok , “FACTS Controllers & Applications”, E-book edition, Nalanda DigitalLibrary, NIT
5. G T Heydt , “Power Quality”, McGraw-Hill Professional, 2007
6. T J E Miller, “Static Reactive Power Compensation”, John Wiley and Sons, Newyork, 1982.
2nd Year - III Semester: M.Tech. (Power System)
3MPS2-13: Industrial Load Modeling and Control
Text/Reference Books
1. C.O. Bjork " Industrial Load Management - Theory, Practice and Simulations", Elsevier, the Neth-
2. C.W. Gellings and S.N. Talukdar,. Load management concepts. IEEE Press, New York, 1986, pp.
3. Y. Manichaikul and F.C. Schweppe ," Physically based Industrial load", IEEE Trans. on PAS,
April 1981
4. H. G. Stoll, "Least cost Electricity Utility Planning”, Wiley Interscience Publication, USA, 1989.
5. I.J.Nagarath and D.P.Kothari, .Modern Power System Engineering., Tata McGraw Hill publishers,
NewDelhi, 1995
6. IEEE Bronze Book- “Recommended Practice for Energy Conservation and cost effective planning
in Industrial facilities”, IEEE Inc, USA