2141 SJ 310
2141 SJ 310
2141 SJ 310
Highly functional
Internal memory
Up to 10 measurement conditions and one measured
profile can be stored in the internal memory.
Optional memory card
The optional memory card can be used as an
extended memory to store large quantities of
measured profiles and conditions and adds the
convenience of automatically saving data from
the 10 most recent measurements (Trace 10).
Password protection
Access to each feature can be password-protected,
which prevents unintended operations and allows
protection of your settings.
Multilingual support
The display interface supports 16 languages, which
can be freely switched.
Stylus alarm (patent pending in Japan, U.S.A., EU)
An alarm warns you when the cumulative
measurement distance exceeds a preset limit.
User friendly, high-functionality display unit with integrated high-speed printer
The large 5.7-inch color graphic touch-screen LCD provides excellent readability. Furthermore, selecting icons from the touch panel display*1
provides intuitive and easy operation. The integrated high-speed printer also allows the user to perform the entire process from making
measurements to printing the results with the push of a single button (START button). *1 Text display can also be selected.
Printer 5.7-inch color graphic LCD
with touch screen
Memory card
Side of display unit
USB I/F USB Input Tool Input Tool
Direct *2 for USB *2 U-WAVE-R *2
RS-232C I/F
Rear of display unit DP-1VR *2 *2: Refer to P11 for more details
Measurement assistance and analysis features
offering the ultimate in ease of use
Icon Text
OK + NG - NG
Measurement results can be displayed in several ways
Measurement results can be presented in the form of a 1-parameter, profile, 4-parameter or trace display.
1-parameter display: one parameter Profile display: one parameter measurement 4-parameter display: four parameter Trace display: the ten latest measurement
measurement result result and the measured profile measurement results results using the same parameter
Recalculation function
After completing measurement, you can modify the assessment conditions (standard, profile, and parameter) and easily recalculate the results using
the new condition.* *Not possible with all measurement conditions.
No contact Contact
Type of detector Standard drive unit type Retractable drive unit type Transverse tracing drive unit
Model No. SJ-310 SJ -310 SJ -310 SJ -310 SJ -310 SJ-310
(0.75mN type) (4mN type) (0.75mN type) (4mN type) (0.75mN type) (4mN type)
Order No. inch/mm 178-571-01A 178-571-02A 178-573-01A 178-573-02A 178-575-01A 178-575-02A
X axis .7"(17.5 mm) .22"(5.6 mm)
Range 14400 µinch (-7900 µinch to +6300 µinch) [360 µm (-200 µm ~ +160 µm)]
range Detector 14400 µinch / .8 µinch (360 µm / 0.02 µm)
4000 µinch / .2 µinch (100 µm / 0.006 µm)
1000 µinch / .08 µinch (25 µm / 0.002 µm)
Measuring speed In the measurement: .01inch/s (0.25mm/s), .02inch/s (0.5mm/s), .03inch/s (0.75mm/s), In the return: .04inch/s (1mm/s)
Measuring force / Stylus tip 0.75mN type: 0.75mN / 2μmR 60°, 4mN type: 4mN / 5μmR 90°
Skid force 400mN or less
Standard JIS’82 / JIS’94 / JIS’01 / ISO’97 / ANSI / VDA / FREE
Measured profiles Primary(P), Roughness(R), DF, R-Motif, W-Motif
Ra, Rc, Ry, Rz, Rq, Rt, Rmax*1, Rp, Rv, R3z, Rsk, Rku, Rc, RPc, Rsm, Rz1max*2, S, HSC, RzJIS*3, Rppi, R∆a, R∆q, Rlr, Rmr,
Rmr(c), Rδc, Rk, Rpk, Rvk, Mr1, Mr2, A1, A2, Vo, λa, λq, L0, Rpm, tp*4, Htp*4, R, Rx, AR, W, AW, Wx, Wte, Possible Customize
Graph analysis BAC and ADC curves
Filter Gaussian, 2CR75, PC75
λc .003, .01, .03, .1, .3" (0.08 , 0.25, 0.8 , 2.5, 8 mm)
Cut-off length
λs *5 100, 320 µinch (2.5 , 8 µm)
Sampling length .003, .01, .03, .1, .3" (0.08, 0.25, 0.8 , 2.5, 8 mm)
×1, ×2, ×3, ×4, ×5, ×6, ×7, ×8, ×9, ×10, Arbitrary ×1, ×2, ×3, ×4, ×5, ×6, ×7, ×8, ×9, ×10,
Number of sampling lengths Arbitrary .0118 ~ .22"(.0001" Interval)
.0118 ~ .6299"(.0001" Interval) [(0.3 ~ 16.0mm: 0.01mm Interval)] [(0.3 ~ 5.6mm: 0.01mm Interval)]
LCD dimensions 4.64" x 3.47" (117.8 × 88.2 mm)
Japanese, English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean,
Display languages
Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese, Czech, Polish, Hungarian Turkish, Swedish, Dutch
1-parameter display: one parameter measurement result
4-parameter display: four parameter measurement results
Measurement result display
Profile display: one parameter measurement result and the measured profile
Trace display: The ten latest measurement results using the same parameter
Measurement conditions / Calculation results / GO / NG judgement result / Calculation results for each sampling length /
Printing function
Measurement curve / BAC / ADC / Environmental setting information
External I/O USB I/F, Digimatic output, RS-232C I/F, External SW I/F
Customization Desired parameters can be selected for calculation and display
GO/ NG judgement *6 Max rule / 16% rule / Average rule / Standard deviation (1σ, 2σ, 3σ)
Storage of measurement
Save the condition at power OFF
Internal memory: Measurement condition (10 sets)
Storage Memory card (option): 500 measurement conditions, 1000 measuring data, 10000 text data, 500 statistic data,
500 image data, 1 backup of machine setting, the last ten traces (Trace 10)
Calibration Saves last inputted nominal value of specimen / Average calibration with multiple measurement (MAX.12 times) is available
Power-saving Auto-sleep function (30-600sec) *7
Two-way power supply: battery (rechargeable Ni-MH battery) and AC adapter
Power supply *Charging time: about 4 hours (may vary due to ambient temperature)
*Endurance: about 1500 measurements (differs slightly due to use conditions / environment)
Display unit 10.8"x 4.3" x 7.8"(275 × 109 × 198 mm)
Size (W×D×H)
Drive unit 4.5"x 0.9" x 8.9"(115 × 23 × 26.7 mm)
Mass About 1.8kg (Display unit + Drive unit + Standard detector)
12AAM475 Connecting cable *8 12AAM475 Connecting cable *8
12AAA217 Nosepiece for plane surface 12AAE643 Point-contact adapter
12AAA218 Nosepiece for cylinder 12AAE644 V-type adapter
12AAA216 Supporting leg 12BAK700 Calibration stage
12BAK700 Calibration stage 12BAG834 Stylus pen
12BAG834 Stylus pen 12BAL402 Protection sheet
Standard accessories 12BAL402 Protection sheet 270732 Printer paper (5 pieces)
270732 Printer paper (5 pieces) 12BAL400 Carrying case
12BAL400 Carrying case 178-606 Roughness Reference Specimen
178-602 Roughness reference specimen (Ra 119µin/3µm) (Ra 0.039µin/1.0µm)
357651 AC Adapter 357651 AC Adapter
02ZAA010 Power Cord set (UL/CSA) 02ZAA010 Power Cord set (UL/CSA)
Philips screwdriver, Strap for stylus pen, Operation manual, Quick reference manual, Warranty
*1: Only for VDA/ANSI/JIS’82 standards.
*2: Only for JIS’97 standard.
*3: Only for JIS’01 standard.
*4: Only for ANSI standard.
*5: λs may not be switchable depending on a standard selected.
*6: Standard deviation only can be selected in ANSI.16% rule cannot be selected in VDA.
*7: Auto-sleep function is invalid when AC adapter is used.
*8: For connecting the calculation display unit and drive unit.
Dimensions: Display Unit and Drive Unit
Drive unit, Display unit Unit: inch(mm)
Standard drive unit
1.05”(26.7) 4.53”(115.0)
0.08”(2.0) 0.91”(23.2)
1.05”(26.7) 4.53”(115.0)
0.118”(3.0) 1.8”(45.5)
0.26”(6.6) 1.85”(47) 4.53”(115.0)
Cable length: 1m
10.83”(275) 4.29”(109)
Dimensions: Detectors
Detectors Unit: mm
3.5 ф2
4.8 0.6
1.5 59.5 1.4
3.5 4.8
1.5 2 4.8
Order No. Measuring
form* Remarks
178-383 0.75mN 2 µmR/60˚ Minimum
Order No. Measuring
form* Remarks
measurable hole
178-392 4 mN 5 µmR/90˚ diameter:ø4.5mm 178-385 0.75mN 2 µmR/60˚ Not available for the
transverse tracing
*Tip radius / Tip angle 178-394 4 mN 5 µmR/90˚ drive unit
*Tip radius / Tip angle
Extra small hole detectors
ф 12.8 Stylus
Order No. Measuring
form* Remarks
178-384 0.75mN 2 µmR/60˚ Minimum
measurable hole
178-393 4 mN 5 µmR/90˚ diameter: ø2.8mm
*Tip radius / Tip angle
Dimensions: Display Unit and Drive Unit
Drive unit, Display unit
Nosepiece for flat surfaces Nosepiece for cylindrical surfaces
No.12AAA217 Nosepiece for flat surface No.12AAA218 Nosepiece for
No.12AAA217 cylindrical surface
• SJ-310/310R standard accessories • SJ-310/310R standard accessories No.12AAA218
• Not available for the transverse • Not available for the transverse
tracing drive unit. tracing drive unit.
• ø30mm or smaller workpiece.
Setting attachments (Note: Not available for the transverse tracing drive unit)
Enhances measurement efficiency by facilitating the measurement setup of multiple workpieces of the same type and of the hard-to-access
sections of a workpiece.
V-type for measuring axially Slider type Inside diameter type
No.178-033 No.178-034 No.178-035
The V-width is adjustable This attachment is ideal for measuring Greatly facilitates measurement
to the cylindrical workpiece a flat area of a workpiece that has of internal wall surfaces of, for
diameter, facilitating axial an indentation or step that makes it example, a cylinder block.
measurement of a wide difficult to attach the drive unit. You • Applicable diameter:
range workpiece sizes. can further improve the ease of use ø 75 ~ ø 95 mm
• Adjustable range: by using this attachment with the • Accessible depth:
ø 5 ~ 150 mm magnetic installation base (option: 30 ~ 135 mm
No. 12AAA910).
Optional Accessories: For External Output
Simplified communication program for SURFTEST SJ series
The Surftest SJ-310 series has a USB interface, enabling data to be transferred to a spreadsheet or other software.
We also provide a program that lets you create inspection record tables using a Microsoft Excel* macro.
Required environment*:
• OS : • Spreadsheet software:
Windows XP-SP3 Microsoft Excel 2000/2002/
Windows Vista 2003/2007/2010/2013/2016
Windows 7/8/10
Required environment*:
• USB cable for SJ-310 series
No. 12AAD510
Optional Accessories: For External Equipment
Digimatic mini processor DP-1VA Calculation results input unit INPUT TOOL
By connecting this printer to the Surftest SJ-310's digimatic This unit allows you to load Surftest SJ-310 calculation
output, you can print calculation results, perform a variety results (SPC output) into commercial spreadsheet software
of statistical analyses, draw a histogram or D chart, and also on a PC via a USB connector. You can essentially use a one-
perform complicated operations for X-R control charts. touch operation to enter the calculation results (values) into
the cells in the spreadsheet software.
USB Input Tool Direct USB keyboard signal conversion type*
No.06AFM380D No.264-016-10
*Requires the optional Surftest SJ-310
SJ-310→DP-1VA Connecting cable connection cable.
1m: No.936937 1m: No.936937
2m: No.965014 2m: No.965014
(Connects to the PC) (Connects to the SJ-310)
No.02AZD810D No.02AZD880G
*Requires the optional Surftest SJ-310
connection cable.
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