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Batuan Metamorf

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Batuan Metamorf


1. Teksture dan struktur

2. Mineralogi
Batuan metamorf/malihan:
Terbentuk akibat perubahan tekanan dan atau temperatur, dalam keadaan
padat, disertai perubahan tekstur dan/ataum mineral, tanpa disertai
perubahan komposisi kimia batuan asalnya.

Proses metamorfosa/malihan dipengaruhi oleh komposisi batuan

asal dan kondisi metamorfosis.
Tipe-tipe metamorfosa
Berdasarkan penyebab/proses utama
 Dynamic Metamorphism

 Metamorfosa kontak (Thermal

Metamorphism )
 Metamorfosa dinamo -termal (Dynamo -

thermal Metamorphism )

1. Catatan: kristal tumbuh dalam kondisi padat

 kemiripan dgn tekstur batuan beku

tidak berarti mempunyai kesamaan genesa

2. Bentuk mineral

Euhedral  idioblastik
Anhedral  xenoblastik

1. Catatan: kristal tumbuh dalam kondisi padat

 kemiripan dgn tekstur batuan beku

tidak berarti mempunyai kesamaan genesa

2. Bentuk mineral

Xenoblastic garnet Idioblastic garnet


3. Crystalloblastic series  urut-urutan idioblastik

mineral yg mempunyai tingkat urutan idioblastik

lebih tinggi cenderung akan membentuk permukaan
kristal euhedral ketika berada bersama mineral
lainnya yg urutan idioblastiknya lebih rendah

3. Crystalloblastic series  urut-urutan idioblastik

Most Euhedral
Rutile, sphene, magnetite
Tourmaline, kyanite, staurolite, garnet, andalusite
Epidote, zoisite, lawsonite, forsterite
Pyroxene, amphiboles, wollastonite
Micas, chlorite, talc, stilpnomelane, prehnite
Dolomite, calcite
Scapolite, cordierite, feldspar
Least Euhedral

4. Porfiroblast (porphyroblasts)

Kristal berukuran kasar berada

bersama-sama dengan mineral
lainnya yang berukuran lebih

Kristal yg mempunyai energi

nukliasi (nucleation energy) yg
lebih besar akan tumbuh menjadi
kristal kasar  porfiroblast

Nodular texture of cordierite porphyroblasts Garnet porphyroblasts

(Winter, 2001. An Introduction to Igneous
and Metamorphic Petrology)

Spotted phyllite in which small

porphyroblasts of cordierite develop in
a preexisting phyllite.
(Winter, 2001. An Introduction to
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology)
An almandine-garnet growing as a porphyroblast in a quartzitic gneiss. This particular
garnet measures 3 cm. Location: Paraiba, Brazil

5. Poikiloblast
Mineral yang mempunyai banyak inklusi (mineral
lainnya) di dalamnya.
 Disebabkan karena perbedaan kecepatan
rekristalisasi sehingga suatu mineral melingkupi
mineral-mineral lainnya yg lebih kecil disekelilingnya.

5. Poikiloblast
Commonly a porphyroblast will
grow by addition of material to its
outer surface more rapidly than
unwanted material (such as matrix
quartz grains) can be removed
from the interface. The
porphyroblast traps the material as
inclusions, forming a poikiloblast. In
the example, the left-hand side
shows a poikiloblast of colourless,
moderate-relief andalusite, with
inclusions mainly of quartz and
biotite, while on the right a high
relief staurolite poikiloblast is
packed with tiny quartz inclusions.
Andalusite-staurolite schist, Banff
coast, NE Scotland. Sample BB1.

6. Non-foliasi

Mainly large mineral grains that have crystallised at the same
time, and therefore, penetrate each other (e.g. quartzite).

Compact, finely grained rock that shatters into sharply
fragments (e.g. hornfels).
Minimization of interfacial free energy by minimizing surface ar ea

Quartz sandstone Quartzite


Quartz grain Crack Crack



Tremolite marble

The calcium carbonate re-forms itself into larger, interlocking

crystals of calcite (e.g. the pearly -coloured crystals in the
centre). The impurities are converted into new metamorphic
minerals. In this case, the larger bold -coloured crystals are
forsterite (magnesium silicate, a variety of olivine). Field of
view 6 mm, polarising filters.


6. Non-foliasi

The rock shows randomly oriented interlocking tabular/prismatic

Because muscovite has a strong tendency to form

tabular crystals with well-developed basal {001}
faces, the texture is not granoblastic-polygonal, but
consists of randomly-oriented interlocking flakes.
Effects of Differential Stress on Textures
Stressed grains store strain energy released during metamorphism
by clearing defects and dislocations ( polygonization)

Undulose extinction

Subgrain development
Undulose extinction

a b

Undulose extinction and (b) elongate subgrains in quartz due to dislocation formation and migration
migration Winter (2001) An Introduction to
Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Subgrain development
Recrystallization by grain boundary migration and sub -grain rotation

Recrystallization by (a) grain-boundary migration (including Recrystallized quartz with irregular (sutured)
nucleation) and (b) subgrain rotation. From Passchier and boundaries, formed by grain boundary migration.
Trouw (1996) Microtectonics. Springer-Verlag. Berlin. Width 0.2 mm. From Borradaile et al. (1982).
Subgrain development

7. Foliasi

a. Compositional layering
b. Preferred orientation of platy minerals
c. Shape of deformed grains
d. Grain size variation
e. Preferred orientation of platy minerals
in a matrix without preferred
f. Preferred orientation of lenticular
mineral aggregates
g. Preferred orientation of fractures
h. Combinations of the above

Finely crystalline rock in which minerals, such as mica, are ali gned paralle to one
another, which means that the rock splints readlily along the mica cleavage planes
(e.g. slate).

Minerals such as mica, chlorite and hornblende are aligned in ea sily visible parallel
bands and, because of their platy alignment, the rock splits eas ily (e.g. schist).

•GNEISSOSE (Banding)
Characterised by a coarse foliation in well-defined bands with individual bands
several centimetres across -- indeed, the foliation may wrap aound larger crystals,
as in Augen gneiss -- and all the minerals are coarsely granular and readily
identifiable (e.g. gneiss).


Slate in thin section

Original bedding


Phyllite in thin section

Gneiss (biotite gneiss)
Gneisses are highly metamorphosed rocks that
have a banding or an alignment of minerals,
but have little mica and so do not tend to split
along the banding. This gneiss was formed
from a granite during the continental collision
that built the Alps. Field of view 6 mm.
Gneiss (pyroxene gneiss)
This type of gneiss is found in some of the oldest parts of
the Earth's crust. It was formed from an intrusive igneous
rock called tonalite, a variety of granite and an important
rock type in the continental crust. The main minerals are
pyroxene (greenish and pinkish -grey colours) quartz and
feldspar (colourless). Field of view 6 mm.
Augen Gneiss. Large K-feldspar in a biotite-rich matrix
Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Augen gneiss from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Augen gneiss
Augen: K-feldspar and albite
Matrix: muscovite, biotite, quartz

Augen gneiss
Analysis of Deformed Rocks

Progressive development (a - c) of a crenulation

cleavage for both asymmetric (top) and symmetric
(bottom) situations. From Spry (1969)
Metamorphic Textures. Pergamon. Oxford.
Development of S 2 micas depends upon T
and the intensity of the second deformation
Symmetrical crenulation cleavages in amphibole-quartz-rich schist. Note concentration of quartz in
hinge areas. From Borradaile et al. (1982) Atlas of Deformational and Metamorphic Rock Fabrics .
Asymmetric crenulation cleavages in mica-quartz-rich schist. Note horizontal compositional layering
(relict bedding) and preferential dissolution of quartz from one limb of the folds. From Borradaile et al.
(1982) Atlas of Deformational and Metamorphic Rock Fabrics. Springer-Verlag.
Pre-kinematic crystals

a. Bent crystal with

undulose extinction
b. Foliation wrapped
around a porphyroblast
c. Pressure shadow or
d. Kink bands or folds
e. Microboudinage
f. Deformation twins

From Spry (1969) Metamorphic

Textures. Pergamon. Oxford.
Pre-kinematic crystals

a. Bent crystal with

undulose extinction
b. Foliation wrapped
around a porphyroblast
c. Pressure shadow or
d. Kink bands or folds
e. Microboudinage
f. Deformation twins

Plagioclase porphyroblast in biotite schist

Pre-kinematic crystals

a. Bent crystal with Schistocity S1 flattened around

undulose extinction garnet porphyroblasts
b. Foliation wrapped
around a porphyroblast
c. Pressure shadow or
d. Kink bands or folds
e. Microboudinage
f. Deformation twins
Pre-kinematic crystals

a. Bent crystal with

undulose extinction
b. Foliation wrapped
around a porphyroblast
c. Pressure shadow or
d. Kink bands or folds
e. Microboudinage
f. Deformation twins

Siderite porphyroblast in phyllite

Post-kinematic crystals
a. Helicitic folds b. Randomly oriented crystals c. Polygonal arcs
d. Chiastolite e. Overgrowth on snowball f. Random aggregate

From Spry (1969)

Pergamon. Oxford.
Post-kinematic crystals
a. Helicitic folds b. Randomly oriented crystals c. Polygonal arcs
d. Chiastolite e. Late, inclusion -free rim on a poikiloblast (?)
f. Random aggregate pseudomorph

Randomly oriented biotite in a muscovite -quartz matrix

Syn-kinematic crystals

Paracrystalline microboudinage Spiral Porphyroblast

Traditional interpretation of spiral S i train in which a

porphyroblast is rotated by shear as it grows. From Spry (1969)
Metamorphic Textures. Pergamon. Oxford.

Syn-crystallization micro-boudinage. Syn-kinematic crystal

growth can be demonstrated by the color zoning that grows and
progressively fills the gap between the separating fragments.
After Misch (1969) Amer. J. Sci., 267, 43-63.
Syn-kinematic crystals

Spiral S i train in garnet, Connemara, Ireland. Magnification ~20X. From Yardley et al.
(1990) Atlas of Metamorphic Rocks and their Textures. Longmans.
Syn-kinematic crystals

“Snowball garnet” with highly rotated spiral S i. Porphyroblast is ~ 5 mm in

diameter. From Yardley et al. (1990) Atlas of Metamorphic Rocks and their
Textures. Longmans.
Si characteristics of clearly pre-, syn-, and post-kinematic crystals as proposed by Zwart (1962). a.
Progressively flattened Si from core to rim. b. Progressively more intense folding of S i from core to
rim. c. Spiraled S i due to rotation of the matrix or the porphyroblast during growt h. After Zwart (1962)
Geol. Rundschau, 52, 38-65.
Interpreted sequential development of a polymetamorphic rock. Fr om
Spry (1969) Metamorphic Textures. Pergamon. Oxford.
Interpreted sequential development of a polymetamorphic rock. Fr om
Spry (1969) Metamorphic Textures. Pergamon. Oxford.
Interpreted sequential development of a polymetamorphic rock. Fr om
Spry (1969) Metamorphic Textures. Pergamon. Oxford.
Figure 23-30. Kink bands involving cleavage in deformed chlorite. Inclusions are quartz (white), and epidote (lower right). Field of
view ~ 1 mm. Winter (2001) An Introduction to Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. Prentice Hall.
Foliation Development

S1 Schistocity S1 flattened around

garnet porphyroblasts


S1 Crenulation cleavage S2
developed by folding S 1

8. Cataclastic

- Mechanical fragmentation and sliding, rotation of


- Crush, break, bend, grind, kink, deformation twins,

undulose extinction, shredding of micas, augen,
mortar, etc.

Progressive mylonitization of a granite. From Shelton (1966).

Geology Illustrated. Photos courtesy © John Shelton.

9. Corona texture (rim texture)

Photomicrograph of multiple
reaction rims between olivine
(green, left) and plagioclase

10. Relict textures

Inherited from original rock
 “Blasto-” = relict
 Any degree of preservation
 Pseudomorphs of minerals or pre -
metamorphic textures/structures
Remnants of ophitic texture in low-grade
metamorphic rock (greenschist facies: chlorite,
epidote, quartz)
(augite) Actinolite


Remnants of augite overprinted by small amount of actinolite.

Types of Protolith

Sedimentary and igneous rocks:

1. Ultramafic - very high Mg, Fe, Ni, Cr
2. Mafic - high Fe, Mg, and Ca
3. Shales (pelitic) - high Al, K, Si
4. Carbonates - high Ca, Mg, CO 2
5. Quartz - nearly pure SiO 2.
6. Quartzo -feldspathic - high Si, Na, K, Al
The stability field of andalusite occurs at pressures less than
0.37 GPa (~ 10 km), while kyanite sillimanite at the
sillimanite isograd only above this pressure

The P-T phase diagram for the system Al 2SiO5 showing the stability fields for the three polymorphs andalusite, kyanite, and sillimanite. Also
shown is the hydration of Al2SiO5 to pyrophyllite, which limits the occurrence of an Al2SiO5 polymorph at low grades in the presence of excess
silica and water. The diagram was calculated using the program TWQ (Berman, 1988, 1990, 1991).
Metamorphic Facies

diagram showing the
generally accepted limits
of the various facies.
Prehnite-pumpellyite facies.
This sample contains prehnite
and pumpellyite.
Andalusite hornfels

Greenschist facies (chlorite, epidote, actinolite)
Amphibolite facies (plagioclase, hornblende, and quartz)
Granulite facies

Eclogite facies (garnet,

quartz, omphacite, and
Blueschist facies (glaucophane, lawsonite, and garnet)
Amphibolite with foliation
This rock was originally a basic igneous rock (basalt or dolerite).
When metamorphosed, the heating and compression changed the
original minerals to hornblende (green) and feldspar (colourless),
and gave the rock a banding of minerals. Field of view 2 mm.
Rocks close to a large igneous intrusion are heated to high
temperatures but not deformed. Their minerals change, but
they tend not to develop a new banding or cleavage. This
makes a hard, fine-grained rock called a hornfels. This
example, a pyroxene hornfels, was formed from a basalt
lava. The minerals are plagioclase, pyroxene, and an
opaque oxide. Field of view 2.5 mm.
Rocks close to a large igneous intrusion are heated to high temp eratures
but not deformed. Their minerals change, but they tend not to de velop a
new banding or cleavage. This makes a hard, fine -grained rock called a
hornfels. This example was a fine-grained sedimentary rock, and the
horizontal banding you can see is the original sedimentary layer ing. There
are many small mica flakes, but they do not lie parallel to one another, as
they would in a schist. Field of view 2.5 mm.

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