PHI446 Mid-Sem Sample 2015
PHI446 Mid-Sem Sample 2015
PHI446 Mid-Sem Sample 2015
2. Answer ANY FOUR of the following questions. Each question carries 5 marks (20)
1. The sun rises every 24 hours is a claim supposedly established by Induction, over
many instances, as each passing day has added another data point to the overwhelm-
ing evidence for it. Inductive arguments take n cases and extend the pattern to the
n + 1st. The principle of the uniformity of nature1 is used to justify induction in
such arguments. How do you justify inductive arguments without invoking principle
of uniformity of nature?
The principle that the future will resemble the past, in that when sufficiently similar situations recur,
similar effects follow. For example, if X is the cause of Y , then Y will necessarily exist whenever X exists.
PHI 446: Philosophy of Science Mid Semester Exam-1 Date: 11 Sep 2015
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PHI 446: Philosophy of Science Mid Semester Exam-1 Date: 11 Sep 2015
Perfect knowledge alone can give certainty, and in nature perfect knowledge
would be infinite knowledge, which is clearly beyond our capacities. We have,
therefore, to content ourselves with partial knowledge– knowledge mingled
with ignorance, producing doubt.
. . . William Stanley Jevons, The Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic
and Scientific Method, 2nd edition (1877), 197.
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