DeltaPValves Product Catalog
DeltaPValves Product Catalog
DeltaPValves Product Catalog
Benefits of Precision Control
We stand behind
our product SALES ORDER 21046
SERIAL NO. 1.25-21167
31 GPM-1.25” HDP-32-5-300
Flow Table & Valve Selection Process
Valve Selection
• Max Flow: Determine the maximum flow rate (GPM or LPS) required (usually
design from coil schedule).
• Max ΔP: Determine the maximum differential pressure that the valve will work
against (normally the design head of the pump serving that circuit).
• Body Pressure: Determine the maximum static pressure the valve will encoun-
ter to establish the required body pressure rating (150 or 300 psi) [10.3 bar or
20.7 bar].
• Size Valve: Based on the flow rate, determine the size and model number of
the valve.
• Flow Tag: Determine coil tag description (i.e. CV-AHU-1, CV-FCU-3) for the
valve tag.
Flow Table
Max GPM [liters per second]
Valve & Actuator Selection Process
Actuator Selection
• Actuator Type: Determine what type of actuator you require. Valves ½” thru 8” [200mm]
use 0 to 90 degree rotating actuators. Electric actuators are recommended.
**Pneumatic options available. Consult factory for more information.
• Fail Action: Determine if you need fail-open/closed operation. Fail-in-place (last position)
is recommended for most chilled water valves. Heating water valves vary by application.
• Normal Position: Select Normally Open or Normally Closed for actuator configuration.
• Control Signal: Choose the desired actuator control signal. Typically 2-10 VDC, 0-10 VDC,
or 4-20 mA for electronic control.
• Accessories: Determine if NEMA 4 actuators, P/T plug extensions, or any other special
requests are desired.
Design Flow
Valve Size
Catalog Max Flow
Min. Diff. Pressure
Body Rating
DeltaPValve® Series
¾” & 1¼” LDP DeltaPValve®
· Guaranteed ΔT ·
DeltaPValve® Series
1½” LDP DeltaPValve®
· Guaranteed ΔT ·
DeltaPValve® Series
2” HDP DeltaPValve®
· Guaranteed ΔT ·
DeltaPValve® Series
3” HDP DeltaPValve®
· Guaranteed ΔT ·
DeltaPValve® Series
4” & 6” EDP DeltaPValve®
· Guaranteed ΔT ·
DeltaPValve® Series
8” IDP DeltaPValve®
· Guaranteed ΔT ·
DeltaPValve® Series
10”, 12”, 14” & 16” NDP DeltaPValve®
· Guaranteed ΔT ·
DeltaPValve® Series Sample Spec
A. All modulating control valves shall be pressure independent and provided by the
same manufacturer. The basis of design is the DeltaPValve® as manufactured by:
Flow Control Industries, Inc. P: (866) 454-1288
PO Box 848 F: (425) 486-5672
Woodinville, WA 98072
B. All modulating control valves shall be industrial quality and must be fully field-
rebuildable. Valves shall be designed to last 100,000+ on/off cycles.
C. Each control valve shall be individually factory flow tested and calibrated to deviate
by no more than ± 5% through the entire operating differential pressure range without
the use of additional electronics. All valves shall be tested on a test stand calibrated
and verified with traceability to NIST standards.
D. The control valve operating differential pressure range shall be 5-70 or 10-90 PSID [0.34-
4.83 or 0.69-6.2 bar], and shall be equal to or greater than the associated pump’s
design head pressure.
E. Each control valve shall have a calibrated performance tag listing the measured flow
rate in rotation increments of 10 degrees through full stroke. Multi-turn actuators are
not acceptable.
F. Control valves shall be factory set not-to-exceed the coil design flow rate.
G. Balancing labor, balancing valves and flow limiting devices are not required.
H. Valve bodies 1½” [40mm] and smaller shall be brass. Valve bodies 2” [50mm] and larger
shall be ductile iron. Internal control surfaces and pressure regulator components shall
be brass, stainless steel, carbon steel, EPDM or Teflon®.
I. All control valves shall have three (3) factory-installed Pressure/Temperature ports to
allow factory and field verification of flow and proper operation. These ports shall be
located at the inlet, intermediate, and outlet locations of the valve. The intermediate
port must be located between the control surface and pressure regulator.
J. Control valve flow characteristics shall be field-modifiable, and may be modified in
K. Control valves shall be warranted by the manufacturer for a full 10 years from the
date of purchase. The warranty provided by the actuator manufacturer shall apply
to actuators.
L. The control valve manufacturer guarantees that the heating and cooling coils will
meet or exceed design delta T performance at all load conditions as projected by an
AHRI certified coil program at time of commissioning, or the valves are free.
Piping Schematics
2. Typical valve sizing practice results in poorly 2. DeltaPValves are sized by maximum flow
sized control valves throughout the system. rate only.
3. Balancing valves limit flow and add to the 3. No balancing valves are required, even as
system pressure drop. the system changes or expands.
Industry Challenges
24 x Tons BTUH
ΔT = ΔT =
GPM 500 x GPM
Low ΔT Syndrome
• Typical hydronic systems aren’t able to maintain the precision control re-
quired to achieve design or better delta T.
• Variable operating conditions, pressure fluctuations, and improper
equipment selection all contribute to increased flow rates and low delta T.
• Flow-limited systems fail to deliver the full installed capacity.
A System Solution
Precise flow control at chilled and heating water coils is the only way to achieve
the system stability required to maximize installed production and distribution
infrastructure while minimizing system energy consumption.
Your Control Decision
A Better Way to Control Flow:
Conventional Control Valve DeltaPValve®
Control Shaft
Rotates to modulate flow
Pressure (P1)
Ported to Topside of Piston
Sets DP between
P1 & P2
P1 P3
Control Surface
Q = Cv x √ΔP Q = Cv x √ΔP
(ΔP Varies) (ΔP Constant)
The ΔP (P1-P2) across a conventional The ∆P across the control surface (P1-P2) in a
valve changes with system pressure fluc- pressure independent DeltaPValve® remains
tuations. Coil flow will vary regardless of constant despite system pressure fluctuations.
changes in load. Coil flow only varies when the actuator rotates
the control shaft to accommodate changes
in load.
Flow Performance
Coil Performance
The DeltaPValve® Application
Delta T Available
Capacity Limit Comment
°F [°C] Capacity
Chiller plant 10 [5.6] 83% Chiller plant becomes flow
12°F ΔT design 12 [6.7] 100% limited at peak loads with
[6.7°C ΔT design] 15 [8.3] 100% low delta T
Thermal Storage 10 [5.6] 83% TES capacity can be
480K gal., 12°F ΔT design 12 [6.7] 100% proportionally increased
[1,817 m3, 6.7°C ΔT design] 15 [8.3] 125% with higher delta T
Distribution Pipe 10 [5.6] 80% Pipe capacity can be
10", 2,000 GPM, 8 fps 12 [6.7] 100% proportionally increased
[250 mm, 126 L/S, 2.4 mps] 15 [8.3] 125% with higher delta T
Frequently Asked Questions
Flow Table & Commissioning Checklist
P.O. Box 848
18715 141st Ave NE
Woodinville, Washington 98072
P: 866.454.1288 | F: 425.486.5672