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Feedback Log 1

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FEEDBACK LOG for Formative Assessment

Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you

Provide the day and content State the following: encourage students to use
1. Oral or written the feedback?
2. What you shared 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to
Remind them of their
2. 2-A Learning experience that
would build on their learning

DAY 1- Science Whole Class- I provided 1- I would have students

positive written feedback for keep this child-
each individual student and friendly scoring guide
child-friendly scoring guide on the outside pocket
that was explained to them of their homework
thoroughly before the lesson, folder to remind that
to review what was expected of their feedback
from them. whenever they need to
Student # 1- This child needs use this folder.
consistent verbal praise and 2- The follow-up lesson
feedback for good work, to for this would be aa
understand that he is on the fossil evidence game,
right track. I wrote and told where the students
him that his fossil must decide what the
observations were fossil is from due to
spectacular, but to now work evidence.
on taking his time on
Student # 2- This child needs
straight forward feedback that
tells him what his strengths
and needs are. I wrote that he
showed tremendous effort in
his work, just needed to
work more on observational
Day 2- Math Whole Class- I provided 1- The students were told
written positive feedback for to tape their feedback
each student in the class on a on their child-friendly
child-friendly scoring guide, scoring guides to their
along with verbal feedback desks, to remind them
that was given throughout the of their strengths and
learning segment. needs in
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you
Provide the day and content State the following: encourage students to use
1. Oral or written the feedback?
2. What you shared 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to
Remind them of their
2. 2-A Learning experience that
would build on their learning

Expectations for this scoring measurement.

guide were reviewed before 2- The follow-up lesson
they began. would include
Student #1- This child needs working with meters.
verbal reassurance often, to
remind him that he is doing
good with the tasks at hand. It
was important for me to tell
him what I wrote on his
child-friendly scoring guide.
I wrote that his
measurements were perfect,
now he needs to work on
consistently labeling each
measurement with the
proper unit.
Student #2- This child needs
concrete feedback, so his
child-friendly scoring guide
was very beneficial to him. I
wrote to work on accurately
lining up the object being
measured to the zero or end
of the, whichever it includes,
and this will improve
measurements. Great job
providing the proper label at
the end of each

Day 3- Social Studies Whole Class- I provided 1- The next day I had the
written feedback on each class discuss results
individual students child- from their child-
friendly scoring guide. I also friendly scoring
provided verbal feedback as guides. We created an
each student completed their anchor chart to remind
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you
Provide the day and content State the following: encourage students to use
1. Oral or written the feedback?
2. What you shared 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to
Remind them of their
2. 2-A Learning experience that
would build on their learning

assigned Boom Card slide. them and also came

The expectations of this up with ways to help
assessment were explained students meet their
before the completion. needs.
Student #1- This child needs 2- The follow-up lesson
constant positive feedback, for this would be a
but thrives off of verbal due scavenger hunt, where
to a lack of confidence. I students would use
wrote that he was very quick cardinal directions to
to identify the cardinal find clues.
directions, but he needs to
try to take his time and use
the compass rose as a tool.
Student #2- This child
benefits from immediate
positive feedback because he
also struggle with confidence.
I wrote and explained to him
verbally that I was very
happy to see him using his
compass rose manipulative
to help him find the object,
but to be sure that he really
reads and understands what
the question on the slide is
asking you.

Day 4- ELA Whole Class- I provided 1- After discussing the

written positive feedback to children’s posters that
each individual student on were completed with
their child-friendly scoring their assigned groups,
guides. I also gave verbal we also reviewed
feedback as students were feedback and added
completing the assessment this to their posters
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you
Provide the day and content State the following: encourage students to use
1. Oral or written the feedback?
2. What you shared 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to
Remind them of their
2. 2-A Learning experience that
would build on their learning

with their assigned groups. that were kept up on

Students were made aware of the wall to remind
the requirements on the them of their strengths
scoring guide before and needs as a group.
completing the assessment. 2- The follow-up lesson
Student #1- This child would be for students
benefits from verbal feedback to find the who, what,
and though he also received when, where, why,
written feedback, it is and how all on their
extremely important that I own to improve their
told him how well he did reading
verbally as well. I wrote that comprehension skills.
his content and handwriting
was outstanding, but he
needed to pay more attention
to sentence structure rules.
Student #2- This child also
benefits from verbal
feedback, but it must be
immediate and positive to
always encourage him to do
his best. He also received
written feedback on his child-
friendly scoring guide. I
wrote that the content was
very impressive and showed
major growth in
handwriting, but needs to
improve on sentence
Lesson Day Feedback Provided How would or will you
Provide the day and content State the following: encourage students to use
1. Oral or written the feedback?
2. What you shared 1. 1- Name a Concrete Way to
Remind them of their
2. 2-A Learning experience that
would build on their learning

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