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Garage Tracking And Parking Application

* Md. Touhidul Islam, Mufizul Islam, Md. Habibur Rahman, Dr. Md. Mostafijur Rahman Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Green

University of Bangladesh, Email: touhid1757@gmail.com, cse.mufizul@gmail.com, mdhabib127009@gmail.com, mostafijur@cse.green.edu.bd

Abstract—This project report presents the development of a The application provides an easy-to-use interface that
garage tracking and parking application. The application aims allows users to find parking spaces near their location. It also
to provide a streamlined, efficient, and user-friendly solution for provides users with a parking history, allowing them to track
garage owners and drivers to manage parking operations.
the location and duration of their previous parking sessions.

Overall, the Garage Tracking and Parking Application has

The application features several modules, including a park- the potential to revolutionize parking operations and provide
ing management module, a vehicle tracking module, a pay-
ment processing module, and a reporting module. The parking
a more efficient and convenient solution for garage owners
management module allows garage owners to manage parking and drivers.
spaces, monitor availability, and assign parking spots to vehicles.
The vehicle tracking module enables drivers to find available Overall, the Garage Tracking and Parking Application has
parking spots, track their vehicle location, and receive real- the potential to revolutionize parking operations and provide
time notifications. The payment processing module allows drivers
to pay for parking using various payment methods, and the a more efficient and convenient solution for garage owners
reporting module generates customized reports for garage owners and drivers.
to analyze parking trends and optimize parking operations.

We used the Dart language to develop this system Flutter A. Maintaining the Integrity of the Specifications
platform for building mobile apps it. We also used the Firebase
Database for the backend and the Firebase Realtime Database The motivation behind the development of garage tracking
for data store. We also use Google Maps API to display the and parking applications is to address the growing problem
place location. Users need to install this Android application and of parking congestion in urban areas. In many cities, finding
register here. Once the registration is complete, users will be able a parking spot can be a time-consuming and frustrating
to use all of the services in our system.
Index Terms—Android and Ios base Applicaton, Flutter, Park- experience for drivers, leading to increased traffic, pollution,
ing System, Real Time Location Detection and wasted fuel.

Garage tracking and parking applications aim to provide

a solution to this problem by using technology to make it
In our city, parking has become a major challenge for both easier for drivers to find available parking spots. By providing
garage owners and drivers. The lack of available parking real-time information on parking availability and location,
spots, inefficient parking management, and difficulties in these applications can help drivers save time and reduce the
payment processing can lead to frustrated drivers, lost revenue environmental impact of driving.
for garage owners, and traffic congestion. To address these
challenges, we developed a garage tracking and parking In addition to addressing the problem of parking congestion,
application that provides an integrated solution for garage garage tracking, and parking applications also have the
owners and drivers. potential to benefit parking lot owners and operators. By
providing analytics on parking lot usage and pricing, these
The Garage Tracking and Parking Application is an applications can help owners optimize their operations,
innovative solution that aims to simplify the parking increase revenue, and improve customer satisfaction.
experience for drivers. With the ever-increasing number of
vehicles on the road, finding a parking spot has become a Overall, the motivation behind the development of garage
tedious task. This application intends to reduce the time and tracking and parking applications is to improve the parking
effort required for parking by providing real-time information experience for drivers, reduce congestion and pollution in
about available parking spaces. urban areas, and provide valuable insights for parking lot
owners and operators.
• To design and development Garage Tracking And Parking The management of parking spaces has been a persistent
Application problem in urban areas. With the growth of the global
• To test the efficiency of the application population, more and more people are moving to urban
areas, leading to increased demand for parking spaces. In
IV. C ONTRIBUTIONS OF PROJECT many cities, parking spaces are limited, leading to parking
congestion, high parking fees, and difficulty in locating
The Garage Tracking and Parking Application makes sev-
available parking spots. The problem is further compounded
eral contributions to the field of parking management and
by inefficient parking management systems that result in
urban transportation. The key contributions of the project are
underutilized parking spaces, which, in turn, leads to lost
as follows:
revenue for garage owners.
1) Streamlined Parking Management: The application
provides a streamlined and efficient solution for garage The current parking management systems are outdated
owners to manage parking operations. The parking man- and lack the necessary features to cater to the modern needs
agement module allows garage owners to monitor park- of garage owners and drivers. The traditional methods of
ing availability, assign parking spots, and track vehicle paper-based systems or manually tracking vehicles have
locations in real time, leading to more efficient use of proven to be inefficient and unreliable. These methods can
parking spaces and increased revenue for garage owners. lead to errors, inaccurate tracking of parking spots, and a
2) Convenient Vehicle Tracking: The vehicle tracking lack of real-time updates on parking availability.
module of the application provides drivers with a con-
venient way to find available parking spots, track their The garage tracking and parking application aims to
vehicle location, and receive real-time notifications. This address these challenges by providing a digital solution for
feature reduces the time and effort required for drivers to parking management. The application enables garage owners
locate and park their vehicles, leading to reduced traffic. to manage parking operations effectively and efficiently
3) Customizable Reporting: The reporting module of the while providing drivers with real-time updates on parking
application allows garage owners to generate customized availability and vehicle tracking.
reports to analyze parking trends and optimize parking
operations. This contribution provides garage owners Overall, the problem domain of parking management
with valuable insights into the usage of their parking presents several challenges that need to be addressed to
spaces and allows them to make data-driven decisions. improve the quality of parking operations and reduce traffic
Overall, the Garage Tracking and Parking Application congestion. The Garage Tracking and Parking Application
makes significant contributions to the field of parking man- provides a solution to address these challenges and could
agement and urban transportation. The application provides a contribute to more efficient and effective parking management
user-friendly and efficient solution for parking operations, and in urban areas.
its future development and optimization could lead to new
features and applications that improve parking management VII. M ETHODOLOGY
and urban transportation. The Garage Tracking and Parking Application is an
Android-based mobile application that enables users to
V. P ROJECT O UTLINE track their garage activities, such as parking and vehicle
• Chapter 2: Literature Review In this chapter, we have maintenance. This application is designed to make the garage
described the literature review, project gap, and proposed management process easier, faster, and more efficient.
solution of our developing system.
• Chapter 3: Requirements Analysis and System Speci- The objectives of this project are as follows:
fications In this chapter, we show requirements analysis, • Research: The first step in the development process
system specifications, project features, operating environ- was to research the current state of garage management
ment, and methodology. applications. This involved conducting a comprehensive
• Chapter 4: System Design In this chapter, we have survey of the available applications, their features, and
described different kinds of Unified Modeling Language their user reviews.
(UML) diagrams. • Design: After researching the existing applications, a
• Chapter 5: Design specification In this chapter, we have design was created for the Garage Tracking and Parking
shared our design and specification. Application. This design was based on the feedback from
• Chapter 6: Conclusion In this chapter, we introduced the the research and aimed to create a simple and intuitive
purpose of our work and major results, limitations of the interface that users could easily navigate.
project and practical implications. Also, we shared our • Development: The next step was to develop the appli-
future plan for this project. cation. This involved coding the application using Java
programming language and the Android Studio develop- 2) Security: Another limitation of existing garage tracking
ment environment. The application was developed to be and parking applications is their security. These ap-
compatible with the latest versions of Android. plications collect and store sensitive data, such as the
• Testing: The Garage Tracking and Parking Application location and movement of the vehicle and the personal
was thoroughly tested to ensure that it was functional information of the user, which can be vulnerable to
and free of bugs. The application was tested on various cyber-attacks and privacy breaches.
devices to ensure that it was compatible with different 3) User adoption: Finally, one of the major limitations
screen sizes and resolutions. of garage tracking and parking applications is user
• Deployment: Once the testing was complete, the appli- adoption. Some users may be reluctant to use the ap-
cation was deployed to the Google Play Store, where it plication due to concerns about privacy, complexity, or
was made available for download by users. inconvenience. In some cases, the application may not
offer enough benefits to users to justify the time and
VIII. R ELATED W ORKS effort required to use it.
The development of the Garage Tracking and Parking 4) Limited coverage: Many garage tracking and parking
Application builds on previous research and related works in applications are designed for specific areas, such as cities
the field of parking management and urban transportation. The or parking lots, and may not cover all locations. This
following is a brief overview of some of the related works that limitation can make the application less useful for those
informed the development of the application: who travel frequently or park in different locations.
• Smart Parking Systems: Smart parking systems use
advanced technologies, such as sensors and internet of
things (IoT) devices, to monitor parking availability and A. Use Case Diagram
guide drivers to available parking spots. These systems Use-case diagrams depict a system’s high-level functions
have been shown to reduce traffic congestion and improve and scope. The interactions between the system and its actors
the efficiency of parking operations. The Garage Track- are also depicted in these diagrams. In use-case diagrams,
ing and Parking Application takes advantage of similar the use cases and actors describe what the system does and
technologies to provide drivers with real-time updates on how it does it. It is used by the actors, but not by the system
parking availability. itself. Shows the below Figure 1 Use Case Diagram details.
• Parking Apps: There are several parking apps available
in the market that allow drivers to locate and reserve
parking spots. These apps often lack the functionality
to manage parking operations for garage owners. The
Garage Tracking and Parking Application provides a
comprehensive solution that caters to both garage owners
and drivers.
The related works informed the design and development of
the Garage Tracking and Parking Application and provided
a framework for evaluating its performance and impact.
The application builds on the strengths of existing solutions
while addressing their limitations to provide a comprehensive
and efficient solution for parking management and urban

Fig. 1. Use Case Diagram

Garage tracking and parking applications have become
popular in Bangladesh in recent years, and while they can B. Entity Relation Diagram (ER)
be helpful for many people, there are also some limitations to An Entity–relationship (ER) diagram describes the structure
existing projects. Here are some possible limitations: of a database with the use of a diagram. An ER diagram
1) Cost: Some garage tracking and parking applications is used to represent the relationship between entity sets. In
require expensive hardware and infrastructure, such as a database management system, an entity is a table or an
sensors, cameras, and network connections, which can attribute of a table; thus, an ER diagram displays the whole
be costly for both the developers and the users. This logical structure of a database by exhibiting relationships
cost can limit the adoption of the application, especially between tables and their characteristics. Figure 3.7 depicts
for those who do not have the resources to invest in our project’s ER diagram.
expensive hardware.
The ER diagram shows how many database tables our not all of which can be shown in the table. We have tried to
project will or will not have, as well as the primary keys show as much as possible why our system is better than the
and foreign key details, such as Account ID homeowner with previous ones.
authentication table, and the relationship with the pick-up
option. Relationship between the End User Table, Garage
Owner Table, and the Pick-up Table and the Rent. As a result, TABLE I
this page displays a wide range of relationships shown in
below Figure 2 ER-Diagram E.S U.G and O.R N.P.S.M M.L B.O B.T.S O.P.S

Table Content Full Form
E.S = Estimated System
U.G AND O.R = User And Garge owner Registration
N.P.S.M = Nearby Park Spot Map
Fig. 2. ER Diagram
M.L= Multi Languages
B.O = Booking Option
C. Gantt Chart B.T.S = Booking Time Schedule
O.P.S = Online Payment System
Below shown the Figure 3 is a Gantt chart of this project
P.S = Proposed System
as an initial schedule of tasks to be completed throughout the
project life cycle. XI. A PP I NTERFACE D ESIGN
The Android application basically has to use flutter used
A Gantt chart is a bar chart that provides a visual view of
design in our project. The user interface is very important
project tasks scheduled over time. A Gantt chart is used for
for any feature or application or website. The user-friendly
project planning: it’s a useful way of showing what work is
user interface of a website or application, the more usable
scheduled to be done on specific days. The above chart gives
than others. Usually, when a user wants to take advantage of
an idea about twelve month and activities of our project. Here
an Android app or a feature, the first thing this user expects
the activities part, we include research, defining specifications,
is an attractive graphical interface. They want to read less
project planning, development, test plan, testing question, and
text, that’s-why the design needs something that users can
answer also include delivery activities.
easily understand what they can do from here. So we did
those designs through flutter and later added it to the back-end
through Dart code.
There can be different types of user logins depending on
the specific system or platform being used. Here are some
possible types of logins for a garage tracking and parking

1) Regular User: This type of login would be used by

people who use the garage for parking their vehicles.
They would be able to create an account, log in, and
reserve a parking spot if available.
2) Admin: The admin login would be used by the person or
team responsible for managing the garage system. They
Fig. 3. Gantt chart of the time estimation of this project
would have access to all the data, such as the number of
available parking spots, reservations, revenue, etc. and
would be able to make changes to the system such as
D. Review Compression adding or removing parking spots, updating pricing, etc.
The differences between our systems and prior systems 3) Garage Owner: The garage owner login would be used
are shown in Table 2.1. There are many more such systems, by the owner of the garage who would have access to
the financial data of the garage, such as total revenue, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
expenses, and profits. First and foremost, we express our heartfelt gratitude to
Almighty Allah for his wonderful blessings, which have
makes us to successfully finish the final year project. We
XIII. L IMITATION OF THE P ROJECT are really grateful and express our gratitude to DR. Md.
Mostafijur Rahman Associate Professor, Department of CSE,
We’ve previously addressed the limitations of the prior
Green University of Bangladesh, Dhaka. Our supervisor has
system. We are essentially creating our new system due to
thorough understanding and a deep interest in the subject
the limitations of the existing system. But all systems have
of project management, which he had use to complete this
some limitations. There are some limitations to our system.
project successfully. His never-ending patience, intellectual
We will try to overcome this limitation in the future:
direction, constant encouragement, constant and energetic su-
pervision, criticism, good suggestions, and reading many drafts
• We use the Firebase database which has restricted query- and editing them at every level allowed this project to be
ing capabilities. successfully completed. Also gratitude to the other faculty
• Users or saved files cannot be queried or listed. members and staff of the Green University of Bangladesh’s
• Payment only cash on CSE department. We would like to express our gratitude to
• Currently, our app will work for a limited area in Dhaka all of our Green University of Bangladesh classmates who
city. participated in this discussion as part of their academic work.
• Manually can be confirmed through phone calls. Finally, we must acknowledge with due respect the constant
• Prefect results in a short distance. support and Blessings of our parents.
• It does not deal with security issues while park booking
and garage add. R EFERENCES
• Although the app has details of all the places, it does not [1] Kushwaha, Amit, and Vineet Kushwaha. ”Location based services using
deal with security issues while inspecting. android mobile operating system.” International Journal of Advances in
Engineering And Technology 1.1 (2011): 14.
[2] Chinrungrueng, Jatuporn, Udomporn Sunantachaikul, and Satien Tri-
XIV. F UTURE W ORKS amlumlerd. ”Smart parking: An application of optical wireless sensor
network.” 2007 International Symposium on Applications and the Inter-
net Workshops. IEEE, 2007.
Our system has an option for user feedback. Through this, [3] Kinyanjui, Karari Ephantus, and Andrew Mwaura Kahonge. ”Mobile
we can know the opinions and suggestions of different users. phone–based parking system.” International Journal of Information
We will update our system in the future based on that advice. Technology, Control and Automation (IJITCA) 3.1 (2013): 23-37.
[4] Sahu, V. G., V. Gulhane, and N. Shelokar. ”A web based centralized
Also, we have our own plans for this project and we will try vehicle parking system using gsm security.” IJAIEM 2.4 (2013).
to develop them. [5] Mathur, Bhavit, and Shashank Mouli Satapathy. ”An analytical compari-
son of mobile application development using agile methodologies.” 2019
3rd International Conference on Trends in Electronics and Informatics
• We will use the paid version of the Firebase Database. (ICOEI). IEEE, 2019.
• In The Future online Payment system getaway adds. [6] Mokar, Mohamed Abdalla, Sallam Osman Fageeri, and Saif Eldin
Fattoh. ”Using firebase cloud messaging to control mobile applications.”
• It does not deal with security issues while park booking 2019 International Conference on Computer, Control, Electrical, and
and garage add. In the future, we will work on this issue. Electronics Engineering (ICCCEEE). IEEE, 2019.
• In the Future the Google map API paid version uses.
• We will develop a website for this system.

This application is developed to provide the best parking
and garage services to users. We worked extremely hard and
came a long way, finally our project’s android-based mobile
application was successfully implemented in the end. In
order to implement our application, we tested it on a variety
of smartphones. We observed that our system functioned
well and that all of its features produced accurate results.
This project provides better flexibility and performance and
decreases the cost and time and it is very easy to use. The
user interface does not appear to be a complicated view
because it has so simple design. Our application can be used
in a gentle manner by users. We hope that users will utilize
our app and receive adequate service.

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