Lab 1 Introduction
Lab 1 Introduction
Lab 1 Introduction
Lab No. 1
The goal of this lab is to teach students how to use laboratory equipments, perform procedures
and learn proper techniques of DLD. The student should become familiar with the complete
Electronics Trainers, Bread board, Digital Multimeter (DMM), and laboratory accessories such
as wires, integrated circuits, electronic components and tools.
1. Integrated Circuits
2. Breadboard:
A breadboard is a solder less device for temporary prototype with electronics and test
circuit designs. Most electronics components in electronic circuits can be interconnected
by inserting their leads or terminals into the holes and then making connections through
wires where ever required. The breadboard has strips of metal underneath the board that
connect the holes on the top of the board. The metal strips are laid out as shown below.
Note that the top and bottom rows of holes are connected horizontally and split in the
middle while the remaining holes are connected vertically.
Note how all holes in the selected row are connected, so the holes in the selected column.
The set of connected holes can be called a node:
3. Electronic Trainer:
Voltage Measurement:
Certain precautions are taken while using DMM for measuring
1) The DMM must be set to desired range while measuring voltage e.g if we want to
measure voltage upto 20V then the dial (selector) should not be on 10V, it should be
on 20V or above.
2) Voltage is always measured across two points.
Resistance Measurement:
The meter dial should be pointing towards resistance measurement in this case. The
appropriate range also needs to be selected.
Please make sure that during this condition, the probes of the DMM should not touch
each other when the instrument is not in use. Doing so will drain the battery of DMM in
just a few hours.
6. Resistor
Resistors are the most used component in electronics and their purpose is to create
specified values of current and voltage in a circuit.
8. Switch